Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, March 2, 2020

The Fastest Growing COG In Africa?

It is not who you think it is.  We have heard for several years now that Almost-arrested Elijah, Elisha, improperly blessed, and dreamy Bob Thiel, declare that his improperly named "continuing" Church of 'god" was the fastest-growing Church of God in the history of the true church. With most of his "new" members coming from other Sabbatarian groups that church hop from one money stream to another, he claims more African members than any other group.  Most of us know that is one of his many lies that rank up there with his double-blessing and dreams.

To shatter that myth along comes Wade Cox, that other professional liar, who send just sent  Bob Thiel whimpering to the corner like the sad little splinter cult leader he is.

Cox, leader of the so-called "Christian" Churches of God makes the claim that his group has more members in Africa than the old Worldwide Church of God ever had as members.  Of course, we should not forget that Cox has lied previously that half of the entire African continent were members of his cult. Cox claims he has 300,000 members, though he also says that his cult does not officially count members. This also includes many Muslims and most Sabbatarian groups in Africa.

Poor Bob Thiel.  Nothing this little guy does is ever enough. Every time he turns around some other COG has outsmarted him.

Though the question needs to be asked, has the Church of God ever had a church leader who has not been a liar?


  1. If Wade Cox is telling the truth, at least we know that race relations are not an enigma to him. But the question remains, is the man actually sane?

  2. Did HWA invest very much effort in evangelizing Africa? If not, might it have been that there is little money to collect from sub-Sahara Africa. Not a "good market" for collecting tithes. When decision were made to broadcast in one area or another, was the decision based on responses from the public or from the dollars collected? What was the "measuring stick", number of letters or amount of money collected? How did they gauge "success"?

  3. Wade is likely sincere in this.

    Bwana Bob may be sincere in this.

    The fault goes to the African evangelists who present their flocks to the white men to get money. Those Africans who are "members" of Wade Cox's church are probably also in Thiel's and in several others. Thiel, at least, was aware of this phenomenon when he was in LCG, so he may know deep down that he is being snowed but is willing to go along so he doesn't have to admit how pathetic his "work" really is.

  4. If wade cox was ever truly noticed, he would have been killed off by now. You don't go into muslims nations and preach heresy and expect nothing to happen to you.

  5. Did HWA invest very much effort in evangelizing Africa?

    I remember Ian Smith on the cover of a PT, a photo of HWA with Jomo Kenyatta, and PT stories the seemed to support apartheid. And there was the pygmy fund, and the outreach from someone in Africa who aspired WCG presence in his village (it was explained to us that it wasn't worth the investment needed).
    The final memory was a story by a minister about some part of Africa where the people were so dazzled by HWA that they apparently named their children Herbert W Armstrong, Garner Ted Armstrong, Plain Truth, ...

    1. I think I'll have a child who will be able to gab on and on for hours And I'll name him Greald Waterhouse!

  6. 6:56

    Well the topic is evangelizing.
    But I'd like to add the millions of investment aid (in schools and agriculture) the Japanese government provided through contacts established through AICF. For instance the major agricultural school in Nairobi.

    The South Africa connections in the Israel - SA (strategic commodities) - USA triangle to keep communism out, provide SA with nuclear arms at a time Great Britain maintained low profile diplomatic relations.

    West Africa would fall under French sphere of influence. I don't know if Dibar Apartian broadcasted in West. I don' t know what line of work he was in the Dulles office during WWII. Translation I guess. But it makes a good story if they were classified French intelligence reports.

    Egypt of course being the largest recipient of US "foreign aid" during the Cold War to keep Sadat in the fold.


  7. My COG Cult puts them all to shame, even though , probably none of you know about it. My followers will be a bit upset that Im telling you about them, but here goes anyway! (Afterall, they are your brethren)

    I have over 20 BILLION baptized followers on the planet Janus VI , which orbits the star Antares in the constellation of Scorpio.

    I have a problem receiving tithes from them though, because it is 619 Light years from earth, so it takes a while to get here.

    Malm may be upset about this, in that we baptize using ammonia, as water is toxic to them. However, as the designated "Apostle" to Janus VI, I have the "keys to heaven" and can just make it up as I go, just like HWA!

    The FOT is kept in a massive honeycomb beehive shaped collective, and everyone shares their nectar and pollen. Good fellowshipping stuff, and I have been talking with them to perhaps have a few Earthlings come for the first time for the FOT next year.

  8. Tonto, where can I apply for a transfer?
