Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Gerald Weston: Is His God Ever Happy About Anything?

As usual, the god of the Living Church of God continues to be pissed off about everything. It can't see the good in any LCG member's lives or the countries they live in.  All of the fake Christians in those countries can never understand that all of the calamities are their fault and rarely natural events.

Sadly, it is not only Weston's god that is eternally pissed off, but it is the same god that most ACOG's trot out as the thing that is always ready to kill 2/3rds of humanity. For a group of people that place so much emphasis upon a millennial kingdom to come, they sure cannot ever find anything to rejoice about.

Please remember in your prayers our brethren in disaster areas. I’m sure all of you are noticing the fires in Australia. We do not want to claim every earthquake, volcano, flood, and fire is a sign of the end time, but this fire season is remarkable and it is interesting to note that there seems to be no recognition of a connection between moral decisions the country has taken and what is now the worst bushfire season in known history. More than a billion animals have perished, along with human lives and property lost. Moral restraint is missing when God is rejected, and some fires apparently have been deliberately set by individuals lacking a moral compass. One must wonder how long God is going to put up with similar moral decay found in other Israelite countries. His patience with us must be wearing thin.—Gerald Weston


  1. No everything Gerald says is wrong or distorted. God pulls the plug on any society that sinks too low. Noahs flood being a good example.

    Regarding the Australian fires, one would think that it would be law that there be a safety perimeter of cleared vegetation to protect roads, homes and towns. But no! it's the exact opposite. It's legally forbidden to clear vegetation even up to a property's fence. These nature worshipping green parties have others blood on their hands.

  2. Per typical Armstrongian approach, one would have expected the worst disasters to hit Australia in the 1700's when the worst of the British "sinners" were sent there. It was "colonized" not by Christians seeking religious freedom, but by the British sending their criminals there.

    Secondly, even in the Peoples Republic of California, environmentalists and green people practice good conservation and safety by clearing brush and shrubs from the perimiter of homes, roads, and buildings. It's not the people who are trying to reduce carbon footprint who cause these forest fires or exacerbate them. To start with, such people are generally the more educated, and have a heightened awareness of nature.

    I wonder when the ACOGs are going to get with reality and to begin teaching their members to exercise personal responsibility in an effort to save the planet, rather than rubbing their hands with glee as they exploit the disasters to further their own agendas. It's not as if this methodology has created a stampede of new members towards Armstrongism over the past decades.

    2019 was pretty much a corner turning year with regard to anthropogenic climate change. There is now an international movement, particularly involving the youth who would prefer if at all possible to avoid inheriting a doomed planet. The continued stream of evidence for rising temperature is not unlike the surgeon general's report of the early sixties, which was the undoing of and ensuing loss of credibility for the tobacco companies' bought and paid for scientists. I know that the very idea competes with the ACOGs' own concept of an apocalypse, but it's time that these folk acknowledge and preach fact rather than failed fantasy. We live in times when even the auto industry itself defies our ostrich-like president, and voluntarily adheres to stricter globally-orientated standards, the long range plans of the oil companies takes climate change into consideration, and coastal cities are developing plans based upon a rise in sea level.

    The worst possible thing which could possibly have happened is the politicization of science, with people believing that in order to be a conservative or a capitalist, one must deny the scientific evidence of climate change, or pretend that man can't do anything about it anyway. Try that with a hurricane, and you'd be considered suicidal!


  3. What a ridiculous question. Of course God was happy about something once!

    He was happy on the day he finished making a creation that was so flawed and imperfect that the only thing it couldn't fail to do was make him perpetually enraged and miserable.

  4. "We do not want to claim every earthquake, volcano, flood, and fire is a sign of the end time, but this fire season is remarkable...

    Comment: Sure you do. It's how you "try" to draw attention to your church just as the Deity tries to get attention. Of course, to be a God Earthquake it has to be a 7 plus. God Volcanos have to be big with ash at a minimum of 30,000 feet into the air and not just vents or cinder cones. God Fires have to be big, mostly grassland and forest fueled especially during dry seasons with abundant lightening borrowed from Zeus as the cause. Copy cat humans must be factored in as you noted.

    "... and it is interesting to note that there seems to be no recognition of a connection between moral decisions the country has taken and what is now the worst bushfire season in known history."

    Comment: That's because there is none. Grass dry/wind blow/fire burn/human run

    " More than a billion animals have perished, along with human lives and property lost.?

    Comment: Probably because the Deity is a poor shot when trying to hunt humans and get their attention. Let's see, 26 humans died and a billion animals. That means the Deity required a burnt offering of 38,461,538 defenseless animals for each "that will teach you victim." Nice shot! I suppose it is "Do you think that those whom the fires of the land roasted were any worse sinners than you? I think not! But unless you repent, you shall all likewise roast But I love you!"

    " Moral restraint is missing when God is rejected,"

    Comment: Wrong. Billions of humans who don't have Bible God in their hip pocket are very moral and nice folk. You need to get out more often.

    " and some fires apparently have been deliberately set by individuals lacking a moral compass."

    Comment: Don't judge them too harshly. They were God's Fire Elves helping to try and get people's attention for God. Can't do it all himself.

    "One must wonder how long God is going to put up with similar moral decay found in other Israelite countries."

    Comment: I think as you guys all age, you wonder about it more. You're going to learn, just as the early churches did, that "soon", "shortly", "behold I come quickly" and "of things which much shortly come to pass" isn't all that reliable a motivator. It's no way to live one's life. And too, concerning "other Israelite countries", it's White people isn't it?

    " His patience with us must be wearing thin.—Gerald Weston"

    Comment: I'm suspecting yours more evidently is.

  5. "..similar moral decay found in other Israelite countries"

    You mean like USA "descended from Manasseh"? - (even tho most Americans are German!)

  6. I wonder what great sins caused the bubonic plague in the middle ages that killed so many people? Why was that not a sign of the end times?
    Or the 1918 flu pandemic that killed over 100 million people?
    What was so evil about the Jews that caused millions of them to perish in the Holocaust?

    These guys are grasping at straws.
    Maybe they should be preparing for the next 25 years like UCG.

  7. Disasters happen where a ACOG is present. God is angry about false prophet Theil and is plaguing Kenya with Marxist terrorism.

  8. "Besides, what happened to "and it was all good" just a few chapters earlier? "

    Oh brother, such wilful ignorance!

  9. Never forget brethren...

    Nuclear Winter is a CURE for Global Warming!

  10. A member of the LCG would have to pause and ask themselves if their leader has not embraced delusional thought with just this one short paragraph.

    Is Mr. Weston believing in his mind that somehow Australia remembers the work of Herbert Armstrong or is he even embracing the thought that the Living Church of God has itself saturated Australia with the only true moral guide so that the citizens of Australia know better concerning their acts?

    The sum and the equation of such a proclamation is wrought with many errors. People are pretty much doing what everyone else in society are doing and or have done for how many years?

    When HWA tried to apply the 7 times punishment for sins by God against Israel and have it end on a arbitrary date in a period of a new country's start of growth and define this as keeping a promise and "blessing" a nation for ................. them to continue what they were always doing was hard to comprehend.

    So if I am doing my math correct, God blessed the USA from 1803 until Herbert Armstrong and from thereafter He has punished the "nations" of Israel based solely on the presence of a man or men or a supposed "work"?

    So maybe the average Australian should ask themselves a very pertinent question. That would be; If they got rid of the man (men) and "work" of the COGs, then God would again bless us for doing what we always have been doing like it was form 1803 until 1950?

    Playing the game of blessing and punishment is not a mans game to play. But this is a game that these men can't shake from their minds and vocabulary just like a nasty drug addiction.

    With non relevancy and no power their voice to the world is unheard, not known and not talked about. Foolishness is in their wake while the adornment of self-righteousness permeates from within and without.

    So Mr. Weston, it is interesting to note that there is no recognition of the "spiritual" decisions of the COG leaders and what is now the worst conditions in the Church of God in known history.

  11. Herb used 1975 and the the threat of torturing Nazis to terrorise his members out of their natural rights. Now the power hungry mainstream media is playing the same game, but using supposed climate change as the boogie man.
    Poor BB can't seem to go solo. So he has switched from being a Herb Borg clone to a MSM Borg clone.

  12. Anonymous said...
    No everything Gerald says is wrong or distorted. God pulls the plug on any society that sinks too low. Noahs flood being a good example.

    I get that but the plug had to stay in place and not be pulled during Noah's Flood. Had the plug been pulled during the rising of the waters, the waters would not have risen but gone down the drain because the plug had been pulled? Make sense? :)

  13. DD
    Are you questioning the existence of a plug in your 3.05 PM comment? So God can create a universe, but not a large plug.

  14. I think we need to have a good missionary atheist tell us why he could possibly feel that human suffering is somehow a factor of concern. Humans, after all, are just materialistic biobots - discardable androids - teeming chemical reactions. What canny atheist would use such trivialities as human lives to argue against God?

  15. Anonymous said...
    Are you questioning the existence of a plug in your 3.05 PM comment? So God can create a universe, but not a large plug.

    The plug, or the Plug Maker is not in question. The problem is pulling the plug on humanity during Noah's Flood. If the plug is not firmly affixed in place, but rather "pulled", it will let the water out and there will be no Noah's Flood! Plugs can be pulled triggering volcanos, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados and locusts to express disgust for human behaviors and rebellion but not for floods. Is there no room for humor here?!! :)

  16. 5:52

    The only reason you "need" that NEO is because you have not been reading the answers that have been given plenty on this blog.

    On the last topics I answered about recent research on innate altruism in toddlers and 19 month olds.

    Most of all, man is a social being. Hardly able to survive out of groups.

    It is the mammal that needs care the longest from all mammals before it can even survive outside a "family grouping."

    Even in the Middle Ages but specifically in the 17 th century, rich city merchants concluded that social programs for the poorest were a necessity. In summer cities transformed into disease ridden hell holes that would KILL anyone without caring who was rich or poor although the disease originated with the poor. The same goes with political dissatisfaction among the weakest. The Roman emperors knew that you cannot win from the majority when elites fight them.

    People are bound to live together and the present scope of technological progress made scaled this from village level to a global village.

    HWA preached that message that despite our technological progress we needed to transform into a different consciousness to be able to survive as a species.

    This conclusion can be reached through a religious prism but just as easily by a socialist atheist teen from Sweden.

    It's just you holding on to some strange innate belief that without religion you would go out on a killing spree...... Just because you can. If you don't, than start working with people of all outlooks who believe the world can be a better inclusive place for man in general.


  17. 5:52



    I really worry where you would stand as a commander under Josuah who had just informed you that God had demanded the extermination of the canaanites.

    I believe you as a "religious Droid" would have obeyed. Although I also believe soon after you would have turned a farmer, teaching absolute peace to your children's children as you would have been hunted by nightmares and pttss in your nights for the remainder of your life...... I grant you that..... a life teaching peace after you ve seen what obeyance to madness can cause.


  18. Byker Bob wrote It was "colonized" not by Christians seeking religious freedom, but by the British sending their criminals there.

    Australian Philip Adams - whose article on the deaths of HWA and L. Ron Hubbard was excerpted in Ambassador Report - commented on this. He contrasted those seeking religious freedom going to the American colonies to convicts being transported to the Australian colonies. He considered Australia was better off for getting the convicts...

  19. The picture on this post sure reminds me of an album cover by Judas Priest titled Ram it Down...


    Nothing like good old fashioned heavy metal!

  20. Dennis, did you ever think that by pulling the plug he let the water out (from wherever it was originally) to flood the planet?

  21. The trouble with all the speculation about the flood as a manifestation of the wrath of Israel's god is that people try to interpret the story from the perspective of the current model of the universe. The biblical flood occurred before it was updated, so the events poured out in a way not obvious to people who had a modern education. I recently read a description of the earth as it was in those days, including the way it was flooded. It says the earth was a sort of terrarium designed to hold the menagerie the god planned to create:

    "It was a rocky disk inside a rotating globe with one half dark and the other bright to make the difference between night and day. He fixed lights in this canopy to decorate the overhead view and illuminate the floor. He covered parts of the floor with topsoil and left other parts rocky and steep. He added water and arranged valleys so it could stream off the high ground and pool up in the low. He planted vegetation. To avoid the drudgery of creating each plant separately, he gave them seeds so they could reproduce independently. He designed everything to look exactly like the result of natural processes acting on natural substances. The design and execution were superb. Only persons with theological training in apologetics could discern signs of supernatural involvement."

    This god got all discouraged by the crown jewel of his menagerie and flew into a murderous rage:

    "He would drown those disgusting miscreants like a litter of mongrel pups. And while he was at it, everything else. Drown the disgusting animals. Wash away the disgusting plants they fed on, along with the nasty soil they were rooted in. Pulverize the very rocks in the foundation. He would show them which god deserved respect."

    But then he remembered there was one family worth saving, so he had them build a waterproof box to protect them from the devastation he was about to wreak on the rest of creation. He herded up brood stock to repopulate the terrarium, and had the family load everything into the box. And then:

    "Once crew and cargo were aboard, the god turned the terrarium’s sprinklers full on and opened the valves on the water mains. As the waters rose around the box, he instructed his eight worshippers to pay close attention to the humans and animals drowning out there: their pleas for forgiveness and mercy, their despairing wails, their shouts of rage, their screams of terror, their gurgling bleats going under, the bubbles in the water where they sank. The spectacle would demonstrate his power and dominion and emphasize his mercy to the creatures he spared. It would encourage his people to keep sending up praise songs and burnt offerings."

    Here's what happened after the terrarium had been drained and dried:

    "The god looked back and regretted what he had done. The vast expanse of putrid, bloated corpses floating on the floodwaters had made him queasy. As a sign of repentance he displayed a rainbow that signified he would never do that again. Next time he would use fire."

    This description cleared up a lot of the misconceptions I had about the way this god worked. Maybe it will help others as much as it did me.

  22. Retired prof
    You portray God as a narcissistic child. Out of a sense of self preservation, I would avoid doing so.

  23. Anon Feb 13 at 5:04 PM, out of a sense of self preservation I avoid people and gods who act like narcissistic children.

  24. Also, 5:04, dis you notice what your comment implies about the god of Israel? If he gets his feelings hurt because my comment suggested he acts like a narcissistic child, he will retaliate like a narcissistic child.

  25. 2:33 Retired Prof is right.

    A REAL God would instead invite Retired Prof to dinner and reason with him on his character.

    Of course the conversation would all end in, "yes you are, no I'm not, yes I believe you are, no I'm not listening...... Nanananananana...". Going home, Retired Prof would find someone shit on all the seats in the subway and at home all the crops in his little mini garden are burned as a mouse is eating the last carrot before running into the house.

