Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, March 20, 2020

Will COG's Help Those Members In Need Who Are Off Work During The Coronavirus Shut Down ?

We all know what the answer to that will be...

Please list those COG's that will financially help church members in your comments below...


  1. My father recently asked his UCG minister if it was ok to not send in tithe money for the next couple of months and he was told he MUST send it in. To not pau it shows a lack of faith.


  2. “Will COG's Help Those Members In Need Who Are Off Work During The Coronavirus Shut Down?”


  3. My father recently asked his UCG minister if it was ok to not send in tithe money for the next couple of months and he was told he MUST send it in.

    What part of "Ten percent of 0 is 0" does this minister not understand?


  4. “Will COG's Help Those Members In Need Who Are Off Work During The Coronavirus Shut Down?”


    Dave Pack will have already swept all the so-called “excess third tithe” into the general bill paying account at the end of the month., if not before then.

  5. Yes, the Bible allows you to CONVERT your tithe into money for purpose of transport. If your father doesn't want to send ten percent of his rutabagas and wheat and calves to the Home Office, he can sell them and send in the money.

    Federal Reserve Notes, however, are not in and of themselves tithable. If your minister is honest about economics and about the Bible, there's no legitimate way he can worm out of this fact if you present it carefully.

  6. Didn't the idiots make the members set their tithes up so that they are automatically debited from their checking accounts?

    And the answer to the original question is yes! The ACOGs will most definitely help all of the members who happen to be ministers!


    1. Well if that's true you must be happy BB.

  7. 4:48 said If your minister is honest about economics and about the Bible, there's no legitimate way he can worm out of this fact if you present it carefully.

    The UCG minister is a lair. There is no new covenant command for tithing for Christians. Christians give as they are freely blessed and give what they want to give. If they cant afford it they don't have to do it. Stupid Armstrongism! Ef'em!

  8. "If your minister is honest about economics and about the Bible, there's no legitimate way he can worm out of this fact if you present it carefully.

    March 20, 2020 at 4:58 PM"

    If he's honest he'll acknowledge that only Levites were given the tithe and they are no longer in service.

    If you choose to give a tithe to God anyway then give to St. Jude or Towers to Tunnels. That's how one truly gives to God at this time.


  9. Anonymous March 20, 2020 at 4:52 PM said...

    “Will COG's Help Those Members In Need Who Are Off Work During The Coronavirus Shut Down?”


    March 20, 2020 at 4:52 PM

    No shit. Parasites need to feed!!

  10. The UCG minister is a lair.

    Wow! Can you sleep in him? Can you hide in him?

  11. One must ask where is the love. I hope they don't expect help from the top down. Are the leaders of the cogs going to take a cut in salary to help the members? Are they going to help members who are elderly no because they don't pay tithes? I have always wondered where it says tithe on your increase. To me increase means what you made more than last year such as a raise. If the leadership of these churches had to go out and earn a living like Paul maybe there would be a little love in the cogs.

  12. It will be interesting to see how the COGs react when income drops 15 to 25% over the next couple of months. Their budgets were already stretched.

  13. It will be interesting to see how the COGs react when income drops 15 to 25% over the next couple of months. Their budgets were already stretched.

    On the other hand, they won't need to spend money renting meeting halls or having activities for the brethren.

  14. From personal experience, I can say that both WCG (in the 80s) and UCG (in 2005) have helped brethren in past during times of unemployment or other personal / family crisis (unexpected medical bills, etc), and I've seen nothing to indicate that a need for help at this time would be handled any differently. In official updates / letters, UCG ministers/pastors have already asked members to let them know if help is needed.

  15. I very much doubt UCG ministers are telling UCG brethren that they must keep tithing no matter what. That flys in the face of the entire attitude UCG is taking towards this situation.

    I think UCG have been outstanding in how they were one of the first to take the stance in cancelling Sabbath services.

  16. The original and most righteous Titanic Church of God sails shortly under Captain Saul of Tarsus. Tickets are selling fast so pawn your family now. A few luxury cabins are still left but only if you qualify. Forget the James Peter and John circle, go with the Roman Beast power. Mutiny will not be permitted. Punishment is a formidable flogging. Gold doubloons shall be handed over to Captain Saul.It is to be noted that the Titanic boasts of a watertight doctrine reckoned to be forty fathoms deep. This glorious vessel sets forth on April 10th for The Place Of Safety and shall not be defeated. Stragglers not admitted.

  17. "Anonymous said...
    From personal experience, I can say that both WCG (in the 80s) and UCG (in 2005) have helped brethren in past during times of unemployment or other personal / family crisis (unexpected medical bills, etc), and I've seen nothing to indicate that a need for help at this time would be handled any differently. In official updates / letters, UCG ministers/pastors have already asked members to let them know if help is needed.

    March 20, 2020 at 10:20 PM"

    Really? When I finally woke up in 1991 at the tender age of 26 after 24 years in the cult one of the first things that I pointed out to the local company man was the third tithe assistance shown in the 1991 budget report in the WWN.

    They reported $200 million in income that year and $8 million toward third tithe assistance. When I pointed that out the local top dog said there were a lot of poor in the church. He must have thought that I thought $8 million was too much.

    Nope. I told him that the WCG made $200 million last year, let's say $100 million was from first tithe, though that number was probably closer to $170 million, then every year they should be getting about $33 million in third tithe. I asked him, what happened to the other $25 million. No answer from him of course.

    Came to find out it was spent on the "ministers" <---- What a laugh, they served no one but themselves!

    Anyone who can defend such a corrupt system is truly demented!


  18. We sent it all in Dave. Now send it back.

  19. "There is no new covenant command for tithing for Christians. "

    statements such as this show an absolute lack of understanding of the covenants...

  20. The policy is to go to the government first for any welfare assistance so I would surmise the policy right now is for sheep to sit tight and wait for government checks to be mailed. You know what the good book says, "Love one another as you love yourself but go to this world's governments first."

  21. And the sheep will be expected to tithe on those checks.

  22. By the way, if any readers are feeling ill, and wondering if they have Covid 19, I read about a self-test recommended by a Japanese doctor. You take a deep breath, and hold it as you count off ten seconds. If you feel undue tightening or pressure in your chest, you should probably get yourself tested. Symptoms include dry throat accompanied by fever.

    It's probably good to read up on this as much as possible, even if you don't believe in doctors or the medical establishment. You'd want to self-quarantine if you had it, rather than running the risk of killing others by ignoring it and exposing them.


  23. The RCG won’t. Some brethren in Europe asked. No financial support whatsoever..

  24. The proverb says that if you don't provide for the care of your family that you are worse then an infidel. It is more important that because of the financial distress of these trying times that putting food on your table for your family and keeping a roof over their heads is more important to God then ignoring your families needs by observing an ancient law that doesn't even apply to Christians. Tell your minister that your families needs come first and that you can back it up with scriptures.

  25. Anon 9:25 am, I tried that argument with someone just before they sent their children's inheritance into the RCG. Not only did the church call the house but they also were sending emails wanting to know when they were going to get the money. Scripture can say what it says but when badgering occurs people quickly cave in and will do whatever the church wants, even if it's blatantly wrong on so many levels.

  26. 6:24
    When Paul needed support he quoted the principle of muzzling the ox. He knew that tithing was not in effect thus he could not use the law of tithing to demand support.

  27. Tithing - if it is still to be done, was to be done on your increase. When Israel went into the Promised Land, God gave them houses and farms - as a gift. They were told to pay a tenth of their increase. There was no hardship in this - it wasn't a matter of oh we can't really afford it but we have to do it or God will punish us. God is generous and expected them to give a tenth of their increase. God has never been into taking the food out of your children's mouths so you could show him your faith, as the cog corporates teach. Fast forward to today - you don't own your farm or your house - you've got a mortgage or you're paying rent. You have many taxes and expenses. So what exactly is your increase? Maybe you just break even - by the time you take out mortgage payments and compulsory taxes, you may have nothing left over. So you don't actually have an increase. So you can't tithe if you have no increase. Remember, if you had 9 cows born in a year, that is not enough to tithe on, you need 10 cows. Now the ministers have been well trained to collect tithes and enforce compliance. In my experience, they always had more money and benefits than the members and had no idea what it was like to go without. What on earth must our children think of us if we give money to a church when the family needs it - for shoes, for dental treatment, etc. Look after your families, people and don't let be in bondage to spiritual overlords who don't care about you. During this corona virus emergency, i think it's a great time for people in the corporate cogs to step back and learn to keep the sabbath with their family at home and basically, to grow up, instead of being kept as ignorant little children by these lords and masters. Time to come out of spiritual bondage- use the opportunity to draw near to God instead of being dominated by men.
