Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, October 25, 2019

Attorney Looking for Letters from Members/Ex-members Who have Suffered at the Hands of Philadelphia Church of God

I am going into a trial against my X husband for custody of all our minor children.   They are forced to attend pcg brainwashing services every other Saturday when they have said they do not want to go. As it stands right now unless I can prove that this " church" is not in their best interest he will continue to be able to take them, and if they continue to have their minds controlled by fear-based doctrines, I could possibly lose contact with my children eventually. Children I raised basically by myself as I was to do everything but pay the bills. I homeschooled these kids, sacrificed so much of myself for my family. I can't bare to lose them all. 

Especially the ones who don't even want to go!!! For the pcg to eventually get to them is so cruel.

It is very difficult to get actual wittnnesses to come to court to tell their stories and prove this church a danger to my children. But my lawyer says anyone who wants to help can write a letter, tell their story, help prove the dangers, the evils, of this organization. Prove that they have a no contact policy and how they plan to escape to a place of safety. ANYTHING at all that you read or heard or experienced that you could help me get my children out of there would be of enormous help.

My lawyer will read your letter and if he thinks it is one he can use in our defense he will send it back to you in a form that will be turned into an affidavit. You would simply take it a lawyer to get it signed, and returned.
I will cover all costs that occur if need be.

Right now all the judge has is me saying its a cult my kids are in danger, and my x husband saying no it's not, it's a fun loving normal church.

I need the judge to see the truth.

I understand that a lot of you have been through so much pain and suffering, and this may not be what you are comfortable with, but please think of my children and how you could prevent that from happening to them by telling your story.

You can simply email it to me, and I can pass it on to him. Or email it to him directly.

His email is d.reid@littlemassonreid.com
David Reid


If you have an email to share, please send it to me and I will pass it on, or email to the above address.


  1. The Exit and Support Network website has dozens of letters from people who have escaped PCG.

    1. Ditto 9:24!

      Go to the right hand column of ESN letters with lots of testimonials from those impacted by the PCG cult.

    2. I can write a letter. Just send me an email with the info. More than glad to.

  2. What crazy country allows a healthy mother to lose 100 percent custody of minors and not have a 50/50 visiting arrangement with the other half of the minor group too, allowing the children to be split??

    Liberal Canada? It sounds like Iran. In many countries this sounds like an abduction case (as practiced by European Muslims).

    In the interest of the children regardless of any church, cult or denomination the children should be with the mother, the father should pay for the children (and mother if he made his fortune during her tenure) and have visiting rights like in civilized nations.

    Best would be 50 50 time split but that would involve living in the same city.


  3. People responding should also consider the "Dan from Kentucky" case where a father had decided to leave pcg and his children stayed in Edmond and had not seen them for years.

    My advice to him was to just drive up there, be civil and polite to his now adult children and tell them he still believes they are his best work of art/craft.

    Don't let your children be (come) strangers.


  4. I wish there was something I could do. I was in a similar situation in the WCG as a child and it was pure hell.
    I wanted desperately to see my family and was constantly told that they were controlled by demons...
    I have some friends in OKC and Edmond, but that's as connected as I am with the PCG.

  5. if 3 of them are not minors, they cannot be forced to go, or even stay with their father.

  6. Rick Ross is an expert on cults and knows about Armstrong follower, and he can testify that Armstrongism is a cult. Google Rick Ross cult expert.

  7. Mrs. ___________ ,

    I wouldn't go down the avenue of putting the whole Philadelphia Church of God on trial. Have your lawyer specifically pound the "shunning" doctrine of the church. Collect as many affidavits of fact concerning this subject alone from ex members and have your lawyer attack the premise that your husband's belief and obedience requires him to educate and mandate that your children are to disavow you upon the threat of death.

    You have the advantage of A) being the mother B) the court's prejudice of maintaining the status quo C) your adult children as witnesses D) an arguable point of detriment.

    This situation is not "fun" as you have give up the determination of the best interests of your children to the courts of the land to save your children from a great leviathan who is enforcing the best interests of your children.

    In the end regardless of what determination is rendered, each of the children will go on to take varied paths that you can't possibly see right now. Those paths are sometimes taken because of the continuing war within the war that often happens when one parent has to be the winner regardless of the consequences.

  8. Calling Dr. Phil! I would love to see him take this on!

  9. When an ex-wife can castrate a 10 year old boy in Texas, and have that approved by the court, (as happened this past week) then Im afraid that courts are capable of all manner of bad judgement.

  10. it's the same in the LCG, probably all of the others as well.

    Personal experience being abandoned by family in the LCG, Charlotte area.

    You need to contact the Scarborough's.

  11. Good luck to anyone going up against an ACOG in court. The assholes are teflon, as has been proven time and time again. PCG is especially bad, taking the preemptive strike of eliminating non members' ability to even influence their relatives who are under Flurry's spell.

    On the positive side, the laws of probability predict that sooner or later, something positive must occur for the former members. We can all hope and pray that it is for you that this happens.


  12. LCG varies by area and circumstance.
    Many families have members in multiple and no groups.
    I decided to leave quietly. People believe what they believe, and I am not on a mission from Bob to change their minds.
    Of course if I read a Mayan prophecy... LOL

  13. Tonto said : "then Im afraid that courts are capable of all manner of bad judgement."

    Surely you jest!


  14. "Good luck to anyone going up against an ACOG in court. The assholes are teflon, as has been proven time and time again."

    Since when are you an expert on foreign legal systems? The assholes are the opinionated negative jerks who shoot their mouth off on things they don't know squat about. Did the PCG pay you to say that? The PCG has lost in the past.
