Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, April 6, 2020

"If you are a member of a Church of God splinter, you come from an organization that was born in false prophecy...And to this very minute it is led by men and women who continue the family tradition without shame or remorse."

As the Bereans Did has an excellent post up about the COVID-19 virus and how the Churches of God are reacting to it.  As we have witnessed over the last few months, as the pandemic reared its ugly head, various COG leaders have gone into fits of ecstasy over the pandemic as a sure sign from God that he is pissed at humankind and is ready to usher in the tribulation where the full force of his wrath will be on display. Of course, just as we have witnessed for decades in the church, all of these prophecies now being uttered by COG leaders have been and will be utter failures.

In the early 1930s, Herbert W Armstrong started his own ministry on the sly, not letting his COG7 leaders know. What did he do? Let's take a look at his message:

"...19 years after the first seige, or 585 B.C., Nebuchadnezzar made his final siege, drove out all the Jews, took complete possession of the land, and the Times of the Gentiles came fully in. And 2520 years later, or 1936 A.D., the Times of the Gentiles will have completely ENDED. As nearly as we can calculate from the dates of ancient history, the year 1936 will see the END of the Times of the Gentiles. Those "Times" have not been completely fulfilled until that year."
-Herbert Armstrong, Plain Truth, June/July 1934, pp.4-5

That's right. He started with false prophecy about the imminent return of Christ. Did Jesus return in 1936? No. Did that stop Mr. Armstrong? No. 
To save myself the time and effort of writing all this out again, I will direct you to our article "All Systems Are GO!" where we document HWA's repeated false prophesies that did not stop until his death.

HWA tried to weasel out of it all by claiming that he didn't "prophesy" but "predict." No. He DID prophesy! We have documented it. Read our article, "An Inconvenient Plain Truth" and see. We document over 60 time-specific prophecies from one small window of time, and some of those were done in the name and authority of the Almighty God. That's 60 time-specific prophetic failures, from only one publication, from only one decade. How many more are there? Countless!

We have plenty more articles that you can find on our Categories page.

Now, you might be thinking, "How is any of this relevant to me? This isn't 1972 and I don't follow Herbert Armstrong." It is relevant to you because it wasn't just William Miller, or Ellen G White, or Herbert Armstrong, but everyone that followed those people - including the leaders of the Church of God splinter groups today. And those people are relevant. When Dave Pack named his group "Restored" what do you suppose he was restoring? Why, the Worldwide Church of God, of course! Just Google it. It says so right there. When Gerald Flurry named his group "Philadelphia Church of God" it was because that was the name Herbert Armstrong chose for his next church, should the government of California force him to give up leadership of the WCG in the Receivership debacle in the later 1970s. Why do all Church of God groups call themselves Church of God? Because they all come from the Worldwide Church of God. They are not just following naming convention here. This is a continuation in every sense. Herbert Armstrong may not be directly relevant to you, but he is directly relevant to every leader of every Church of God splinter - and that makes this relevant to you.

If you are a member of a Church of God splinter, you come from an organization that was born in false prophecy. It was raised on false prophecy. It makes its living off of false prophecy. And to this very minute it is led by men and women who continue the family tradition without shame or remorse.
Read the complete article here: COVID-19: No More Fearmongering


  1. I was in Big Sandy back in 1972 when we were all supposed to go to The Place of Safety. Nothing happened. My first 1844 Millerite experience. (I mention this because surely the people who sit in splinter group congregations today have never heard of this, otherwise they would be where they are.) I thought that the way the information manipulators in Pasadena handled this was worthy of some kind of Nobel Prize for Shrewdness. They said the following:

    1. The reason why Christ "delayed his coming" and we did not flee in '72 is that the Church was not ready. So HWA dropped the Blame Bomb directly on the lay membership. This gave him leverage to be more angry, controlling and demanding. Then it was somehow incontrovertibly the fault of the lay membership and later we found out that at that time GTA was engaged in (how shall I say it and keep my PG Rating) "questionable activities."

    2. The other brilliant gambit was to say that '72 was really about the founding of the auditorium in Pasadena as if it had theological import - a building frequently referred to as the "House for God."

    So see. It wasn't a false prophecy. My guess is that the failed prophecies that we have identified over and over again on this blog have always been rationalized in some barely credible way and we just don't know about it.

  2. Good question from the linked article. Where are the two witnesses of the Book of Revelation these days? That is Tax cheat felon Ron Weinland and his witless witness wife Laura witnessing everything Ron is doing? If Dave Pack is saying Christ is going to return any day now, shouldn't the two witless witnesses Ron and Laura have been in Jerusalem by now for all the world to see their power?

    Inquiring minds want to know.


  3. I had a look at the As The Bereans Did site. There's an article close to the top on agape love, which it defines as sacrificial, outgoing concern for others. That's a Herb teaching. Agape love is Godly love, principally expressed by God wanting every person to succeed. Outgoing concern is a code word for a right to emotional currency such as esteem and honor. These have to be earned as in "give honor to whom it is due," NOT to whom it is not due. This, like the "give way," is the game of the unjust steward. And like communism, it's a leveling doctrine.

  4. As Beareans Did should hold their heads in shame. They are from the UCG Ministry and think no one would dare expose them. Notice how COGWA President has a huge photo at the very top of the photo montage.
    Deeply shameful. They mistakenly think no evidence exists so they brazenly continue on their faithless farce.

    Double lives. To put this up on the today on the Passover is very telling. They hate having to pretend.
    Dishonest con artists who need help.

  5. As Bereans did is a anti COG blog run by UCG rebel ministry hypocrites.

  6. A sure sign of doom to befall the USA is when members of the Kennedy clan fall away before there time...........it seems.


  7. With unbelievable confidence, driven by the shaky Anglo-Israel-theory, GTA stuck his neck out in the sixties by boldly proclaiming on radio - repeatedly - "Britain will not join the Common Market"

    The decade wasn't even over before this prophecy blew up in his face!

    Making wallet-draining-Armstrongism tie for first place with Scientology as the worst American religion

  8. Calling a building the "House of God".

    Calling a church organization "God's true church".

    Calling a man "God's apostle".

    Writing letters "In Jesus' name".

    and more...

    Now if anyone thinks that isn't taking God's name in vain, then...


  9. With their dismal track record, using ANY Armstrong Church of God's prophetic interpretations as your source for understanding how current events relate to Biblical prophecy, is akin to treating an addiction with the wares of a snake oil salesman!

  10. To Near_Earth_Object,
    Don't forget the advert in the Reader's Digest! lol
    "the MOST POWERFUL DOOR so far opened to us"

    Anyone even see Reader's Digest anymore? I can't say as I've seen one in several years.

  11. Erratum:

    The statement in my earlier post should have read:

    "I mention this because surely the people who sit in splinter group congregations today have never heard of this, otherwise they would NOT be where they are."

  12. I have to ask the question if someone does not agree with your rendering of what the bible says does that make them a heretic, a moron, a pagan, unconverted? If someone ignores scripture to prove their point What do you call them? Are they called, are they of the sower and the seed or just a religious nut case?.Ones personal belief is there belief and again I must ask Are they wrong or are you? Remember scripture is not up to private interpretation and is inspired by the holy spirit. MANY ARE CALLED ( crack pot, ego-maniacs the paranoid, all sorts of people the low and weak of this world.

  13. Anonymous,
    "They are from the UCG Ministry"
    In fact, they are not. None of the blog contributors have ever been a part of the UCG Ministry at any point. I believe I can speak with some authority on this.

    -xHWA, owner of the As Bereans Did blog

  14. Anon 12:44 and 3:01,
    These are silly accusations on the one hand and thoroughly baseless judgmental accusations on the other.
    The anti-cog accusation is obvious and welcome because as people begin seeing the falseness of Armstrong’s teachings and prophecies they should necessarily become anti-cog.
    You better make sure you aren’t bearing false witness regarding the accusation of hypocrisy and rebellion (against what exactly).

  15. If the Auditorium was the supposed "House of God", for the "Church of God" it probably should have been known as the....

    COG HOG!

  16. 12:44. You hit the nail on the head. These are more UCG people working behind the scenes to discredit the church. It is appalling that they do this. It’s the same gossipy women who go around acting all concerned about the brethren but are actually spying on members.

  17. Is this the “As Bereans Did” blog?

  18. I think I am on here, but I don’t see my last post.

  19. xHWA
    I've been reading your blog for awhile, and it's articles are noticeably Armstrongitish. Tele-evangelists and Protestants have different favorite expressions and interpretations. Your writers are former COG members.

  20. The Bereans and most of the people here have left the truth and all that the Passover signifies and have become agents of the Jesuits.

  21. Anon 10:29 I dont know what planet you are on but it is obvious that they are exCOG members. Anyone with half a wit about them can see that. They, just like people here and those on other blogs and web sites saw through the false teachings of Armstrong and his new apostate church leaders. Maybe you should take your blinders off and move out of the darkness and into the light.

  22. GTA & "Britain will not join the Common Market"

    About the time of GTA's final farewell to WGA someone commented that holding GTA down to something he said (and was wrong) was like wrassling a greased pig.

    GTA should have gone to Bob Thiel's school of prophets - then he would have said, Will Britain ever be part of the Common Market (or EU)? What about in the End Time? ...

  23. "Anonymous said...
    The Bereans and most of the people here have left the truth and all that the Passover signifies and have become agents of the Jesuits.

    April 7, 2020 at 10:40 AM"

    Whose truth are you referring to? HWA's, yours?

    Before you say God's, consider this, who are you to speak for God?

    Are you sure that you know God's "truth"?

    Maybe at this time of the year, instead of judging and condemning others, you might want to "examine yourself"!


  24. "Making wallet-draining-Armstrongism tie for first place with Scientology as the worst American religion"

    I studied with the JWs before being a Herbert-$lave
    The JWs were way more humane & Christian than HWA cult!

  25. 12:24pm I seriously doubt that, perhaps equally inhumane and unchristian, but not less than the HWA cult.

    Perhaps you've never met any ex JW who were shunned by family and friends within the JW church.



  26. Here's another one that those in a corporate cog might want to consider.

    The "Leaders" treat you like a kid.


    Before you label me I want to point out that I've been a sabbath and feast keeper for 53 years and will remain one til the day that I die. But I consider the sabbath and feasts the lesser matters of the law. Same goes for clean meat, I've never intentionally eaten unclean meat, but again that's the lesser matters of the law.

    I haven't been a member of a church organization for nearly 30 years, and I'll never ever join one! I don't have to join one to have a relationship with the Father and Jesus. Neither do you.

    God wants us to grow up!


  27. 10.47 AM
    I suggest you re read my comment. I did say that they were former members. But they haven't forsaken all and perhaps most of HWAs teachings. The emphasis on government with no mention of rights, expressions such as 'outgoing concern,' is Herb through and through.
    As in the Star Trek Voyager series, not all of Seven of Nines Borg implants could be removed. Meaning, no one fully recovers after leaving a cult. Which is why this blog exists.

  28. Thanks, guys. This thread gave me the giggles and it was exactly what I needed today.

    As xHWA said, none of us have ever been in UCG ministry. Last time I checked, UCG didn't employ female ministers. And if you look, I have written several articles critical of UCG. Google "As Bereans Did" and "Beyond Today," for example.

    Yes, As Bereans Did writers are all ex-COG members. We feel a responsibility to reach out to you all, even though we have precious little time to do so lately, largely because most of the folks doing so in any organized capacity stopped in 1995. We all came out well after 1995. This post sums it up well:


    For what it's worth, xHWA and I both attend vastly different churches. And that's ok. Because we are in Christ and working for His good. I know I personally learn a lot from him. We try to keep denominational stuff out of our writing because most of those issues wouldn't really matter to our readers anyway. I personally think Paul had it right on Mars Hill - try to establish common ground and work from there. When in Rome, do as the Romans. We speak in Armstrongist terms because we are trying to help and reach and explain things to Armstrongists. It's not going to do you or I much good to talk about the rapture or transubstantiation or other denominational concerns. Denominational differences aren't hugely germane to ABD. What's germane is law, grace and covenants.

    As far as holding to COG beliefs and traditions, I don't. In case you haven't seen our many posts about Christmas, Easter, the Holy Days and more. But I believe that the best way to reach someone with the gospel is not to start off insulting them or telling them how wrong they are. When talking to the woman at the well and others, Jesus first established rapport, then corrected. Paul didn't start his speech telling the Ephesians they were all wrong. He worked with their established beliefs. And honestly, while I do not personally believe in keeping the Holy Days, and believe that, especially, the Days of Unleavened Bread can be spiritually damaging, I have made peace with the fact that they can be kept by those who are saved (there - I used a denominational term for you!!!) as long as the faith and heart are in the right place. Paul and Peter and James likely did, and clearly were saved, so who am I to condemn? God is the only one who can make that call. And I'm thankful for that.

    In shorter terms, I like Romans 14. A lot.

  29. Matha
    I agree with you that marketing techniques should be used to *sell" the gospel. But in peer review, such as comments on this blog, I believe the emphasis should be on asserting the truth, whether people find it insulting or not. Christ didn't pull His punches in correcting people.

  30. It is funny to watch you haters of the UCG weasel your way out of things. I know who you are and where you are a minister. Pretending to be a woman is hilarious!

  31. Wow. You must have some pretty compelling evidence to make such a bold accusation, and to essentially call me a liar. Dare I ask which minister you think I am?

    I'll be waiting with bated ovaries... I mean breath.

    I'd consider my attitude and motivations very carefully. You don't have to answer to me, or anyone here, but you will have to answer to God. Bearing false witness is no way to close out the Passover.

  32. Also, for anyone who is wondering which of us is telling the truth here:






  33. That's "the stalker", Martha. He, she, or it gets off on launching a barrage of false accusations against a series of targets (Tonto was the last target). It's no fun to read lies about oneself, in fact it is disarming, yet that is the currency with which the stalker deals.

    Just in case the stalker has raised any doubts amongst the legitimate ones who read Banned, "As Bereans Did" has been around for any number of years now, and in the days of its inception, I did exchange email with one or more of the authors there. They are sincere and committed Christian folk, who do not resemble the Stalker's accusations in any way. Rather, they have consistently reexamimed the teachings of Armstrongism from a Christian perspective, correcting error in a loving way, and bringing much light in the process. It is ludicrous to believe that they are ministers from one of the ACOGs involved in subterfuge or masquerade. The track record they have established over the years obliterate any even remote possibility of that being the case.

    Stalker, you've failed again. My advice to you would be to get a life that is based on positive energy. Anyone can go negative. Negative is the cheapest of cheap shots, a less than valueless commodity.


  34. I call BS. All this talk about who the Bereans authors are is nothing but a distraction.

    This ironically Anonymous person cannot disprove the documented facts in the article, so they move to Shoot the Messenger instead. If Anonymous can prove how the prophecies were not false, or prove how the current church of God did not come from Adventism, that would be worth hearing. However that would be impossible. The facts are that the prophecies have all failed, and a documented direct line can be drawn from Armstrongism to Adventism (whether you argue Armstrongism is a splinter of Adventism or not, the line can be drawn).

    There are plenty of people who know the Bereans authors personally, in real life, including some people here. The identity is neither here nor there. It doesn't matter who the authors are.


  35. xHWA, don't worry, no one pays attention to that %+-"#@ anyway. First he/she/it was after Tonto, now you.

    I'd say that he/she/it is a former UCG minister! A piss-poor one at that.


  36. You are a liar Martha. Byker Bob and your UCG Pastor husband are all from the same UCG region.

  37. Notice the hatred from the fake parody gang defending their own double lives. Nothing is as negative as a liar who lives a double life.
