Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, April 11, 2020

LCG Employee Says Not To "Hate" On Living Education

The comment is on this thread:  

Living Church of God Education Classes: How To Waste A Year Of Your Life

Anonymous said...
As a former Living Education student (and current Living Church of God employee), I am just going to politely remind people to be respectful and not speak of things you know nothing about. You make yourselves look, sound, and act like fools. If you don't like the Worldwide Church of God, that's your business, but if you claim to love God, you should know better than to post foolish things on hate (Christ says NOT to hate) websites. 


  1. Focus on the bright side. An LCG employee is spending part of his Sabbath reading Banned, and is now posting to Banned. This is the first small step of an awakening process that I have never seen go in the opposite direction.

  2. Look at that time stamp. An LCG employee posted to Banned during Charlotte's live-streamed Sabbath service! Looks like LCG's bigwigs are losing control of their little people!

  3. One of the funniest aspects to blogdom is that ACOG members often discover comments made about their particular groups years after the posts have receded into the archives, and make comments as if the post had been initiated a few hours ago. I've also seen a number of blog arguments that continue between two parties weeks or months after nobody else is paying any attention.

    This generally doesn't happen on other blogs I read, like the H.A.M.B. blog at Jalopnik, a hotrodding blog. If someone attempted to correct a 5 year old comment regarding multiple carburetor setup on a Ford 8BA flathead engine, it would be like the proverbial tree falling in a remote forest.

    Nice to see that someone at LCG has taken the time to visit, now that staying at home has provided more disposable time. Hopefully others from the various groups are doing this as well, and maybe even some of those will become enlightened and empowered! Problem is, your minister also has more time to do this, so your risk of getting busted is probably greater.


  4. The LCG employee is confusing "hate" with "righteous indignation". Did not Jesus go into the temple (Church of God) and drove out those (the Rod Merediths, David Packs, etc. of his day) who were buying and selling in there? Did he over turn their tables in love or in hate? Was that hate, or righteous indignation?

    In this modern day, charlatans and frauds are merchandising the Church of God robbing and stealing from "the weak of the world", the dumb sheep Church brethren. Someone has to and stand up show righteous indignation for what is happening in the Armstrong bowel movement.


  5. Thanks LCG employee. You may collect your shekels and go now. You offered no substantive dissenting opinion and instead resorted to two clumsy insults. Clumsy insult one from the political realm: anyone who disagrees is hateful. Clumsy insult two from the church realm: anyone who has a different opinion is a fool.

  6. Mr. Hall, you probably should start thinking for yourself rather than relying on Living. Also, you have a family to feed now, you'll find a much better paying job out in the real world.

  7. Regardless of how old the original post is, you can be sure that now and throughout the 80+ history of the COGs, attendees of their colleges have never and never will learn the biblical concepts that Christian colleges teach. Those concepts, whether you believe them or not, are in the Bible - they are biblical realities. However, the COGs are oblivious to them. If you mention them to a COGlodyte, and even site the verse, it's like you are speaking a foreign language.
    I propose we make a list of the important biblical realities that LCG will not teach young men or young women. I will start by offering this partial list:
    1. Jesus as Savior
    2. Sufficient Jesus
    3. Grace
    4. Justification
    5. The Double Imputation
    6. The Cross of Christ
    7. Jesus, the Sabbath Rest
    8. Jesus, the Redeemer
    9. Sanctification
    10. Glorification
    11. Predestination
    12. The finished work of Jesus
    There are many more you could add, if you'd like.
    Or perhaps you could enlighten me as to why anyone would attend "Christian" training, or attend a "Christian" church that ignores Jesus and the biblical realities related to Jesus?

  8. perhaps you could enlighten me as to why anyone would attend "Christian" training, or attend a "Christian" church that ignores Jesus and the biblical realities related to Jesus?

    Because they hope to get hired and become one of the parasites who live comfortably off the tithes of the brethren.

  9. Do their course to ".. learn how to live??" That's the old HWA marketing for Ambassador College. Where is the proof of this in the ministers lives? Are the ministers a shining light to church members, or are they a constant source of complaint?

  10. AARP has an article on scams. They left out the completely legal scam of religion.
    A church can be genuinely loving or be a collection device for sociopaths

  11. Maybe the Anonymous LCG poster should make a website on why LCG is the greatest church amongst the COG's and downgrade all the rest. Oh wait, Bob Thiel already did that.


    Well on second thought go for it.. There are no new ideas in the COG.

  12. These kind of comments are kind of entertaining (politely remind):

    "I am just going to politely remind people to be respectful and not speak of things you know nothing about. You make yourselves look, sound, and act like fools."

  13. ""I am just going to politely remind people to be respectful and not speak of things you know nothing about. You make yourselves look, sound, and act like fools."

    Much like the WCG ministers made themselves look, sound and act in the past. They thought they knew everything. Most of them in the orgs. still think that!


  14. King Saul speaks: Every citizen of the Roman Empire with a hair of intelligence knows that I invented christianity for the Beast Power. And sicko love is my method of infecting the brain so that the love puppets will vomit up tithes and get shafted to the ends of the earth. Oh yes I am the chosen apostle. I chose myself.

  15. I have such a strong feeling I know who left that comment 😂😂😂😂
    The funniest thing is that like...dude some of us can’t from there. We DO know how ridiculous it is! The only people who have to defend their “school” are ones who know the validity is questionable

  16. "(Christ says NOT to hate).

    April 11, 2020 at 11:05 AM"


    Pro 8:13 - The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.

    Evil, pride and arrogance are a perfect definition of HWA's unbiblical clergy class.

    Yes, we should hate corporate organizations that place themselves above God.
