Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, April 5, 2020

BREAKING- Wadsworth, Ohio: Restored Church of God Defies Social Distancing while Neighboring Giant Eagle Announces Covid-19 Positive Employee

Update:  This article broke in a local Wadsworth community list and in a matter of hours spread to numerous Facebook pages.  Now, over 25,500+ (and still counting) people have read this article. 

It has now made available to several regional Ohio Facebook pages, Wadsworth Facebook pages, and The Akron Beacon Journal. Many do not expect the Wadsworth papers and the ABJ to do much about this story.  They were warned by many people several years ago about the issues with the Restored Church of God and the religion editor for the Wadsworth papers made the decision to not pursue it. 

With Dave Pack's "prophecy" last week that end times would hit by Saturday, April 4, this group has the potential to become deadly.  The lives of the employees and its members are a deep concern to many, including family members who have loved ones enslaved by the group.

In defiance of Governor Dewine's social distancing recommendations for church gatherings, Dave Pack has insisted his headquarters congregation gather to attend services and hear his sermons in person. This reckless behavior is fueled by the fact Dave is literally preaching that Jesus is going to return any day now, having named several (now failed) dates in recent months.  

Ohio Governor Dewine fielded a question this week about churches: “Any pastor who brings people together in close proximity to each other, a large group of people, is making a huge mistake. It is not a Christian thing to do. It is not in the Judeo-Christian tradition to hurt people.”

Today, April 4, more than 100 congregants attending Saturday services and were in very close proximity to each other. Their cars in the parking lot pictured here. 

Dave's own wife, who was a nurse prior to marrying Dave, stands by her man through all of this. This in the face of her professional training that would be screaming to not hold services. 

This happened two days after Giant Eagle (the neighboring supermarket) announced one of their employees tested positive (https://www.gianteagle.com/store-cleansing). Every RCG staff member shops there often.

Several days ago, this was sent out by the Headquarters ministry to the whole church: "Keep watching! Based on all we can “forecast,” another Sabbath this side of the Return of Christ, does not appear to be on the horizon. None of the ministers here at Headquarters can see it."

Obviously, that didn't happen. RCG is in a prophetic tailspin.

Dave putting his congregation in harm's way is no surprise. He's already tapped them out of their money, why not their very lives? Sickening, in the extreme.

From an RCG source


  1. How long will it be before Dave misreads Revelation and decides that God will bring the Messiah to send the Earth a flame of fire that will burn up His enemies, but through which the faithful firstfruits will be born again in their new spiritual bodies?

    It's all just theology, of course, until David Christ's deacons lock the hall doors from the outside and then light a match.

  2. Hi Dave...Hope you like this. Made it up myself...

    "....And now.....the end is near....It's time to face....the final curtain.

    Dear Dave,... You are a fool,,, for having church.......of this we're certain...

    You've lived your... life in vain...and may we say...not in the right way

    And now...It's coming soon...

    That lonesome high....way.....

    Oh there were times...I knew you knew...That you bit off...more than you could chew
    But through it all, You left no doubt...Defy your views...You'll kick them out
    The Message shows...It's full of holes
    And time for bye....... bye.......

    The Karma Fairy

    1. The ghosts of Sinatra Elvis and Sid Vicious are smiling down on you

  3. PS and too...

    This is not going to end well...

  4. David Pack should ninety-nine years to life for what he is doing to his members and staff as he is endangering their health, safety and lives. I hope he gets arrested and the judge throws the book at him. I have to agree with Dennis as this is not going to end well.


  5. I think the best thing that can happen is no one get a sick and dies.

    Dave Pack is a liar and a thief we all know this. But if no one in his congregation gets sick and/or dies will we really admit our own error is believing this virus is any worse than any other?

    I doubt it. Leaving HWA cults doesnt cure you of denying your own errors.

    1. There is no error that this virus is worse than “any other.” This is not the flu. The one this most compared to is SARS. The flu can cause pneumonia but it doesn’t go into ARDS, which requires the ventilators. Once you have ARDS, and you’re on a ventilator, you have a 20% chance of survival. It is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It is a strain of SARS. So, the only error is that they named it COVID-19 (COVID 2019- the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, instead of SARS-2 because they didn’t want to cause panic or have the same racist remarks that were made the first time SARS rolled around. So much for that.

      What else makes this one worse? We have nothing to fight it. We do not have any natural immunity to this virus as we do the flu since it just mutated to pass from human to human is two weeks.

      We have a vaccine for the flu, as well as treatments for the flu if given within the first 48-72 hours. We do not have a vaccine or a treatment for COVID-19.

      While 45% of those in ICU are over 60 with pre-existing conditions, the other 55% are between 20-54, and healthy. Those percents change daily depending on hospitals reporting cases.

      So in summary:
      no natural immunity
      No vaccine
      No treatment
      Causes pneumonia that causes ARDS
      It is not known why some people are asymptomatic and some die, as now healthy young people are dying.

      I don’t even want to get started on the RO number because I don’t feel like explaining what it means... but it’s twice as high for COVID-19 vs the flu, or most average viruses we get.

      Talk to some doctors. Any doctor. Just one. Ask them what the difference is. You’ll get the same answer. So yes, in this case I don’t know who this Dave person is but anyone who holds any congregation right now is a selfish son of a bitch asshole and should be at the very least charged and fined for disobeying the order.

      Don’t spread the virus but even worse, but don’t spread misinformation downplaying the severity of this virus, it will cost lives.

  6. 3:14. Over 100 doctors and nurses have died treating Covid-19 patients. Not your typical "any worse" virus from which we, as of yet, have no immunity from. Sounds like you're in the Rush Limbaugh Cult of The Right Wing Church of God

  7. Dennis - where is your faith? Dave Pack can send you an anointed cloth if you get sick.
    LCG is a better bet though - you never know when you will receive a double blessing and become a prophet. Just think - you and Bob together as a prophecy tag team, reading the Catholic and Mayan books together. Doesn't that excite you? :)

  8. The crowd obviously was there to hear Mr. Pack repent. That's what you're supposed to do right before Passover, right?

  9. Dave Pack should consult Ron Wei land or what ever his name is about life in the slammer because hopefully that's where he is headed

  10. Dennis nailed it at 3:37 PM.

    For the vast majority of patients who contract COVID-19, it's not much worse than the flu. However, as there is no COVID-19 vaccine, patients don't have the option of preventing it or minimizing its symptoms once acquired.

    Neither do doctors and nurses. But unlike patients, they can't just quarantine themselves and work from home. A doctor can treat dozens of influenza patients with minimal worry about catching the flu, and if he does catch the flu his decades of antibodies will give him sufficient protection that only a relatively few doctors or nurses will die from contracting influenza. It's not the same for COVID-19.

    Furthermore, it seems that age is less of a factor in COVID-19 deaths than was first thought. Young people who vaped, or who smoked marijuana, or were inactive/obese, or who don't have strong respiratory systems are in many communities dying at rates disproportionate to their age.

    In a year, if there's a rebound infection, we should be in much better shape as many/most healthcare workers will have developed immunities to COVID-19, even if there isn't a vaccine. For the next few months, however, we can expect more healthcare workers than usual to get sick, even while there is increased need for their services as people will still have all the usual range of health problems, plus COVID-19.

    Ironically, this may be a lower-than-usual year for the spread of influenza, what with the extreme social distancing now being implemented. But to call COVID-19 "no worse than the flu" is like calling Dave Pack "no worse than any other minister."

    1. Agreed, I hate the fact that this cult is even being called a Christian church. Sad.

  11. Thanks for the current April 4 view. I was going to drive there this morning, for there is no other more important place to be than where Jesus Christ is going to return.

    Hopefully the gate didn't malfunction at the precice moment of his return and now we will have to wait another week.

    Keep us posted.

    1. Why no name if you love tge cult so much?

    2. Gate malfunction??!!! Nothing malfunctions with God. False profits were stoned to death in Biblical times if they predicted something that didn't come true. Wake up, this guy is a fraud. -a conservative Bible-believing Christian

  12. TLA said...
    Dennis - where is your faith? Dave Pack can send you an anointed cloth if you get sick.
    LCG is a better bet though - you never know when you will receive a double blessing and become a prophet. Just think - you and Bob together as a prophecy tag team, reading the Catholic and Mayan books together. Doesn't that excite you"

    What was I thinking TLA. Of course! In return, I can send him an anointed claw? Dave has tendencies to prey and over-gum. :)

    Seriously though, Dave, as a likely narcissist, can only go so long without his narcissist supply in the form of services and an audience listening to him. The thought of no church must terrify his ego. Thus..foolishness is bound up in the heart of the child Dave.

  13. “Any pastor who brings people together in close proximity to each other, a large group of people, is making a huge mistake. It is not a Christian thing to do. It is not in the Judeo-Christian tradition to hurt people.”

    And no doubt a death will occur due to his asinine and erratic behavior. Perhaps this will be his undoing. The universe extract karma from those who have none. At some point, Pack will suffer greatly.

    And one more thing. FUCK YOU DAVE!

  14. Didn't an earlier post about this state that RCG did indeed have a member in ICU with the virus? The fact that the members don't say no and just refuse to go is disturbing. They would drink the kool aid and not think twice. They take as much blame as the leader.

  15. And one more thing. FUCK YOU DAVE!

    Amen! And if there are any pastors who were called upon to give an honest report about Dave, but who pulled their punches and missed the opportunity to have him removed from pastoring brethren in the field, those pastors have a heavy burden on their consciences, which they will need to explain to their Savior someday. It's sobering enough that some of these former pastors may even desperately try to convince themselves that their is no Savior, but they still must face the KARMA FAIRY for their failure to disable Dave.

  16. Anon April 4, 2020 at 5:01 PM

    There is also a legal aspect that must be considered. Will those ministurd be complacent in the unnecessary deaths of a member(s).

  17. Jim Jones killed his 909 with Kool-Aid, will Dave Pack kill his 100+ with a covid-19 outbreak?


  18. There was no mention on the World News just now broadcast a few minutes ago about Jesus returning to Wadsworth today.

  19. Jim Jones killed his 909 with Kool-Aid, will Dave Pack kill his 100+ with a covid-19 outbreak?

    When they pass the little vials of wine around the room in Wadsworth on Tuesday evening, you should wait and sip your vial only after you've watched a few others do it before you. That is, unless you want to become part of Dave's first wave of firstfruits.

  20. I wonder if a member of Dave's cult dies from corona, if the family members have legal rights to sue Pack for some kind of malfeasance or culpability.

  21. Dave made merchandise out of the brethren. That church is not doing the work of God. They are doing the work of Dave. Sad.

  22. I believe that many Christians miss the deeper meaning of Matt. 5:45. Rain is not limited to its literal meaning. It is symbolic of a greater surrounding condition which affects everyone. Let's face it. A flood (bad application of rain) affects the just right along with the unjust. So, it behooves the just, including Christians, to make proper preparations and to take precautions, not to act the fool and throw all caution to the wind.

    An old story comes to mind. Spring thaw has brought massive flooding to the valleys of a major river. A man is standing on his front porch in about a foot of water. His neighbor is passing by in a canoe and yells out, "Hey, Joe! Hop in! I'll take us to safety!"

    Joe replies, "No, thanks, the Lord will rescue me!"

    Several hours later, Joe is sitting at his second floor bedroom window. The captain of his neighborhood watch pulls up in a speedboat, and calls out "Joe, man! You gotta get in! We'll get you out of here!"

    Joe smiles, and replies, "No thanks! The Lord will rescue me!"

    Several hour pass and Joe is now perched on his roof. The Coast Guard helicopter hovers above, and a man yells, "Grab this cable and loop it around you! We'll take you to the rescue center!"

    Once again, Joe calls out "No thanks! The Lord is gonna rescue me!"

    Sometime later, the levee upstream breaks, and Joe is swept away and drowns. When he arrives in heaven (ACOG members can substitute the 1st or 2nd Rez), Joe asks, "Father, why didn't you rescue me?"

    Father God replies, "My son! Whatever are you talking about??? I sent two boats and a helicopter for you! This one's on you!"

    Old story, but thought provoking! I hope nobody dies unnecessarily because they are shackled to a Joe-type ACOG leader!


  23. That church is not doing the work of God. They are doing the work of Dave.

    That is why some of us expect Dave to announce, sooner or later, that he is the Messiah, such that the work of God IS the work of Dave.

  24. "It's just another flu."

    That's why both NORAD and NORTHCOM have "been taken on wings of angels" to a Place of Safety in Cheyenne mountain with extensive legal powers to represent the government of the United States in case just a handful of people in DC get incapacitated and "The People" starts acting like Wolverton art from a popular Bible children's book I used to study.

    Nothing on Colaroda as the PoS in that book, only in bad 1980's movies with computers the size of cathedrals, people with funny hair and Ronald Reagan saving the day vs the evil empire (while sleeping during meetings).


  25. It sounds like Dave is afraid of losing control of his flock. If animal trainers cease conditioning their animals, the reversion to normalcy sets in, if members stay away long enough, they might perceive that Dave is a charlatan.

  26. Pack & Flurry are going to cause a lot if death and destruction before it is over not to mention all the suicides and ruined lives they have already caused.


  27. "Any pastor who brings people together in close proximity to each other, a large group of people, is making a huge mistake. It is not a Christian thing to do. It is not in the Judeo-Christian tradition to hurt people.” Gov. Dewine

    This is a minor infraction by pastor Dave compared to: compelling the membership to forsake their aged and sickly parents financially because the government can take care of them and "that is why you pay taxes". Or what about using non-member mates as a one time church financial gain when he compels the men to go get 100% of the marital assets and send it in to him and at the same time he compels the women to go get their 50% of the same assets and bring it to him. Or there is that decree that all inheritances go to him because the "end time" supercedes the biblical instruction to leave it to children.

    Dave Pack loves to crunch and play with numbers and 2000 members with possibly 1200 becoming infected with a death rate of 12 means nothing to him. The numbers that mean the most to him are increase in the percentage of income, increase in the percentage of YouTube views and increase in ministerial visit requests.

    A death of a member only means for the RCG a direct increase in income which will fund increased advertising to drive views and requests and if there is any monies left, a few more flowers can be purchased and added to the tractor trailer convey loaded with 5000 plus flowers due in May.

    The RCG is where numbers matter and the death of a member is a gain and not a loss.

  28. And now for a sound bite that is most appropriate for an epic prophetic fail...



  29. That Chinese virus from Wuhan (COVID-19) is relatively harmless compared to a ranting, raving, yelling, spitting, lying, stealing, destroying, killing, false prophet like Dave Pack and what he will do to his victims.

  30. wow, they have 100 people at services?

  31. At least one RCG member has died of COVID-19: a member of the New York congregation. This person had underlying health issues, so those issues were mentioned in the announcements, not a word about corona or COVID-19..

    And because none of the kids (or any other relatives) of this RCG member are in the church, nobody will ever find out that it’s not mentioned by the RCG.

  32. Why would anyone in their right mind follow a person like him. Where is their common sense. I never could understand why someone would follow stupidness

  33. The RCG is where numbers matter and the death of a member is a gain and not a loss.

    WHAT ABOUT THE TRUTH comment could apply to quite a few COG organisations. The chilling truth may explain why some COG leaders are appearing unfazed by it all.

  34. What part of this is Christian???? You must be the Antichrist!!! Evil, ignorant, greedy, and so is your congregation!!! KARMA!!!

  35. Why did Wadsworth City allow a cult to build and reside here. How many people will be hurt, or put out of their homes when he goes crazy and decides it's time for everyone to go be with God in heaven? Why is it always a David leading these sheep.

  36. Prosecution of Dave Pack may be in the cards. Depends if they still have the Wadsworth protector mayor in office.

  37. Mega churches... steeling the money and the minds of people

  38. This is not even a Christian church, this place is closer to a cult. Praying all these people get set free from this deception

    1. There IS a place of safety! It's getting as far away from an ACOG as humanly possible!

  39. Praying that these people eyes are opened. Leviticus and Numbers clearly describes those who are sick with things like viruses are to be separated from the camp until they are recovered. Quarantine in Biblical. Do your part!

  40. Ken
    People follow Dave because they believe that they haven't qualified for the kingdom, so Dave is selling them salvation. All your money for eternal life. It's nonsense, but drowning, desperate people will cling to anything.

  41. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

    It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

    Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no account of wrongs. Love takes no pleasure in evil, but rejoices in the truth.

    Love takes no pleasure in evil, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

    Love never fails.

    Does this sound like David C. Pack?

  42. JskrOH

    You are correct that it is NOT a Christian church. It is a personailty cult that is filled with some sincere people who think they are doing what God has called them to do, but they are following a liar. There is serious potential that Dave Pack can lead his people into deadly circumstances. They have already been warned to prepared to flee to Jordan, Petra.

  43. With one dead, how many will follow?
    The N.Y congregation should be very worried. Seeing how NY is so densely populated the chance of getting a high virus load day after day means your going to get real sick and your survival rate goes down.

  44. All religion is bullshit. RCG should be permitnantly shut down. WACO Texas had a cult go bad. These people are a cult. And our Mayor is a Idiot for them in.

  45. April 5, 2020 at 11:52 AM

    Your mayor was charmed by Dave I am sure. Psychopaths are that way.

    Read "Snakes in Suits" When psychopaths go to work. Robert Hare, Paul Babiak

  46. Sad the congregation can't think for themselves and stay home.

  47. Pack actually stated in a sermon that if god told him to take up arms and kill, he would do it. And it certainly seems that the voices in his head are getting louder and crazier.

  48. Pack actually stated in a sermon that if god told him to take up arms and kill, he would do it. And it certainly seems that the voices in his head are getting louder and crazier.

    We can be grateful that Dave is a big man inside his own head, but a tiny little coward in real life, who always uses other people to do his hard work. Soft Dave can't even kill a microscopic virus. If he tried to shoot another human being he would probably misfire and kill himself.

  49. Unknown, the whole point of social distancing is to keep the RO number as low as possible. If the virus is twice as spreadable as influenza, contacting half as many people will help keep the COVID-19 spread more comparable to that of influenza. It's not a sustainable strategy, but right now in the absence of other strategies (e.g. vaccine, palliatives like hydrochloroquine) it's all we have.

    Also, many of the "healthy young people" who are dying aren't as healthy as you think. Italy and Spain have rates of smoking among the elderly far greater than we have in the USA. Here, we have young people who have damaged their lungs with vaping, so it's no mere coincidence that these people who've abused their lungs are more vulnerable to this respiratory disease.

    To keep this in perspective, however, nearly 8,000 Americans on average die every day. The COVID-19 daily death rate only recently passed 1,000. Even at peak, if we manage to flatten the curve substantially in the next month, COVID-19 is unlikely to account for more than 25 percent of deaths in the USA. That's an appalling number, but it should help with our perspective. Perhaps the most dangerous aspect of COVID-19 is comorbidity. People who show up at the hospital and would have died of pneumonia or lung cancer may now die of ARDS because of COVID-19.

    Your doctor has been getting a flu vaccine for years, and when it hasn't worked he has built up natural immunities from the times he's caught an influenza strain. If he has to treat an influenza patient he is of course at risk, but it probably won't kill him. With almost no immunity yet out there in the wild, your doctor is at a much higher risk of dying while trying to treat COVID-19. That's serious stuff.

  50. Who knew that a cult could be a force multiplier for the plague!

  51. A few people from Giant Eagle in Pittsburgh (their home base) have been tested positive for COVID19

  52. #8:42AM

    Most RCG members attending services will drive for hours (sometimes even 6 hours or longer) to go to Sabbath services. And some will even spend the night there. Some in a cheap hotel if they can afford it, or sleeping in their cars if they can’t afford that. I’ve done that..

    This means that from the 100 or so brethren being there, about half of them will have come from further away, thus spreading the corona virus..

    Also: note that not only Mrs. Pack as former nurse has a medical background. One of the ministers at Headquarters is a medical doctor: Dr. Tim Ranney. He sounds and acts like a semi-intelligent guy, and he as a doctor MUST know the dangers. But still they continue to keep services.

    So WHY is nobody (local and health authorities) stopping them?

    1. Because he weasel word governor did not preclude it and because the locals are afraid of a confrontation. Personally, I hope that Dave gets the disease and dies. :)

  53. Then you set the example Ocelot. Otherwise it's empty meaningless words .

  54. Perhaps they will stop them now that this has been exposed. That would be the normal pattern of public health authorities when behavior affects the children of those in the group, and the general public outside of the group. Potentially, Pack has turned his congregation into a bunch of Typhoid Annies.


  55. Anyone who believes we should all have patterned our responses after those of Sweden should take a look at the latest stats from over the weekend. They flaunted their adventurous course against the best conventional wisdom, and now they are poised to become quite a different type of example!

  56. Have one of those over zealous die hard followers of Armstrongism breaking the stay at home order saying I have no fear "God will protect me" . Man does that bias attitude tick me off ! But you really don't care about all others around you for sure..... and when the vaccination for COVID19 is developed the @!*@!**@ (bleep) says and I wont get it either. This is a fine example of arrogant follower of Armstrongism and surely one who cares only about himself and risking spreading this virus if he gets it to others. Maybe at that point this world would be a safer place without the mind-set of these type of people. I am certainly considering calling the Illinois Dept Of Public Health on him. He will be kicked to the curb if he becomes sick cause I will tell the medical profession treating him about how he ignores the warnings during the peak times in Illinois with all the warnings his attitude. Cares about absolutely no one but himself , totally sickening !!! Well considering all the facts of what Im seeing from tis adamant follower of the teachings of Herbert W Armstrong and its fellowship then I would say vaccination is out, and then , they'll take their chances but still end up hurting society and spreading this disease . I have seen him try to spread his illiness to me without a pandemic crisis, a simple flu or contagious sinus infection he gets, hell try his hardest to cover-up symptoms so he can breath in my face or try and kiss me , messed up !!!! Craziness is beyond crazy but this I will turn him in and notify a higher authority on his extreme ignorance for others and ignoring the " warnings on " Shelter in Place" and follow the guidelines if you must go out.... !!! " That behavior is " Danger to a society" the human race actually..... and wont be tolerated!! Speak all your religious freedom rights all you want !!! Dangerous thinking and behaviors !!!! All about self , thats about it !!

  57. Have one of those over zealous die hard followers of Armstrongism breaking the stay at home order saying I have no fear "God will protect me" . Man does that bias attitude tick me off ! But you really don't care about all others around you for sure..... and when the vaccination for COVID19 is developed the @!*@!**@ (bleep) says and I wont get it either. This is a fine example of arrogant follower of Armstrongism and surely one who cares only about himself and risking spreading this virus if he gets it to others. Maybe at that point this world would be a safer place without the mind-set of these type of people. I am certainly considering calling the Illinois Dept Of Public Health on him. He will be kicked to the curb if he becomes sick cause I will tell the medical profession treating him about how he ignores the warnings during the peak times in Illinois with all the warnings his attitude. Cares about absolutely no one but himself , totally sickening !!! Well considering all the facts of what Im seeing from tis adamant follower of the teachings of Herbert W Armstrong and its fellowship then I would say vaccination is out, and then , they'll take their chances but still end up hurting society and spreading this disease . I have seen him try to spread his illiness to me without a pandemic crisis, a simple flu or contagious sinus infection he gets, hell try his hardest to cover-up symptoms so he can breath in my face or try and kiss me , messed up !!!! Craziness is beyond crazy but this I will turn him in and notify a higher authority on his extreme ignorance for others and ignoring the " warnings on " Shelter in Place" and follow the guidelines if you must go out.... !!! " That behavior is " Danger to a society" the human race actually..... and wont be tolerated!! Speak all your religious freedom rights all you want !!! Dangerous thinking and behaviors !!!! All about self , thats about it !!

  58. I don't think it was Kool-Aid that Jim Jones used, I believe it was an off brand, Flavor Aid or something like that. Sorry for the Kook Aid makers if their product got tagged this way. This reminds me of an appetite suppressant named Ayds. Do you remember that? It came out before HIV/AIDS hit. Bad timing.
