Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Wade Cox Cult Using Football To Entice New Followers: Bob Thiel Is Not Happy!

Wade Cox announced that some of his African followers are using football as an enticement tool in getting new members.  Bob Thiel must be aghast!
I arrived well and i met the church. We assembled in Kenyoro Primary school where they meet for worship. The coordinator Samuel onsomu gave me a brief of their stators and i gave the stand of the church. So then in two months we are to go back and see them. He said that they are using football as a net to reach more youths and bring them to the word of God. This was their tool to get them out of drugs and substance and alcohol among other things. He and his members were impressed of the CCG doctrines which he said will get time to write to the CG. The members also said the Sabbath should include the school children and teachers where the head teacher was present. I saw it as a good base and a stable venue for the church. They asked for Bibles and other learning materials.
Given the fact that Cox has crowed for years that half of the African continent are already members of his cult, I am surprised that there is anyone left for him to appeal to.  Like Bob Thiel's African followers, they are looking for handouts.  Now that Cox has turned them down, we will see if Bob Thiel acquires them.  They do know how to play COG leaders for all they are worth!


  1. If these Americans do not know the difference between football in the rest of the world (called "soccer" in the USA) and football in the USA (a homoerotic gladiator contest requiring many pounds of armor and padding), how can we trust them in even the simplest of other matters?

  2. Bob Thiel to his possible new African members: Rule 1 - No Football! [a play on Monty Python and The Bruces sketch]
    But the photo shows soccer... Given time, Bob will find something wrong with that too...

  3. Isn't his named spelled "COCKS" ??... or am I missing something?

  4. Yes, you definately are missing something Tonto.
