Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Dave Pack and his 24,000 minute sermon series

At this present time, Mr. Pack has spoken over 24,000 minutes just in this "Greatest Story Never Told" series. Does anyone with a right mind think he hasn't spoke contrary to what Mr. Armstrong spoke or does anyone think he hasn't deviated from Mr. Armstrong's teaching and finally what chance would someone give that he has overturned 75% of what Mr. Armstrong established as doctrine?

I mean think about it, 24,000 minutes and he is talking about the ..............weather? The greatest proof that he lied and is lying is believe it or not, he apologized. There was no apology for the Elul 29 (Three Shepherds Die) fiasco when he said he would apologize if it didn't happen. The next Sabbath after it didn't happen, he said he felt he did not need to apologize for anything.

The actual incrimination and indictment of himself was when he said after saying Herbert Armstrong's understanding of prophetic events was flawed, he said; "brethren I am sorry, I tried for as long as I could to hold to Mr. Armstrong's teaching, but I can't just knowing this (new understanding) and hold it in and not preach it".

About nine months later Mr. Pack said in his best juggling of word semantics that "I haven't changed what Mr. Armstrong did one wit"!

I think maybe the mind shouldn't be wasting possible damage to brain cells on trying to find truth in he didn't lie somewhere and maybe ask the more pertinent question. That question would be if truth only enters the church through apostles, what church office does error enter? Asked more plainly; what church office does error after error after error after error enter?

If you go to RCG website right now, you will find all kinds of declared truths all through their site, all of which they haven't believed or taught for many years. Mr. Pack has somehow not only come to the conclusion it is okay to blatantly lie, he has concluded it is okay to teach and present to the public his own known falsehoods right out in the open.

In Mr. Pack's mind, paradise doesn't lie or does it? The 5000 flowers, the 2000+ trees, the lakes, the best grass in Ohio, the buildings and all the up-lighting in the world do not hide what is true and known. 

by What About The Truth


  1. Perhaps Dave has inherited the Guru Gene and tendency to lie for advantage?


    2 Kings 8:10 10Elisha answered, "Go and say to him, 'You will certainly recover.' Nevertheless, the LORD has revealed to me that he will in fact die."

    JOHN CHRYSOTOM: 5th century theologian and erstwhile bishop of Constantinople, is another:

    "Do you see the advantage of deceit? ...

    For great is the value of deceit, provided it be not introduced with a mischievous intention. In fact action of this kind ought not to be called deceit, but rather a kind of good management, cleverness and skill, capable of finding out ways where resources fail, and making up for the defects of the mind ...

    And often it is necessary to deceive, and to do the greatest benefits by means of this device, whereas he who has gone by a straight course has done great mischief to the person whom he has not deceived."

    – Chrysostom, Treatise On The Priesthood, Book 1.

    IGNATIUS LOYOLA: (1491-1556), the tireless zealot for papal authority – he was the founder of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) – even wrote:

    "We should always be disposed to believe that which appears to us to be white is really black, if the hierarchy of the church so decides."

    MARTIN LUTHER: The Reformation may have swept away some abuses perpetrated by the priesthood but lying was not one of them. Martin Luther, in private correspondence, argued:

    "What harm would it do, if a man told a good strong lie for the sake of the good and for the Christian church ... a lie out of necessity, a useful lie, a helpful lie, such lies would not be against God, he would accept them."

    MARTIN LUTHER (Cited by his secretary, in a letter in Max Lenz, ed., Briefwechsel Landgraf Phillips des Grossmüthigen von Hessen mit Bucer, vol. I.)

    ST JEROME: 'To confute the opposer ... one argues as one pleases, saying one thing while one means another ... Origen, Eusebius [et al] write at great length ... Sometimes it is true, they are compelled to say not what they think but what is useful.'
    – St Jerome, c. 380.

    The Whoppers of AUGUSTINE:

    "I was already Bishop of Hippo, when I went into Ethiopia with some servants of Christ there to preach the Gospel. In this country we saw many men and women without heads, who had two great eyes in their breasts; and in countries still more southly, we saw people who had but one eye in their foreheads.'"
    – St Augustine
    (Sermon 37; quoted in Taylor, Syntagma, 52; Diegesis, 271; Doane, Bible Myths, 437.)

    JEROME: Useful, Not Truthful
    "It is usual for the sacred historian to conform himself to the generally accepted opinion of the masses in his time.'

    – St Jerome (P.L., XXVI, 98; XXIV, 855).


    "And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie."
    – 2 Thessalonians 2.11

  2. For those of a certain age, the following may be easily sung to the tune of the Monkees' song "I'm A Believer":

    I thought my own church was just a Bible tale
    Meant for Herbert A. but not for me
    God was out to get me
    That’s the way it seemed
    Disappointment haunted all my dreams

    Then I saw the light! Now I’m an apostle!
    Got a church, and grandiose schemes!
    I feel good --- ooooh, I’m an apostle
    Full of colossal self-esteem!

    Now I feel such great responsibility
    Heavy is the head that wears the crown
    So send me all your money
    Give until it hurts
    Help me do this precious end-time work

    ‘Cause I saw the light! And I’m an apostle!
    Got a church, and grandiose schemes!
    I feel good --- ooooh, I’m an apostle
    Full of colossal self-esteem!

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
    I’m an apostle!
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
    I’m an apostle….(fade out)

  3. Lying is an amazing superpower. People that are planning to be the messiah need all the superpowers they can get.

  4. EAB, you should play the rest of the album. This one is sung to the tune of the Monkees' "Daydream Believer":

    Oh, I could hide ‘neath the wings
    Of the Gulfstream as she zings
    To Petra it will God’s people bring
    But more “Common” I need
    My great ego to feed
    And my campus to get more special things

    Cheer up, sleepy Dave
    Oh, you are God’s fave
    You’re a pipe-dream believer
    And get Petra’s best cave

    You once thought of me
    As Mr. Armstrong’s buddy
    Now you know it’s all about me
    So my good times start and end
    With your “Common” to spend
    And how much, baby, I do really need!

    [Repeat Chorus]

  5. Confused Pack makes the impeachment hearings and mainstream media almost seem rational by comparison!

  6. Great tunes above from the Monkees! Made me laugh and made my day!

    Cant help but add a quicky "Last Train To Clarksville" based one...

    Send your last dime to Wadsworth
    And you'll serve Pack the abomination
    You can buy another tree...
    He will stick you on a reservation, don't be slow
    Oh, no, no, no
    Oh, no, no, no

  7. To the tune of "Take the Last Train to Clarksville"

    Take the last train to Wadsworth
    and I'll meet you at the Eagle
    Can't get into the white buildings
    Even wearing a tuxedo
    No I can't
    No no, no noooo
    No no, no nooooooo
    And I'll even have a
    sticker on my car

  8. DennisCDiehl said: "Perhaps Dave has inherited the Guru Gene and tendency to lie for advantage?"

    Like Bill "Slick Willy" Clinton who followed the Jesuit principle of equivocation and mental reservation. For such "the end justifies the means" always.


  9. Dennis Diehl said:
    "Do you see the advantage of deceit? ... (John Chrysotom)

    For great is the value of deceit, provided it be not introduced with a mischievous intention. In fact action of this kind ought not to be called deceit, but rather a kind of good management, cleverness and skill, capable of finding out ways where resources fail, and making up for the defects of the mind ...

    And often it is necessary to deceive, and to do the greatest benefits by means of this device, whereas he who has gone by a straight course has done great mischief to the person whom he has not deceived."

    – Chrysostom, Treatise On The Priesthood, Book 1.

    Maybe Mr. Diehl some of the quotes of the the COG reformers would be more apropos.

    Lorri MacGregor asked Greg Albrecht, Mike Feazell and Joseph Tkach Jr. this question: "Do you believe you can legitimately lie to someone who is not an authentic believer?" Mike Feazell replied, "certainly not".

    Some in the mainstream Christian hierarchy that these three men were seeking approval from had a subdued joy knowing the intent of these men and the not so honest method they were going about it with their membership.

    Maybe just maybe, the true Christian needs to in the least, very wary of the "reformers" and probably should just just stay far away from them.

    Dave Pack's "reformation" seems to have started in the same manner as many others who saw the "light" while in a dark place and got a little too comfortable with their darkness and figured it wouldn't hurt to bring others into darkness to be able to see the their "light".

  10. Now that Dave has a barn with horses on his campus, it's approximating more and more Michael Jacksons former compound. It's a doll playhouse for adults, a rainbow and lollipop dreamworld for the very young or immature at heart.

  11. This year along 2019, Mr. Pack through his sermon series stated the following
    1. He encouraged us to stay awake for 24 hrs in the spring and Christ will be knocking own our door to give us our assignments.
    2. On the day of Pentecost Mr. Pack stated that all splinter groups would come to his campus and be reunited for the great supper with Christ.
    3. Mr. Pack stated that Christ will come on the day of Atonement.
    4. Mr. Pack stated that Christ will return on the last great day of the feast of tabernacles and he will gather all the splinter groups to come and join Restored Church of God.
    5. Mr. Pack is stating that Christ will return before the end of the year.
