Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, March 28, 2020

God's Prophet Reveals His Solution To Stemming Coronavirus

With the thousands of legitimate scientists working around the world to determine how the COVID-19 works and to develop a vaccine, our very own self-appointed mail-order scientist/church leader/prophet reveals his regime in not catching the coronavirus.
Hence I have recommended eating high vitamin C containing fruits and vegetables, fasting, and prayer. Before and since the COVID-19 situation, I regularly pray and fast. Since I have been asked, let me add that I also take Food Research C Complex, Herbal Antioxidant, Vitamin-Mineral, and Zinc Complex 100% food nutrient formulas, like I have for years–I have not changed my supplement regimen because of COVID-19 (though would add some items if I thought I had it). 
While these are not guarantees that one cannot get the novel coronavirus (and since I work with ill people, I may very well get it), they, when appropriate, do put the body in a better position to combat various pathogens.
Then our dreamy self-anointed one compares the coronavirus to leaven.  After all, it is that time of year when leaven occupies the minds of those who refuse to acknowledge Jesus Christ.  Through the almost 8 decades of the church, we have been subjected to one crazy comparison after another when it comes to what leaven is. 
COVID-19 has spread around the world.
The coronavirus starts out very small.
Like the sin that took over the mind of the Chief Overseer of the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god" and led him into rebellion and heresy. 
Once it takes hold, the coronavirus quickly spreads in the body–a little spreads a lot.
In the world, sin and hypocrisy is prevalent.
As in Church of God self-appointed leaders.
Likewise, in the world leaven is all around.
Not only is it in baked goods, it is now in many other products. Leaven spreads quickly and most of the items it becomes part of crumble. In the Bible, leaven normally pictures malice, wickedness, and hypocrisy (1 Corinthians 5:8; Matthew 16:6,12; Luke 12:1), while unleavened bread pictures sincerity and truth (1 Corinthians 5:8).
The Old Testament states, “no leaven shall be seen among you."
Never has the Church of God seen so many men set themselves up as the know-it-all's of the church as it has today in 2020, as they proclaim themselves the one true source of knowledge of the Bible and the end times. Never has the church had so many liars in charge as it does now.

Yet, as we descend into Armstrongism's most sacred time of the year, these men continue to lie and deceive their followers with fantastical and often absurd teachings.

The brethren of the church need to cast these puffed-up buffoons out and turn their backs on the heresies they teach and caste them in the trash along with their leavening.


  1. Since perhaps prophet Bob forgets we should be seeking the Kingdom of God first and Jesus Christ likened that Kingdom to leaven, maybe we should be out embracing this Sars virus as the exact parallel of how the Kingdom will start and grow.

    "This is what I take" has what application in a physical or spiritual sense, since by his own words "I may very well get it" offers a very uncertain conclusion?

    This Sars virus is everything what prophet Bob wishes he was. A tiny speck growing exponentially the world over with certain conclusions.

    Bob misses as always his take on symbolism. If in his words Cov 19 is like leaven or sin that has taken over the whole world and he himself is working with sick people of the world that may infect himself with Cov 19, those in the COGs don't have to look hard for which man to put out of their lives in these next couple of weeks.

  2. I would rather take advice from "DR. DOOLITTLE" before listening to anything from the (so called, and self accredited ) "Dr. Thiel"

  3. Nothing one can take short of immunization against that for which we have no immunity at present is going to prevent infection. Certainly prayers and thoughts aren't.

    Zinc has a function in this but only as recommended and not as something you load up on as many do thinking if a little is good a lot is better. As a trace element, too much can hurt you more than help you.

    For the most part, loading up on expensive vitamins provides two things in a real health crisis. 1. It allows us to feel that we are doing something at least. We treat our concerns and fears with the idea that "this will help." 2. Expensive urine.

    As far as analogies on leaven starting small as well as a virus, we all started out small like leaven and a virus. That's the nature of how life starts, matures and dies. But we knew that.

    Bob has a tendency to be puffed up with all the answers and all the solutions, all the things past and all that which shall come. I suggest he start there in the deleavening process. A little humility goes a long way. If Bob is treating the sick, then he probably will get sick too. If he gets sick, we have to put up with how Satan made him sick. I'm sure the words "persecution" and "martyr" will get into the conversation then somehow.

    For those who would depend on homeopathy for the cure...well...don't get me started. But just as vitamin overload as the cure produces expensive urine, homeopathy produces very expensive water.

    Hang in there everyone. We won't be out of this for sometime. Certainly not Easter or Passover and probably into June. There might be a lull but , like flu, it can be a wave thing and Fall can bring whater it is by then back. A vaccination and the natural immunity those who get it in the mild way which is most will help greatly.

    "All great fires are destined to go out..."

  4. Dennis,

    I have seen too much evidence of its success to doubt that homeopathy "works."

    I've seen smart people and skeptics cured after using it.

    What this tells me, though, is that psychosomatic healing is real, and that the body sometimes heals itself randomly and remarkably. It also reminds me that there is still a lot we don't understand about the human body.

    Would I ever prescribe homeopathy as an alternative to proven modes of care? Hell no! But if we're in a time of healthcare rationing and a desperate patient wants to try something to take control of his health, I would absolutely recommend the practices of genuine homeopathy (and yes, there are recognized boards and established practices; there are certainly quacks but there are also seriously trained practitioners who aren't just making it up as they go along) over the subjective pick-and-choose nuttiness of "naturopathy" as practiced by Bob Thiel.

  5. It certainly can't hurt to take some supplements that boost immunity, like Echinacea.

    Also, I wonder if anyone else has noticed that President Trump has reverted, in this crisis, to his former roots. He was once a Democrat, and is certainly now responding to crisis much as FDR did in the New Deal era. Suddenly, big government has come into play in so many ways as the solution to the problem at hand. GMC can't be too happy over the ventilators.

    I'm not saying this is bad, I just find it to be fascinating.


  6. 925. The mind and the legit placebo effect are very real

  7. Really, BB, Echinacea? EchiNACEa!? Weak stuff.

    If I'm gonna take a placebo, it's gotta be the most powerful placebo in the world--GINSENG!

    On second thought, circumstances have changed around here. Our neighbors have devoted their fields to plants that promote bees and butterflies. Plenty of Echinacea plants dot the landscape. In contrast, our timber stand next to those fields got harvested this past fall, and when the ginseng sprouts again next month, it will be deprived of the shade it needs to thrive and develop thick roots. So now if I need to harvest me some placebo, I will have to settle for second best.

  8. Well, RP, all can say is that a couple weeks ago when I was doing my coronapocalypse stockpiling, I purchased an abundance of echinacea, acai, and Vitamin C. It has been my custom to control cold and flu season each year by using these, or cycling them, gradually tapering off as Spring kicks in. I've used genseng in the past, generally in tea form.

    I'm not making any claims, because I don't want people doing things just because BB recommended them. But, Echinacea has worked as much more than a placebo for me. For totally different reasons or applications, L.Glutamine has also been very effective for me. Ditto Vitamin E, although one must be careful of E because excess can accumulate in one's fatty tissue and become toxic as opposed to being expelled in urine.

    The AMA does not, and will not recognize the therapeutic values of vitamin supplements. There is a long history there, and involves competition between relatively inexpensive supplements and very profitable pharmaceuticals, many of the latter having very bad side effects.

    This is yet another reason why I always laugh my ass off when a certain doofburger around here tries to place me in his little "mainstream" box.


  9. Why are worried about the Coronavirus when there is a far worse one plaguing us:

    Causes social distancing from your family and friends
    Reduces your income by 20 to 30% and destroys your retirement savings.
    Belief in qualifying for world rulership by listening to boring sermons.
    Trust in alternative healing methods -oil on forehead and wet pieces of cloth.
    Destroys your reasoning capability.

    Even though the host died 34 years ago, other carriers have multiplied, and kept the virus alive.

  10. Retired prof,

    Good choice, ginseng. Love the stuff. Ginger too.

  11. No supplements or vitamins or any other pill boost or cure anything. Only the body does the work and those vitamins and herbs are just RESOURCES for the body to USE. No pharmaceuticals heal either. None. They only help the body do its job.

    That being said I haven't been truly sick for about 20 years now because I stopped eating junk food and give my body what it needs. The source doesnt matter as long as its healthy.

    I have been sick a few times because of overdoing work. Cold outside extreme lack if sleep and dehydration. And drinking too much coffee and alcohol. I know what made me sick.

    The seasonal flu is just a big lie. It's just one giant coincidence for a virus to magically appear at the exact moment people have all been partying and cold and lack sleep.... Every single year for decades? Hahahahah.

    What is it called when people believe coincidence over science?


  12. France has announced severe lock downs. But the gang ridden suburbs aren't obeying and the police there can't enforce the lock down.

    Soooo... I think the corona virus is a bunch of lies and the deaths are mainly from bad use of ventilators on people with the flu. There are about 6 ways a nurse or doctor can kill someone with a ventilator. Look up the disease list.

    So this means that there should be mass hospilizations and a giant unflattening of the infection rate in the French gang run suburbs .... if you believe the "experts".

    In a few months lets revisit this topic and see who is right. I predict that sickly populations with lots of hospitals like Italy (health minister smoking during a press conference ha!) Will have lots of deaths. And areas with little it no hospitals like Africa and gang controlled areas will have near none.

    But of course as we have seen the news can report dann near anything it wants so we may never know. So many blatant lies going around. Like old people being left to die or hospitals being sued by medical equipment manufacturers... Just so many lies.

  13. OK, 5:16 is the guy. Probably wrote 5:07, too. That's the way he starts.


  14. BB
    I think you had me in mind with your "the guy," and no, I didn't write 5.16 or 5.07.
    Many people have largely disconnected from the media, and think very different than you.

  15. Businesses are laying off and some are shutting down.
    To think the Coronavirus is a hoax, you have to be completely delusional.

  16. 5:16

    You are right.

    Covid 19 is just Darwin's way to get rid of those that should have been gone already some time ago (and a bit of extra collateral).

    80 percent at IC are obese also.

    I pray you'll be around to evaluate current measures a couple of months from now. For the UK the government aims for a number under 20000 deaths. It would be nice if you would join banned at some time later after we do what is expected of civilized peoples.


  17. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/mar/29/sweden-shuns-drastic-coronavirus-response/

    Is anyone a prophet? I don't think so, but we can use science and data to test end results.

    If Biker Bob is correct, then everyone in Sweden is going to die. I predict Bob is wrong, and that the virus isn't what Bob thinks it is.

    Also, Finland is rejecting WHO demands to test everyone. Another country that the panic and mania induced people should be watching. In a few months we will know who is right.

    According to the fearful, the curve shouldn't be flat in Sweden and in Finland and their hospitals should be overrun.

  18. Now you are making shit up, 9:47. I never claimed a 100% mortality rate. Not enough data has been collected to establish a mortality rate, however, the current figures are varying from 1% to 10%, depending on the country involved.

    Best resource I've found for my information is Oxford U's Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine website.

    I'd suggest you change your week old underwear before venturing from your dungy basement for another bottle of cheap wine!


  19. "Sweden, a nation of 10 million, had a total of 3,447 confirmed virus cases and and 105 deaths by Sunday, according to a Johns Hopkins University tally."

    Now let's compare that to the U.S.

    The U.S. has a population 32 times larger than Sweden. The U.S. has 135,000 confirmed cases, Sweden-32*3447=110,304 so far so good.

    U.S. deaths as of today 2330, Sweden-32*105=3360. Sweden has 44% more deaths so far than the U.S.

    Good job Sweden!

  20. "Soooo... I think the corona virus is a bunch of lies and the deaths are mainly from bad use of ventilators on people with the flu. There are about 6 ways a nurse or doctor can kill someone with a ventilator."

    So that many medical professionals have suddenly forgotten how to use a ventilator en masse. Got it. Please sign a DNR so no one uses one on you.

  21. If you don't compare the deaths to other diseases your data and conclusion are pointless.

    More people will die from smoking cigarettes than this virus. Yet no panic or mania or shutting down the economy has ever happened from that.

    Thetefore anyone who thinks this disease is anything unusual and doesn't compare it to other preventable causes of death is unskilled with science.

    Cars, alcohol, guns, heart disease, cancer... You name it. Even the regular flu kills more people than this new disease.

    Everyone keeps focusing on data that APPEARS to support their belief we should panic and be afraid of it. But its no worse than many many other diseases. And it's far less worse than so many diseases.

    But all it took was sheep following the fear peddlers to get here. You left the cult of HWA to join another dooms day cult run by atheists.

  22. 8:37

    Let's be clear!
    You are the "let nature run its course", darwinist, atheïst, here!

    I have made your case here already on banned. This "flu" is just killing those obese and weak deer that the wolves would have singled out months ago........and a little collateral. We humans are too many and Gaia corrects it.

    I have also made the case that even 1 person dying of this flu "before their time" (your wife or parents becoming a, statistic of below average lifespan) would be a sad affair. It's the Christians and civilized people who seem to hold the the latter position.

    But true, so far a point can be made to sift out the weak and let nature run its, course if you are into that kind of reasoning.


  23. GOD is speaking to the USA through COVID 19 and it is working.


    Crimerates are down, deathrates through crime are dropping.
    And even more evident people are changing behavior currently so "accidental" death statistics are down too.

    Nothing works better then a good ol warning from "god" or "freak of nature" it seems to MEND YOUR WAYS or pay the penalty for sin.

    nck (self appointed doomsday prophet, fighter of corona and flip flop contrarian by choice)


  24. "Cars, alcohol, guns, heart disease, cancer."

    Good to know that deaths caused by cars, alcohol, guns, heart disease, cancer etc. are now considered communicable diseases!


  25. 9:17


    Yes they are. Communicable through a failed culture of violence..........I guess.

