Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, October 21, 2019

Turn thou from Dave Pack

Good morning brethren. Turn with me in your Parody Hymnals, and rise, to page 76, right off of I-76, that is, to a song that is Wadsworth your time, I mean, worth your time, Turn thou from Dave Pack. Page 76. 

All together.......

Turn thou from Dave Pack, do what is good,
Seek truth pursue it earnestly.
Upon your cash are the eyes of Pack, 
His mind is closed down unto their cry.
But the Eternal's face is against
Self Centered leaders, doers of wrong.
He lets you run from the midst of them, 
Starting all over, a new rebirth.

When righteous men cry, God answers back; 
For He delivereth them from Pack.
Near unto them of a broken bank,
Not for a penny should he dost thank.
Many afflictions that Pack dost lend,
Troubles there be of shackled men;
But the Eternal delivereth
From Pack's afflictions the running man.

Turn thou Dave Pack, do what is good,
Seek truth pursue it earnestly.
God keeps the heart of the running man,
Not one of them shall broken be.
Tho Pack deceives and changes his mind,
Running from Pack such freedom you'll find;
But God redeemeth the soul that's His,
None shall be desolate trusting Him.

submitted by SHT


  1. Cursed and evil is Dave Pack, who does always walk astray
    And with the ungodly men loves to make his way.

    All he does prospers now, 'cause his victims trust him so
    They are chaff before the wind, driven to and fro.

    There in scorner's chair he sits, for he places his delight
    In your cash and meditates on it day and night.

    All he does prospers now, 'cause his victims trust him so
    They are chaff before the wind, driven to and fro.

    He shall be a weed that grows, strangling wheat sheaves by his side
    Yielding his own poison 'til brethren have all died.

    All he does prospers now, 'cause his victims trust him so
    May they someday see through him, lest to ruin they go.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Too funny! Thanks for the good laugh!

    Oh these renditions of Dave Pack Hymns sure bring back memories of my youth singing Dwight Armstrong songs out of the purple hymnals. But even after all these many decades gone by, I could still sing along with the Pack lyrics of SHT and Anon 12:59PM. Made perfect sense to me!

