Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, August 19, 2019

Jon Bisby of Church of God, Eternal now claims Herbert Armstrong was Christ

Apparently we were to stupid to realize this was Jesus 
preaching to us about the "two trees."

For some time now there has been a flurry of posts here on a previous entry about Jon Bisby.  Some of them are outlandish, at least I thought so.  Now, this confirms more of the craziness that Armstrongism causes to the mental capacities of many people.

Church of God, The Eternal's Jon Brisby Sinks To A New Vile Low 

COGE Jon Bisby: "[my] time is reserved only for those who believe in the teachings of COGE" 

The following is from Exit and Support:
Jon W. Brisby Says Herbert Armstrong Was Christ:
August 19, 2019
I was raised in WCG in the 70's and in later years was jumping between the splinters. I'm out of all of them now but I still get curious about what they're saying. I've heard these ministers say that HWA was Elijah, Ezekiel, and everything else but one of these guys has topped them all. In his new book titled A Peculiar Treasure by Jon W Brisby of Church of God, the Eternal [sold on Amazon] says that Armstrong was actually Jesus Christ that came in the flesh in the last days. I was not sure if you all were aware of this new book yet. I can't tell what page in the ebook but it's chapter 20, I believe, and I highlighted and snapshotted for you. --[name withheld]
NOTE from ESN: Following are the words from the Jon W. Brisby's book which  this person sent to us (bolding is ours):
"Hereby know ye the Spirit of God; every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. (I John 4:2-3) [emphasis mine]."
"The Apostle John was not saying that the proof was in agreeing that Christ had come to this earth almost 2,000 years ago. The test is admitting that 'Christ is come in the flesh.' The term is definitely present tense in the Greek, not past tense. It is an admonition for the last-day church--upon whom the ends of the world are come (1 Corinthians 10:11)--that we accept that Christ did manifest Himself by the divine inspiration of a chosen human servant in these last days, and that His revelation was true from the beginning of that work. All those now claiming we had to change doctrine forty years later to correct errors made by Mr. Armstrong are only admitting that they think it was a man's work all along, and not God's work after all. Whether they know it or not, they are actually saying that they do not believe Jesus Christ is come in this last time, having put His doctrine in the Church! And that is calling him a liar." [Excerpts from chapter 20 of A Peculiar Treasure by Jon W. Brisby]


  1. Mad Jon is fulfilling a prophetic warning that Jesus Christ himself warned about. The being many false Christs and many saying there he Christ is.
    Not a prophecy any normal sane christian would want to fulfill but nevertheless there you have it.

  2. Religion can make you say stupid things


  3. NO2HWA,

    It looks like everybody who is nobody--LCG, UCG, COGWA, etc.--now wants to observe X-mass!!!

    Notice this blurb about the Harlot Family X-Mass Weekend in LCG.

    Church of God News



    Living Church of God

    Gerald Weston writes:

    “We are looking forward to the 2019 Charlotte Family Weekend to be held on December 25–29. A firm contract for the facility was signed April 30, 2019, and we have been proceeding according to plan. Apparently, some heard that we had cancelled the weekend, but that rumor was mistaken. In the future, if anyone has a concern about an issue like this, rather than passing along and spreading an unfounded rumor, the proper procedure is to contact your pastor for the correct information. It should also be noted that we are open to ideas and input from individuals, but we must not get caught up in movements and the pressure tactics of social media that are so common today.”

    Why would some LCG members be spreading rumors that the Family Weekend has been cancelled? Why would there be movements and pressure tactics on social media, trying to persuade fellow members that it would be wrong to attend this weekend?

    Perhaps because it seems to some to be too much like a Christmas celebration. There are sports and social events – just like the secular world enjoys at this time – and the weekend always includes Christmas Day, even if the 25th falls in midweek, as it does in 2019 (Wednesday). Would Herbert Armstrong, whose doctrines LCG’s ministry claims to uphold, have promoted this modern practice?

  4. I suspect your read of what Bssby wrote may be accurate, but he doesn't exactly say HWA was Christ. If you asked Bisby about it, he might defend himself by saying he really means that Christ came in as the holy spirit inspiring the fleshly man, HWA. I mean he might say that IF he deigned to waste his time on you, but since you don't believe his teachings, apparently he won't. You have to wonder if so many of these COG leaders even have a relationship with God. In a relationship, you get to know what the other person is like, and it seems to me some of the villains of this blog don't know God very well.


  5. “It should also be noted that we are open to ideas and input from individuals, but we must not get caught up in movements and the pressure tactics of social media that are so common today.”--Gerald Weston

    LCG, UCG, and COGWA ALL got caught up in the spirit of the X-mass movement that is so common today, and want to pressure everyone into accepting it.

    Whenever the leaders of the splinter groups try to come up with some new teaching or custom or tradition of their own to put their own stamps on their groups, they seem to come up with only bad ideas.

    None of the self-appointed leaders of these groups want any little sheeple to use social media to correct them or to resist their errors. They want everyone to keep quiet and go along with them.

    If HWA were alive, he would have some loud words to say to, and about, these incompetent church leaders and their bad behavior. Then these embarrassed sinners would sneak around and secretly whine about HWA having a bad temper, rather than admit that they all have bad attitudes and are up to no good.

  6. What an insult to Jesus! This is embarrassing. I can almost hear the COGE members who are reading this say to themselves, “Truly, we are screwed for all eternity if HWA was Jesus Christ!”

    I have no idea how old Jon is, or what his recollections. However, his mentor, Raymond C. Cole, left the WCG, believing that HWA had essentially fallen away from his own church because he changed the doctrines on divorce and remarriage, Monday Pentecost, and others. Mr. Cole fell for the old cliche that the “faith once delivered” was what HWA had originally taught, and started one of the first splinters to preserve the original doctrines.


  7. 4:13pm Hatred of religion can too!

    1. Don't you mean hatred of faith Anon 3:55. As religion can be far from God.

  8. "Then these embarrassed sinners would sneak around and secretly whine about HWA having a bad temper, rather than admit that they all have bad attitudes and are up to no good."

    Are you standing in front of a mirror? You've just described yourself perfectly!


  9. Anonymous at 3:57 AM said... “Are you standing in front of a mirror? You've just described yourself perfectly!”

    Your comment makes no sense. Explain yourself more clearly. What is your agenda?

  10. "I'm personally not seeing where the author, Bisby is Jesus Christ personally or literally.


    I'm personally not seeing where the author, Bisby is saying HWA is Jesus Christ personally or literally..."


  11. LCG observes its Winter X-mass Weekend stuff because Rod Meredith was UNQUALIFIED to lead the church. RCM kept on garbling everything that HWA had taught in his attempts to compete with HWA and to try to put his own stamp on his own family religion business. That is why you get so-called “doctrinal upgrade” stuff like the two-fold gospel, the falling away being in the world, the marriage supper being in heaven, and X-mass being in the Barely Living Church of Rod.

    UCG observes its Winter X-mass Weekend stuff because former Tkach goons like Victor Kubik are in control. They supported TOTAL APOSTASY in the WCG until their paychecks ran out. Don't be surprised by their current apostate behavior in the UCG. The UCG is full of unrepentant, unconverted, unbelievers behaving very badly while playing church. It is a place for stalkers to stalk people and get the ministers to kick out their victims who complain. Godless bums can become newly credentialed as UCG “ministers.” Worldly people in worldly churches like UCG observe worldly stuff like X-mass.

    COGWA observes its Winter X-mass Weekend stuff because it really is not all that much better than the others. It could have used the UCG-COGWA split as an opportunity to correct things, but it did not. COGWA likes to preach at the world to admit its errors and repent of them, but it is not interested in admitting any of its own errors or repenting of them. Sitting around watching movies, and observing X-mass, is more the actual COGWA lifestyle.


  12. It looks like 7:46 PM also described 3:57 AM perfectly.

    It has been said that when you throw a rock into a herd of swine, the one that squeals is the one that got hit.

  13. 1:56 of course you are 7:56.

  14. 1:42 You're a moron. I guess if you go for a drive on Dec. 25th that's a x-mas drive. Have you ever been to any of the Winter Weekends? If not you have no clue what goes on. I have, there's nothing about x-mas at all except the date. Moron!!!!

    1. Anonymous 5:27 Are not the hotel complex decked out like an Xmas winter wonderland ? With numerous Xmas trees about, spectacular xmas displays and xmas music playing in the foyer ?
      Sharing breakfast time in that decorated xmas environment with others not church members whose sole purpose is to observe xmas in a hotel ?
      Or am i a moron too ?

  15. 7.46 PM
    "If HWA was alive..." You sound like a HWA minister and a HWA worshipper. The man was a spiritual/moral midget as best. More precisely, he was a moral failure, a loser. It's why his church disintegrated on his kicking the bucket.


  16. Wow!

    3:57 AM, 5:22 PM, 5:27 PM, and 5:46 PM said...“Squeal, squeal, squeal, squeal.”

    Something must have struck a raw nerve on these X-mass observers.


  17. Anonymous at 5:46 PM said... “You sound like a HWA minister and a HWA worshipper. The man was a spiritual/moral midget as best. More precisely, he was a moral failure, a loser. It's why his church disintegrated on his kicking the bucket.”

    Or, maybe the WCG disintegrated after HWA's death because many of the attendees were actually spiritual/moral midgets at best who “just didn't get it!” Maybe many of the attendees were actually moral failures, a bunch of losers.

    Or, maybe the WCG disintegrated after HWA's death because of the overabundance of apostates, competitive types, worldly types, false prophets, and rebels who wanted to lead HWA's former followers in different directions and be financially supported by them.

    Or, maybe it was a bit of both.

  18. I undersand from another discussion that New Covenant Armstrongites can pretty much guess and decide how and when and where they are going to keep the holy days. Maybe this is part of all of that. They get to bend and get sloppy with the rules about the pagan days, too. And these things only matter to us legalists who remember the iron-clad ways of the past! Silly us!


  19. "I undersand from another discussion that New Covenant Armstrongites can pretty much guess and decide how and when and where they are going to keep the holy days."

    Herbert W. Armstrong very much encouraged so before there were congregations outside Oregon..

    Many people had kept the Holy Days years before a "AC graduate minister" would ever visit them.


  20. I guess I have to patiently wait and see if my post on the Lexington weekend is held up in cyberspace or if again Gary censored a post that, while on the subject of 11:20, he didn't like.


  21. Different names for the same celebration:



    Winter Family Weekend


  22. Calling it a “Family Weekend” sure makes it sound good, like wicked women saying they observe Halloween “for the children.”


  23. The WCG's Great Apostasy of 1995 was too fast. The next apostasy in the UCG can be much slower. First slip in things like X-mass under a different name, and then only later slowly start to delete things like the Feast of Tabernacles.

  24. 9.13 PM
    Did you strike a raw nerve? Yes you did. It's what happens when someone puts a scoundrel on a pedestal. That HWAs church fell apart on his death is proof that it was built on a foundation of sand. It could not be otherwise since church culture robbed members of their adulthood, and hence their ability to grow.

    HWAs church culture was a Paradise for over grown schoolyard bullies who cannot operate in the real adult world. So HWA will always be worshipped by the church losers. Facts, reason, reality means nothing to his followers. Just like with every thug and bully.

    Your wet dream of Herb being number three in the kingdom, and continuing the abusive culture will not happen. Herb has easily qualified for the lake of fire. Good riddance!


  25. In the Living Church of Rod, RCM took HWA's teaching that the gospel is about the kingdom of God and combined it with the world's teaching that the gospel is about Jesus, to come up with his own “two-fold gospel” teaching.

    In the Living Church of Rod, RCM also took HWA's teaching of observing the biblical annual Holy Days and combined it with the world's teaching of observing unbiblical traditions like X-mass (under a different name), to come up with his own “two-fold tradition” teaching.


  26. Byker Bob at 2:16 AM said...“I undersand from another discussion that New Covenant Armstrongites can pretty much guess and decide how and when and where they are going to keep the holy days. Maybe this is part of all of that. They get to bend and get sloppy with the rules about the pagan days, too. And these things only matter to us legalists who remember the iron-clad ways of the past! Silly us!”

    Exactly! And if anyone says anything about their behavior, these Slops get all bent out of shape over it.

  27. Consider how "sloppy" David got with God's law when he ate of the shewbread. The "legalists" condemned him too.

  28. It is blasphemy to say that Christ came in the flesh in Herbert. Utterly ridiculous. To say that, is to say that Christ is corrupt. Armstrong made mistake after mistake, Christ made none.
