Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, March 12, 2020

UCG Cancels Services While Gerald Weston Twiddles His Thumbs

United Church of God has made a wise decision to cancel church services for a while.

Will Gerald Weston now step up to the plate and have some balls to do likewise? With most of LCG members being 60-years of age and older, it would be the right thing to do.

eNews from Ministerial and Member Services
Issue 414

March 12, 2020

Personal From the President

Dear fellow servants of God,

Special Announcement For All Churches
In an effort to limit the spread of the coronavirus, several governments (including state and federal authorities in the United States) have either encouraged or required people to isolate or self-quarantine themselves.
This month, many colleges, universities, businesses and organizations–including churches–temporarily adopted a policy of working from home and avoiding large gatherings, including church services, sporting events and similar gatherings. This may be disappointing, but it serves an important purpose. As U.S. President Donald Trump addressed the nation on March 11: by “continuing to take these tough measures, we will significantly reduce the threat to our citizens and we will ultimately and expeditiously defeat this virus.”
Following this presidential directive of taking “tough measures” is compatible with our church teachings, as the apostle Paul writes: “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God…rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad” (Romans 13:1, 3, English Standard Version).
For the moment, we are going to temporarily do the same with our weekly church services (including our smaller congregations). Since a large percentage of our church members are in the high-risk range (ages 70 and above), it is prudent that we not inadvertently expose potentially vulnerable people to the virus, especially as they travel through public places. There is still no vaccine available for this virus and we are not certain what direction it will take in terms of spreading. We do not want to take unnecessary chances.
Therefore, in consultation with Donald Ward, Chairman of the Council of Elders, we are suspending Sabbath services in the United States and abroad for at least the next two weekends. This is an action taken after much prayer and receiving counsel from a variety of competent sources.
On those Sabbaths, in Cincinnati we will be telecasting special Sabbath services (beginning at 2:30 EDT) minus the physical attendance of brethren. Anyone can access these online services at https://www.ucg.org/webcast through PCs, tablets or smartphones. We invite any and all from all fellowships of the Church of God to join us. Congregations who have local hotlines set up to reach members should activate them at this time.
The act of isolating or quarantining people against the possibility of mass infection represents a sound response to diseases that are known or suspected to be deadly. The book of Leviticus records several such directions, where people with infectious diseases are required to stay apart from others. A variety of infectious diseases are discussed in Leviticus 13. In the case of an infectious leprosy condition, verse 46 describes the outcome: “He shall remain unclean as long as he has the disease. He is unclean. He shall live alone. His dwelling shall be outside the camp” (ESV).
It is our earnest prayer that this crisis spawned by the novel coronavirus will quickly abate. Especially on these two Sabbaths, we ask that you devote special time to praying for each other. You may also choose to fast sometime in the next few weeks as we approach the Passover during these uncertain times. We ask that you call or contact your brethren–especially the elderly who may be isolated already to a certain degree. As Jesus commanded us all, we are to love one another (John 13:34). In this challenging time, let us redouble our efforts and ask God to help us raise our personal spiritual efforts in demonstrating the divine love that is given to us through the Holy Spirit of God (Romans 5:5). Finally, as Paul encourages us, let “supplications, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way” (1 Timothy 2:1-2, ESV).
Now is the time to be personally responsible and to trust God, seeking the refuge that He promises (Psalm 91). Please take deliberate action to sensibly protect yourselves.
In Christ’s service,
Victor Kubik


  1. Uh, oh. Gerald Weston will never put himself in the embarrassing position of following in Vic Kubik's footsteps. Even if those are the footsteps of a shepherd caring for the sheep instead of digging in his heels and pretending to be God's mouthpiece.

  2. If Gerald Weston can get this so wrong, who will trust him if at some point he tells the brethren that it is time to flee?

    Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice." Do you hear Jesus' voice more clearly in Vic Kubik's latest letter or in Gerald Weston's?

  3. There is wisdom in laying low at this time, no matter who you are. NBA, March Madness, cancelled, and the PGA Masters and NHL along with Baseball considering delays or cancellations too. Better safe than sorry in things like this.


  4. Cancelling UCG's so-called “services” for the next couple weekends is a good start. Pretend that it is just a temporary measure. Then extend the cancellations indefinitely. Great Apostasy, Part II.

    As long as all those unrepentant, unconverted, unbelieving weirdos, stalkers, and fake christians in the UCG do not go and infect better so-called COG groups with their viruses, bad attitudes, and evil spirits, everything should be fine.

  5. Anon 3:37 PM, I think you have it backwards.

    UCG will stream a live service on the Internet each Sabbath. Members staying home from other ACOGs will have a chance to listen and to figure out that they might be much happier in the merely sinful and hypocritical UCG than in the malevolent and oppressive PCG, RCG, LCG, or COGWA.

  6. Can't wait for the preachers of doom to show up here and say how scared of a virus we should be just after they accuse preachers of doom about the end of the world.

    Two peas in a pods. Atheists afraid of dying and HWA disciples afraid of being left behind.

  7. Anon 4:43: https://xkcd.com/774/

  8. Discernment and wisdom come with time and experience. You have to know how to read the signs. How many COGlodytes, while walking down an inexplicably odorous hall in an office building, and seeing the person about twenty feet ahead of them walking quickly, would correctly surmise that he was most likely on his way to the bathroom?

  9. Gerald has been listening to the certain right wing media outlets that are urgently trying to downplay corana virus because they are worried it might hurt the president’s re-election chances. It’s a weird angle considering the president has taken action for something that is “no big deal.“ Gerald is gambling on this whole thing to work out so it “looks like God is with him”

  10. "Rulers are not a terror to good conduct but to bad" - Romans 13.1

    Tell that to those who lived under Stalin, Hitler and Mao. Another example of putting government on a pedestal rather than seeing it for what it really is.

  11. Well, for him to do that....it would require LCG ministers to show outgoing love and concern for their members. And they're about as empty on love as the grocery stores are on toilet paper.

  12. Gerald is gambling on this whole thing to work out so it “looks like God is with him”

    Three weeks after the ministerial conference, those men will be conducting the Passover service, coming into very close contact with brethren. Allowing for a couple weeks of asymptomatic incubation, during which infected LCG ministers and members may share the virus with each other, we should know by early May whether Gerald's gamble paid off, or whether he gambled with the lives of LCG members and failed.

  13. https://xkcd.com/774/

    That's funny but it oddly seems to still missing the point. The two groups have the same problem and both of them are here. Its not a theoretical situation its a real one.

    And pointing out the error of either of them makes them get all huffy and insulted.

    Atheists get even madder and irrational than HWA disciples because they dont even have basic rules of conduct they are required to follow.

    And atheists have enjoyed science as backing them up. Now they bow to hysteria and panic and trror of death they have no solid ground to argue.

    At least HWA's lot can blame tradition. Aethesists that panic avout the end of the world are a pittiable laughing stock of hypocrites.

  14. On the one hand, I think it's good that they're cancelling church for a while. It's the responsible and practical thing to do.

    On the other hand, isn't it also a capitulation? Isn't it admitting that coronavirus is more powerful than their "Jehovah Rapha"? Isn't it really demonstrating that when the chips are down, they know that their "god who heals" isn't really capable of healing? Their god who protects, isn't really capable of protecting? That their beliefs are nice fairy tales suitable only for fair weather, but as soon as the shit hits the fan, it's time to get practical? That they don't really believe what they profess to believe? How else do you explain the mismatch between their words and their deeds?

    The only difference between "believers" and non-believers is that non-believers aren't twisted up into a ball of of contradictions over an old story. They're free to be honest about their lack of belief, even in fair weather.

  15. I keep seeing the word panic. Why not call it what it really is----being prepared. Thursday was a game changer. Anyone who was waiting to do their weekly shopping until the weekend is in for a big surprise. Gone are the toilet paper, Lysol, and hand sanitizer. Paper towels and hand wipes are in short supply, as is bottled water. It is difficult to find Echinacia or Acai.

    The news is not all bad. There are substitutes. Viva paper towels are soft enough to use as toilet tissue, and you can always employ Tijuana toilet etiquette so that you don't clog your plumbing. Have a trash can or plastic bags next to your johnny stool to dispose of the used towels.
    Rubbing alcohol may be nonexistent, but you can substitute hydrogen peroxide or just buy a bottle of vodka. Vodka is 40% alcohol, and stronger than some isopropyl alcohol. There are automotive solution-soaked towels which can be substituted for hand wipes. Ajax and Palmolive make antibacterial soap, and Pine-Sol is an excellent disinfectant. There may not have been a run yet on the vitamin stores for essentials like echinacea and Acai, and Vitamin C appears to be plentiful.

    The panic seems to be limited to these commodities at this point. Fresh meat, produce, breads and tortillas, cereals, dairy products, and canned goods appear to be plentiful, but there could be a second wave of runs on some or all of these products in the near future. It may be a good idea to stock up now on some of these items, just in case of massive shutdowns and quarantine. I'd suggest borrowing some ideas from our Mormon friends, and stocking up on basic survival items. You can always use them up gradually later as things quiet down, so they won't go to waste. You might also consider a trip to Dick's Sporting Goods or Cabela's to stock up on camp meals. It's not a bad idea to have extra gasoline around, green cash money, first aid supplies, a gas powered generator, and a propane grill.

    The talking heads are saying that the Corona crisis could last through June at this point, based on how quickly the Chinese have appeared to turn it all around. Let's be safe and make sure that we all make it through this thing!


  16. Very wise of Victor Kubic to announce he wants UCG Worldwide to cease public services for the next two Sabbaths.

  17. Victor Kubik wrote: "...On those Sabbaths, in Cincinnati we will be telecasting special Sabbath services (beginning at 2:30 EDT) minus the physical attendance of brethren. Anyone can access these online services at https://www.ucg.org/webcast through PCs, tablets or smartphones. We invite any and all from all fellowships of the Church of God to join us. Congregations who have local hotlines set up to reach members should activate them at this time..."
    Perhaps that all may be a blessing in disguise, b/c United hireling leaders may learn that there will be more unity with everyone listening to one speaker on the Sabbath. It may be such a blessing that they may want to continue the "new" practice beyond just 2 weeks. The listeners could then think and say that they are truly becoming likeminded: of the same mind.

    Perhaps huge savings (in time, in gasoline, vehicle fleet needs, salaries, etc.) may be in the offering where not so many ministers would have to be employed anymore. Will those of the United group become more efficient in what they do with their resources? Yes, perhaps, with "...after much prayer and receiving counsel from a variety of competent sources."

    But, time will tell...


  18. I like your idea John. Actually it's been happening organically within the COG movement for at least a decade. The advancement of technology has given members an escape route from hate filled troublesome hirlings who only wished members they don't like great harm.

  19. 9:30am Decade? Decade? Try at least three decades and more. There was such a thing as video and cassettes before the computer.

  20. Yes I agree Anon 9:51. Cassettes and CD's. Good times ! But members still longed after
    the ideal then. Since those days many have got wiser through trial and error. The "ideal" has changed.

  21. The ideal has never been a group of 200 or so strangers pretending to be friends. The ideal has always been local fellowships of family and neighbors.


    1. Who said that the ideal was a group of strangers pretending to be friends ?

      Fake troll with your strawman argument.

      Worship God Almighty before it's too late to find Him.

  22. I've found many tele evangelists sermons better than than the ACOG variety. I don't agree with everything that they teach, but it's easy to filter out. In fact after watching them for awhile, it becomes obvious that they all steal lies and abusive cult ploys from each another. HWA was no exemption in this regard. He learnt from them (and not from the Bible) totalitarianism and the one way 'give way.'

  23. Aquaman
    I heard church members claim that attending church services is dangerous. That was also my experience when I attended services in the 1980s. When there's a 200 plus congregation, there's always the Cain versus Abel reaction from the morally challenged present.

  24. I see that my link didn't work. I blame Data on that.


    Jean-Luc Picard

  25. 11:25am I've found that many in the cog and ex-cog are not just morally challenged, they are mentally challenged too. For example: our blog "friend" who thinks using html code in the comment section is something special.


  26. “UCG Cancels Services...”

    Obviously, they are not concerned about the semi-retarded, demon-influenced weirdos who stand around at the UCG entrances to hiss and snarl about other people and to teach them their own wrong ideas.

    Obviously, they are not concerned about the filthy old men who go to the UCG to teach other members their own stupid and heretical theories.

    Obviously, they are not concerned about the stalkers who go to the UCG to harass other people.

    They are, to use their own words, “not showing any love to anyone.”

    What are all the usual UCG weirdos, heretics, and stalkers supposed to do during the shutdown of the so-called “services”?


  27. Anonymous at 5:37 PM said...“11:25am I've found that many in the cog and ex-cog are not just morally challenged, they are mentally challenged too. For example: our blog 'friend' who thinks using html code in the comment section is something special.”

    HTML code can be used for giving emphasis and strength to comments.

    Also, do NOT go around calling everyone your “friend” the way some mentally and morally challenged weirdo might do.

  28. 6:28pm Moore awn!

    Lt. Tasha Yar

  29. Hmmmm, very interesting. 6:28pm must be Gary Leonard himself since I mentioned his use of 'friend' and now it's been changed to "friend", unless our html using moron is able to edit his posts.

  30. This is an actual topic for discussion? Really?

  31. Anon 3:54

    What the hell are you bitching about? I have no capability in changing peoples comments other than approving or deleting. Go comment on Bob Thiels blog if you don’t like it here.
