Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Church of the Eternal God: Norbert Link and Crew Don't Practice What They Preach

Norbert Link's man-made empire called the Church of the Eternal God, has a blurb up on its web site about people who give selflessly of their lives, sometimes even to the point of death.

That article is written by Robb Harris and is titled, "Reckless Endangerment".
While many have selflessly given their lives to help those in dire need, what about those who place themselves in danger by their own choice or ignorance?  The desire to climb Mount Everest has become a worldwide endeavor since Sir Edmund Hillary and Nepalese Sherpa mountaineer Tenzing Norgay became the first climbers confirmed to have reached the summit of Mount Everest. Since then, “Some 290 people have died climbing Everest in more than a century of attempts, according to the Himalayan Database, an archive that tracks expeditions in the Nepalese Himalayas going back to 1905. About a third, 94, have been Sherpas (npr.org).”
While many might argue that Sherpa deaths are part of the job they have chosen to take part in, it still doesn’t excuse so many deaths merely for man’s folly in desiring to conquer a mountain.
Like any typical COG leader, the brethren, in their eyes, are incompetent idiots who can never do anything right. So as usual. the blame members for not being in the right frame of mind.  That wrong thinking then allows "believers" to be led astray by unscrupulous men like Bob Thiel and James Malm...and Norbert Link.
When we seek to conquer and overcome our own mountain of human carnality, are we being conscientious in how we attain that goal?  Spiritual recklessness can cause our own defeat and quite possibly that of those around us. Christ warns of this mindset and the dangers it poses, “‘But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea’”(Mark 9:42).
There is no place in God’s Family for those that lead believers astray. Those words are terrifying in implication and will be the ruin of many who have walked this earth lead by deceit. But the warning given by Christ should not dissuade us from trying to do good. We must continually lead by example and be lights to those in darkness. Christ didn’t call us IN perfection, He called us TO perfection. Paul, with all of his troubles, understood this quite well. “For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:6-8).
All of these men who have started the various splinter groups set themselves up as the chieftains of their empires.  God had no part in it.  These self-appointed upstarts are the ones leading brethren astray and down paths that lead them further and further away from the One, they are supposed to be following and finding their rest in. Jesus Christ died and is still on the Masonic Lodge or high school gym floor where he remains till next year. They never seem to go any further than that death. What it did and accomplished are rarely discussed.  If they did, there would be zero excuses in running CEG or any of the other splinter groups that these charlatans use to deceive members.


  1. I tried watching Norbert Link's broadcast the other day. I could only get through about 2 minutes until I had to turn him off. What a smug self-righteous man! His messages are about as pathetic as Bob Thiel's.

  2. Everybody who was ever part of Armstrongism seems to want to ascend to a position of leadership. And they do this by making all manner of inane pronouncements to draw attention to themselves. What ever happened to just wanting to do a good job, with the hopes of that benefitting those around us? This Norbert dude is a typical douche.

    Best compliment to me has always been, "Hey, you did a good job for me. You're a value add."


  3. Link is as incompetent as KLINK was on Hogans Heroes!

    At least the character of Colonel Klink could make one laugh on occasion. Norbert Link, not so.

    Without people taking risks, such as sailing around the world, or going to the moon, or exploring uncharted lands, the world would be a much different and less achieved place. Setting goals and accomplishing them is a primal human desire. Climbing Mt. Everest does not personally "buzz my top", but we should be careful about this kind of judgement, as my personal goal to finish a Marathon race may appear to be infantile or worthless to someone else.

    Again, another example of an authority figure exercising far too much reach and trying to "Make the world into their own image". HWA was very guilty of the same, putting down things like country music, or "working with ones hands", or football, and many other issues, simply because they were not personal likings of his.


  4. Tonto at 9:14 AM said...“HWA was very guilty of the same, putting down things like country music, or 'working with ones hands', or football, and many other issues, simply because they were not personal likings of his.”

    There is some noise that passes for “Country Music” that should really be in its own “Smokey Barroom Adultery Whining” classification.

  5. What guy normally chooses to go by "Norbert" instead of his middle name??? Oh well. It does rhyme with Herbert, so maybe he thought he'd get some bounce from that.

    Unfortunately, as in the case of Bob Thiel or James Malm, in the end he will probably discover that nobody really cares what he has to say except for him.


  6. OMG hasn't Norbert ever fattened up since last I saw him. He looks like a German version of Raymond McNair now. How do ministers get their hair to do that? His hair didn't look like that last time I saw him. And now he's ordained himself to Evangelist rank! This is so much classic WCG posturing. There's no way I could hang with this crap anymore. Makes me wanna vomit. So many people who feel they have to have the god show every Saturday, but your god show won't do, I have to start my own god show! Everybody's gotta play church. They think it's getting them somewhere. What a waste of time and energy.

  7. What guy normally chooses to go by "Norbert" instead of his middle name???

    Maybe he doesn't have a middle name? He can't go by a nickname, or (as 9:13PM hinted) the rotund Evangelist might have to be "Sausage" Link. He keeps kosher, though, so it would be turkey sausage for sure, as he certainly is a TURKEY.
