Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Wheat or Chaff? Which one are you? Living Church of God has the answer!

Dexter Wakefield of the Living Church of God has an article up talking about The Wheat and the Chaff.  Anyone who has even limited contact with the Church of God movement, knows immediately what he is talking about.  Non-COG members and backsliding church members = chaff; diligent COG members = true Christians and are the real wheat.

Now that the Church of God has imploded into hundreds and hundreds of upstart movements, all claiming they are the "true wheat" it is pretty difficult to do anything but laugh at this silliness.

Wakefield writes:
There is a recurring theme in the Bible of God’s separating out the good fruits from the bad, and our Father has both the will and ability to do just that. The annual Holy Days and their timing within the harvest cycle of ancient Israel work together to picture elements in the plan of salvation, and it is good to remember this great harvest theme during this season of the year. 
Jesus totally upends his comment above, but that makes no difference to him or most of the other COG's.
It’s important to remember that the good and bad often grow in close proximity to each other. Referring to the Father, Jesus said, “He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust” (Matthew 5:45). In this age, the unrighteous often prosper more than the children of God living among them, but the time will come—pictured by the Feast of Trumpets—when God will separate out those who are His good fruits. 
It is interesting how the COG loves to focus upon weeding out the undesirables, but Jesus, once again, upends their nonsense by welcoming tax collectors, prostitutes, eunuchs, Samaritans, and even the thief on the cross, into the 'good fruits" of God's love.

Wakefield goes on to make a very specific claim directed to all COG members, who are the chosen ones:
At the spiritual harvest, when God’s begotten children enter His Kingdom, there is a separation involved.
The COG has always been giddy about seeing people removed from God's presence so that they, and they alone can bask in the glory of God as they are made into gods themselves.  This disgusting chaff will either be burnt to a crisp or if their god is merciful, it will give them a second chance to head the call of Herbert Armstrong's message.  It truly boils down to HWA's message instead of the message of Jesus.

Wakefield continues:

God says that we are to be patient while He works out His purpose in this age, but sometimes His children can become discouraged because they have manifold trials while the dishonest seem to prosper. During the long wait between the spring and fall Holy Day seasons, it’s good to remember that while the world loves its own, God loves His own much more. He has a desire for the work of His hands (Job 14:15) and will surely perform what He has said, separating the wheat from the chaff by making His children immortal. Our job is to be His faithful, fruitful, obedient servants until our Lord comes. He left us some good advice:
Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place…. Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming…. Therefore you alsobe ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect” (Matthew 24:32–344244).
How can COG members ever been encouraged when all around them abusive ministers make their lives miserable.  They watch as one group after another breaks away to start a new COG while claiming they are the only true access to God. They watch as hard-earned tithe money is blatantly wasted on the church elite and their progeny. They sit in church, week after week, getting lambasted about one thing after another that they are doing wrong.

One has to stop and wonder as to just WHO is the chaff in the church and WHO is the wheat?


  1. Who is the chaff?

    Who is the wheat?

    Who is the cheat?

  2. Of course they always go for 100% in making their judgments, which would be unattainable even if everyone were perfect, because good people often work at counter-purposes, and there is also the law of unintended consequences. Insisting on being a fanatic about keeping the law can even hurt people.


  3. Perhaps the only sensible splinter name left would be "Wheaties Church of God"? "WCG" would be, of course, a comfortable initialism for the old timers.

  4. Wheaties Church of God.
    The Church of Chumpions

  5. Christ does talk about a separation of the sheep from the goats (and also a separation between the wise and foolish virgins in the same chapter); It is interesting to go through this list of things the sheep did do and the goats did not do. How do these things that Christ is concerned about here line up with the things LCG and other COGs emphasize?
