Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, December 1, 2019

But I Am A Prophet! I Am! I Am! Says Bob Thiel

What a glorious day to be alive in 2019!  It is a beautiful crisp fall day here in Pasadena with cold temperatures and snow on the mountains.  After sacrificing newborns on the altar of Moloch at church today and worshipping the sun and Satan, I thought I would sit down and have some fun.

I woke up to a flurry of text messages and emails about a post that my dear friend in Arroyo Grande, the great Bwana to Africa and the Chief Overseer of the improperly named '"continuing Church of "god"' posted about the lies that this blog and others spread about his doubly-blessed and god ordained appointment to the Church of God in these end times.  God saw that the church was in such a mess after the implosion of that other one true church, the Worldwide Church of God, that He needed to send a special doubly-anointed leader to redeem the church back to Him.

Over the eight-plus decades, the Radio/Worldwide Church of God was in existence, it has seen an appalling number of men break off from the church to start their own "new and improved" church that was holding on to the "faith once delivered" and the amazing teachings of Herbert W Armstrong.  The number of splinters has been said to be between 400 - 700 different groups.  What an appalling thing to see!

None of us had any idea what would happen after the WCG imploded and the various larger splinter groups set themselves up as the true heirs to the WCG experience.  Every single one of these groups has proclaimed that God personally anointed them and set them apart to rescue the church and restore the teachings of the one true apostle Herbert Armstrong.  How can this one true God they all claim to follow be sooooooooo confused and keep forgetting He had previously set up another man to lead His church?

Thanks to this confused god, we now have men like Dave Pack, Ron Weinland, Gerald Flurry, Rod Meredith/Gerald Weston, David Hulme, Vic Kubik, Jim Franks and the one and only doubly blessed Bob Thiel.

Only one of these men surpass all the other false prophets/leaders of the splinter groups and that is Bwana Bob Theil. The Chief Overseer of the improperly named "continuing" Church of 'god."  The second Elijah, Elisha, Joshua, and endless other self-appropriated names of scriptural legends.

God has apparently never worked with a human being before as much as He has in setting up Bob Thiel as the one true prophet to the nation of Africa, the Catholic Church and the deceived Laodiceans of the British Israel nations still parked in various COG's.  From double blessings to visions in dreams, God has been working overtime in proving the legitimacy of the one true Bob.

As the one true prophet to the church and the world, the great Bwana is NOT happy that we mock his vainglorious attempts to prove himself as the legitimate end time representative of his god.

The Greatest COG leader since Dave Pack has devoted another column to me and this little blog. How dare we mock his prophethood status! 

Mock not God's anointed!  

Fun times!  

I can hear the hissing all the way down here.

"Am too!"  "Am too!" 

Bwana Bob writes:
Gary Leonard, the webmaster at the Banned By HWA site (an anti-Church of God website), continues to post lies about me. He is a false accuser of the brethren that does not take Proverbs 6:16-19 seriously.
How can I be a false accuser of the brethren when these self-appointed liars have set themselves up as deceivers of the brethren?  There are a lot of good sincere COG members out there that love God and seek to do what is right, according to what they have been taught, so to see these sick men claim to be god's anointed and then turn around and abuse them is disgusting and appalling.

Bawana Bob  continues:
First, I am NOT self-appointed. The Bible states that God appoints prophets (1 Corinthians 12:28) and that He speaks with them through dreams (Numbers 12:6). Furthermore, it was the late evangelist Roderick C. Meredith who repeatedly stated (beginning on October 3, 2008) that God may consider me a prophet–years before I left LCG (which happened on December 28, 2012). He also said (Jan/Feb 2009) that if he raised himself to the office of apostle that he was considering ordaining me as a prophet. Although he did neither of those, God ended up having LCG minister Gaylyn Bonjour lay hands upon me and pray that I would receive a double-portion of God’s spirit on December 15, 2011.
I can state for an absolute FACT that God did NOT speak to Bwana Bob Thiel through any dream and most certainly did not use another false teacher (Rod Meredith) to legitimize Bwana Bob.  Deluded minds with psychotic wild imaginations will lead all kinds of people into thinking some being they call god is speaking to them. 
Second, I did not pull out scriptures only after the formation of the Continuing Church of God (CCOG) to point to my position/dream, etc. Gary Leonard’s assertion in relationship to me is a flat out lie. I cited various scriptures and fulfilled predictions to the leadership of the Living Church of God when I was still part of it and had no intention to depart from it (I only departed after Dr. Meredith essentially informed me on 12/28/12 he would not keep his promises to correct doctrinal and prophetic errors he had previously agreed to).
Church of God false teachers have always gone searching for scriptures to legitimize themselves AFTER THE FACT.  The scriptures that Bwana Bob quotes no more describes him than it does my prophetess cat laying in front of the fireplace right now.  It makes no difference whatsoever that Bwana Bob went to Rod Meredith spouting scriptures.  Not one single thing was fulfilled in Living Church of God, in Rod Meredith or in Bob's testimony.  NOT ONE SINGLE THING!  Living Church of God was yet another splinter set up by a self-appointed man who thought he was better than anyone else and that his god also set him apart in his rebellion.  The lies and damage Rod Meredith did while in the WCG has left a trail of destruction in his wake over the decades.  Broken marriages, suicides, and even murder! There is NOTHING godly in that and therefore CANNOT transfer off any godliness onto Bwana Bob Thiel!
Third, the Bible does teach that God would use dreams and prophets in the last days as Acts 2:17-18 states. Furthermore, it was not just me and one other (that I did not know prior to the dream) that had confirmed dreams related to me and/or CCOG. At least seven associated with CCOG have had confirmed dreams (for details, see Dreams, the Bible, the Radio Church of God, and the ContinuingChurch of God). For more related to Acts 2, check out: Does the CCOG have the confirmed signs of Acts 2:17-18?
Given the ABYSMAL track record of lying false prophets in Armstrongism over the last 8 decades, why would God even dare to send another COG fool a dream setting them apart to lead the church?

I can again state for a FACT that God did NOT send dreams to Bwana Bob Thiel or anyone else associated with his personality cult.  We have seen these same wild boastings from others over the decades and there is absolutely NO REASON anyone ever gave them credibility.  These simpletons have made God into their pawn, to be used at their whim and command.  That god is portrayed as an incompetent doofus that could not do what he needed to do without the help of these self-appointed vainglorious, narcissistic men.
Frequently, Gary Leonard has called me a liar, certified liar, or something else to attempt to challenge my credibility.
And I still do.  The vast majority of the Church of God members and ex-members know this to be a fact.  There is absolutely NO CREDIBILITY in the self-appointed of Bwana Bob to his position as a splinter group leader.  None whatsoever!
But the problem is that he cannot stand the idea that God has intervened in my case and what I speak is the truth.
The “lie” he seems to claim I make is that I received a double-portion of God’s Spirit after Gaylyn Bonjour anointed me.
As it turns out, I spent several hours with Gaylyn Bonjour on November 28, 2019. He, again, confirmed many events related to me, including his prayer for me to be granted a double-portion of God’s Spirit.
We also went over some of the falsehoods that Banned posted about me in the post I am mentioning here.
Furthermore, Gaylyn stated that he tells those who ask that he says:
I have known Bob Thiel since 1986. He has always been honest, dedicated, and sincere.
And that includes what I have written about him and the prophet matter.
I have no doubt that Bwana Bob may be a dedicated and sincere person.  As Herbert Armstrong said many many times, "They may be sincere, but sincerely WRONG!"  Using Gaylon Bonjour as a prop to one's prophethood is no proof at all.   Given the disgusting process Living Church of God went through to reach its present state by apostatizing from the mother church and then stabbing Global Church of God in the back while stealing money and members in order to start up, does not make LCG a legitimate Church of God or its minister's legitimate representatives of God.  If Herbert Armstrong were alive he would have kicked them out of the church so fast that their heads would still be spinning.

Bwana Bob goes on with more grandiose excuses as to why he is anointed, and then says this:
Gary Leonard does not want to accept that I have the fruits of a prophet and meet the biblical and COG criteria for that
One thing both Rod Meredith and I agree upon is that Bwana Bob is NOT a prophet of God and that he set himself up in that position.  Despite all of his own narcissism, Meredith was able to see through the fog and call out the deceptions and lies of Bwana Bob.
People like Gary Leonard say all kinds of evil against me falsely–this is one way they persecute.
Scores of people, besides my self, see through the lies of Bwana Bob.  They and the vast majority of the Church of God know Bwana Bob to be a false prophet and a false church leader.
Sadly, Gary Leonard and many other opponents do not care about the truth and think that they are getting away with their lies and falsehoods.
For some reason Bwana Bob, as do many other false prophets of the Church of God, feel that their opponents will come to naught for daring to expose their lies.   That has been a myth that COG leaders have loved to dish out any anyone who dared to oppose them. They have claimed people would die, that their god would strike their oppressors down with painful cancers, and other myths that have never happened to people in the 80 some years of the existence of the church.  And who can forget the snarling they all do, claiming that those who "persecute" them will suffer great pain in the tribulation and ultimately be fried to a crisp in the COG version of hell, the Lake of Fire.

I do not fear the god of Bwana Bob, or of Dave Pack, or Gerald Flurry, Ron Weinland of the other morons that have threatened me over the years. 
As regular readers at the COGwriter.com website are aware, I provide scriptures and many facts and reasons to back up my writings. Gary Leonard and others should ask themselves if they can accept the truth or if they prefer dismissive conceit. 
Gary Leonard is an accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10), and often a bearer of false witness (Exodus 20:16). 
Gary Leonard has had a chances to come clean, confess his errors, and move forward. 
But so far, he has chosen Satan’s way. Jesus spoke about people like him:
I have no one to confess to other than Jesus Christ and my standing with him is secure.  That is what those that bastardize the law cannot understand.  That is why I do not fear Bwana Bob's fear monger god or the god of Neville Stevens that was supposed to have killed me on Passover night 15 years ago.  Whether I die today, tonight or in 5-10-20 years from now, my standing with God is still secure. No whiny self-appointed lying COG leader can ever take that away.
Sadly, various ones have let the anti-COG people “take their crown”–did not “endure to the end” as they should have. They allowed people once considered to be brothers to betray them spiritually–and yes it will also happen physically
What a load of self-righteous crap.  No COG member's crown has ever been stolen by someone who has exposed them to the errors and lies of certain COG leaders.  It is these very people who are destroying lives and ripping their spirituality lives apart. I am quite sure many of the people in Africa that claim to follow Bwana Bob are sincere and certainly have great faith in the God they want to follow.  The sad part is that many of them are heading down a path of legalism that ultimately leads to misery.

The captives that these sick leaders in Armstrongism have enslaved with legalism and led into bondage need to be freed with the filth of these sick men.

You can read the entire screed by Bwana Bob here: Let’s Deal with Some Lies from ‘Banned by HWA’

And for more entertainment, check out his latest response to Gavin Rumney's expose on Bwana Bob's Indian diploma mill education here:  Banned, Ambassador Watch, Living University, and my Ph.D. and Th.D.


  1. Byker Bob’s comment from another post is applicable to Bob Thiel’s equivocation in this regard. “It’s disingenuous at best and dishonest at worst.”

  2. Bob slipped in defending himself, and made a telling admission! "He also said (Jan/Feb 2009) that if he raised himself to the office of apostle that he was considering ordaining me as a prophet."

    If that doesn't say it all, I have no idea what does! It speaks volumes as to the source. Did anybody miss it??? These guys are ordaining themselves and their lackeys. In an accidental and vividly candid moment, we have an admission that this is all of men! God has nothing to do with it.

    Hey, Bob! Let your writing set and season itself before you actually publish it! I don't believe these words help your case or credibility in any way.


    1. Dont forget, BB, that he also wrote at one point that "a prophet is greater in rank than an evangelist and should be recognized as such." He really, actually thought LCG should have just been given over to him over a blessing obtained from Bonjour on health premises. I mean, really. That's desparate talk.

  3. The question remains, does Bob have a legitimate degree? This needs to be examined. Why has he waited to mention what he has worked for in his latest post?


    What is an Anagram?
    An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. Example: The word lemon is an anagram of melon





    and many more!

  5. So Bobby Thiel went to the same school of "higher education" that also advertises stuff like ---

    "Can You Draw Tippy the Turtle?"


    Winky the Deer, or Reggie the Raccoon, or Spunky the Donkey.??

    Sounds like Thiel's TCU credits were similar, or the equivalent of a correspondence course found on a Matchbook cover.

    My "TRUCK MASTERS SCHOOL OF TRUCKING" certificate is more valid for theological discussion and credibility than Thiel's IMHO!

  6. WOW Gary....this is breath-taking....!!!!!

    Congratulations on getting the self-appointed "prophet" to respond so quickly...you obviously struck a nerve with that whack-job false "prophet".

    I battled Theil years ago, as he produced his crap at COGwriter. I had no idea he was ever affiliated with the LCG until I ran across your blog about two years ago.

    I've been involved (or was) with the WCG/ACOG scene since about 1965, and spent some time at AC/BS. So, I have some experience under my belt with these people. I have known many of the big players in the WCG for years. As an example, Hoeh's daughter married one of my good friends in the WCG. I spent several moments with Hoeh one-on-one as he visited our group. I sat through Waterhouse's blabberings more than once, and knew GTA and his family personally.

    Theil has just exposed himself as a dangerous psychopath by responding so raipdly to your post. Claiming that you are in error for not recognizing his position comes across as very Hitlerian, and terrifying. I have studied cults such as Heaven's Gate and David Koresh for many years. As I read Theil's remarks to you, those comparisons came instantly to mind. Theil has left the reality of planet earth and, as I cal it, has gone into outer space. Maybe next he will tell his follower(s) to get ready to go to the spaceship behind the Hale-Bop Comet.

    Good job on forcing the wanna-be self proclaimed FALSE prophet to come out and respond to your remarks. This is the end of Theil. He will never again be able to back-track on his lies about his education. He will be hoisted by his own petard.

    Well done.

  7. What Bob does not seem to grasp is that neither dreams nor someone asking the commonly believed in God to grant a double portion of the inexplicable spirit constitute proof of anything these days. They are throwbacks to a time when divining the will of the gods was also determined by gazing upon the entrails of goats, casting lots or consulting the Oracle at Delphi as to what was what in the lives of men.

    Perhaps the Urim and Thummin would be an appropriate addition to Bob's knowing all things as a Prophet.

    Why on earth would a normal human being even think of being a "prophet". It tells me more about Bob than any God that must speak unclearly through weak vessels and instruments what evidently the Deity is incapable of personally communicating articulately and clearly to earthlings.

    Julian Jaynes in "The Origin of Consciousness and the Bicameral Mind" has a wonderful chapter on how humans tried every trick in the book through time to divine the will of the ever shrinking and disappearing voice of God they heard so clearly in their heads at one time and has since faded as the human mind became more aware of itself.

    Bob seems determined to reignite his bicameral mind and believes he can divine the voice and will of God again as in days of old. In other words, Bob prefers, evidently, to go unconscious and rely on dreams and hidden messages to fuel his special relationship with the gods. "Sadly and of course", he's dreaming....

    1. Please don't judge God the Father and Jesus Christ by the vainity of these men Dennis C Diehl.

  8. There are probably people scattered about who are saying to themselves, "Hey, just a minute! What if this guy really is honest, and telling the truth? What if he's legit and for real?" I would remind them that he is teaching a version of Armstrongism, a religion which has exploited and destroyed many individuals over a period of decades. There are those who cannot even bring themselves to accept the reality of the failure of HWA's prophecy mold nearly 45 years after the fact, and will die having wasted their entire lives and financial resources on a demonstrably false theory. But, Dr. Bob would just love to draw them in, and it continually grieves him that they do not consider him to be a valid prophet or teacher, despite his several "less than" degrees (I'm being kind here).

    This degree thing. I have to blame HWA/WCG for the mental devaluation of degrees. The church members were taught to respect the worthless pseudo degrees of AC graduates above those of doctors, lawyers, scientists, teachers, etc. In a way, you can understand how Bob would like to capitalize on that attitude, but the attitude is just not the byproduct of a well-developed sense of ethics. It is further evidence of the corruption of the Armstrong system. Some of us watched, several years ago, as a legitimate historian backed Bob Thiel into a corner with fact after fact, shredding Bob's version of church history. He speaks of Rod Meredith failing to correct doctrinal errors? Well, he walked away from that debate without comment, and has continued teaching his errors as if he had never been show different. The debate was on a blog entry appropriately called "Beating around the Bush", and his opponent was Jared Olar. I'm sure some will remember Jared, because he was popular on a number of the blogs.

    Aleister Crowley called the religious philosophy he concocted "Thelema". I've occasionally been calling Bob Theil's doctrines "Theilema". Somehow, the guilt by association just has a rightness about it.


  9. COG ministers through the years have made claims about their supposed positions of authority, and given themselves a string of titles - take Gerald Flurry and Dave Pack. The proof is in the doing, not the claiming.
    As I've written before, Bob needs to give a specific warning; the warning must have a stated outcome; if the warning is not heeded, that outcome must occur. It must not be simply a generic assertion or (his usual practice) a claim after the event has occurred (an ex post facto prophecy).

  10. "an anti-Church of God website"

    I do not like the confusing terminology in this statement. For someone not accustomed to Armstrongist talk, this appears to be saying that this blog is anti-Christian. His use of the term "Church of God" refers to the organization that was developed by Herbert Armstrong with its roots in the Millerite Movement. It is related to the Church of God Seventh Day, SDA church and the Branch Davidians. It is just a denomination and is not to be equated with the NT term "the Body of Christ."

    Oh, yes. When the WCG church in a nearby large city dissolved back around 1995, a local AC graduate started a splinter church. One of the guys in his congregation was proclaimed to be a prophet. Later, they all relocated together and I have not heard of them since. To me it seems like pronouncing yourself a prophet is the first step towards oblivion. Think David Koresh.

  11. This website is widely referred to as Anti-God and Anti-COG.
    Usually by the COG ministry. Usually by the same ministry that tell brethren not to go on social media. AND Usually by the same ministry that constantly montior this website and comment themselves on here and even use the comments on here for COG articles and sermons !

  12. While the theological, illogical and ministerial qualifications are suspect yet typical of those so inclined, it is obvious from the topics, or at least to me, Bob writes about in the scientific realm using his actual PhD, that the family does have a challenge with a Down's Syndrome child. I could be mistaken but that is a noticeable topic regarding treatment of with natural means in his papers. It does account for the occasional and typical sounds in the audience of a few of his first videos as well.

    Having grown up around all that as well and with a brother who was a heartbreak and challenge to them for life, I at least understand the pull on Bob and family for the promises of scripture, the World Tomorrow and the all that was so hopefully promised in scripture. Having a brother who is blind, deaf and cannot speak the statements about "the blind shall see, the def will hear and the lame man shall leap like a hart" etc was very comforting to my parents and caught my attention big time as a 14 year old. It's why, admittedly without a double portion of the spirit, but merely one :), my brother was the first person I anointed for healing when returning from the FOT at Mt Pocono when I was ordained a Local Elder at 24 (big lol!) For a time I held the record for the youngest "Elder" both local and preaching in WCG, or so I am told.

    Anyway, I do get Bob at this level of hope and comfort of the scriptures. It is such a challenge for a family to deal with and I have seen it tear families apart as well. It is the concept of Bob needing to be a prophet and all the typical specialness that some feel and thus entitlement to be taken more seriously than others that is at issue I suppose.

    Bob did mention he studied material under of or by Bart Ehrman. His motive in doing so in all that was to be a good apologist for his unyielding beliefs. Neither Bob nor anyone else in the COGs could stand up to the background, genuine theological and historical education Bart has and not at least learn something they weren't aware of in the WCG experience. Bob seems, as do all, restricted in what gets in by a faith in something that cannot change or receive new information successfully without consequences.

    I suppose they don't call it an apology for nothing.

  13. My dad shared with me after years that the Presbyterian minister of the time told my parents that "you must have done something wrong or God would not have given you this child." We think sometimes those words could only flow from some COG loon but that is not the case. Religion in part is because we search for the reasons and meanings of events both positive and negative. Often drawing wrong but comforting or enraging conclusions falsely.

    Dad said he made mom feel "dirty" or "defective" in some way and my mom, who was the kind of woman men painted on nose of their WW2 Bombers to get them back home, spent her life trying to do everything just right and correctly. She was impeccable in dress and with the family and dad always felt her need to prove the minister wrong was an underlying reason.

    I got a visceral reaction to Trump when he mocked the handicapped reporter and imitated his handicap before thousands. POTUS to me means "Piece of Totally Useless Shit" , which he seems to be in his own personality disorders.

  14. Dennis
    Trump supposed mocking of a handicapped reporter occurred in 2015. Trump claimed that he was unaware of his handicap when he appeared to do a mocking imitation of his body language. I find it hard to believe that any politician would deliberately mock a handicapped person before a crowd of thousands. It's bad politics.

  15. "I find it hard to believe that any politician would deliberately mock a handicapped person before a crowd of thousands. It's bad politics."

    Yeah well, that's Trump for ya... He gets a pass on all kinds of crap that no one else could ever get away with.

  16. like Biden saying "...stand up Chuck." not realizing that Chuck was in a wheelchair, unable to stand.

  17. I know this is going to seem an unnecessary statement to most, but if you believe that Trump did not know about the reporters handicap you need to get an honorary lifetime membership to the Flat Earth Society.

  18. Did you pay notice to Bob's hysterical article where he admits people have left his cult and or not joined because of this blog and other sites? That is the real thorn in Bob's side.

  19. 504
    He was deliberating mocking that reporter. If by now one does not realize POTUS mocks, labels and name calls everyone who gets in his way, I can't help them see it.

  20. Trump introduced reality show politics which the media loves- great for sales. Now the Democrats are continuing it with their set of laughable candidates with Biden and his hairy legs leading the way. (If you have not seen this clip search for it .)

  21. Anon 4:20 PM wrote:

    I have studied cults such as Heaven's Gate and David Koresh for many years

    Fortunately, Thiel is far too effeminate and submissive to carry out an Applewhite/Koresh/Ratzmann/Jones scenario. He probably doesn't even have the courage to be one of the Two Witnesses, as he would run away from any situation that might get him killed, failing to trust in God to resurrect him.

    Bob in the worst case is a pathetic private suicide waiting to happen, not the charismatic leader who orchestrates a mass suicide. Much more likely, though, is that he will have some sort of breakdown and be institutionalized, like so many other lunatics who believe themselves to be some figure from Scripture or history.

  22. "a prophet is greater in rank than an evangelist and should be recognized as such."

    Cambridge English Dictionary

    rank adjective (SMELLY)

    smelling very unpleasant:
    . a rank odor

    Sorry, I'm using this word out of context.
