Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Dave Pack Has A Feast Reminder...Opps!


  1. Mr. Pack projects from his self perceived standing within his self perceived government of God mandating that his membership has to "think about" what he is saying because what he has to say as a prophet is "serious".

    There is no avenue for the RCG member to think about how seriously flawed Mr. Pack has interpreted his puzzle masterpiece that has enriched himself at the expense of his members who have incurred physical and spiritual vandalism.

    It was okay for Mr. Pack to be wrong about Elul 29, 2013 and Fall 2013 and then Spring 2014 when the remnant should have returned and three shepherds were to die. It was okay for Mr. Pack to be wrong about the new piece of puzzle that appeared to him which said the Man of Sin would appear in 2015. It was okay for Mr. Pack to be wrong about the soon coming worldwide announcement of "who I am" as the great antagonist of the man of sin. It was okay for Mr. Pack to be wrong about the Fall 2018 - Spring 2019 return of the Son of Man to Wadsworth Ohio.

    It wasn't okay for one RCG minister to be "wrong" when he waited 16 hours to send in the Holy Day offering and got fired for insubordination. Those who were too late in handing over their "Common" money were considered "wrong" to the point that they would go into the fire of The Great Tribulation and be in peril of being judged a goat and set on the wrong hand of God.

    The RCG is now where the non immediacy of turning in all of your assets is wrong to the point of the persons being worthy only of the lake of fire and the non fulfillment of all of the prognostications of an Apostle and a Prophet is considered true and worthy of himself being worshiped and adored for millennia.

    What is now "serious" in the RCG and what is the member to "think about"?

  2. It doesn't matter how wrong he is on anything or how many times he has been wrong. These people will continue to excuse any and all behavior regardless of what the bible says. There is no thinking anything through, it might be helpful if former ministers and members would come forward with their experiences and make them known to others, then maybe a few will pay attention and not get taken in by this group.

  3. The majority of COG members are following men. It doesn't matter whether it's Pack, Flurry, Weinland, or several of the "dead leaders". This includes HWA, GTA, Meredith, Dart, and so...

    I know whereof I speak, because I did for years. The MAJORITY of my COG history. Very few will own up to this. It's nothing less than idolatry. People must see it for what it is.

    This past Feast (2019), I know of several COG members who traveled thousands of miles to see and hear from their favorite COG personality. They bypassed sites much closer that had pretty much the same messages. Some messages have been better, others worse. Hopefully, I won't make that mistake again and again.

  4. What needs to happen is that all fired/former ministers should all get together including Pack's very own children who have alluded to financial discrepancies and alert the FBI or Justice department.

    RCG is extorting and terrorizing it's membership, plainly speaking!

    David Pack is taking members who are impressionable and at their most vulnerable state in life--because they are obviously looking to RCG for answers and guidance--and he is extorting them of all of their life's possessions, claiming if they do not give all that they have according to the bible, they will not enter the Kingdom. This amounts to extortion and terrorism. Pack is constantly terrorizing the church by stoking end of times fear, firing and making examples of "bad apples" as he calls them. Twisting scripture to make it seem as tho if people do not follow his words they will be in direct disobedience to God, not him, but to God Himself.

    This is what the catholics did when told members they can buy their way out of sins with indulgences.

    What's worse is that unlike the Bibles example of all things common, the resources are not being used to take care of the people's needs as an entire entity. The money that comes in, is being used to add new features to a campus that over 70% of the church will never see and over 20% will only see on a visit during the FOT if they get assigned there. The resources are being used to pay the "yes" men that serve under Pack, The resources are being used to pay for the buildings that are mostly empty.

    At one point during the summer of 2013 pack went on a rampage towards the teens he hired for the landscaping department and some who worked inside, calling them close to idiots because they didnt have basic life skills he had growing up.

    Now when you watch Behind the Work and campus videos all u see is young people working the property, because at this point no one wants to work for such an asshole so he has no choice but to hire the young people and who need the money anyways.

  5. 11.12 AM
    Another angle to your post is that members are travelling thousands of miles to hear their favorite COG personality because they are spiritually starved and spiritually struggling. They are travelling thousands of miles to try to stay spiritually afloat.
    To me, it's a condemnation of the spiritual milk that members worldwide are being fed by the COGs.

  6. ...starved and spiritually struggling...

    It seems the "famine of the word" is a malady of the COGs.
