Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, July 29, 2019

The truth, hidden from HWA, was saved for me to reveal at the end time

Did you know that there is currently a "famine of the gospel" going on in the world?  Our official Chief Pharisee of the Church of God claims there is.  He has been working at his kitchen table for the last few weeks cranking out a new storyline to prove that he and he alone is the ONLY one preaching a restored gospel message.  How many more decades do we need to hear this crap from self-appointed Church of God gurus?
The word famine means “scarcity” and today the true Gospel of Salvation is very scarce, only available at TheShiningLight as the corporate church groups teach an inoffensive business model and utterly refuse to: 
Isaiah 58:1 Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.  
or to fulfill the duty of a watchman (Ezekiel 33).
And here we go again, ANOTHER watchman.  Oh lordy! How many of these fools have we seen over the decades say this kind of crap?  That makes no difference to the many COG fools saying it today. James Malm is NO watchman and that is a fact!


  1. One cannot begin to understand the meaning of famine until ones wife snatches away the chocolate bar one is eating while preparing a comment contribution on "banned".

    This has been revealed to me.


    1. LCG manly men might take umbrage with your chocolate bar, nck, and the wife having the temerity to deprive you from such.

      In an LCG household, the man might discover his wife posting on Banned, as he nursed along his second Budweiser-Jack Daniels boilermaker. As she watched him power down down her computer (and the brew!), the thought might enter her mind of snatching away the boilermaker, but most likely she would be terrified at even the thought of such rebellion!

      Guess you wife is lucky compared to all of the COGlodyte women!


    2. What makes you think that chocolate bar was mine to eat in the first place?

      I asserted my authority according to the handbook but ms Spock the Watchwoman got a hold of my evil intentions through the observation of behavioral changes and prophesied more famine to come.

      I might propose a spanking. (Though I expect her to not have ears to hear.)


  2. famine of the word

    We know Bob Thiel feels having some of his videos pulled from YouTube is a harbinger of the "famine of the word". Even a local Protestant church has women memorizing Bible verses, for, as one lady said, "when the Bibles disappear".
    But for new, unheard of, never even dreamed of by HWA, end-time teachings, James Malm has a big job ahead of him if he thinks he can out do Dave Pack!

  3. Declares himself a latter-day prophet/apostle in 3...2...1...

    And how long before he starts trying to organize not just festival sites, but also weekly church congregations to worship him?

    All these narcissists wind up eventually doing all the things they said they'd never do. They just can't help themselves!

  4. Malm is a narcissist. It’s all about him. He is just another pervert seeking attention.

  5. Restored?? Seems more like REgurgitated swill to me.
