Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Wadsworth Residents Disgusted by Dave Pack and Restored Church of God Meeting on Saturdays

The more that Dave Pack chooses to force his employees and members to meet at his cult compound the more disgusted the public becomes. This is what happens when a narcissist thinks it is all about him and that he is above the law.  


  1. Pack is an evil lying theiving idiot. But the grocier stores are packed where I live... So you have to be a complete idiot to think the virus is at the church but not the grocery store.

    At the very least don't be a hypocrite when accusing others of stupidity or ignorance.

    1. Apparently you haven't been to church in a while. We are talking inches apart.

      Also, we fully support people buying food to survive. Why would you compare the two??

    2. Because unless you have no logical abilities at all it you would realize that it doesn't matter where you get the virus from.

      Also thousands of people hand money directly to he cashier at our grocery stores. Closer than at church.

  2. I was at the supermarket today. I sprayed my shopping cart with Lysol and wiped it down, secured a biker bandana over my nose and mouth, and went in to do my shopping. There were a limited number of people allowed in the store, and I kept my distance from them. At the checkout counter, there were blue taped X's on the floor signifying proper social distance, and there was a plexiglass "window" separating myself and the cashier. After I loaded my groceries in the trunk, I poured alcohol on my hands and rubbed them together until they were dry, and sprayed my clothes and the interior of my car with the Lysol.

    If you can do all of those things at ACOG sabbath services, I'd say have at it. But the bigger issue is that microdroplets of saliva travel up to 25 feet in a closed room under sneezing conditions, and some are so light that they remain suspended in the air. Services and fellowship are a much more intimate setting than an impersonal shopping situation. If you, 7:27, can't grasp the difference between the two activities, we should probably be avoiding you.

    If they aren't taking proper precautions at the Giant Eagle, that would be another matter entirely. However, there were some infections and or deaths in one of their Pittsburgh stores last week, so I'd have to believe they have taken chain-wide remedial actions. It is a necessity for survival to eat. That is not true of attending a personal church service. Virtual services are an effective alternative.


    1. Doea that mean all the grocery store are like your Bob? No. Many have lots of people. Where I work you can't avoid people. So being smug about your personal situation and how righteous you are doesn't mean other people have a choice.

  3. At church services, ACOG ministers strut around like above the law, junior Gods. Of course they squeal like pigs that services are cancelled.

  4. 7:27 is a funny guy

    "the grocery stores are" packed", ponder that phrase its stand up comedy.

    Anyway, if the grocery stores have not limited the number of people inside you will have "weeks from hell instead of." "the week from hell".


  5. Truth be told, farting has a wider dispersal in spreading COVID-19 than sneezing.


  6. So although they won't, any member who had to attend services and contracts it, should be able to sue him, especially if there's a death related to it. A nice class action suit would be great but again, they won't dare band against him. He gets to stand up there 10 feet away from everyone and spout his gobbledygook while members have to sit too close together. Everything is wrong with this.

    1. What about nurses, doctors and people in the hospital that got the virus from others while they were there for other treatments? Should they get to sue as well?

  7. but on the brighter side....

    for the first time in ages the Church was not in a restaurant on the NTBMO....

    maybe some will realize how much better it is to do things God's way.

  8. Ok, lets consider church to be "essential". The internet can provide the messages live, and also provide sociological fellowship, as can the telephone.

    The request is for only until the end of the month. This is not an unreasonable request from the governing authorities, and it is not sin. The Bible tells us to obey government if it is not a sin.

    Pack, since he believes he is the Messiah, thinks that he is above ANY authority and can make whatever rules he wants. Typical of the sociopath that he is.

  9. A great scenario first high holy day:
    David Pack : Brethren,why are we here?
    Police officers entering building: Were here to place you under arrest

  10. Peace officers walk a precarious line in enforcing social distancing. In most cases, offenders are issued a written warning and released. It is a very dangerous time in which to be incarcerated, for prisoners and the correctional officers who oversee them. There are lawsuits as we speak suing to empty out no less of a facility than Rikers Island in NYC, base on cruel and unusual punishment. Minor offenders are being exposed to conditions that could cause them to become very ill or die. This is another societal dilemma which has been exposed by the pandemic. Certain types of crime are way down, as criminals are also self-isolating. Unfortunately, in the coming weeks, I believe we will most likely discover that there has been massive cyber crime, so it's best to monitor all of your accounts frequently!


    1. Its almost like Bob hates the constitution. Do not want freedom? We are heading directly towards Nazi Germany with "papers please" around the corner and you will be blind sided by this because today it seems rational to you because you have no understanding of history.

      The propaganda by the Nazis compelled a whole country and moved many around the world to view and sengrate people as animals in a way we now see as totally insane. But oh no people with viruses are going to kill you so lock them up! Also total insanity. Papers to prove you are healthy.

      One day you will have a fever from the flu and they will lock you up out of fear you have covid19. Then you will see mob justice from the other side.

  11. @6:41 AM

    Ha, I thought about that too.

  12. 6:41am It must be comforting to know that YOU know what's God's way!


  13. You guys like 8:26 are full of it. You have no idea what I personally believe, where I get my information, or the nature of my own theories for the future, because I really hold back a lot on what I post. What limited part of my repertoir is contributed is in keeping with the mission statement of this blog. I also like to throw out some helpful hints to benefit the people here at Banned whom I've come to know as friends over the years.

    If I do get a fever, I will lay low and stay around the house, voluntarily, and out of human decency. Draconian laws are usually made necessary by serial offenders, and the terminally dumb.

    "Doea (sic) that mean all the grocery store (sic) are like your (sic) Bob."

    No! During the virus scare I've deliberately shopped at stores which generally do not have many customers and have had other stores in their chain closed down already. You might have such a store in your neighborhood, or perhaps not. I don't even want to speculate about what might be going on for the folks in the 'hood right now because if I am in the 'hood it's only during normal business hours. I'm assuming that the Giant Eagle in Pack's neighborhood caters to white middle class suburbanites. If you look at the ethnic diversity chart for Wadsworth, you see German, Irish, English, Italian, American, Polish, and French listed as the 7 groups with members amounting to over 5% of the general population. My comments were directed towards what is going on in that neighborhood and my own experiences where I live.

    "it doesn't matter where you get the virus from."

    The hell it doesn't! The most effective way of containing it is to treat it as if it were syphilis! Someone gets syph, you trace all of their contacts to determine where it came from, and where it's going. Get everybody in for treatment, or at least on book. We're finding out that clusters of Covid came from large family gatherings, weddings, church services, cruises, military ships, business conventions, etc. These need to be traced. Early diagnosis could diminish the seriousness.

    By the way, if you are in a state with a shelter in place order, make good use of your time! Do some reading and studying. It'll strengthen your position for when everything gradually returns to normal.😎 Meantime, there is stuff all of us can do to make things better whether we're around people or not. All you can do is improve your personal odds, stack them more in your favor. Some of us or our loved ones may actually get the virus. Hopefully it's mild, but this is some really serious shit, and not at all the hoax that some of those who commented in mid-March wanted us to believe!


  14. Who the hell has been rambling from 8:17pm to 8:26pm? If they had a point to make you'd think they'd write sensibly.

  15. to view and sengrate people as animals

    What is this "sengrate"? To feed them and care for them? To make them part of our lives? Please explain.

  16. One day you will have a fever from the flu and they will lock you up out of fear you have covid19.

    Wrong. Tell them you are not a U.S. citizen, and they'll have to be very careful not to mishandle you. Or tell them you're LGBT and that to lock you up would be a hate crime. Already some big cities are letting prisoners out of jail so they won't be in close quarters to get the coronavirus. Unless you are a law-abiding white male, you can avoid the mob justice of which you speak.

  17. 6.12 AM
    I hope you are not the same person who keeps posting the near same comment every time someone makes a spelling error. Playing Captain Nitpicker is a sick game to play.

  18. 10:09. He sounds more like Todd, that other fool who has set himself up as a prophet and nitpicker. Check out this deranged ding-a-ling. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXBXGpbl40GuadyF_DRkkiA

  19. A minor spelling error is one thing, "sengrate" and "Doea" whatever the hell those mean, are another. The easy ones like your or you're and there, their and they're, you'd think most people would try to get those right. They're not really that hard.

    As I've said before there are youtube videos explaining how to use them. lol

  20. I was thinking that was probably Zerubbabel but was bored yesterday, hence the long-winded response.


  21. This is why the public schools have special ed classes.

  22. 11.49 AM
    Considering the context, I had no difficulty recognising that the poster meant segregate when he used the word "sengrate."

  23. Also thousands of people hand money directly to he cashier at our grocery stores. Closer than at church.

    April 12, 2020 at 8:17 PM

    You still use money at the grocery store? That's about as bad as when I get behind someone actually writing a check at the store.

    Amazing how in this day of low interest, when there are cash back credit cards that people don't use them. Then simply pay them off every month.

    Last month I had an $8,000 credit card bill. Guess what? I paid it off, no interest. I also got $160 in air miles because it's a 2% cash back card, on everything.


  24. 2:29am, since I am 11:49am, and I am not 6:12am, I don't need your lecture.

  25. There is no 2:29! You need to sentegrade yourself!
