Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Hallelujah! God has a plan on getting his word out even if the governments censor COG leaders

Hallelujah!  God is powerful and on his throne, as he patiently waits for COG leaders to get their acts together and their "gospel" message out. Sadly though, the vile unclean spirits that run governments and internet providers are censoring COG leaders from preaching the truth.  SHOCKING!   I know!  Who could have ever imagined????????

Never fear though, Wonder Bob is here!  Swooping down with his arms flailing about as he holds his big thick bible up to guide his way. COG members stand in awe at his world-class video productions that use the finest handcrafted bookcases, elegant linens for curtains and brass doorknobs, as they eagerly mail in request cards to join up.  After all, God has a plan and it does NOT involve you!  There is only one true man doing a work today. There is only one true man who is continually persecuted!  Satan is surely angry!

Prepared to be amazed and frightened at the same time!

12/06/19 a.m. LCG sent out the following today:
“Hate speech” is a rapidly spreading international catchphrase that is gaining traction in legislatures around the globe. As a result, freedom of speech clauses in constitutions and legal codes all around the world are coming under attack. Words and phrases that were considered fair and legal for many decades or centuries are being challenged and declared threatening and illegal.
Now, as a reaction to the way social media has been employed to foment violence across the nation, Nigeria is poised to become one of the leading nations in the “hate speech” movement. The senate of Nigeria has proposed a law that says any individuals who are convicted of spreading certain kinds of speech could be jailed for life—even resulting in their execution by hanging if it is judged that their speech caused loss of life (Deutsche Welle, November 26, 2019). Severe hate speech laws will also be drafted and applied to the broadcast media—especially independent media sources.
While these laws can be formulated with a sincere desire to prevent stirring up hatred and violence, there are also more ominous ramifications. “Hate speech” laws in some nations are now being used by some activists and politicians to silence any reference to biblical moral values that clash with their licentious and immoral agendas. In such countries, this means that preaching the Gospel and spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ or making any reference to end-time Bible prophecies will become increasingly difficult. The Bible foretold that the time will come when there will be “a famine… of hearing the words of the Lord” (Amos 8:11). The appearance and rapid spread of these “hate speech” laws could be one tool used by some to fulfill this ancient prophecy.
Surpression of speech is happening more and more. Someone who was speaking out against vaccinations was recently arrested for doing so in Samoa. 
But, God has a plan to get His word out, despite, actions from various governments--and we in the CCOG are working on it.

Bwana Bob is working on it!  Hallelujah!


  1. "Surpression"? This guy doesn't even know how to use a spell-checker, but wants us to accept him as God's mouthpiece?

  2. Governments would be advised to take a close look at LCG's elitist/racist Anglo-Israel-Theory that, though discredited, they are still pushing hard and have their stupid book on this still listed on their website!

  3. All the ACOGs have black belts in suppression of speech.

  4. Warning! Sarc-gasm alert!

    Ah, yes! We must be allowed to continue to use the Bible to condemn others, and to consign them to eternal damnation. I mean, how could we preach the gospel of Jesus Christ without the freedom to do that?


  5. Does Bob have a plan to let everyone have "decoder rings" , so that the "word" can go out without government censorship? Time will tell!

  6. Mr. Thiel just needs to open the door. No worries when the door is open.

    I watched a few of his sermons that looked like they were filmed in a hotel room with a closed door as a backdrop. I don't think the self proclaimed legitimate "Philadelphian" church of God, who supposedly has the gift of an open door, is moving the COG populace with a closed door right over their "overseer's" shoulder in some of their videos.

    So Bob Thiel with closed curtains, closed windows and closed doors as video backdrops is coming up with a plan to avoid possible life in prison or execution concerning his message?

    Some suggestions for Mr. Thiel. Number one, you could get yourself a gate. My local agricultural supply has an economy gate for $89.00. Get someone to install it for you and maybe you will have $250.00 total in it. Now this won't put you in the neighborhood of apostle Pack's $60,000 gate, but remember apostles outrank prophets. This isn't an outlandish idea. Prophet Pack has determined that the example of how God's way works - only works behind a gate. Don't get discouraged Mr. Thiel, the closed gate would be just like your other videos with everything closed behind you.

    You could Mr. Thiel go with the bunker option. If you know how to work a shovel and can push a wheelbarrow and don't mind a little bit of sweat on your brow, you could probably build it pretty cheaply. Or you could go extravagant and spend $100,000. Again this shouldn't leave you downtrodden because what would be the difference if there were concrete walls for your video backdrop.

    Just some helpful tips to help you execute your plan that falls right in line with your example of closing yourself in and protecting yourself and to show the world that God's way only works and functions behind closed doors.

  7. I hate to keep rubbing it in, but this is what you people who willfully continue to believe the lie of British Israelism have to look forward to: the charlatan of your choice's version of Jonestown as your place of "safety". So, roll the dice! Not too many people are voting for Bob Thiel, and, let's face it, unless this dude is masterfully passive-aggressive, there is a plethora of more malignant leaders from which to choose. Or, you could just finally realize that it's all a scam based on lies, get on with your life, and begin to develop your talents and transition from victim to survivor, operating in strong adult mode. It's your choice!


  8. You have removed an entire previous post about Ministers and Members wearing masks. That is very telling.

    Can i ask what is the real point of the existence of this website?

    Are you as removed from the AC elite as you say?

    Who really controls this website?

    The truth still exists that Ministers and others in high positions of power within the COG organisation are using this website for double life reasons.
    It is not fair or just on the average everyday membership.

    Your website is strangely helping and protecting them to get away with it.

    A powerless member.

  9. For years Bob has been hoping that he'll be special enough to warrant that kind of attention. Still hasn't happened.

  10. "hate speech" is anything that disagrees with the liberal position.

    NHS in UK is threatening to withhold treatment from anyone who embraces "wrong ideas" in regard to homosexuals/trans-whatever. (you can find the story in the British papers)

    poke fun at the COG if you want.....but remember, the day is coming.

  11. 9:34 AM

    I read just a CGG commentary reviewing Mark Dice's "The Liberal Media Industrial Complex" that made some salient points:

    National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden once noted, Businesses that make money by collecting and selling detailed records of private lives were once plainly described as ‘surveillance companies.' Their rebranding as ‘social media’ is the most successful deception since the Department of War became the Department of Defense...Kate Conger and Sheera Frenkel in their August 28, 2019 New York Times article “Dozens at Facebook Unite to Challenge Its ‘Intolerant’ Liberal Culture,” stated that Facebook posted on their internal message board a thread titled “We Have a Problem With Political Diversity” that explained, “We are a political monoculture that’s intolerant of different views.” It went on to say, “We claim to welcome all perspectives, but are quick to attack—often in mobs— anyone who presents a view that appears to be in opposition to left-leaning ideology”...Since 2018, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and You Tube have undertaken drastic steps to damage and destroy enemies of the ‘progressive’ anti-God culture, including blocking content Facebook doesn’t want people to see, cancelling accounts, banning undesirable users, demonetizing accounts, creating black lists of individuals accused of hate speech, which includes disapproval of abortion, disapproval of homosexual life-styles, disapproval of open borders, climate-change deniers and vaccine deniers.

    I believe that when the time comes in the future God will send His two witnesses who will, with the supernatural power of God Himself, plague the nations as they both see fit in their preaching the everlasting gospel and bearing witness against the beast and false prophet. In the end, all the feeble attempts by the self-righteous anti-God, anti-Christian, anti-libertarian brigade to silence Christians and the teachings of the Christian Bible will come to naught in that day.

  12. 9:18 The hilarious thing is that there are leftists here who claim to be moderate. ROFLOL

    That's what happens the further left the centrist line is drawn. 😂

  13. 4:15 ~ And, the leftists don't believe I'm a centrist either, because I'm vehemently against abortion, a very vocal defender of our Second Amendment rights, and I stand in favor of fiscal responsibility and against both parties constantly adding to the national debt to fund their agendas. The problem we face today is that the Democrats have been drawn much further to the left (AOC ring a bell?) and the Republicans have been radicalized towards a Steve Bannon right. This is why there was no good choice, no balanced candidate in the last presidential election. Currently, the two parties have incapacitated their own abilities to govern, because they are galvanized for civil war over their extreme agendas. The impeachment farce just underscores this. Individual party members are not permitted to vote for truth or in accordance with their consciences or they will lose their accumulated status, and most likely be "primaried" next election cycle. The Democrat House will vote to impeach, and the Republican Senate will acquit. If there is any trouble, it goes to the Supreme Court, which is currently marginally Republican.

  14. Let’s indeed stick to the Bible.
    Righteous Lot was willing to offer his virgin daughters to be gang raped.
    Healings- another COG lie about what the Bible really says - God does not promise when He will heal. Oh yes He does- all the recorded healings in the Bible were immediate. Either the Bible is true and the COG groups are not really Christian or the scriptures are fictional and it doesn’t matter

  15. BB you're not a centrist! Having some left views and some right views does not make you a centrist. I agree that the last election we didn't have any good choices. Hell by the time the primaries got to my state the Republican candidate had already been decided. I voted for the one that I saw as the lesser of two evils and it wasn't a woman though I'd have voted for Cara "Carly" Fiorina in the primary if her name was on the ballot but as I said by time it got to us it was moot.

  16. OK, so what makes me not a centrist? Family, friends, and neighbors have always seen me as just your average, easy going working guy who pays his taxes, drinks beer and likes rock n roll and country western. Is it my acknowledgement of climate science? Is that what bugs you?


  17. Or, my desire for equality for minorities, women, and members of the LGBTQ+ community? Humane treatment of immigrants? Do those things make me a leftist, in your opinion?

    I'm sure it's not because of my pro-Israel stance, or my belief that we should nuke North Korea.

    I guess my question for you is, how do you put a person of such eclectic views in a box so that you can even begin to predict their opinions or manage them? I'm not a party line person. I evaluate each issue case by case, and develop an opinion consistent with my bank of knowledge, personal experience, and sense of right and wrong. And, that just pisses people off righteously, because what most folks who are idealogues are looking for is other people who are philosophically aligned with them. They consider group-think alignment to be loyalty, and then they open up and trust. Otherwise, they break out the labels and derogatory names.


  18. BB 1:09 made me think of Arnie’s astute comments re public vs party servant.

