Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, March 14, 2020

LCG Streaming Crashes For Viewers...Was It Satan Attacking Them?

Living Church of God sure has been batting pretty low this past week.  They can't even get thier streaming service to work right.

From a reader:
Site crashed. 
All I got to hear was Weston claim how he saved the church a ton of money by not cancelling the ministerial conference. And then started telling people how to maintain formality at home listening in. We are to dress up, sit attentively and don't dare kick up your feet and stuff your face. Also, don't you dare think for a second about saving yourself hours of drive time in the future by trying to tune in to webcasts on a weekly basis in your dirty undershirts. Afraid of what a little freedom might taste like to the sheep? Jesus Christ...tear down this wall!

From another reader:

LCG claims to have hosted thousands upon thousands of streaming Web connections for their Family Weekend services and for Rod Meredith's special presentations. The load today should be substantially less. So, if today's load crashes their servers, was LCG lying about the numbers of connections for their previous events? Or has LCG downgraded its streaming capability at a time when others are increasing theirs? Or is this simply a case of incompetent management? As Rod Meredith would say, "Where is God in all of this?" 


  1. Dear Gerald,

    Here's a research project for you. From your Bible and from records of the time, tell us whether the participants in Jesus Christ's final Passover meal (or "Last Supper" if you prefer) were dressed in their finest clothes, and whether they sat upright attentively throughout the meal.

    By all means don't read John 13:23, or you will see that one of the disciples was laying on Jesus' chest while they were still eating. Are you allowing that at LCG Passover or Sabbath services? Or are you more righteous than your Savior?

  2. When it crashed on us we all decided to go outside and enjoy the day. We are at the park right now and the kids are having a blast. Running and screaming and having fun. No dress up and no being lectured to.

    1. Imagine doing this every week without fear or guilt.

  3. Not satan but a bunch of bumbling idiots who can't do things right. Great leadership there, Gerald. I did not even have to dress up to see that.

  4. When it crashed on us we all decided to go outside and enjoy the day. We are at the park right now and the kids are having a blast. Running and screaming and having fun. No dress up and no being lectured to.

    You LAODICEANS! Don't you know you were supposed to sit up straight and watch the frozen screen, hoping the video stream would come back? Or maybe it's OK to relax your posture if you need to go and tinker with your computer, but you should never, never, make the Sabbath a delight!

  5. How the COGs and Communist China are the same:
    1) Criticism of party leaders is not allowed.
    2) Not toeing the government line gets you marked.
    3) Outright criticism suspends your privileges.
    4) Special interest groups are not allowed.
    5) Subversive literature is verboten.
    6) Ultimate punishment is death - eternal death - Chinese government is atheist - when you die, you die. COG death is lake of fire - where you get a special resurrection (not mentioned in the Bible), just so God can kill you again.

  6. "(he) then started telling people how to maintain formality at home listening in. We are to dress up, sit attentively and don't dare kick up your feet and stuff your face."

    I listened to an online service today , and I have got to admit, that laying here on my back on the couch, in my bathrobe , commando style, while having a roast beef sandwich, a beer , and some potato chips , was one of the most enjoyable church experiences I have ever had.

    I actually was able to focus better on the message, because I was relaxed and comfortable.

    There is a valid reason the "snack bar" is a favorite stop for movie patrons. Is there a lesson here for COG services??

  7. This is a loss of control. Maybe the people will figure it out? The ministry has long ago.

  8. I believe the virus is going to be a game-changer for the ACOGs in many ways. Back in the '60s, the congregations would be looking to the ministry for advice on how to get through a crisis, and hanging on their every word. Based on what has been reported here over the past several days, it appears that there is a vacuum in leadership, with some even providing useless and harmful advice.

    Dave Pack is probably going to be demanding that his members bring him all their toilet tissue soon!


  9. Since viruses are spread through physical contact, members should come to services wearing dish washing gloves. This way members can still shake hands.

  10. Maybe COGWA's webcast was better. Even if it started with Clyde Kilough calling it the "United Church of...." before correcting himself.

  11. When in grade school my least favorite event was"dress up day" Same when I was in the church.I haven't worn a suit and tie for over 30 years and it feels great

  12. Dunno. Any of the regular yahoos announce on their streams that the tribulation had started?


  13. for some reason, 1950s business attire is seen as THE standard for proper dress.....that might fly in the USA, but it's much different around the world.

    apparently, from the bible, 1st century Roman attire is perfectly acceptable, though it would hardly qualify today.

    acceptable attire is cultural...it changes with time and location.

    as long as it's clean, who cares?

  14. as long as it's clean, who cares?

    Drat! I can't wear my coat with the pork-bacon tassels and shrimp epaulets!

  15. Are you allowed to watch the 'cast in your PJ's after your daily annointing with CBD?

  16. @ 2:47 PM, Weston sure has made himself a laughingstock with his ignorant statements about marijuana.

    For too long, people have been pointing out Weston's uncanny physical resemblance to Vladimir Putin. What's more chilling, however, is his spiritual resemblance to that dangerous old Romanian tyrant, Vlad the Impaler. So, maybe it's time to combine the two in a new nickname to honor Weston's CBD-hating idiocy: Vlad the Inhaler
