Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, May 18, 2020

Doug Winnail Wants You To Respect Those In Authority

It has to be rough being a Living Church of God Member and to be constantly told you are doing everything wrong. Every week it is something that they are failing to do right. I guess this is to be expected when the foundation of LCG is built upon law instead of grace. Sermon after sermon, week after week, magazine article after magazine article, it is always something that they need to be held accountable for. 

Respect for Authority: Today we live in a global society where respect for authority and for anyone in authority is in serious decline. Parents, teachers, politicians, policemen, church leaders, and heads of state are portrayed as liars, buffoons, and worse. While some cynicism and disrespect is deserved, much is fostered by an anti-authority attitude promoted by the media—which is directly influenced by the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4Ephesians 2:2). The Apostle Paul foretold that pride and disrespect for authority would be rampant at the end of the age (2 Timothy 3:1–5). The Apostle Peter predicted that presumptuous, self-willed false teachers would come, who “despise authority” and use deceptive words to malign (run down) the “way of truth” (2 Peter 2:1–10). The epistle of Jude (verse 8) offers a similar warning. This open disrespect for authority and those in authority is totally contrary to God’s instructions in His word. Moses wrote, “You shall not revile God, nor curse a ruler of your people” (Exodus 22:28). Solomon advised, “Do not curse the king, even in your thought” (Ecclesiastes 10:20). James warned, “Do not speak evil of one another” (James 4:11). The Apostle Paul wrote, “we urge you, brethren, to recognize [get to know, acknowledge, value, respect, defer to] those who labor among you, and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. Be at peace among yourselves” (1 Thessalonians 5:12–13). The Scriptures also state that love and respect must be earned and maintained (1 Timothy 3:1–7Proverbs 29:2). We look forward to the time when the proper use of and respect for authority will permeate the world.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail


  1. Did Doug Winnail respect the authority of previous Church Administration Directors he served under?

    How funny that all of a sudden it's important to respect authority above you, when it wasn't so important when somebody else was in authority over him!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The problem today isn't lack of respect towards authority. Rather, the problem is one of people blindly deferring to authority, allowing it to rob them of their natural rights. The problem today is lack of assertiveness, ie, people being passive. Assertiveness is inherent in the Bibles "obey God rather than man." There are many books on this topic, but it's never mentioned by the ACOGs, since it's considered taboo. In ACOG-land, only the privileged ministers having rights, with the sheeple having none. Not even the right to think, since only the AC trained ministers have that right.

    It's ridiculous that church members are expected to be like roaring lions in everyday life by living by the ten commandments, but are expected to be pussycats at church services.

  4. hopefully he understands that his authority is only in the operation of the Church, such as locations for worship services, the order of services, topics taught, locating Feast sites, etc, etc...

    his authority does not extend into my home and my personal dealings....that's God's domain.

  5. "The problem today isn't lack of respect towards authority."

    abuse of authority kills any respect for authority....that applies universally, not just in the Church.

    "Rather, the problem is one of people blindly deferring to authority, allowing it to rob them of their natural rights."

    yep, just do what the minister says and you'll be fine in the end.......that is SO wrong.

  6. He's the biggest church bully LCG has right now and that's saying A LOT considering the present company out there in Charlotte. Something is afoul out there and probably on the verge of busting up because this is the same abusive, accusatory atmosphere that happened in WWGC and Global before things fell apart. It's always the same plays from the same playbook....beat the crap out of the membership and scare them into submission. Wake up people.

  7. Get back in line and show the ministry some respect!

  8. What about God or Scripture as THE AUTHORITY? Didn't Christ say that he didn't want his apostles to be lording it over his flock? Didn't Christ say that he wanted his apostles to be servants to his people? Didn't Christ challenge the religious leaders of his day?

    Authority is an interesting phenomenon. Folks will submit to authority out of respect, fear or habit. It would seem to me that a good leader would want their authority to proceed from that first motivation as opposed to the other two.

    Can a leader undermine their own authority? Can their own words and actions destroy any credentials/position/portfolio they think they might have? Does authority only originate in entitlements or does it have anything to do with responsibilities?

  9. Doug Winnail wrote, "The Scriptures also state that love and respect must be earned and maintained (1 Timothy 3:1–7; Proverbs 29:2)." Of everything he wrote, this is the key to leadership in any setting. Winnail and all of the LCG ministry have and continue to do just the opposite.

  10. You guys are crazy!! I am not a fan of LCG, but nothing about thos article references members being disrespectful to the Church leadership. It is talking about the world to everyone!! You have LOST your minds!!

  11. Anon 12:39, you are correct the article isn't referencing members of LCG being disrespectful to LCG leadership. What we are addressing is the hypocrisy of the LCG ministry and Douglas Winnail for this commentary. He and the LCG ministry may be pointing their fingers at the global society, but they are also indirectly pointing their fingers at their members, by way of implication.

  12. 12:39
    Read it again. There are multiple references to church leadership.
