Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, June 21, 2020

UPDATED: Sabbatarian Prophet Makes A Precise Prophetic Prediction, Unlike COG Self-Appointed Prophets

A person with a Sabbatarian background has made a prophecy about an event to happen precisely on July18, 2020. On that day a nuclear bomb will be dropped on Nashville, TN.

Now, we all know it will not happen, but my point is, here is a person who provides precise details about what he/she sees happening and actually provides lots of interesting facts to back up his/her statements.

Compare that to all the "true" prophets that have self-appointed themselves in the Churches of God. Not a single one of them will ever step out on a limb and make a precise prediction about something that will happen in the immediate future on a specific day. The few that have tried have all failed.  Every single one of them. Those that failed are labeled by the other COG prophets as fake, while they are right and could never make a similar mistake, just wait and see.

What we get from all of our self-appointed prophets is, "it could be", "it may happen", "it's at least 19 years away, but less than 20", "it might happen on Pentecost of ___, ___,  ___", "the end of the 19-year time cycle ends _____", or my favorite, "a strong hand from someplace is going to spank humanity."  All such impotent nonsense.

Here is what the Sabbatarian prophet is predicting:

This website is dedicated to identifying that there will be a nuclear attack in Nashville, Tennessee on July 18, 2020. This reality is based on prophetic revelations from the Bible. These revelations identify that Islam will be the power responsible for accomplishing the attack.
The message of warning that is derived from the Bible is established on the rules of interpretation that are identified within the Bible itself. For this reason, some time will be spent setting forth those rules so that the authority behind this message is recognized to be fully derived from and based on God's Word.
In conjunction with identifying certain principles of biblical interpretation, we will identify the prophetic players and subjects that are involved with the attack in Nashville. Some of the subjects will be linked to more detailed presentations on this website. Those subjects and players include Donald Trump, the forty-fifth and final president of the United States of America; the USA as represented in Bible prophecy; the Roman Catholic Church; the United Nations; Russia, including its current leader Vladimir Putin; the Seventh-day Adventist Church; Ellen White and the history of the nuclear attacks on Japan in 1945.
You can read the entire thing here.

The Millerite legacy is still alive and still making predictions.

As crazy as it is, it is far more interesting than any of the crap we hear from our current wishy-washy self-appointed prophets in the Church of God, whether they be Dave pack, Gerald Flurry, Ron Weinland or our perpetually whiney Bob Thiel.


It seems a newspaper in Nashville actually published two full-page ads from this group of whacko's. Now the paper is investigating why someone allowed it to be published.

Tennessean apologizes, launches investigation after 'horrific' ad runs in print editions
The Tennessean is investigating how a paid advertisement from a fringe religious group was published on Sunday in violation of the newspaper’s long-established standards. 
The ad featured a bizarre, pseudo-religious “prophecy,” including the declaration of an impending nuclear attack in Nashville by “Islam.” 
The ad was immediately ordered to be pulled from future editions by sales executives and the investigation launched. A similar ad, one that did not mention Islam but also contained an end-times prophecy, published in the newspaper on June 17. 
The newspaper’s advertising standards clearly forbid hate speech. Advertisements that do not meet the paper’s standards are routinely rejected for publication. 
Kevin Gentzel, President of Marketing Solutions and Chief Revenue Officer for Gannett, parent company of The Tennessean, forcefully repudiated the advertisement in a tweet on Sunday.

Now watch as Bob Thiel will claim this is one more example of religious persecution. Papers will refuse to print religious prophecy crap from him in the future and it will be a sign he is being persecuted.

Being a self-appointed false prophet is a thankless job. But, there is always some fool who will try, particularly in the Church of God.

See article here


  1. O boy ..... You have forgotten the capital P writing "pack". Davey will be very, very upset! I can already hear him cry, kick and scream..

  2. July 19, 2020 - "Umm, it was a SPIRITUAL bomb."

  3. The article is badly written. It falsely states that this nut says "a nuclear bomb will be dropped on" Nashville. In fact, he says there will be "a nuclear attack in" Nashville.

    Neither is likely to happen, but it is far more likely that someone could smuggle a bomb into Nashville and detonate it than that someone could get through all sorts of air defenses and "drop a bomb on" the city.

    I wonder what this guy's July 19 gambit will be.

  4. Using the exact logic of the "theorist" I would after careful analysis suspect the attempt to be in Enola AK, since the Gays will be blamed anyway.


  5. Sorry, because of patient care, I've been away for awhile.
    Ive now looked briefly.
    Quick questions are
    Is NEO the same person as old NEO? Are Dennis and BB still around?
    Otherwise, glad to see conspiracy theories aren't promoted in OP's.
    Best to all, and gotta get back to work.

  6. Wish they listed the exact time of day this would happen, so that I can set my alarm clock, and have a cup of coffee first, before the big event!

  7. This sets a high bar for wannabe prophet Bwana-Bob because real (false) prophets set dates, just like Mad-Herbert[1975 in Prophecy]

  8. It must be the country music in Nashville that's making radical Islam so angry.

    You know, the songs about prison. And cheating. And getting drunk.

  9. I wanna be a prophet too! Since we've already had looting, rioting, and arson over a false martyr; don't be surprised if bombings are next. A nuclear weapon would escalate things too quickly though. Covid19's second wave shall hit us. Democrats will demand mail-in voting. Also, Hillary will be the nominee after Biden gets murdered by a "white supremacist" wearing a MAGA hat. Crazy?

  10. There is no shortage of prophecy nuts on the web.
    The paper's reaction, however, shows that Islam IS the single biggest threat. Hooper will not let this crisis go to waste.

  11. "There is no shortage of prophecy nuts on the web."

    And...there is no shortage of talking about them at this site and giving them publicity. How can they ever go away when those on this site are so obsessed with them? Oh, where are you Concerned Sister when we need something worthwhile to talk about!?

  12. Tonto wrote: Wish they listed the exact time of day this would happen

    That would be a real tweet...

    E. Fudd

  13. Q. What browser does Bwana-Bob use?
    A. Safari

  14. Biden won't have to be murdered. Hilary or Michele, which ever one he chooses, will just declare him incompetent to be the president.

  15. All newspapers are financially struggling, so I'm not surprised that the quack ad got published.

  16. How do they prove this in The Bible? Where is this date mentioned? This is no different than the other false prophesies out there.

  17. Here's the eight-chapter explanation of this "prophecy":


    It's been denounced by the SDA's:

