Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, March 21, 2020

UPDATED: Gerald Weston: Sends Out Rules For Sabbath Observance At Home

From an LCG source:

Weston has sent out rules for Sabbath observance at home and other items moving forward:

1. Dress in usual Sabbath attire. 
2. Do not serve hors d'oeuvres. 
3. Do not pause the sermon. 
4. Only listen to live HQ sermon. 
5. Do not use this opportunity to minister shop for messages. 
6. Do not gather with other families. 
7. Stay home alone and use social media to fellowship. 
8. You have no right to complain when we at HQ are slow to respond. 
9. Sit quietly at home and wait for us to speak. Stop spreading rumors. 
10. You will fast on March 28th and tune in for 1:00 PM HQ service. 
11. You will observe Passover and NTBMO home alone. 
12. You will use Livestream or pre-recorded messages to self-administer Passover and NTBMO. 
13. Use the on-line donation system to pay tithes and offerings. 
14. Do not mail us cash. 
15. We may be deciding where you will keep the Feast of Tabernacles. 
16.  Links and passwords are not to be shared with anyone not members of the church. 
17. Oh and...love one another.

Note:  At first I thought this was a joke, but asked my source if it was true and the person said yes.  I guess I should not be shocked at the callous brazenness of Weston in his attempt to control members, but I should not.  This is the track record of LCG and many of the Churches of God today in 2020.


  1. Dress in your usual sabbath attire? What difference does it matter if you are wearing a suit & the or a pair if overalls? Does your heart & your intent mean more? Give me a break.

  2. Jerry has succeeded in making Rod seem like a warm and compassionate person.
    No wonder live services are limited to current members.

    If you are one of "Jerry's kids" - let us know how you feel - but make sure you are wearing a suit and tie or a modest dress before you respond. :)

  3. What's even more unbelievable is that anyone buys into this. What happened to just say, "NO".

  4. My head tells me this is fake. My gut is not sure. It would be over the top and I can't imagine anyone would think this serves the general good to talk like this. If real...whoa.
    John is right. Time will tell.

  5. It sounds a bit too tongue in cheek and contrived. I'd have to see more evidence. I can't imagine Gerald to be this cheeky and stupid. Unless he's cranky and fed up with something or everything.

  6. It's sad that I trust our government more than the leadership in LCG.

  7. In this case, it appears that hearing was more of the issue and not what or how it was said.

  8. It's sad that I trust our government more than the leadership in LCG.

  9. When I started attending services in the 1970s, some members and ministers treated me, and talked to me as if I was a child. They used similar expressions, so it was church-speak. I instinctively reacted against against it, but when I stopped attending services, it took me several years to shake off. In other words, such brain washing noticably works. Making members feel like children is murder. It's attacking their self image. All for the sake of minister power and superiority.
    Several times the Bible tells it's readers to be "strong, brave and courageous." These splinters do the exact opposite, which is why God ignores their church fasts.

  10. Jim-AZ said
    Gary I read where you said your source said Gerald’s comments were true. But like Dennis said in his post, I can’t imagine Gerald would be so stupid. Barking out orders doesn’t seem to be the way to deal with his members.
    But out of respect for Gerald, I did dress in my sabbath attire. I have on jeans and a sweat shirt.

  11. I listened to the link (26 minutes), and he did cover not serving appetizers and taking kitchen breaks.
    I did not hear any of the other references.
    If someone has a link or a letter - please post it.
    Otherwise I will be inclined to think it is fake news.

  12. There's a tongue in cheek factor I sense in this posting Jim. Gerald is a much more formal guy than this.

  13. 1, 2, 3. 4, 5,6, 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 seem contrived. The others sound reasonable😂

  14. Jim-AZ said...
    Yes the others do sound more reasonable

  15. It sounds a lot like Weston's latest weekly update, with some attitude thrown in by the poster. Someone who has the update can post it here, I hope.

  16. What does he have against hors d'oeuvres?

    What if they're organic or whole wheat?

    But seriously: in the video linked above, Mr. Weston repeats some of the safety precautions that this blog recommended he do more than a week ago. Will you give him credit for that?

    He even gives scientists some credit for being knowledgeable, in areas where LCG may not be. That makes Bob Thiel look almost radical.

  17. The Worldwide Church of God and her harlot daughter splinters have been preaching Luke 21:11 for 86 years that pestilences are a sign of Christ's coming and of the end of the age. You mean to tell me that after 86 years of preaching Luke 21:11, they have failed to make any plans for when pestilences actually occur in the world?

    Viewing only the first 30 seconds of the Weston LCG clip, he actually seems surprised by it all.


  18. 2. Do not serve hors d'oeuvres


    NOTE: He did not mention Pizza , BBQ , or hamburgers as verboten !

  19. NOTE: He did not mention Pizza , BBQ , or hamburgers as verboten !

    You missed the part where he has called a fast for next Sabbath. No BBQ while you social distance yourself from food!

  20. They are probably using church hackers to police these edicts. Like doing a reverse on members' computer cameras so they can see who is watching the sermon while using the bathroom, or sitting around in their underwear drinking beer. Nobody would ruin their sexual experiences by watching or listening to the video during intercourse, so no worries there.


  21. "Nobody would ruin their sexual experiences by watching or listening to the video during intercourse, so no worries there."

    Interesting what inventions are thought of during a crises. Listening to an acog sermon, a sure fire cure for priapism.


  22. LCG and all the COG splinters are human corporations disguised as churches. Their leaders are practicing commandment breaking sinners who should be marked and put away from harming the brethren. How do I know? I worked at their headquarters for many many years... I knew the top leaders at all the COG groups--they came to me for council and advice about many things over the years... I stayed in their homes and they stayed in mine. I had private conversations--one on one with several of these different COG leaders. I won't give my name because this isn't about me but if I gave my name many of you would know me. I was told by three of these leaders once that I was one of the most important people in God's Work on Earth... anyways you get the point--I know these people. I last spoke face to face with one of these "leaders" in private not long ago. I tell you in truth--these so called leaders are selfish and arrogant money lovers who worship their power and positions more than they do God. They are total politicians and have committed sins that you wouldn't believe... and they NEVER confess nor acknowledge what they do--they're too busy pointing the finger at everyone else's sins or stumbles... or sometimes just falsely accusing innocent people. If I wrote about 1% of what I've heard these leaders say or evil things I've seen them do--I'd be writing here for a very very very LONG time! Folks... wake up and get away from these hypocritical and evil false leaders ASAP... if you don't... you're gonna regret it more than you could ever imagine one day down the road. Love is not a boot on your face... Love is true and revealing... Love warns and love hates evil--especially the evil of proclaimed leaders who are blind leading the blind into the pit. For those with ears to hear and eyes to see--I say wake up and search out the TRUTH while you still can... but time is running out.

  23. You Haters.. 😔!! Shame..
    ALL of the Leadership of
    LCG is totally of God. Especially Gerald Weston.
    You liars of Satan are Cruel and Jealous of NOT being in
    God's TRUE Followers. May Almighty God have Mercy on your Mortal Souls.☹️🙏
    A Grateful Member of LCG.
