Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

WCG Africa Endorsing New Kenya President

Here is a first for an Armsrrongite related group to be publicly endorsing a political leader.  Though don not forget that many of them do it stealthily as they blackball any Democrat/liberal leader while supporting conservative leadership.  The Philadelphia Church of God is the biggest offender in this, with LCG closely following.

Others, like the false prophets of doom and gloom in the church, will use any political leader they can find to prop up their delusional rants.

Actually, it is probably a good thing that these people do not vote.  They cannot make educated and well thought out predictions or preach a well thought out sermon, so how can we expect them to think through things before they vote?

Leaders root for Nyaga to succeed Uhuru as Mt Kenya region’s kingpin

The race to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta as the Mt Kenya region kingpin is gaining momentum as the clock ticks towards the 2022 General Election.

With slightly less than three years left to the poll, there have been heightened political activities in the region, with several leaders criss-crossing the area with their eyes trained on taking up the region’s mantle once Mr Kenyatta retires.

The move by some Mt Kenya religious and business leaders to endorse former presidential candidate Joseph Nyaga as the region’s next kingpin is the latest development in the succession battle.

The leaders said Mr Nyaga is best suited to take the region’s leadership owing to his immense experience in politics and government.

Led by Bishop Johana Ndirangu of Akorino Faithful Church, the group said Mr Nyaga has all the necessary qualifications to be the region’s kingpin.

“As a church, we feel that Mr Nyaga is the voice of reason that the region needs. He has had an illustrious political career and, therefore, has the requisite experience,” said Bishop Ndirangu in Nakuru.


Rev Patrick Kinuthia of Worldwide Church of God in Murang’a said that due to Mr Nyaga’s vast experience in politics, spanning more than two decades, he is best suited to unite the region’s divided leaders.

“It is paramount that the region goes to the 2022 General Election speaking with one voice. Currently, leaders in the region are sharply divided, which is not a good thing,” he said.

Leaders in the region are divided into two groups: Tangatanga, which supports Deputy President William Ruto’s 2022 presidential ambitions, and Kieleweke, which supports the President.

The two camps do not see eye to eye, with leaders in both factions going for each other’s jugular at public functions.

“With his immense experience in politics and being an elder in the game, it is our belief that he can unite these leaders,” he added.


  1. Does the WCG in Kenya still call itself Worldwide Church of God, and has not transitioned itself to using "Grace Communion International"??

  2. In Africa, England and other places it is still called WCG, but as part of GCI. These people should not be confused with the Kitchen’s who claim the use of the Worldwide Church of God for their own use. They stole it like they have all the church literature.

  3. In hindsight, it is noteworthy that HWA belittled the Carter/Reagan election, calling it a show of "little incompetent men vying for the prize". Although Reagan's fandom has faded a little since, US conservatives of the time and for some time after fawned heavily over Reagan. He even placed highly in an 80s Youth magazine poll for "Most Admired" (#4 behind "Parents", "God/Jesus Christ" and "Herbert W. Armstrong".

    Nowadays, we have Gerald Flurry naming the current President as "Jeroboam", though his so-called "watershed" article proclaiming that seems to badly confuse Jeroboam II with the earlier Jeroboam, even though they were about twelve kings apart in time.

  4. 5.16 PM
    Donald Trump is a independent minded, assertive and outspoken individual. The very qualities the church condemns in it's members. It's therefore to be expected that they would smear the man.

  5. 7:02 AM
    Donald Trump at minimum is a lying, covetous, adulterous, idolater. It’s not smearing. It’s fact. And if you admire such a man I must question your morals.

  6. 4:16am You just described JFK and most likely every President that we've ever had! Anything is better than the Hildabeast!

    1. 8:19 AM
      Says a lot then about those Americans who voted for such “able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness” not!

  7. For the record, in finding Flurrys article, I first came across a later one written by another PCG ministurd that manages to keep the Jeroboams straight. I guess they dont want to openly correct the old man.

  8. Has anyone been listening to the shocking information coming out in the Senate impeachment trial? Sad fact of the matter is that the partisans already have their minds made up. It'd be bad enough to be investigated by our own FBI, ATF, IRS, or local police, but what American citizen would find it acceptable for themselves to be investigated by a foreign intelligence agency?


  9. BB

    I know an American person who was investigated by German Intelligence before meeting one of its most prominent conservative leaders on his campus and
    apparently had written articles in his mass publication magazine not particularly favorable toward the new and fledgling democracy (only starting to address its past in 1968 while fighting the Rote Armee Fraktion) . Just like today's investigations they center around wealthy American individuals and groups sponsoring right wing nationalist European political parties through funding, or other activities. (kinda like the Bannon network, and the Christian right, while the people's focus is on Soros the other side also pours millions of dollars into the battle for hearts and minds of its most important markets, also the Billy Graham network and all modern American funding of right wing Europeans is under investigation, but the funding is as old as Henry Ford)

    No it was not the musician visiting and apparently it was just (the best ever, his words) sleepover before meeting the real deal in the LA basin.


  10. 6:43pm King David was no better. I detect a little self-righteousness in your tone.

    1. 4:43 AM
      I don’t believe people pointing out the sinful behavior of a right wing or left wing leader makes them self-righteous. Neither are they self-righteous if they question the morals of those who vote for or idolize a leader with questionable morals. I find it hypocritical left wing voters condemn the right wing leaders for their vices while right wing voters condemn the left wing leaders for their vices—and it’s usually the same vices! But, to the left wing or right wing voter their party leader’s vices ought to be excused—unlike the opposing leader!—since they’re the party’s promised Messiah who can do no wrong and is being unjustly persecuted by the opposing side. It’s nothing but a big con game and total BS!

  11. "but what American citizen would find it acceptable for themselves to be investigated by a foreign intelligence agency?


    Not sure if you're referring to Hunter Biden or not but once "an American" becomes a paid member of a foreign companies board, why shouldn't that foreign country be allowed to investigate him?

  12. "allowed to"???

    They did not want to. They were blackmailed into it, according to testimony, and finally, were told that they did not have to actually investigate, they just needed to publically announce that they were doing so.

    You may want to actually listen to the trial. I somewhat thought the same way as you before hearing what is coming out. This is not just a yawner or a hoax. It is absolutely incendiary.


  13. You might want to actually read the transcript. There was no quid pro quo, so therefore no blackmail. The left are spinning the facts and gullible people are believing them.

    Here's how it works, Trump says that Biden most likely participated in corruption at Burisma. The left say that hasn't been proven therefore it's a lie.

    The left say that Trump demanded Zelenski to investigate Biden in order to help his campaign. Though there's no proof of this the left present it as fact and gullible Americans believe them.

    What happened to there's no proof therefore it's a lie? How about Schiff claiming in Congress that Trump asked Zelenski seven times to investigate Biden. Read the transcript, that's a lie. But the Democrats have never lived by their own rules have they?

    You probably believe everything the supposed "fact checkers" Politifact claim. They are so biased it's pitiful.

    What does Biden have to hide that there's so much effort going on to keep him from being investigated?

    Reminds one of all the Clinton evil that has been swept under the rug. Very few even have a clue of what happened in Skolkovo.

  14. If they "didn't want to then why your 9:54pm complaint about a foreign nation investigating an American? The way you asked the question implies that nation "wanted to" there was nothing about blackmail.

    How can it be blackmail if Zelenski said himself that there was no pressure?

    You probably think he's lying, but you believe the likes of Yovanovitch who lost her job. Amazing.

  15. I guess I'm blessed in being able to listen to the trial on my car radio as I spend hours on the road in my travels. The trial managers are not only stating their case, they are supporting it with recorded sworn testimony of the witnesses who appeared before them. The article of impeachment to which I was referring was covered exhaustively yesterday. Trial managers are also documenting specific emails known from testimony to exist, but which are being suppressed or heavily redacted. In so doing, they are not only making their case to the US Senate, but also making the public aware of what documentation exists that will be suppressed and not allowed into evidence. Marie Yovanovitch was thought of highly enough soas to be appointed as Ambassador to several nations over her career by both Republican and Democratic presidents.

    BTW, I'm not a partisan. Listening to the testimony years ago on the Iran-Contra affair, I found Ollie North to be the most credible voice on the realities of its events.

    I was not able to make a clear cut decision regarding the confirmation of Judge Robert Bork from listening to those hearings.

    The activities of President Clinton both disgusted and disappointed me, but I did not feel they warranted his removal. He behaved in the same manner as numerous other recent presidents.

    Unless you are actually listening to the trial, it is really pointless to discuss it with you. The blackmail and pressure issues were covered yesterday, as well as quid pro quo, at approximately 4:00-5:30 MST (Thursday) afternoon.


  16. BB, Obviously you are one of the gullible believing the lies created by the Dems. Much like the Russian collusion crap. What about the Steele Dossier pushed by the Obama administration and used to get the illegal FISA warrents on Page? You're non- partisan, yeah, yeah ,yeah, like Bernie Sanders is middle of the road. B.S.

    Why is it that the first thing the leftists do is accuse the other of ignorance? Or in this case not listening to the trial.

    "Recorded sworn testom" ah, you mean like "I did not have sex with that woman"? You expect us to believe them when so many have been out to impeach Trump since day one? Why didn't the Dems allow Republicans to call witnesses in the impeachment? Now they are demanding the Senate to allow more witnesses. It's all bullshit and it really doesn't surprise me that you believe Schiff.

    You're correct, no point discussing it with you because you seem to believe everything the Dems say.

  17. BTW Clinton wasn't impeached because he received you know what. He was impeached because he lied under oath and therefore obstructing justice. Isn't that the big hullabaloo against Trump? Why should Trump be removed but not Clinton?


    It's a good thing that Republicans have the majority and it isn't likely that enough, if any, will side with the Dems to get a two thirds majority. Especially after Nadler's accusations.

  18. BTW, that's the end of our discussion. New Year's resolution: No more time wasted in lengthy discussions with an anonymous poster or posters. My time is in extremely short supply, and far too valuable to waste.

    And, as a final word, 😘 g'bye

  19. I should point out that the end of the longtime policy of discouraging voting was a Tkach reform.

  20. Oh Common BB.

    You are just ending the discussion because the opponent is a lunatic equalling a Democratic BJ to a Republican rape of the very values of the Republic.


  21. Nck, I agree on the lunatic part. However, Clinton did lie under oath.

    As a matter of general information for the greater blogging public, 1) My preferred candidates for last presidential election were Mitt Romney, and Jeb Bush. 2) I do not want the Senate to remove Donald Trump from office. Rather, I want the voting public to realize who and what this man really is, and to rise up and create a landslide against him, totally repudiating him, driving him from office via the ballot box, hopefully losing to the most conservative Democrat possible. However, I may not get the wish for a conservative Democrat, so perhaps a Libertarian could rise to the occasion?

    Having been raised in an abominable and despicable cult, I recognize cultic behavior when I see it. At their very core, President Trump's staunch supporters are indeed nothing less than cultic in their mentality and behavior.


  22. I have stated many times that if 70 percent of the Anglo people believe BI to be true then it becomes true (through an empire by jingo).

    If 70 percent of a jury believe something cannot or should not be qualified as a lie (in the legal sense of definition and consequence) (harming the legal system of the republic), then it ceases to be a lie.

    OJ did kill Nichole as we all know, but he did not according to his peers who were assigned to define.

    If a viable conservative Democrat cannot rise to the occasion, then perhaps we are seeing democrats turn into cultic behavior too.

    I wonder how an entire nation, one way or the other, behaves according to cultic principles, which is nothing more than freewill conformation to (the alleged) thinking and behavior of a group. And who is Cultivating group conformation.

    As the Frenchman asked to spy on the Japanese said in "South Pacific", I know what you are against.... but what are you for.....?

    The entire color scheme in South Pacific changes when Mitzy Gainor puts on her rose glasses and ideals. As a matter of fact she addresses the American public directly, looking straight in the camera when she sing I am as corny as Kansas in August.

    In reality she is as conservative as hell, uncompromising on race relations (why do I feel like I do)...... well because your friend had sexual relations with a Polynesian woman and life is more complicated than they taught back home.


    1. nck 1/24/20 @ 8:53 PM said: “OJ did kill Nichole as we all know, but he did not according to his peers who were assigned to define.”

      Have you watched Who Killed Nicole? (2019) nck? Although repetitive and slow the theory outlined in this doco imo is credible and points the finger for the murders at Glen Rogers “who has since been convicted of two other murders and is suspected of killing others” (https://www.tampabay.com/arts-entertainment/2019/10/03/this-man-is-guilty-in-oj-simpon-case-pasco-man-says-in-documentary/)

    2. 4:35
      Thank you very much for your defense after an accusation and offering an alternative theory at once.

      My point merely is that ultimately "the people" are to decide what constitutes justice.

      In the case of OJ the people decided vengeance upon decades of white prejudiced juries regardless of the merits of the individual case.

      70 percent of the people (voters) in the State vs Clinton thought the impeachment trial ridiculous.

      If Trump were to let trains of Mexicans run to Fema Camps I believe millions of Americans would go to the streets and demand their senators to vote against him. I believe in "the People" still.


  23. Well, nck, I just love that great quote from Linda Ronstadt from her Anderson Cooper interview following the 2016 elections. She was quite disgusted! "It's going to be like Hitler, and the Mexicans are the new Jews!" she said.

    Interestingly, a young Native American lady I know was very concerned back in 2015, leading up to the election. She asked me, "Bob, what do you think will happen to us if Trump is actually elected?" I told her that there were enough checks and balances designed into the system and that these would limit him from doing catastrophic damage. And, now, of course, the fix is in and it appears that he's actually going to succeed in getting around the checks and balances the founding fathers vested in Congress to reign in a corrupt and out of control president.

    I believe that the outcome of the impeachment trial in the Senate will create similar outrage to that following the acquittal of the police officers who beat Rodney King half to death nearly thirty years ago. Only, I don't believe there will be riots. The voters will most likely turn on Trump and prevent the further rape of the values of our representative republic. Also, there is no law against impeaching a president multiple times, if necessary.


  24. LOL Patrick Philbin is tearing the Democrats a new one! Lunatic indeed!

  25. It's the Democrats who are raping the Constitution. Too bad most people are too blind to realize that.

    Just as the country was blinded by the media towards Joseph McCarthy in the 50's, the media are blinding the gullible people again.

    Will it take 40 years to prove that, like the Venona papers vindicated McCarthy in 1995!

    Of course the blind gullible people will deny that the papers vindicated him. Sickening, just like the treatment of Vietnam vets when they returned home, the masses were blinded by the "establishment" haters. They are for the most part the left within the establishment today.

    Joseph McCarthy was called a lunatic, I'm in good company. Go get 'em Patrick Philbin!

  26. Mc Carthy was a usefull fascist in the battle against communism. Just like the former SS and Nazi people in the new democracy of Germany. Or the German rocket scientists used for the nasa space program or Cia backed Nazi escapees to South America who paid their dues as intelligence counterparts.

    The lesser of 2 evils.


  27. Or the fascist mercenaries who killed Dag Hammerskjold on behalf of the CIA and Anglo American mining Corp.


  28. Obviously nck hasn't read anything outside the 1950's propaganda. Here's an example:


    Maybe reading the other side might inform you a little:



    And of course we have the liberals still claiming he was a fascist.


    There are many such sites claiming either McCarthy was right, or that he was a madman.

    Personally I think he was right and all the negativity sent him into alcoholism, which killed him.

    As I said, the American people were dupes falling for the Vietnam vets are "baby killers" propaganda, and are/were just as much duped about McCarthy.

  29. McCarthy? I got it, you are making a joke. Senator Joseph McCarthy is seen retrospectively today as having been an embarrassment to the anti-communist movement, who actually set it back. Much the same as Donald Trump is currently our international embarrassment.

  30. 3:34pm you've got Kool-Aid on your chin!

  31. 3:34pm Do you still have your VW microbus?

  32. nck you've been reading too many conspiracy theories.


  33. Here's another for you nck


  34. Sir.

    I have been reading nothing.
    Just a quick look at his "hearings" give the immediate resemblance to "judge" Julius Streicher's court.

    I have no need for conspiracy theories.
    When I saw "the evidence" for Iraqi weapons of mass destruction presented in the UN, I was banging my head on my desk and nearly crying when my last straw of faith in the American Empire was obliterated by general Powell a man I trusted and saw being used live. Even writing this I recall that moment cringing in my seat as NO EVIDENCE whatsoever was presented as in Mccarthy's "trials".

    I am wondering how you felt, not later but AT THE EXACT TIME, you saw Powell. Did you feel your pride swelling when the most powerful nation on earth was prepped for war?

    And regarding my "Fema camp" remark. A person who can read would be able to discern that I did not say such a thing would occur. I said that I believe in "The People" still ALTHOUGH THEY APPEAR brainwashed like you. I was affirming BB's theory that in general the American voter still is a decent person at its core. Although you may prove me wrong the more you post.


  35. Oh and by the way. I abhor the treatment of the Vietnam vet very much.

    Strategically though and in hindsight. That war accomplished NOTHING positive.
    Although the domino theory and the US "sticking by its allies" sounded mighty swell at the time.

    Taxes should be raised so that the Vietnam vets would receive right compensation for that error of judgment.


  36. Hey, nck. Do you think we're witnessing the return of Nazi Boy? Live, and in color???


  37. BB

    Nazi boy is boring and therefore heavily filtered by the blog algorythm.

    This person seems up to date seeing the recent Pentagon memo stating that the eyewitness to the crime will be protected by all means as senators accuse a national security advisor of "unpatriotic behavior."

    The moment I am bored my personal algorythm will shut him out and then the benigner blog algorythm usually follows suit.

    I can recognize patriotism, also in my opponents. I have been a staunch cold War warrior myself, fighting the odds.

    But I draw a limit when things/discussions get boring.

    Therefore I put a bit of entertainment (South Pacific) in my posting. "I know what you are against, but what are you for....... then I might join you.


  38. Anonymous January 23, 2020 at 8:19 AM said...
    4:16am You just described JFK and most likely every President that we've ever had! Anything is better than the Hildabeast!
    The lesser of 2 evils is...still evil.

  39. nck, have you ever considered the possibility that the truly brainwashed are the ones making the accusations of being brainwashed?

    Or the real ignorant people are the ones accusing the other side of being ignorant? As in the case of todays leftists.

    As far as the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, if you take a month to prepare for war it's easy to transport all those weapons to Syria. It's been proven that Iraq used weapons of mass destruction on Iran in the 80's and later on the Kurds. But the gullible believe it when the media tells them over and over and over and over and over again that the were no weapons of mass destruction.

    You might want to check your ears for suds because you've shown who is really brainwashed!

  40. "Hey, nck. Do you think we're witnessing the return of Nazi Boy? Live, and in color???


    If you don't have a cohesive argument, just use the well worn tool of derision. Sail Alinsky would be proud!

  41. "And regarding my "Fema camp" remark. A person who can read would be able to discern that I did not say such a thing would occur. "

    I don't recall saying that you believed such a thing would occur. Would you mind refreshing my memory?

  42. "Taxes should be raised so that the Vietnam vets would receive right compensation for that error of judgment.


    I agree that taxes should be raised to compensate that era, but it should be the 70 year old former hippies who promulgated the "baby killer" nonsense whose taxes should be raised. Why should those who were only toddlers at the time have to pay for the Jane Fonda crowds' ignorance?

  43. "right from the beginning, McCarthy was vigorously attacked by the mainstream press who called him crazy, ignorant, boorish, crude, venal, rambling, bullying, opportunistic, obnoxious, dishonest, stupid, obscene, rude, unpleasant, ugly, asinine, ruthless, fascist, and contemptible—and the more attention McCarthy gained, the more vicious his critics in the Fourth Estate became."

    What does it mean when your opposition has to resort to name calling?

  44. https://www.offthegridnews.com/misc/mccarthyism-reconsidered-the-real-truth-about-joseph-mccarthy-and-his-tireless-campaign-against-international-communism/

    Of course you all won't give that site any credence.

  45. 4:12

    Hehehheh. I traveled entire Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq border area, Egypt, Lybian desert, Central Asia, North Africa and many more and found no weapons of mass destruction.

    I agree, my ears can be plugged with sand or suds. But I try and clean often.


  46. From my years in these blogs and forums, my observations are that kooks generally cite other kooks as their resources and authorities. That is the source of their weirdness. Continuing to be a kook is a choice, and while I generally appreciate people who have non-mainstream personalities, I have no patience for or tolerance for the more aggressive kooks amongst us. It relates to all the damage caused in my early life by a kook named Armstrong. History has recognized that Joseph McCarthy did far more damage than he did good. He did major damage to peoples' livelihoods and careers, much of it based on coerced testimony, rumors, and innuendos. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights protects our freedoms, beliefs, and political orientations, It cannot be made illegal for US citizens to be communist. It is illegal, however, to preach or attempt to foment the overthrow of our republic by violent revolution.

    As someone who profited from Armstrongish beliefs by avoiding Vietnam, I have apologized to some veterans whom I knew, even as I assured them that I was most definitely not one of the hippies who were protesting the war in the streets or spitting on veterans and calling them baby killers. Even though I did not participate myself, I wanted America to win that war! One vet shared with me that he had realized later in life that Vietnam wasn't even about our national interests, or defending our country. The guys who had been drafted were set up as cannon fodder, and most had had no choice. That's why it was especially traumatic, after all they went through over there, to be mistreated as they were, upon coming home. I know that professors at some college and university mistreated some of the the soldiers who took advantage of the GI Bill of Rights to continue their education.

    The internet is often thought provoking, and educational. However, there is a fine line between education, or pseudo-education from the kooks. Do they have the same freedoms and protections as so-called normal people? Of course they do. I choose to self-censor, and to avoid them because of having been forced by my parents into the kookiness of Armstrongism, and my lifelong fight with PTSD caused by "childrearing, God's way" as it was euphemistically called. PTSD is a protection preventing further damage, but it is much better for quality of life if one's mind is never pushed into that natural defense mechanism in the first place.


  47. Maybe you should educate yourself on the "Red Scare"!


  48. How about everyone reading this do a little research into the Venona papers? And quit relying on the media and popular culture for your information.

  49. 5:39

    I mostly focus on wcg - and 2nd red scare on this blog, which is my fetish.

    There is however NO WAY of understanding the life work and times of HWA if one is not acquinted with the 1st Red Scare that heavily influenced 20 something HWA worldview.
    (perhaps the works and pamphlets at his uncles printing press futher educated hwa about this influential new utopian philosophy, but moreso the radical change and unrest in American society itself as influenced by the labor movement and reported on in the newspapers of the time)

    Most all of the 1950 PT articles cited on this blog by people trying to claim hwa was racist this or whatever that, ALL deal with the COMMUNIST threat and the fight against that "godles scourge."


  50. LOL Ken Starr is kicking the partisan impeachments hiney!
