Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Why People Are Appaled At COG Leaders Insane Decisions About COVID-19


  1. Relative to that donkey, some say similar things about the attitude of today's democratic leadership...who just so happen to have a jackass for their party symbol...


  2. Excellent analogy Gary, just excellent!

    That jackass resembles Dave Pack does it not?

  3. And of course, breaking news just in from the Bronx Zoo in NYC indicates that this virus can be passed to animals! Several of the tigers there had fallen ill, so the chief zoologist administered a Covid 19 test, and the results came back positive.

    I really have to compliment Dr. Drew Pinsky. Throughout February and March, he had been passing along the hard right's mantra that Covid 19 was just another variety of flu, not to be feared to the extent that the media indicated. He came to the realization that he was very wrong about this, and apologized for passing along bad information to his listeners.

    Certain leaders of splinter groups need to do the same! It ain't the flu! Covid 19 is flucifer!


  4. If you are going to Packs, Flurrys, Weinland, Malms, Thiel's ETC, church, you indeed have a JACK ASS on your back!

  5. The reasoning in this article is the same as always used by the ministers to lord it over their members. Where's peoples inalienable rights and the constitution. After all, people aren't donkeys.
    It's worth noting that Sweden has taken a non lockdown approach.

  6. Excellent article. With one in five businesses on the verge of closing, some are saying that the cure is worse than the disease. The spike in suicides could kill more than the virus itself. Did I mention that the virus is mainly killing the elderly and those with multiple medical conditions. So from now on, our Jackass leaders will shut down the economy every time their is a flu. Yeap, our jackass world leaders need to be kept under control.

  7. COG distancing is the safest way to keep your health and sanity.

  8. As of yesterday Sweden's death rate per million citizens was 37, the U.S. death rate per million was 33.

  9. I'd like to know who didn't do the six foot social distancing with those tigers. 😉


  10. Here's the link for 5:19am

