Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, May 2, 2020

UCG: As It Tries To Reinvent Itself It Seriously Believes That They "Stand Out More And More"

Vic Kubik has a message up to the faithful of UCG as they head into another conference where doctrines will be discussed and discussions on how to reinvent the UCG in order for it to be an effective and robust ministry.
What brings success, particularly in a world turned upside down by a pandemic? When businesses, organizations and even sports teams face dramatic change and upheaval, new opportunities appear. New strategies and focus are developed and put into action. Core principles remain unchanged, but tactics—how things get done—can be refreshed, re-energized and put forth with renewed power.
UCG believes it has held fast to core principles that they have inherited from the mother church.  Funny, I know!
We in the spiritual Church of God are no different. While holding fast to our core spiritual principles, we prayerfully and effectively use the tools that God gives us. We continuously look for ways to improve.

UCG believes that with the COVI-19 pandemic that people will soon be flocking to find faith.  That may or may not be true, but they certainly have no need to look towards a COG for that. 
This is even more so when we see dramatic changes in how people perceive the authority and relevance of the Bible. People who believe and follow biblical principles have declined, especially in the pre-COVID-19 times. As the Bible predicted, scoffers replace believers in greater numbers. As a result, what we teach and how we live will stand out more and more! (Matthew 5:14)
UCG is looking forward to reshaping itself into something significant and impressive, something that 25 years has yet to accomplish. 
What does this mean for us in the United Church of God? As we commemorate a quarter of a century of learning, growth and progress as a fellowship, it remains absolutely critical that we continue to individually and collectively surrender ourselves to God. As a body of disciples, we must continuously develop and lay our plans before Him (Proverbs 16:3). We must always be seeking to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) in the most effective way possible.
Now, as we move forward—as a fellowship humbly seeking to know and do the will of God—we have an opportunity to rededicate ourselves through God’s precious Holy Spirit living in us. It is time to deeply consider what Paul wrote: “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect” (Romans 12:2, New Living Translation, emphasis added throughout).

UCG loves to look back in awe at the past when they were part of the mother church. The church was growing, millions reached through literature and the voice of the church "thundered across the globe." Yet in 2220, UCG is a little blip in the grand scheme of things. No one seems to know who they are, no matter how hard they try.
People wanted answers, and many believed that they could be found in the Bible.
In those days, the Bible widely held deep respect. And the voices of the Church of God thundered across the globe in multiple languages. Millions listened. Some took it to heart. 
But then events changed. Fear of nuclear war faded. Today, even as we deal with a globe-girdling pandemic, leaders foolishly dare to mock God openly. As deadly COVID-19 cases begin to decline, we heard a major American governor presumptuously declaring, “God did not do that. Faith did not do that.” An astonishing indifference toward the Bible has grown. 
It is in this world that we must do the work that God has given us.
UCG hs suffered horrendous upheavals in the church, thousands left to join other groups and people still are leaving today. Yet they consider themselves a "vibrant" fellowship. A fellowship that began with deception with power-hungry men eager to maintain their paychecks. 
As we collectively look forward beyond our first quarter of a century as a vibrant fellowship, what is next? We know that God has blessed us, and that God is with us. 
They equate their apostasy from the mother church and the current upheavals in the church as "spiritual" growth into unity.
Throughout the nearly 2,000 years of the spiritual Church of God, disciples of Jesus Christ have experienced the full spectrum of highs and lows, growth and apostasy, division and unity. But thank God that Jesus Christ, our Standard and the living Leader of our fellowship, is “the same yesterday, today, and forever!” (Hebrews 13:8). When we follow God and put Him first, we grow together in unity 
In the immediate days ahead, this world faces tremendous uncertainty about national economies, about the potential lasting impact of the coronavirus, about increasing tensions and conflict. This world needs the truth of God more than ever! 
With that in mind, consider this fact: in the days before A.D. 70 and the calamitous destruction of the Second Temple, the 1st century Church of God faced tumultuous times. 
Back then, Jude, a younger brother of Jesus Christ, had to warn brethren “to defend the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to his holy people” (Jude 3, NLT).
Even though it is just one more wimpy Church of God, blinded by the dream that they are doing some fantastic work. 
 Toward the end of the first century, the multi-national assembly of God shrank to small groups, but—as Jesus prophesied (Matthew 16:17-19)—the spiritual Church of God continued, as it will until the day Jesus returns to this earth!
Kubik then makes this astoundingly absurd comment:  
So, fast forward some 1,900 years. To the shock of thousands in the early 1990s, belief and teachings that had been carefully researched, gleaned, recovered and restored from the Bible and safeguarded for decades AGAIN came under attack.
 Carefully researched?  Six months in a public library with "theology" books from the late 1800's to around 1930 by a man who was not working to support his family does NOT produce a sound theological system or understanding. UCG has NOT safeguarded anything. Seriously, how absurd is that?
The United Church of God, an International Association, was then humbly founded as a fellowship to follow and safeguard these teachings, holding high the banner of the Bible. Today we are linked together in unity, bonded by these precious truths.
UCG also believes they are the only ones "holding high the banner of the Bible."  Apparently, the millions of Christians around the world who take scripture seriously and are doing wonderful things for the world around them and ignorant fools. UCG believes the work these people do is insignificant to the amazing work UCG does.
Now, as we look forward, as much of humanity turns its back on the precious truths of God—even in the midst of pandemic—we all need to be filled with zeal for God’s truth. We must again yield ourselves to God and renew our choice to “think differently,” to repent, to be zealous and on fire for the truth of God. It is time to renew and re-energize ourselves.
UCG members have been lackadaisical over the years in supporting the work of UCG, but now they have a renewed chance to make a difference as they give more money. 

Even better, since they are the most amazing Church of God ever, they stand out for all the world to see.
Think on this! Each one of us holds personal responsibility in supporting and fulfilling the Great Commission. Because of who and what we are, we will naturally stand out. Sometimes that can make us uncomfortable—but we must courageously embrace that feeling of discomfort! 
We understand the incredible human potential of God and Jesus Christ bringing sons and daughters to glory in the Kingdom and family of God! (Hebrews 2:10)
 Kubik then goes on to list articles of faith for UCG members.
 The first true article of faith is to believe that God exists, and that God rewards those who seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). We in the Church understand that salvation is a gift, that by grace we are saved through faith (Ephesians 2:8). But we also hold the enlightened understanding that real faith energizes and produces good works! (James 2:21-26)
Most of Christianity understands this.  Kubik is now coming to this understanding?  
These good works must include fulfilling the Great Commission, with our deeds being a living example of God’s way of life in action.
After 25 years, UCG is finally realizing that the methods that they have been using to get their word out have not been working. It is time to reinvent themselves and impress us all! No one has been paying them any attention. Boring programs on cable. Boring canned sermons in church and yet they think they are marching forward with an effective and decisive gospel to preach.
As we seek to rededicate ourselves, we must honestly examine how we can do things better. As an organized fellowship, we must examine the formats and platforms that we use to teach. Our messages—from personal example, to television, to the pulpit—need to be convincing, compelling and challenging. While our core truths cannot and must not ever change, we can change how we conduct our lives and our outreach to effectively and decisively preach the gospel.
The world has gone mad and the UCG thinks they are going to fix it. They need to start with the Church of God that has gone mad, across the board, with one self-appointed upstart after another. They will never have an effective message until they clean up their own cesspool. 
We must proclaim the truth to a world going mad, and we must ask for the strength and insight to do it boldly with conviction, commitment and courage! 


  1. They still believe in British-Israelism (lol)
    They still believe USA is Israelite tribe Manasseh (lol)

    --- that's even more kooky than the Mormons ---

  2. It is really sad to see the complete lies & propaganda shoveled out by some of the phoney ministers. They look back at their days in Worldwide wishing they still had the power & $ they possessed back then. HWA never "thundered" the truth and they only reason any world leaders saw him was because he paid for their time with members tithes & offerings. Seems as if some of these ministers are longing for their glory days. Really in retrospect, Worldwide should have collapsed after 1975 when HWA's prophecies failed to pass.An organization such as Worldwide really cannot function today with open Internet to expose them.

  3. Already, by 1994, Kubik wanted to be a mainstream Christian, and he disfellowshipped from WCG many brethren who held to the teachings WCG used to proclaim. Only when he found out that the Tkaches' mainstreamed church couldn't afford so many ministerial paychecks did Kubik decide to move with a bunch of faithful tithe-payers to UCG.

  4. Kubik and the UCG is now teaching that salvation is a gift? They can now re-unite with the GCI/WCG church since they now teach the same doctrine as GCI/WCG concerning salvation. Am I missing something? Please explain to me why what UCG teaches is different then GCI/WCG in regards to salvation.

  5. It is very true that if you "keep doing what you been doing, you will keep getting what you have been getting".

    The changes necessary to the sociology of the UCG would be so radical that it would destroy their own base. Sort of like Sears/Kmart, the old model staggers on, downsizes and tries to maintain its dwindling base.

    It is the nature of things that something new, without the baggage replaces the old dinosaurs. Happens in business all the time.

    Marcus Lemonis says it often in his entrepreneurial show "The Profit". For an organization to grow, it needs three dynamic elements, Product, Process, People. The UCG product is boring and staid, the marketing process has produced NOTHING after 25 years, and the People are stuck, aging, and tired.

    The centralized business model of a "headquarters" being the center of the action, and in full control of the monetary assets in a communist type of business model needs to be scrapped. It certainly was not the model of the NT church.

  6. Tonto wrote:

    The centralized business model of a "headquarters" being the center of the action, and in full control of the monetary assets in a communist type of business model needs to be scrapped. It certainly was not the model of the NT church.

    If this were true, millions of Americans wouldn't be complaining that their $1,200 government checks "aren't enough" and would be looking locally rather than to central government for bailout money.

  7. 7:00 - UCG is now teaching that salvation is a gift?

    No, it just sounds a bit that way - how he carefully worded it.
    He is actually saying the same thing as Perbvert:
    That is the mortal ACOG heresy of grace + works = salvation

  8. The centralized business model of a "headquarters" being the center of the action, and in full control of the monetary assets in a communist type of business model needs to be scrapped. It certainly was not the model of the NT church.

    May 2, 2020 at 7:23 AM
    Communism rarely just goes away like it did in Russia. It must be vigorously stomped out.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Kubik and the UCG is now teaching that salvation is a gift? .....

    May 2, 2020 at 7:00 AM

    The WCG always taught that salvation was a gift. It's no wonder there are so many bad mouthing and lying people, they never really knew what was taught.

    How can anyone not understand that when the bible says it:

    Rom 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

  10. Covid-19 might give UCG and the other ACOGs a temporary small bump, but once the crisis is past, they will return to their downward spiral.

    People are much more sophisticated in the 2020s than they were in 1956. It still happens, but it is relatively rare today that most thinking people would place their confidence in any organization which claims to be a "one stop" solution to all the problems and challenges of life.
    UCG makes less extravagant claims than the hardcore splinters, but it's still "diet" Armstrongism. Problem is, it restricts more than just calories.


  11. What we're fighting right now isn't communism. Throughout the lives of the baby-boomers, there has been what is known as "creeping socialism". I think Rush has called it "social engineering", and described it as an effort to nullify or punish individual achievement. To a certain extent, it has been a thing.

    Socialism in the European model has benign leaders administrating it. Communism generally has a tyrant leading it, a spy network, military involved in suppressing its own citizens, highly active law enforcement, and a court system stacked against the accused.

    The USA may gravitate more towards socialism in the coming decades, but the riots and demonstrations of the past, including the current disease groupies demonstrating for their rights to be infected by and to spread the corona virus, are a small indication of what would happen if an American version of a Stalin attempted to impose the elements of communist control on the USA. Of course there is one key element we should all be watching, and that would be an attempt to "postpone" or invalidate the presidential election. If that happens, watch out!

    It is understandable that we are witnessing extreme rhetoric during these times, but we'll get through it. It's a little more extreme that the TSA and the creation of Homeland Security, both seen at the time as deprivation of our rights. I pretty much gave up flying out of basic refusal to submit to all that rigamarole. Others reacted in ways consistent with their own personalities and needs. If nothing else, the American people have proven to be resilient, pragmatic, and flexible.


  12. ...people are stuck, aged and tired...

    Don't you have at least one thing positive to say about UCG Tonto?

    How do you know UCG "people" are stuck, aged and tired? These stuck people should unstick themselves, accept their age and rest.

  13. You can't put new wine into an old wine skin. Can't make fundamental changes in the C of God. Have to start over with a new organization.

  14. They still believe in British-Israelism (lol)

    UCG denies that, and ministers will call you ignorant if you claim it.

    COGWA carefully reworded that idea as the "promises of Abrahram," which it says any believer can have. But it comes across as a politically correct revision.

  15. ANNON at 12:17 asks "Don't you have at least one thing positive to say about UCG Tonto?"


    Response: A friend tells you when your zipper is down , or when you got some food on your face. The UCG has shrunk from 20K people down to 7K people in 25 years, a 5% annual decline , compounded every year.

    I am challenged with coming up with one positive thing about UCG. Of all the COGs , they do more for those outside their own church, in terms of contributing to food banks, community service and third world help. This is a good thing.

  16. 4500 years ago the Egyptians believed in a god-man who was baptized in water by a man named John.

    The Egyptian god-man rode into town on a donkey, then was killed despite being innocent. His mother's name was Mary. He was rejected by the establishment. There are MANY parallels. These are only a few. The Jesus story is a blatant plagiarism. The main difference is that the Egyptians knew it was all a myth.

    The UCG did not research all the way back to Egypt. If they did, they would know that is where their fake Jesus really originated.

  17. They still believe in British-Israelism (lol)

    UCG denies that, and ministers will call you ignorant if you claim it.

    I'm not buying it until they dump their big thick Herbie US&BC book
    Look at all those chapter titles - (same old garbage)

  18. But what about the stuck, aged and tired people in UCG Tonto ?

  19. Tonto
    Why call UCG headquarters communist, that's a heddy insult. Do not banks have a main HQ? Does not insurance companies have HQ? Does not tax offices have HQ? Do not Nations themselves have a form of HQ? Are not Christians supposed to deal with 'institutions' and follow the rules in peace?

    What do you desire ? No headquarters for UCG means no UCG Pastor would be answerable to no-one. If it wasn't for the headquarters in UCG many UCG international areas would not exist. It would bring in unbridled chaos and corruption.

  20. Anon 6:43 wrote:

    4500 years ago the Egyptians believed in a god-man who was baptized in water by a man named John.

    Don't just read the material at the link below. Research it for yourself. It's a lot closer to the truth than Anon's silliness. Even scholars who recognize the mythic/invented nature of the Jesus story know that the 18th century invention of the Anubis/Horus/John/Jesus "parallels" is mostly crap.

    Horus Manure: Debunking the Jesus/Horus Connection

  21. ANON at 4:33

    Pastors need to be accountable to a local elected board. The elected board is accountable to the congregation. The Seventh Day Adventist Church has such a model, as do many other Protestant Churches. No one is ordained for life, and must be reelected every two years.

    Money should be collected locally and controlled locally. You must not know much about the history of either the WCG or UCG as there has been unbridled chaos and corruption throughout their existence

    You state, that "If it wasn't for the headquarters in UCG many UCG international areas would not exist". How did the church survive and prosper in the first century? It wasn't because of a headquarters!

    It was because of the guidance an gift of the Holy Spirit. If the international areas can only survive because of the "White Man plantation managers", then you better ask some deep questions on what you really have, and whether or not there truly is the power and conversion of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit operating in your lives. True Christians do not need an institutional "sheriff" to maintain order.

  22. Anon asks : "Do not banks have a main HQ? Does not insurance companies have HQ? Does not tax offices have HQ? Do not Nations themselves have a form of HQ? Are not Christians supposed to deal with 'institutions' and follow the rules in peace?"


    Of course anon. These are all true statements you make. However, the Bible calls the organization and ways of this world "Babylon" and a system that will be destroyed in the Kingdom of God. Since when is the "Body of Christ" a corporation, or institution??

    1. But what about the Stuck, aged and tired UCG people Tonto?

  23. Where does the bible speak of a one man pastorate in a local congregation?

    Today's so called pastor doesn't truly understand his place in the church. Just research shepherds, for up to 1,000 sheep there is one shepherd and multiple dogs.

    The church has one shepherd, Jesus Christ. That leaves the dogs. Yes, you who think you're something are really the dogs, and there are more than one in a typical herd.

    Just how far do you "wanna be shepherds" want to take the analogy?

    You mutts!


  24. There are two levels on which the label "communism" is applied on this blog. That is most likely because we discuss not only the conditions in the ACOGs today, but also (due to the false prophecies), the conditions of the surrounding world in which we live. After all, HWA did get us all tuned in to watching world news.

    I explained my thoughts regarding national communism in another comment above. People throw that term about in an effort to make socialism appear as bad as possible, although you really cannot have democracy without a certain level of socialism. One of the roles of big brother government is that of protector, and administrator of relief for its citizens. This is protection against one of the factors communists have historically exploited in the past to foment revolutions: the poverty and accompanying hopelessness prevalent in the countries targeted for takeover.

    The ACOG splinters do share several characteristics of communism as we know it. Communist countries have only one political party which decides and enforces national policy. There is no freedom of dissent. Communists look upon this as a positive, a more efficient method for accomplishing national goals. This has also been true of Armstrongism from its inception as a religious philosophy.

    In communist states, there is surveillance and enforcement which goes beyond that which occurs in free societies. Absent are the freedoms which are protected in a representative republic, in which surveillance and enforcement are limited to those who are known to be involved in criminal or revolutionary activities. Typically, Armstrongism involves the voluntary waiving or shedding of rights accorded by the surrounding democracy in which Armstrongism functions. This means that in Armstrongism, there is no dissent, only perfunctory due process, no debate, very little freedom of speech, mandatory acceptance of the official narrative, willing acceptance of rules which go way beyond the rules of the surrounding democracy, submission to surveillance, belief in the constantly revised "official" history, nonpersonhood of those expelled from the system, blatant censorship of reading or writing activities, and unflagging loyalty to the party line. These constitute a voluntary restriction of the rights acknowledged by the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, and for that matter the Magna Carta, and therefore Armstrongism bears more similarity to communist forms of government than to democracies or representative republics.

    For justification of its governance, Armstrongism looks to the example of an ancient theocracy, described in extant materials as being led by God Himself. In such a society, lead by a perfect God, there would be no need for the freedoms outlined above. Armstrongism paints itself as "God's government on Earth", a continuation of Israel today. The men leading it are far from the perfection of God, and this is demonstrated by their behavior on a daily basis. The founding documents of the USA take into consideration the imperfection of human leaders, and provide protections for its citizens against these imperfections. They recognize that there is no tent today, no tabernacle, no holy of holies in which God resides, no Urim and Thummim, no prophets or priests. Those were the protections for the citizens of ancient Israel, at least as they are described in the Torah. If you remove God from a theocracy, the only thing left is communism. The same applies if you concoct a quasi-Biblical character, a flawed man claiming to be an apostle, and set him up as a leader of a theocracy. God is still absent, and the results are still communism.


  25. BB
    There is no voluntary shedding or restriction of rights by members in the ACOGs. That is utter crap. I am not aware of ministers ever telling prospective members that they will have to shed their rights if they desire to be baptized. The 'you have no rights' thingy is sprung upon the members AFTER they are baptized, and chained to the church by their need to be spiritually fed.

    You need to read up on natural rights. Natural rights are not some luxury that ministers can strip members of at whim. Rather they are responsibilities that need to be exercised in order to succeed and preserve ones life.
    Voluntarily ditching ones natural rights is a serious sin against ones self.

    Ministers robbing members of their rights amounts to ministers robbing members of their lives. These ministers will end up in the lake of fire. Good riddance.

  26. OK, 4:32. Try to assert your rights if you are in an ACOG. Yes, they are inalienable, but if you assert them, you will no longer be in that ACOG. It is not my understanding that's in question here. In a perfect world, pissant ministers would not be able to strip you of these rights. Nonetheless, the tyrants made that a condition of continuing membership in the cult. I got my rights back when it finally dawned on me that these fartasses weren't the gatekeepers to the kingdom or lake of fire. Some people are never fortunate enough to learn that.


  27. A) I do not believe people are more sophisticated than in the past. There is more knowledge available on what buttons to push to get the herd somewhere and we put that knowledge in algorythms. That I believe.

    B) The closest thing to pure communism was the kibbutz system of Jewish settlers until 1935. Of course that was radically different from the South East Asian and Chinese models steeped into agricultural societies and the bolshevik Soviet system which had to cope with rapid Industrialisation emerging from serfdom.

    The only communism of interest on this blog is the 1905 - 1920 communist surge on the USA and HWA's uncles printing press that shaped HWA's modeling abilities during his formative years.

    Huge multiple deadly riots among the American workers must have made an impression on this young ambitious man ready to make a mark on the world which ULTIMATELY COINCIDED with the ASCEND of the good for nothing minor power of the USA on the worldscene as the single most powerful actor of the 20th century.

    A position that is challenged and will end when the world looses trust in the American ability to repay and the dollar will be replaced by another currency, thereby reducing the USA to a minor nuclear power like the former Soviet Union. Which by then might be part of the great "Eurasian juggernaut" if the Chinese get to prove that the "overwhelming evidence of Wuhan lab" turns out another hoax as general Powell telling the UN about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

    If the US is right about the lab I will still apply for being the man in the high tower. I mean man has not changed after all.... only circumstances change.


  28. BB
    Agreed. My point is that these rights are stolen from the members. The word voluntary implies that the ministers have the sanction of the victim, which they do not.

  29. "Anonymous said...
    Speak for yourself km.

    May 3, 2020 at 4:20 PM

    Oh my, I hit a nerve on a self proclaimed mutt!

    Whether you want to admit it or not everything that I said was 100% accurate, and biblical!

    Christ is the ONE True Shepherd (Pastor) the rest are mutts.

    Do I really have to quote scripture proving this?

    Hell, I'll do it anyway!

    Eze 34:8 - As I live, saith the Lord GOD, surely because my flock became a prey, and my flock became meat to every beast of the field, because there was no shepherd, neither did my shepherds search for my flock, but the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not my flock;

    Hmmm, interesting, I guess I was being too generous even calling you all mutts when the bible calls you "beasts of the field" devouring the flock!

    Eze 37:24 - And David my servant shall be king over them; and they all shall have one shepherd: they shall also walk in my judgments, and observe my statutes, and do them.

    Who is that one Shepherd?

    Jhn 10:11 - I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.

    It's so funny how the bible pisses you people off!


  30. 4:32 BB is completely correct. If you don't believe him just contradict the "minister" once. You won't last long.

    While attending UCG, as a guest, I was never a member, the local mutt disfellowshipped a guy with no evidence, just hearsay. I told him that he had no biblical reason to disfellowship the fella. I was told that I was no longer welcome to attend.

    I told the mutt that if I wanted to attend that I could and would, he could not stop me. That he could call the local police and I would call the local newspaper. Needless to say I never wasted my time going because I knew all the local people were so passive that they'd believe all the pablum that the mutt fed them about me.

    Just as there are a few here who are too ignorant to understand, and will just accuse me of being a jerk. They neglect the fact that I'm only a jerk to fellow jerks. Growing up in the WCG I was taught to be passive, at the age of about 16 I said "screw that". I will never back down to anyone again! I can be the nicest of guys, but I can tear your head off too if pissed off enough. That's what 30 years of laying block for a living will do to you. Don't believe me? Come to WV to find out, or set a place to meet!


    No, that's not me, but I'd like to know how many here could do this kind of work daily for 30 years. This blog is full of brave anonymous tough guys that I'd love to meet.

    I'm planning on Colorado for the feast if anyone is interested in meeting.


  31. Nck, will the world loose trust in America or will they lose trust? lol

    1. Hmm, works both ways dunnit.
      Chicken or the egg.

  32. That link didn't work. Here's another, 12" block weigh about 50lbs/23kg. A bricklayer is expected to lay at least 200 a day.



  33. I don't know why the links aren't working. If interested just copy this phrase and search on google.

    "Brick Laying and Masonry, CMU Masonry, Block laying, 12 Inch Block, brick masonry, masonry work"

  34. Hmm.
    Km is a Mason. Km being Knight of Malta. In that case they have a Feast Retreat at Cheyenne Mountain.

    All hails brother. :-) :-)


  35. km May 4 at 5:39 warns "a few here who are too ignorant to understand": "I can be the nicest of guys, but I can tear your head off too if pissed off enough."

    Right you are, km. No pedagogical technique can surpass threats of violence for effectiveness. If people are too dumb to understand your point, or simply decline to accept your invitation to take what you say at face value, threaten them with violence.

    Yeah, that's the ticket. If the fear of losing their heads is not enough, dangle them above the Lake of Fire, like the COGs do.

  36. Retired Prof. so you disagree with my conclusion that the HWA ordained ministry class aren't all they think that they are?



  37. Retired Prof. also, the "few here" who I was referencing, by the full context of my statement at 5:39am, were acog people who still hold their ministers on a "They can do no wrong" pedestal.

    I do find your comment informing though.


  38. "I can be the nicest of guys, but I can tear your head off too if pissed off enough!"

    Well, that ain't a fruit of the Spirit! Demon problem for you?

  39. 9:27pm So says you! Is turning over Temple furniture, a fruit? Is calling Scribes and Pharisees fools, a fruit?

    Mat 23:17 - Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gold, or the temple that sanctifieth the gold?

    Actually if you look up the meaning of the Greek word for fools, moros, it means dull or stupid. He was calling the Scribes and Pharisees morons.



  40. UCG: As It Tries To Reinvent Itself It Seriously Believes That They "Stand Out More And More"

    This happened back in the WCG too. The more that the apostates tried to reinvent the church, the more they stood out as apostates. As the doctrinal changes increased, the apostates stood out more and more. By 1995 the constant reinventing caused the apostates to stand out seriously.

    In the WCG under the apostates, the behavior of the people grew worse all the time, rather than better.

    Now the UCG is loaded up with some very bad people from the WCG.

  41. Poor COGWA through Jim Franks has stated that much of their doctrine stands or falls based on the present day identity of the tribes of israel and the thread of church history they have concocted. Strange to base important beliefs on the copied and reformulated writings of HWA.

  42. Too much, Jim.

    That means it has already fallen, and they don't even realize it. We've tried to make that point over and over and over again with the ACOGs, and somehow it always goes over the leaders and members heads.

    Within another 20 years, probably the people who still keep the Armstrong doctrines will do it almost like secular holidays, with the feasts being a day to spend barbecuing and drinking beer around the pool. Sabbath? Attend your kids sporting events at school.

  43. "Within another 20 years, probably the people who still keep the Armstrong doctrines will do it almost like secular holidays, with the feasts being a day to spend barbecuing and drinking beer around the pool. Sabbath? Attend your kids sporting events at school."

    Do you oppose that? That's exactly how Sunday, "the Lord's Day" is observed.
