Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, February 9, 2020

COGWA Crowing About Latest UCG Defections

United Church of God continues its slide down the rabbit hole into oblivion as more members and another minister defect to join up with the Church of God a Worldwide Association.  This time it was the Reno Nevada congregation that jumped ship.

The boys in Cincinnati love to present themselves as the most unified COG ever doing the most up to date and relevant message ever presented by a COG. Yet, despite this constant back slapping, they are losing members who are tired of the same old dull crap being preached.

After UCG pastor Mike Fike resigned  along with all of his ordained assistants along and with the entire congregation jumping ship with them to COGWA, COGWA sent out a letter from Dave Register:

Hi Everyone,
We had a wonderful first “official” Sabbath service in Reno last Sabbath with 24 attending! Thank you to everyone who had a part in putting the service together! A special thanks to the Yutzys for finding a meeting room (and guest room for parents/children) at the Hampton Inn, and hosting our first “pot luck” Saturday evening at their home! I hope you all got to taste Craig’s “award winning” chili! Everything was delicious! Thank you all, again!
I am also pleased to announce we have made arrangements to meet each and every Sabbath at 2:30 pm in the conference room (and guest room down the hall for parents/children) at the Hampton Inn Reno West! I hope you will make every effort to be there each Sabbath for important fellowship and worship together, as we establish our new congregation! 
You will also be receiving the Pastors Weekly Update that I send to everyone on my NorCal email list. But, I wanted to let you know that Mr. Clyde Kilough, Mr. Doug Horchak, and Mr. Jim Franks are all enthusiastic about the start of our congregation in Reno, and they have all agreed to come and visit in the near future! Mr. Clyde Kilough (Media Operations Manager and previous Reno Pastor) is scheduled to visit Reno on the Sabbaths of March 7th, and May 30th, Mr. Doug Horchak (Ministerial Services Operations Manager) is planning to come to take the Passover service on April 7th, and Mr. Jim Franks (COGWA President) is tentatively scheduled to visit on Sabbath, June 13th!
The meeting hall information is: 
Hilton’s Hampton Inn & Suites — Reno West
900 Ambassador Drive, Reno, NV 89523
Time: 2:30 pm on February 1st 
Linda and I are looking forward to seeing all of you again in a couple of weeks, on February 29th! 
Warmest regards,
David Register, Pastor


  1. That Reno church has to be very small. I was there 20 years ago and it was minute in size. It sure ass hell didn't grow. There is no attraction to doom porn.

    1. Such language I see you aren’t Christian so don’t comment


  2. If the UCG gets too small to support his paycheck after the coming “reinvention,” will Victor Kubik try to move over to COGWA to get another paycheck?

    If so, will Victor Kubik apologize to anyone in COGWA that he helped to chase out of the UCG in the past, or will he refuse and say that he was just doing his job?

  3. Poor people. They're so caught up in Armstrongism and longing for the glories of the past that they can't see the obvious disintegration of all the splits. They're too blinded to even consider the fact that it's all (all the splinters) a grand delusion and just a new phase of Millerism.

  4. Why does a whole congregation suddenly go splinter surfing? I realize that we're talking about a relatively small congregation, but at a time when the major splinters are having difficulty adding a few hundred new members per year, a defection like this ends up being a huge portion of the growth pie.


  5. Been involved with the crazy whacy-ness of the HWA/WCG world for a long time, and started to think I knew everything, then this rolls along:


    I swear i thought Robert Palmer wrote it.....guess I was too young.


  6. What UCG fail to grasp is that their rebels within the UCG Ministry are the biggest free advertising for COGWA.

    Yes im talking to you arrogant UCG bloggers on here.

  7. I remember how badly UCG ministers and loyalist behaved in 2010. I remember the lies they told, and I'm not talking about lies about others, but the lies they told about themselves, like John Elliott saying the UCG ministry are literally the inheritors of the mantle of the Old Testament Levitical priesthood...

    I mean, just let that sink in for a moment...

    What does UCG have to offer? Garbage like that?

    I went to COGWA for a bit, and it was so apparent to me how everyone there was just so desperate to have a god show to go to every Saturday. But why? So they could feel a particular way by hearing a 50-year-old sermon read to them for the 50th time?

    What does COGWA have to offer? Anything better?

    Tell me one benefit that people who devote their lives to these organizations reap from it besides just being a member of a social club.

    Oh, and tell me one benefit people reap from being lied to.

    I feel sorry for people still stuck in the Armstrong rut, chasing after a benefit that cannot be obtained there like a dog chasing it's tail.

    1. Why do i not believe your comments Anon 12:14.

  8. The name UNITED church of God is a red flag. Unity is commie theme that is used as a club to beat down, imprison, torture dissidents. Unity is natural consequence from following Christ rather than something imposed from above.
    I don't find prison camps, re education centers or gulags in the new testament.

  9. Anon February 10, 2020 at 12:14 AM

    They asked for it, they deserve it. Die stumme Kreatur!

  10. LXX,February 9, 2020 at 9:30 PM, said...

    "Been involved with the crazy whacy-ness of the HWA/WCG world for a long time, and started to think I knew everything, then this rolls along:


    I swear i thought Robert Palmer wrote it.....guess I was too young.
    That music is simply irresistible, but it conjures up in my mind the memories of David Register back about 1985 when the Boston Church of WCG played that musical video at the conclusion of viewing photos of brethren attending various functions over the previous 25 years.

    So, this is simply irresistible to ask, but did you have Dave Register in mind, b/c Dave looks a lot like Robert Palmer? Well, at least, he did back in 1985.


  11. SAD, SAD, SAD! Most of these groups have no growth to speak of - Ian Boyne in Jamaica was one of the few Armstrongists who was actually adding numbers to his group (and he's dead). These aging remnants of the Worldwide Church of God cannot seem to attract any interest from the general public, so they troll each other for new members. It won't be long now till there's nothing left to cannibalize!

  12. The Yutzys want to run the show, and for now they are useful to COGWA. However, when the Home Office starts to sideline them in favor of the good old boy network, they'll regret their decision.

  13. Anon, February 10, 2020 at 12:14 AM. said:
    "...I remember how badly UCG ministers and loyalist behaved in 2010. I remember the lies they told, and I'm not talking about lies about others, but the lies they told about themselves, like John Elliott saying the UCG ministry are literally the inheritors of the mantle of the Old Testament Levitical priesthood...

    I mean, just let that sink in for a moment...

    ...Oh, and tell me one benefit people reap from being lied to.

    I feel sorry for people still stuck in the Armstrong rut, chasing after a benefit that cannot be obtained there like a dog chasing it's tail..."
    Allowing that comment sink in about "the Old Testament Levitical priesthood," HWA taught against voting, and voting is one of the first things the United Ass. did in 1995 when the ministers/hirelings (leaving their ministerial credentials behind in Pasadena) re-gathered and "re-credentialed" themselves. I remember an individual at the 1995 Indianapolis Conference asking Denny Luker, paraphrasing some: "Can this new Ass. prove they are part of some Levitical priesthood and be authorized to receive tithes?"

    Of course, Denny couldn't answer that question then, but said they'd look into it and get back to the individual...which they never did do to this day.

    Time did tell on that one!

    Vic Kubik read the following memo (kind of like a prophecy) written by another minister to all attending the Indy Conference on the last day just before all departed to head home:
    CAN IT EVER BE? That cohesive, Christ-led entity that we all want so dearly? Or does Indy seal our fate to factions and factions? The hopes are high, the stakes are critical. Indy will be either a dawning of a New World Tomorrow, or the proof of our folly.

    PIE IN THE SKY is what the detractors say. Some of them are us, you know. Our “leaders” have already laid foundations and are even laying superstructure. The meek words of just a few weeks ago… “We’ve just started this in case it’s of any help, but we’ll gladly dissolve it” are seemingly replaced with corporate structure lauding the wisdom of “follow me.” Has “unity” already slipped to a cliché, a buzzword of egotists? I’ve seen that once people invest time, money and gain supporters they “have God’s blessing.” After all, they prayed about it.

    Dissolution of their structure for a greater cause becomes too great a defeat. The show must go on.

    WHAT IS INDY? It’s a chance for a ground up, New Testament organized body of believers.

    WHAT WILL INDY BE? I know what you and I want it to be. But do you know what many see it as? Separate leaders of several pre-formed groups pushing their system at each other, followed by the winner selling it to the ministry. The ministry is invited to view the outcome and cast in their lot, depending on who "wins" and if they like the smell of it.

    WHO LOOSES IF INDY FALTERS? The churches back home. The little flocks who are staking their faith in Indy. The loyal pastors who have forfeited everything to wait on Christ and to come learn his will for their next step. I hope He’s there. He resists the proud and gives grace to the humble.

    Just some concerns and fears…I don’t know what it WILL be, I know what it MIGHT be and what it CAN be. I’ll be there in support. Be careful who gets control. Make sure it’s God.
    So far, the show has gone on, but so have the dissolutions...


  14. Why does a whole congregation suddenly go splinter surfing?

    Shortly after I attended the Sydney Australia WCG in 1974 there was a story that most of the Brisbane Queensland church quit. The dropout apparently occurred during a "Garden of Eden" sermon. The sermon may have been about the "Two Trees" but when the minister described God zipping around the Garden riding on a Cherub, the congregation had enough.

    1. Yep I looked it up.
      In 1970. Erich von Daeniken published "Chariots of the God's". As I said in the other post.

      I'd think they rather defected because of Gaahna Ted Hamstrungs shenennigans.


  15. It's interesting to put so much credit toward Mr. Armstrong and to say that he was some kind of indoctrinator. Didn't he say "don't believe me, believe your bibles"? Bashing a people who are looking for cohesiveness and a place to call a home congregation is nothing to be scoffed at. Faith should be important to everyone and God's word is truth and should be adhered to, along with His doctrines. What benefit do you get out of bashing and attempting to browbeat the administration of any organization? Seems the only benefit is to make yourself feel better which of course is selfish and doesn't really do anyone any good. Perhaps a little less complaining will lead to a little more peace.


  16. If the UCG tries to “reinvent” itself, more people might jump over from the UCG to COGWA.

    Hopefully the really rotten people in the UCG will stay there rather than moving over to try to corrupt COGWA too.

  17. "God zipping around the Garden riding on a Cherub"

    The description of a cherub in Ezechiel matches that of a modern UFO from close encounters.
    Matched with the Babylonian Cherubs in the air as Von Daeniken thought fit to write about, we have God(s) riding on Cherubs as the ORIGINAL story.


  18. Where is a cow lover to go?
    I'm goin' down the road feelin' bad and don't wanna be treated this a-way.

    I had to moo-ooove, really had to moo-ooove.

  19. "don't believe me, believe your bibles"

    How often did you hear HWA, or any minister, say that to a congregation? In the late 1970s there was an article in the WWN in which HWA said "don't believe me, believe your bibles" only applied to "outsiders" - once you became a member, you had "proved" he was right, so, it seems, he was now "always" right.

  20. 8:38 Keep us updated on if your COGWA attendance is corrupted by those "rotten people in the UCG".

  21. Anon at 838 am:

    Don't be fooled or drink the kool-aid. The cogwarts are extremely corrupt already, and even more so than the bumbling fools at ucg.

    cogwa is the epitome of the cogs masquerading as sheep in wolves clothing. While the hypocrisy and self-righteousness of many cog leaders are blatantly apparent, cogwa lies low in a sinister way. Judgmental and condemning attitudes from the self-righteous hirelings are as rampant in cogwa as in other cogs, but just more carefully concealed. cogwa is a splinter founded on lies and slander more than anything biblical, harshly ruled by the cronyism, and for the financial support of, the good ole boy's country clubbers. It is a whited sepulcher to beware of.

    Spiritual inbreeding and indoctrination from the AC and WCG years have seemingly produced a limited genetic pool in the cogs, no matter what their differences, as each claims either directly or by inference to be the only true cog.

    The elitist cogwads only care about their income and retirements, and by flying below the radar escape detection when in reality they are one of the most abusive, heartless and non-caring cogs on the manipulative market.

  22. Sounds like it is a lot like an episode of RENO 911 , the Comedy Central satire series! Cops and robbers at a spiritual level!

  23. HWA admitted his own research indicated Sabbath-keeping was not necessary!

  24. 2:22pm Necessary for what? Salvation? Of course it's not, Neither is lying or stealing or murder, if those things were "necessary" for salvation no one would be saved. We've all committed at least one of those.

    The question, "What is necessary for salvation?" is an easy one. Faith in Jesus Christ. That's exactly what the WCG always taught.

    The real question is, "What does God expect of us to be a profitable servant?". Does he expect us not to lie? Yes, but if we do lie we can confess it to Jesus, repent, and be forgiven. Does he expect us to not steal? Yes, but if we do steal we can confess it to Jesus, repent, and be forgiven. Does he expect us not to murder? Yes, but if we do murder we can co fess it to Jesus, repent, and be forgiven.

    What if sabbath keeping is the same?

  25. life “is a tale / Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, / Signifying nothing.”
    A line from MacBeth / UCG /COGWA/ LCG /PCG /RCG/ every other COG.

    Bet you did not know Shakespeare was also a prophet.

  26. "HWA admitted his own research indicated Sabbath-keeping was not necessary!
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dafCEgmZScw&t=3865s "

    Does any one have this letter referred to in this video by HWA saying the bible doesn't command sabbath keeping?

  27. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dafCEgmZScw&t=3865s

    HWA admits:'Sabbath is not binding on Christians' - even before he launched the cult!


  28. jim at 10:14 AM said...“8:38 Keep us updated on if your COGWA attendance is corrupted by those 'rotten people in the UCG'.”

    IF there are any half-decent people left in the UCG, they could go over to COGWA to try to keep from rotting so fast.

    Ideally, the really rotten people in the UCG will stay in the UCG and continue to rot in the UCG, or at least go back into the world and rot there.

    Of course, Satan will try to toss some of their rotting UCG carcasses into COGWA to try to spread the rot and cause it to rot too.

    Stop the rot!

  29. Re 3:00 and the video poster(s).

    In the very last minute of the video Rogers states that by recommendation of a Dr from Azusa they first research "where they stand at that time" by studying Ireneaus, Barth etc. The Dr from Asuza already knows where they stand but believes it better they find out themselves.

    The conclusion is "we are something" and that at that time wcg is part of an old tradition found in the early church, to be found more in the east than in the west......etc etc.

    This beats conclusions that HWA had sown his religion together from many others. I wonder would that older tradition be "a systematic theology" to be found in the Eastern Church wich vastly outnumbered the Western Church or were these random thoughts by different early christian philosophers not serving a particular denomination "here a little there a little?"

    I ake to what 3:00 says. In WCG we mostly believed that a person cannot be held accountable for what that person does not know. So "the sabbath" only became an issue of salvation IF it was consciously rejected by a person who had been "called', not for a waitress serving us on Pentecost between services.


  30. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dafCEgmZScw&t=3865s

    HWA admits:'Sabbath is not binding on Christians' - even before he launched the cult!

    Remember, this is the same HWA who believed that laws against incest weren't binding on Christians. The same HWA who felt that his pastoral role made it OK to have donuts and coffee before preaching on the Day of Atonement. It's easy for people who met HWA in the 1950s or later to forget that in the 1930s it was HWA who argued that baptism shouldn't be withheld from pork-eaters or tobacco-smokers, and even quite late in his ministry HWA personally believed that it was OK to eat pork if someone served it to him, as he saw ingratitude and inhospitality as greater sins than swine consumption.

  31. nck, and murdering only becomes a salvation issue if one consciously murders and rejects Christ.

  32. 11:22

    I do not favor the death penalty.
    Anyway, those pesky Assyrians, aren't they the rod of MINE anger. It wouldn't be fair. And what about a woman being raped in self defense?

    All fall short.


  33. This isn't surprising. UCG hasn't, in my experience, been giving the same tired old sermons for 50 years. They dispensed with that 20 years ago. Attend a UCG group now and tell me if you would know you aren't in any other protestant church--except that it is a Saturday. The messages do not include fundamental beliefs. They preach loving each other, being like Christ, being unified. The members in Reno may be looking for the traditional teachings, which UCG seems to have abandoned. The congregation I've attended is filling with "stray cat" types. People who come in off the street, looking for a free lunch and to take advantage of members.

    1. Cathy are UCG not taking members tithes and offerings anymore ? As you write UCG is like any protestant church now.

  34. Sorry, I thought the thread title was about the Latest UCG DefecAtions. Never mind.

  35. Cathy, how horrible that there are sermons about love and Christlikeness and not any about actual Christian topics like calendar controversies and World War III.


  36. Anonymous at 2:30 PM said...“Cathy are UCG not taking members tithes and offerings anymore ? As you write UCG is like any protestant church now.”

    ALL the ham-eating, Sunday-keeping churches have always believed very strongly in taking your money. In fact, that is pretty much the only message that some televangelists ever seem to preach.

    1. Oh Anon 4:12 Ham eating extraordinaire. I've never heard of Sunday-keeping churches taking up Holy Day offerings.
      Thats a new one on me.


  37. Cathy at 1:38 PM said...“The members in Reno may be looking for the traditional teachings, which UCG seems to have abandoned. The congregation I've attended is filling with 'stray cat' types. People who come in off the street, looking for a free lunch and to take advantage of members.”

    Some WCG splinter groups have been trying for many years to find brand new people who had never heard of HWA. But the demons who send the occasional weirdo their way have heard of HWA.


  38. When the WCG broke up in 1995, people with two different spirits moved over from the WCG to the UCG.

    These two different types of people with the two different spirits later clashed, resulting in the UCG splitting into the UCG and COGWA.

  39. If you guys are going to spread gossip at least get the names right. Mike Fike resigned. Not Mike Fink


  40. Anonymous at 5:24 PM said...“If you guys are going to spread gossip at least get the names right. Mike Fike resigned. Not Mike Fink”

    The COG scene does not officially have “gossip.” It has “News and Announcements.”

  41. Unless you are James Malm and steal info from other sites and pass it off as "anonymous inside sources" as news.

  42. I see the UCG apostacy propaganda tools are out in full force over this website and others.
    Anyone who leaves is now being branded as "seeking traditional teachings". On other websites their being branded "trouble makers"

    Something big must be coming.

  43. @2:30. They still pass the basket on holy days and will take tithes, but there are no more sermons (at least in our area) about if and why we are supposed to tithe, or about any of the commandments. They don't talk about the holy day on the holy day. It's strange, but this is my experience.

    1. Oh so Cathy is yet another of your names.

    2. You are not Cathy you are Tonto/the Ocelot/QuesterUK and others.

      Why do you pose as fake people?
      To bring about a persecution on innocent brethren ? You have an evil heart.

  44. I just found out that Tonto is Elizabeth Warren! Woman - yes! Fake Indian - yes!


  45. The extreme godlessness of so many of the people in the UCG suggests that only more splitting and splintering will come its way.

    The extreme godlessness of so many of the people in the UCG also suggests that anyone looking for the one true splinter group can probably cross off the list of possibilities what is left of the UCG now.

  46. @12:20. I have one name and shared my honest experience with UCG. Since you're so triggered by it, I suspect you aren't sharing your name for a bigger reason.
