Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

CGI’s Bill Watson is losing it over the Coronavirus Pandemic

Y'all gon' make me lose my mind 
Up in here, up in here 
Y'all gon' make me go all out 
Up in here, up in here 
Y'all gon' make me act a fool 
Up in here, up in here 
Y'all gon' make me lose my cool


CGI’s Bill Watson is losing it over the Coronavirus Pandemic. In his latest segment on “Biblical News and Commentary, Pastor Watson brings us a Coronavirus Special Report. In the almost 55-minute-long “report,” the pastor rejoices that we are finally experiencing a restoration of our freedoms (being able to play golf, go to a restaurant or hit the beauty shop).

He goes on to say that he wants to share with us some observations and information related to the pandemic and promote some critical thinking and investigation on our part. Unfortunately, everything that follows is taken from extreme right-wing websites that are fond of liberal-bashing conspiracy theories.

He begins his broadside on the pandemic by asking, “When did this begin?” According to the pastor, the origins of our current predicament can be traced to a 2015 grant of almost four million dollars to the Wuhan Institute of Virology by the Obama Administration. His source for this information? – Libertyplanet.com, a right-wing media outlet that claims to be fighting back against liberal media.

From there, Mr. Watson showcases a Fox News program that featured Neil Cavuto interviewing Peter Navarro (Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy in the Trump Administration). In the interview, Navarro claims that China spawned the virus, hid it and profited from it. The clear implication of both pieces being that the virus originated in the Wuhan lab.

To further support this train of thought, Watson quotes yet another right-wing news source, The Epoch Times (“truth and tradition”). It is asserted that five million Chinese citizens seeded the world with the virus. Watson then returns to Navarro, who goes on to assert that China has embarked on a policy of “Four Kills.” He explains this as China: 1) declaring war, 2) hiding the virus, 3) hoarding PPE, and 4) profiteering from sales of PPE.

After presenting this “evidence” to his audience, Pastor Watson suggests that China’s activities were knowing and premeditated. He then goes on to speculate if this whole thing might not turn out to be a military operation. Watson says that it really doesn’t matter if this was purposeful or accidental – it has created a real crisis. And, according to him, China never lets a good crisis go to waste!

It may seem a bit disjointed to my readers, but Watson then jumps to the Catholic Church’s support of Globalism. He cites a Breitbart article that takes Pope Francis to task for having the audacity to decry human exploitation of nature! The aim of all this Catholic interference? The formation of a new world order! And, just for good measure, he implies that Jeffrey Sachs and George Soros are helping all of this along. The implication is clear – those nasty Globalists are seeking to advance their own agenda and thwart the good Nationalists (as personified by Trump).

He goes on to suggest that there might be more to this pandemic than meets the eye. Watson alludes to sinister motivations lurking in the shadows without formally naming them. He points to the economic slowdown, and the efforts by some to keep things closed through the U.S. Presidential election in November. He implies that nefarious forces are at work to curtail our freedoms and liberties. Watson goes on to allege that the World Health Organization was complicit in China’s Coronavirus deception.

And, finally, Mr. Watson asserts that the virus is really not as deadly as the mainstream media make it out to be. As proof of this assertion, he offers a video of some remarks by Dr Dan Erickson (the owner of an urgent care clinic business). Never mind that this doctor has been challenged for his flawed methodology. Never mind that the remarks appeared on Banned.video which hosts right-wing nut, Alex Jones.

Unfortunately, for Pastor Watson, the Coronavirus Pandemic is just another piece of the great contest between wicked Globalists and righteous Nationalists. He sees dark conspiracies lurking in the shadows, and the fulfillment of Christ’s prophecies recorded in the 24th chapter of Matthew. For him, this is not a global health crisis – it is an attempt to establish a new world order. He urges Christians to be fearless in the face of these threats and implies that they will be protected. In this connection, it is interesting to note that Mr. Watson’s congregation began congregating again this past Sabbath.

Is it just me or is this stuff getting crazier and crazier by the day? I think Bill might benefit from a dose of NBC, ABC, CBS, The Wall Street Journal or The New York Times. A little fake news might improve his perspective – what do you think?

Miller Jones


  1. During the Exodus, Watson would sure have been one hell of a grumbling Israelite!

  2. I've tried on a number of theories over the past several weeks, largely based upon a "who benefits?" premise. The last one fell over the weekend, when I learned that the scientists who broke down the virus on the dna level had concluded that it bears predictable similarity in key ways to all other naturally occurring viruses affecting the animal kingdom. It has none of the markings of a man-made, or man-altered virus. It is common to bats as are numerous other viruses, which is the area of expertise of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, bat viruses.

    That being said, I believe that while it crossed species, much as was expected with Avian Flu, this happened naturally, unaided by man. However, everybody with an agenda, including one's mother and one's dog, is now attempting to exploit it, and to maximize it for everything they can get from it. Who you trust is largely determined by your politics. Even the militias, once everybody's favorite outcasts, are gaining some ground from it as they smilingly provide security and assist a barber in opening his shop in violation of a governor's edict.

    The people who fear globalism generally fear a single party totalitarian version of it, because that is the only version which they can conceptualize. Mind you, most of these same folks would actually prefer that their opponents, the "other" party would simply die out and go away, leaving a single party system, theirs! Perhaps that is the basis for their fear. Most likely, if globalism were to be achieved in our times, it would be the time honored two party system, complete with liberals and conservatives. That is, unless we reached globalism by conquest, actually were stripped of our freedoms permanently, and like the Jews in Roman times were beholden to an empire.

    Why do ACOG leaders all fear globalism? Shouldn't they be happy, and earnestly wishing for it to come soon because it's the final sign of Jesus' imminent return? I just don't get Armstrongites!


  3. 6:52
    Interesting perspective 6:52.
    Would he have been the last to leave Egypt and label the plagues "fake news. ", construed to get the foreigners to leave Egypt and close the borders. Talking about "Mosesgate" all the time hesitantly following the "10 guidelines" by that "Nubian marrying" sweet talker, wanting us all to live in tents and share common. "There is no such thing as free manna."

    And the statistics are faked too. I mean 400.000 Israelite? We're hardly 70.000.

    And that fire blocking the road. That's just Cushing OK. It's all a conspiracy by the olive oil salesmen. And why are we taking Joseph the Oligarch 1 percent er. Good thing we left his Egyptian family members in the tomb at Avaris since my back hurts too.


  4. Check out what Snopes has to say about the 3.7 million dollar grant:

  5. This article is the 'Plain Truth' according to Miller Jones, and everyone who disagrees with him is not converted, err, I mean, right wing.
    There's been many sources that traces this virus back to a Chinese virologist called the Batwoman, because of her passion for studying bat viruses. Evidently she decided to play God by modifying a bat virus to make it transferrable to humans. Due to its inadequate safety rating, the virus escaped it's Wuhan lab, infecting it's surrounding citizens. The rest is history. This woman mysteriously disappeared, and hasn't been seen since.

  6. I already knew that the grant which had been given to an American nonprofit to work with Wuhan had been bipartisan. Trump arbitrarily cancelled it as he has consistently done with all of the research programs that don't match his rhetoric. This was all exposed in a major newspaper over the weekend.

    As far as Snopes goes, they generally function as a pretty darned good lie detector. People choose to believe their talking heads instead. I bet Watson's audience trusted his every single word implicitly. That 's the way we were trained in the ACOGs.


  7. Trump arbitrarily cancelled it...

    As he cancelled a number of things that previous administrations had set in place that dealt with health, the environment, cooperation...

    “When did this begin?”

    A few doctors said they warned about possible pandemics following the SARS outbreak in 2003. And Bob Thiel reminds us that he warned about the coronavirus among his many other possible calamities several years ago (though he never offered a when or where).

  8. what Bill is noticing, but doesn't really see, is that Satan is having a field day with mankind right now....

    what appears to be conspiracy is a bunch of worldly folks doing Satan's bidding for him...he's leading them all, which makes it appear that they are all in cahoots, ....

    we've outlawed God and kicked Him out of society, and now are afraid of our own shadow...panicked at a relatively mild virus (which is quite dangerous for those with compromised immune systems and other health problems, but apparently no more so than the regular flu) and have done more damage by shutting down the country than the virus would have ever done.

    end result will be a fundamental change in how society operates.....Satan won this round.

    1. How many COVID19 patients have you had in your immediate family, 6:13?

  9. oh, and Snopes is hardly the authority on what's true and what isn't.

  10. Back a few weeks ago, authorities intercepted a guy who was going to bomb some hospitals that were treating COVID patients. He was from the right-wing. To me, this was a paradox. So often the right-wing is, mistakenly, identified with moral rectitude. A further explanation of the bombers motivations was revealing. The right-wing wants to cause a break down in society. Bombing hospitals and killing COVID patients fits that model. They want to cause chaos and in the aftermath, the right-wing can then take over and carry out its transformation of American society. I don't know what that society is supposed to look like - probably a neo-fascist state with the abrogation of civil freedoms, even though the right-wing is thought of as freedom conserving.

    It is easy and naïve for right leaning churches to hitch a ride on the right-wing extremist currents in our society - without recognizing that the extreme right-wing has no place for churches that are not state controlled in its ideal society.

    I remember sitting in Spokesman's Club years ago and listening to one of our respected and erstwhile members respond to a question in Table Topics. I had known him for a while and thought he was right as rain. I was stunned when he gave us a rancorous anti-Semitic diatribe in which he denied the Holocaust ever happened. I talked to him off-line later on and it was clear that he hated Jews - and probably lots of other people.

    You never know where this crazy, destructive stuff lurks, generated by the extreme right or left, and what odd fascination it bears for the naïve.

  11. Regardless of origin, the Corona event certainly helped China end the Hong Kong rebellion completely.

    I also find it interesting on how the narrative of this flu has changed and evolved. The quarantine's original objective was to "flatten the curve" so as not to overwhelm the health care system. Ok, fair enough.

    It has now transmogrified into a movement to quarantine and restrict UNTIL their is a cure or vaccine, which could take up to 2 years. The wrecking of the economy DOES serve certain political interests and agendas, there is no doubt about that.

    Why didn't diseases like AIDS , Herpes and others produce "quarantines" and social distancing?

    Im reminded of the old Buffalo Springfield song "For What Its Worth"

    There's something happening here
    What it is ain't exactly clear
    There's a man with a gun over there
    Telling me I got to beware
    I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound
    Everybody look what's going down

    1. Since when has the narrative in America being one Tonto ? Trump leaves the Govenors scrambling for their own state PPE and confusion abounds.

      What state do you live in Tonto?

  12. Funny, as it took a couple blinks of the eye to make it out, but I thought the picture of Bill Watson had him wearing cat whiskers! It was only after a more thorough look that I realized that they were bifocals that he had on, way down on his nose.

  13. Well said Tonto @ 7:15 AM

    We shall see how this ball-of-shit evolves over time.

  14. I see Jared Kushner slipped, and stuck his foot in it bigtime in his interview with Time magazine. I've been waiting for that cat to come jumping out of the bag for some time now, and believe we will probably end up with a constitutional crisis over the election date come November.

    Both parties are equally seizing on the pandemic to further parts of their agenda. The Democrats are exploiting it to promote greater dependence on Big Brother government. The old money Republicans have never given up on regaining the control they lost to Keynsian economics, and I guarantee the rich will definitely become richer as a result of Covid 19. The Dems have always been known for their activists, protesters, and rioters, and now the Republicans have their white nationalist thugs very visibly supporting the party agenda. It's a shit storm either way, and the moderates are stuck in the middle of the two warring factions.



  15. Tonto,

    I don't think most health care professional (or most of the rest of us) are advocating keeping things shut down until a cure or vaccine is found. The people that I've heard talking about this still point to flattening the curve and getting a good testing and contact tracing regime. The faster we ramp up testing and tracing, the faster we can get things moving again. No sane person wants another Great Depression (even if it means defeating the great orange orangutan who currently occupies the Oval Office).
    You asked: "Why didn't diseases like AIDS , Herpes and others produce "quarantines" and social distancing?" The answer is that there is a big difference in the way that a respiratory infection like Covid-19 is transmitted than the way AIDS and Herpes are transmitted. There's a big difference from being exposed by someone breathing, sneezing or coughing on you and engaging in sexual intercourse with them!
    BB is right. People with agendas try to take advantage of any opportunity that presents itself. Hence, it's not a big revelation that the leaders of China or the United States or Republicans and Democrats will use and twist facts and circumstances to support their interests (sounds like human nature in operation). Even so, opportunism does not equal Globalist/Nationalist conspiracy. Isn't Bill appealing to the same kind of fear that he's accusing the other side of exploiting?

  16. Whoops Miller. I object to your likening Potus with the kindest lovable of monkeys. I believe a baboon is universally used or gorilla for a forceful type, but orangutan?
    Save the rainforest. Selamat.

  17. I've got to laugh about the apples to oranges comparisons with AIDS and Herpes! Misinformed people are having Covid 19 parties, 20 people partying with someone who is sick so they can get a mild case (how would they limit it to mildness?) and establish herd immunity. Fools! Sex parties with AIDS or herpes patients to establish immunity were certainly never proposed, but there were some isolated instances of court ordered quarantining of a handful of people who flagrantly and knowingly infected others with HIV.

    Think of it this way: Imagine if you caught AIDS by smelling spermatozoa or vaginal secretions. Not likely without some pretty deliberate acts, and basically underpants and pants function as a mask. However, if just being within breathing distance of an AIDS patient might mean infection, I guarandamntee you we would have seen massive quarantining. You get Covid 19 from someone sneezing by you, using the ATM before you, a keyboard someone else has used, tracking the germs into your living quarters from a heavy traffic store, riding public transportation, etc. I don't know what is going through the protestors' heads, because my government is telling me not to do things that I already don't want to do! They are watching out for my long term rights, not curtailing them. Laws are made to protect us against fools, criminals, and stupid people.


  18. MJ
    I recall reading an article in Time magazine about herpes. The doctor who informed his patient that he had herpes, refused to shake his hand. The reason being that herpes is a virus, so it can be transmitted by touch. HIV is also a virus.

  19. Great Depression 2020 cannot be stopped Jones.
    Financial sectors have already warned employee's that the economic fall out will be worse than the actual virus.

  20. David Duke has taken a very balanced approach to this virus all along and offered practical solutions for getting the economy going again. It's nice to see some of his ideas going mainstream (finally).

    Even globalists like Winston Churchill said there were nefarious forces working to bring the world to a state of "arrested development." And that is why the lock-down is hysterically promoted by the fear mongers on the commie hard left (e.g. most mainstream media).

  21. I don't know ANYBODY who has COVID or has gotten even a cough from COVID.


  22. Elon Musk interview about the Chinese virus from Wuhan (COVID-19) from May 2020 on YouTube (14 minutes, 46 seconds):


  23. Say what you want, but I have several family who are career military. They all say the same that it came from the lab in Wuhan and it was infecting people in Wuhan much earlier than they have acknowledged. When warned by some of their own physicians the Communist party of China reacted the same way the Soviet communists did back in 1986 when Chernobyl blew up, they tried to suppress it.

  24. nck,

    I stand corrected. I do apologize to the orangutans of the world.

  25. Darth Vader was ahead of his time with his anti-corona virus head gear.

  26. BB said:

    I've tried on a number of theories over the past several weeks, largely based upon a "who benefits?" premise. The last one fell over the weekend, when I learned that the scientists who broke down the virus on the dna level had concluded that it bears predictable similarity in key ways to all other naturally occurring viruses affecting the animal kingdom. It has none of the markings of a man-made, or man-altered virus. It is common to bats as are numerous other viruses, which is the area of expertise of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, bat viruses.

    You think you are the know all-end all on every topic in the universe, but you are not. Many PhD's educated in this field are exposing the fact that this virus was manipulated in the Wuhan lab, including Chris Matheson from Peak Prosperity. The HIV sequence was ADDED to the COVID virus to increase its gain of function, which PROVES it was manipulated on purpose by scientists with sinister plans, including Fouchi and Gates. Gain of function is the process of making a virus more transmissible and pathogenic. The virus, whether man-made or natural is either way a pestilence, as described in Matt 24:7.

  27. I'm so happy for you, 6:41! That means that all the anti-AIDS drugs that have been saving lives for the past twenty years are the proper medications to deal with the novel corona virus, and you get to be the messenger that shares that good news with Chris Matheson so he can save the world. Who knew that it could all be so simple? Don't you feel special, now?

    Could you share the names of the PhD's (sic)? I am sure Bob Thiel would like to meet and keep in touch with his classmates!


  28. And the virus will start up again in the fall and this time there will not be a disastrous shutdown. People will die like every year when the fall and winter roll around.

    This is the way it is.

    No matter what you believe, all this will pass over time and truth will eventually be found. Those responsible (assuming someone is) for this will be exposed. Truth wins out over time.

    However, yo who trust government, if you need protection from getting killed from a auto accident, this can be done by banning this mode of transportation and instead, mandate a socialist approach of public transportation..

    Now, how of us would agree with this approach. The government saving you from POSSIBLE death from a automobile accident?

    How about knives?
    Guns anyone?
    Or how about the biggest historic killer of mankind?
    And what is that?
    Why, religion of course.

    No one has the answers yet as too this virus. I suggest follow the money, those organizations that started this panic with warnings and models that failed miserably. Where does their money come from? Whoever has the gold dominates the narrative.

    Fuck what this minister says. He is entitled to his opinion like anyone else. His view point promotes himself and those with itching years and what they want to hear. He is a meaningless maggot in the scheme of things.

  29. The lock-down is a bankster-commie power grab. As in Angola, the commies and bankers work together. The goal is power, power, power. They don't care about communism or capitalism or democracy. Only about power. All the foregoing are merely vehicles to total power and total totalitarianism. The banks get most of the bail-out and the middle class will be crushed trying to pay it off. When the commies take total control truth will be exterminated and there will be no opposition, no religion, no truth of any kind.

  30. I'd add one more component to James's comment. Follow the power. Watch whose power is growing! It's the ol' "I got the pistol, so I'll keep the pesos." routine.



  31. BB said:

    I'm so happy for you, 6:41! That means that all the anti-AIDS drugs that have been saving lives for the past twenty years are the proper medications to deal with the novel corona virus, and you get to be the messenger that shares that good news with Chris Matheson so he can save the world. Who knew that it could all be so simple? Don't you feel special, now?

    Could you share the names of the PhD's (sic)? I am sure Bob Thiel would like to meet and keep in touch with his classmates!

    May 13, 2020 at 10:47 PM

    No problem:

    Chris Martenson, PhD Pathology (Peak Prosperity on YT)
    Dr. Judy Mikovits, MD from "Plandemic" video fame
    Dr. Luc Montagnier, virologost and Nobel Prize winner for his research on HIV.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD3ztjqYGbg (Peak Prosperity)

    https://www.bitchute.com/video/IB3ijQuLkkUr/ (Plandemic)

    Of course I know you'll reject these references and dismiss them as conspiracy theorists because you're a dogmatic sanctimonious troglodyte. I have no message for Dr. Martenson, whatever that is supposed to mean.

  32. There should be a congressional investigation into the need for this lock-down. Complete with experts from all sides, cameras, sworn testimony, etc.

  33. Anonymous 3:42 said...
    'I don't know ANYBODY who has COVID or has gotten even a cough from COVID.'

    You must lead a very sheltered life - I know a number, including someone who died from it. It's not a pleasant way to die.

  34. Yep Questeruk.
    My thoughts. It must be different for people talking from Sedona Arizona or Birmingham England.

    Suddenly people from South Tirol and New York can relate to each other in ways never imagined. And people from the heartland compounds can act like Saudi Arabian terrorists believing the rest of the nation is harassed by covid because of sin and respond by turning fanatic under the guise of liberty.


  35. There is a model which we've observed over the past forty years since the Islamic revolution in Iran. Suddenly, that country went from being a somewhat secularized nation under the Shah, to being a nation under sharia law. Not everybody embraced that. As an example, many parents had their daughters enrolled in institutes of higher education. Bands of armed fundamentalists swept through the countryside, and threatened entire families, coercing them into removing these daughters from the schools. Also, the people who were accustomed to wearing western attire were forced back into wearing traditional clothing. Many items and activities which had been previously permitted were gradually forbidden, all courtesy of these behind the scenes fundamentalists, who were often extremely violent, and became known as terrorists.

    Our president has gone out of his way to court and praise the American equivalent of these fundamentalists, and I fear that they could easily become his secret enforcers, imposing his will on those who would vote him out if our freedom to do so remains intact. Look at what is happening. They stage a couple of protests, he calls them good people, and then caves to their demands in spite of the solid facts the scientists have brought to the table. As a teenager, I often wondered how the Armstrong prophecy scenarios could accumulate in our modern and educated times. How could the USA with all its power and the greatest collection of human knowledge and intelligence end up totally losing it? We now see one possibility. The nation becomes polarized and the side which rejects the science and the vast fund of available knowledge, (and incidentally alienates our allies) gains the upper hand, compounds many fatal errors, and we lose it.

    Still, I have great hope. I believe that many lessons will be learned through this pandemic, as have been learned from crises past. Hopefully correction will come, this will end up having been the bump in the road that jolts us back to common sense, compromise, and cooperation, and we will emerge from this crisis battered, but stronger from having learned some important lessons. Sometimes it requires almost losing everything to gain a new appreciation for it, and to preserve it.

  36. 1:31,
    If you cannot see the difference between Islamic fundamentalists and Christian fundamentalists you have been fully skewed off correct thinking. You simply have. If you think those that support gun rights and constitutional rights are similar to the Islamic fundamentalists you simply do not understand our Constitution. Support of the Constitution is based in individual rights, that there are rights that a majority cannot revoke. People that believe otherwise are the ones to worry about.

    How can those that believe citizens have the right to have a gun and have a right to free speech and religion and association, etc., how can they be the group that dominates individuals' lives and takes away rights? How is that? You don't even have an example from history, but the annals of groups that believe in taking away such individual rights are replete with tyrants. I don't understand how someone such as yourself that can write well does not recognize this.

  37. 12:24
    I am here to give you special insight into the truth a analysed by the security community.

    Ayatollah Khomeini was exiled in France. It was there through for example the writings of Sartre and the French model of Liberte that he succeeded in amalgamating the ideas and ideals of the French revolution with the religious precepts of shiism.

    It was able to put this in practice when he was called to "liberate" Persia from the CIA dominated Shah and mossadekh and the seven sisters to return Iran to the Iranian people through "liberating revolution".

    Try and place yourself in other people and you might empathize with a people abused by the CIA and western companies and those that see Christian fundamentalist as the lesser of 2 evils but evil in any case.

    The above does not necessarily refkect my personal opinion but I am sure this type of analysis brings new perspectives and for sure information is new to you and perhaps warrants deeper study into the nature of liberty, oppressed and foreign and domestic rule and why the US is branded as the big Satan by people who really wear jeans, Revlon make up and want to visit America as soon as it is possible to do so.


  38. 12:24
    Under a so called "born again" President of the United States the unlawful treatment of prisoners of war was implemented at guantanomobay as well as a large call torture program in breach with the constitution, albeit circumventing the constitution because we asked 15 nations to do it for us off American soil.


  39. I'm a gun guy myself. My house is an arsenal. But, as a responsible gun owner, I refuse to use my weapons to demonstrate and protest in an intimidating way to support a president who is not looking out for the better interests of the citizens. I refuse to assist a tattoo parlor in opening up against stay at home orders by parading my weapons around, defying the state authorities, and daring them to do something about it. I refuse to intimidate elected officials whose only crime is that they are from the other party. There is historical precedent for this type of activity we see from these protesters. It happened as the SS grew, intimidated, and gathered most of the citizens of Germany to support a crazy dictator named Adolf Hitler.

    Christian fundamentalists can be every bit as extreme as their Muslim cousins. And, they will be if they feel as if they have official sanction. They'll obliterate multicultrualism, bomb womens' healthcare facilities and murder the doctors who staff them. These people you hold up as paragons are not patriots, they are white nationalists, every bit as bad as the KKK.

  40. Anonymous 5/15 @ 1:31,
    You are so right about fundamentalists - their rejection of anything which contradicts their worldview (including scientific evidence) is dangerous - whether in the guise of the Christian or Islamic faith. Trump courts these people, but he doesn't share their worldview. Their support helps him to stay in power, and they get judges. Both he and they have sold their souls for this bargain. As for the outcome, I hope that your hope is not in vain.

    Anonymous 5/15 @ 12:24,
    I'm afraid that you're the one who has taken a turn into error. By excluding any evidence which contradicts their interpretation of Scripture, Fundamentalists have rendered themselves incapable of critical thinking. All of our rights are subject to restrictions when they begin to interfere with the free exercise of the rights of others. Conservatives and liberals both want to impose their agendas and policies on the whole - that is the story of human nature throughout our history on this planet! The latest would be tyrant is the great orange one - the one who has worked so hard to undermine and destroy our democratic institutions and undo EVERYTHING his predecessors have contributed to the office he holds and the Republic it serves.

  41. Well, hell.

    I was all set to write a stinging rebuttal to Anonymous May 15 at 12:24 PM. Too late. The subject got handled by nck, Anon at 3:10 PM, and Miller Jones. Amen, amen, and amen to you three. An honor to participate in the same blog with you.

  42. Hey, 12:24, can I join your militia? Keep in mind, I only want to be part of it if some of my African American, Asian, Mexican, and Jewish friends can join up with me.

  43. Was that the Glenn Beck imitator/airline pilot who showed up here a couple weeks ago and used Roman numerals as his screen name?

    Has some real cockamamie ideas, doesn't he?

  44. It's not a pleasant way to die? What is? Death from house arrest is no fun either. Suicide from economic devastation is no fun either. Not much fun to die of anything because you don't get health care because hospitals are sitting on their ass waiting for the deluge of covid patients that are not showing up. Nurses were sent home because they had nothing to do.

  45. "Suddenly people from South Tirol and New York can relate to each other in ways never imagined"

    It won't last.

  46. "Bill might benefit from a dose of NBC, ABC, CBS, The Wall Street Journal or The New York Times. A little fake news might improve his perspective – what do you think?"

    Those fake news outlets are just as crazy as a COG pastor. Then he'll be twice as crazy.

  47. "You think you are the know all-end all on every topic in the universe, but you are not."

    Well, you got that right. He is a know-it-all. A graduate of the school of Google and the school of False Accusations. Not to mention Ambassador College. He will never recover from any of them.

  48. Anonymous said...

    Was that the Glenn Beck imitator/airline pilot who showed up here a couple weeks ago and used Roman numerals as his screen name?

    Has some real cockamamie ideas, doesn't he?

    May 15, 2020 at 11:51 PM

    Seriously, you watch Glenn Beck? Beck is a leader of fools...you no doubt are an NPC.

  49. Gotta laugh. Glenn Beck is not a name I expected to see on this blog. Several years ago, I was doing a three hour drive back from a remote city in my state, and ran across Glenn Beck on the radio. For about the first hour, I thought he was from one of the ACOGs, because he was saying a lot of really Armstrongish things. Turns out, Beck's a Mormon.


  50. Nck,
    I think you misunderstood what 1:31 was saying which is that the islamic fundamentalists damaged Iranian society and shut it down by taking away rights in the same way Christian fundamentalists will do in this country which is absurd unless Christian fundamentalists change mightily.
    I certainly draw a distinction between Islamic fundamentalists and Christian fundamentalists; I imagine you (nck) are aware of the general beliefs of Islamic practitioners who do not describe themselves as fundamentalists and they are still more radical than but the smallest minority of Christian fundamentalists.
    But, no matter, as those that are looking to support their Constitutional rights are generally not fundamentalist Christians (though there is some overlap), but they are Constitutionalists. It might be helpful to look up the crime statistics of gun rights activists and concealed carry citizens. Perhaps you will be surprised in learning that they are among the least likely to use their guns for ill. Please look up concealed carry gun holders and CRIME. It will be enlightening for any that believe these gun rights activists are a special threat. You will see they are involved in virtually no murders and the like. But, hey, they have guns and push back when rights are taken away. You should thank them. If you don't like the way they look, well, just read about it, and then thank them.
    I try my best not to insult when others do. People opine such comments as "christian fundamentalists CAN BE as ... as Islamists or whatever". I'm not interested in "CAN BE", I prefer facts and outside of anecdotal stories you won't find alarming statistics of actual actions. Another problem is that for too many that use the term fundamentalist, most any Christian basically fits the bill for them.

    4:50, seems to be projecting. I generally hate when someone says that, but what am I to think when someone differentiates out all the different minorities that he claims are his friends. Individual rights are made FOR minorities, majorities can't just vote them away. Anyway, I had not thought about race or minorities in my initial response, but to answer the person's question: no, if I was ever starting up a militia I would decline your services. Your friends as you have described them would be welcome on the other hand as long as they promise in the future to be more careful in whom they befriend.

  51. We should probably remember that not all Christians are fundamentalists, not all militia members are Christian, and not all fundamentalists are militia members.

    I agree with 5:32's stats on concealed carry holders, but the times we are now trying to get through are unlike anything we've ever endured before. Unfortunately, the stress will probably bring out the worst in some, so those stats could change. I hope not, but there's a lot going on.


  52. 5:32
    I am pretty sure the majority of the German people didn't know about the worst atrocities during WWI. I am also sure that 90 percent of freemasons leave politics out of the door. (you know that grouping that organized the Boston teaparty)

    I am also sure American Christian fundamentalist appear nice when I meet them in a bar.

    The movie "not without my daughter" showed an educated man whose cultural identity completely took over once he was part of a majority.

    I believe fundamentalists at the corps are undemocratic, in favor of dissolving the separation of church and State, will act with gays in the same manner as, they do in Iran etcetcetc

    Remember the New England dissenters had newlyweds, whipped for having had premarital relations and these are considered the cultural founders of the USA.

    Never ever should fundamentalists of any kind be a ruling majority for more than a 4 year period at the time.


  53. 5:32
    To be clear.
    I do not object to a "Jimmy Carter" or a Mormon as ruling class for a, 4 year period or more if they are true democrats.

    My point is that indeed, if given the chance, large swaths of American society will act and rule as the worst of the Iranian ruling class if given the chance based on "a system of belief combining religion and politics."

    When you meet them today, at face value, they will look like law abiding, barbequeing, family folk while everything they, read, gossip about or believe SCREAMS undemocratic theocracy and suppression of minority believes.

    It took people like the Founding Father's to create a nation where those fundamentalists would not destroy the fabric of the Republic and those founding fathers may have been Christian but for sure abhorred the totalitarism that is associated with theocracy or placing the "the writings of holy books" before "human organizing principles" in matters of politics.


  54. Since we can't have a theocracy ruled over by God who is literally present, rather than in our thoughts, the best form of government is to have secularists, atheists, and agnostics acting as the arbiters over the various religious groups who are present in our society. It's the only way in which neutrality and relative peace can be maintained. You need a modicum of law to preserve freedom, but just the right balance, not overbearing. There are some eras and circumstances when more control must be exerted, and then that gets relaxed as normal circumstances return. I have some rationing tokens which my family had from World War II, when there were restrictions on such things as fresh meat and gasoline. I seriously doubt that American society is disciplined enough today to adhere to that sort of rationing without crying about the liberties they are temporarily losing. During WW-II, that was one of the ways people displayed their patriotism.

    Didn't we have a blog entry on Dave Pack a few months ago quoting him as stating that he and his congregation would be killing massive numbers of their fellow humans for God sometime in the near future as the end times events progressed?

    "Not Without My Daughter" was not just a story of a mother's bravery. It presented a very real archetype. How many times have we read stories about cults like the Moonies sending friendly young people to the streets to befriend and recruit the disenfranchised, and once newbies are hooked, the true horrors manifest themselves after it is too late? I believe that if given free reign, some of the fundies would be very quick to reinstitute stonings, and perhaps publically humiliating punishments such as the stocks and pillory in public squares. They'd also be talking about the mark of Cain. This is why you never want the religious right to have total control.


  55. According to an analysis of the death rates in 14 countries, the Financial Times suggests that the coronavirus death toll could be up to 60% higher than what has been reported.

  56. Anon May 16 3:37PM

    You entirely miss the point re 'It's not a pleasant way to die'. Most deaths are not pleasant.

    My point was answering someone who implied that no one is actually dying, or even getting a cough from the virus.This is completely untrue.

    In the UK average total deaths for March to May would be just under 100,000. This year it's around 150,000 for the same period, around 50,000 extra deaths. That was the point I was making, corona virus is real, and tens of thousands more people than you would expect are dying.

    If its 50,000 extra deaths in the UK, then its going to be a much higher figure in the USA, with its bigger population, and similar death rate.

    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-52623141 if you want to check the UK info. That was figures up to 1st May - there have been many more deaths since then, both UK and USA.

  57. BB,
    you said, "the best form of government is to have secularists, atheists, and agnostics acting as the arbiters over the various religious groups who are present in our society."

    You must not believe that. Red China is that and Christians are underground. The Kymer Rouge banned religion. Hitler and the Nazi's were against Christianity in their final plan. The French revolution was anti-Christian, the Soviets are anti-christian, etc.
    They all dictated their patience with religion on their people as tyrants. In contrast, Christians have at times filled the majority of our government and have not done these things. Have there been atrocities, yes but generally during times of war. But the atheists and secularists foment atrocities during times of peace with murders in the millions and 10s of millions.

    Our Founders created a fine Constitution. They reiterated fundamental right to all citizens. They encouraged christianity but not one church over another, no religious tests, no required funding of state or national churches. But, ensured the free exercise of religion.

    Of course any religion creating a theocracy in the U.S. would be bad, but it ain't happening in the U.S. as we have checks and balances for that while at the same time appreciating our judeo-christian roots throughout our founding documents. this is good in that our nation is comfortable with christianity and will not accept its forced removal as that is unconstitutional. Further, we won't accept a religion that removes freedoms in the manner of a theocracy or a strict fundamentalism.

    It's easier to enforce a religion on a country with limited religion than it is to enforce it on a country like ours that values its strong individual religious rights.

    Our innate rights further listed in the Constitution are one of the great stabilizing forces in our country. Be thankful for those that defend them, even if you don't like what they look like when doing so. Thomas Jefferson would support these little bonfires of liberty.

    NCK, almost any group can be totalitarian if they allow themselves to through arrogance and selfishness. There are any number of secular groups that are far more likely to do so than Christians and/or Constitutionalists that believe in the innate rights given to all men.

    as a regime change and the populace

  58. 11:27


    Any political group, like politics under the guise of Christianity, that is not likely to cater to the liberties of minorities is in danger of turning totalitarian. Being the atheist khmer Rouge or protestants joining the SS out of genuine fear for bolshewism.

    I recognize militias as constitutional part of the general fabric of American society.

    Buzzwords that might help recognize groups that might turn totalitarian after having been given a finger of power usually contain a disdain for "intellectuals". That has been historically proven at least.

    WCG as a (benign) totalitarian system og Governance railed against "pervert" intellectuals as much as the khmer Rouge shooting anyone with glasses.

    Perhaps you know other groups in the USA that radiate no desire to politically cater to minorities whilst railing against intellectuals.

    Please report these to the FBI for monitoring. Or Interpol if they exchange Nazi literature to European groups or lone wolfs on the dark web. (like this Norwegian guy shooting socialist youth)


  59. Nck, I think all Americans could potentially be in a militia that protects our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Whether they black, white, jew, german, ...misc. Yes, that makes me a civnat I guess.

  60. 7:30

    Well great to meet one of the good guys. Keeping the spirit and intent alive.

    Magwa will report to le grand pere de francais that the flame is still burning.

    I posted a link in one of the latest topics about the Founding Father's mirroring the Republic to the German IC Saxons tribes they admired for seeking freedom overseas whilst their cousins that remained did not seek to dominate them like the British cousins would in their time.

    Ahh Tacitus, describing how the Germanic ladies would bathe in the river, being loyal to one man only and support them into battle yelling insults at them if they would waiver or retreat in battle.

