Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

UPDATE: $90,000 Being Sought For James Malm Memorial

James Malm's son is seeking $90,000.00 to honor his dad and support him during this time of grief. I am not trying to be insensitive here, but no memorial or funeral costs $90,000.00. If he cannot afford to maintain a web site then it needs to be shut down.  I have never understood why people in the COG who think they are prophets and/or God's mouthpiece for new revelation expect people to pay to maintain their lifestyles. 

James Malm, passed away unexpectedly on June 5, 2020 . James was 70 years of age. A prolithic writer James had worked tirelessly on the shininglight websites suddenly leaving behind friends and family including his eldest son and best friend David malm,  James  and  David relied on contributions from visitors to his websites. During such a horrible time like this, those closest to James should not have to worry about finances. Therefore, I would like to start a Go Fund Me page in order to keep going while I grieve for my Dad. I appreciate your generosity, thank you


James' wish was to see his site up all through the tribulation so it could help wayward COG members. How absurd!

So after some thought I decided I will be going to white rock to put dads ashes in the ocean, We talked about a day trip there for years and never went.
My plans are to study this work and take things one day at a time, James wrote for hours everyday and I was mistaken when I said there were many more posts Im new to using this blog. 
James would tell me how he wanted his sites up during the tribulation to help people. 
Im not gonna lie I could really use some help if you would like to help with the funeral cost or send support I bank at rbc under spooky____@________ also is my paypal [auto deposit is set up now] 


  1. That boy needs to get off his lazy ass and work instead of freeloading like his dad did. This is disgusting! Far more widows and orphans in the church need this money than him.

  2. James death wasn't unexpected. A few years ago he stated on his blog that doctors had given him about a year to live.
    People would not have contributed to his blog if they thought him a freeloader. He seemed to work a lot more than many ACOG ministers.

  3. From the GoFundMe site:

    Took a trip to white rock today nice place, I need to rent a boat to lay my dad to rest.

    For $90K, he could rent a yacht and scatter his father's ashes (at least I hope they're ashes and he doesn't plan to dump a body) in the Mediterranean Sea.

    Sadly, James seems not to have taught his children the difference between what they want and what they need.

    1. Mediterranean sea ? Ooops,bit far from Canda.

  4. I have news for you. I was in the "church" from 1969 to 1995 and I never saw the widows and orphans being taken care of. I remember a time during the FOT when a widow needed financial help. I knew her circumstances and the "ministers" wouldn't give her one dime while they all lived the good life at the feast and stayed together at the finest living conditions. I have more sad stories and ALL of them turned out bad for the widows and orphans. I know "churches" in the "world" who do many good deeds for their widows and orphans. They put the "true churches of god" to utter shame!

  5. COG LIVES MATTER! --- Tear down the MALMERIO!

  6. The generosity seems to vary by minister. There are some widows' families who were helped a lot.
    In my case, once when I was in a huge cash crunch, the local minister in charge, pulled out his check book and asked me how much we needed - I was too embarrassed to accept the money, but I appreciated the gesture.
    I have also heard that the top people in Pasadena dined very well when Joe senior was in charge on luxury food bought with third tithe.
    Some of the ministry were nice people - not all were hard-hearted.

  7. People would not have contributed to his blog if they thought him a freeloader. He seemed to work a lot more than many ACOG ministers.

    Don't you remember? When his partner Constance Belanger left him, and demanded takedown of her work, he had to abandon or rewrite huge portions of his stuff, and the quality declined noticeably after she was no longer around to edit his nonsense. He spent years sponging off her work and talent, and never really recovered after she left him.

  8. Rod Meredith used 3 T funds to remodel his home on Waverly Drive thill they found out and he got his ass handed to him. Robert Kuhn moved in shortly afterward.

  9. $90,000???

    Reminds me of our blue tasseled buddy Zerubbabel.


  10. Third tithe isn't like government programs that are impartial. ACOG ministers are partial and are takers rather than givers. They would be under the table extortionist demands made on those who were awarded third tithe. At a minimum, they would have their faith lorded over.

    Third tithe was ancient Israel's social security system. With the rate of church splintering, members leaving and minister partiality, the church system is a joke. There's no way that a young person who pays third tithe will ever be able to get money back from the system. This is unjust. It's only free money for a few fortunate old members.
    A "social system" it ain't.
    Buying a life insurance policy is a better option. At least the policy holder is legally protected.

  11. The reality of how religious gurus actually live has never ceased to amaze me.

    They can be deeply into the wonders of prophecy and know all the intricities of the workings of the calendar, but do not grasp the simplicity of a successful life, in earning a living through working. In gaining qualifications or a trade and even the simple basics of having life insurance.

  12. apparently James didn't "lay up for his children and grandchildren"...

    Paul worked and paid his own way so he wouldn't be a burden to the believers...

    maybe David can move the material over to one of the free hosting sites if he wants it to stay up forever.

  13. Do any of the other COG leaders read that as well? And are some of them now thinking “$90,000 for that guy?! I want a memorial that costs at least $150,000!”

    Or isn’t that how it works in COG-land?

  14. "apparently James didn't "lay up for his children and grandchildren"..."

    Malm did not have a job because he thought he was set apart by God to do some miraculous work that would bring all the wayward Laodicean COG members back to the true faith as he imagined it, which was nothing more than slavery to the law. He depended upon government assistance and naive people to send him money. Now the son is expecting the same thing.

    Why are self-appointed COG leaders such lazy men? They spend their days parked in front of computer screens writing jibberish to their few followers all the while thinking they are doing a work. Even Thiel spends his day's writing jibberish instead of actually working a full-time job. I cannot imagine being married to or being a child of these selfish men and to be constantly ignored. I know Thiel and watched how he ignored his family while in LCG. His visions, writing's, and maintaining his various web presence were always more important than caring for his loved ones.

    1. I was with you until the words 'slavery to the law'. Laziness also applies to Tkatchites too.

  15. "self appointed" is the key phrase....

  16. "His visions, writing's, and maintaining his various web presence were always more important than caring for his loved ones."

    Kinda like Herbie going to the library for six months while his family went hungry.

    1. In bizarre fairness to Herbert, it was during the Great Depression and Jobs scarce. Many thousands starving like the Armstrongs.
      Malm has through death escaped, in a way, the next Great Depression that is on the tracks now.

  17. "A prolithic writer James had worked tirelessly on the shininglight websites suddenly leaving behind friends and family including his eldest son and best friend David malm, James and David relied on contributions from visitors to his websites."

    He was "prolithic" all right...heart of stone and a head full of rocks...

    So, his son also has had no job this whole time, has been supported by the sucker's dime, and plans to use his father's death to milk another payday in the form of an estimated $70,000 in residual proceeds? He wants to continue to be supported in the manner to which he has become accustomed?

    Hmm. Here's hoping that gravy train comes to an end.

  18. He was putting out too much material to be called lazy in my view, and his writings did help some readers.


  19. Maybe the young Malm could move to Wadsworth and get a job at the Giant Eagle?

  20. The responsibility for helping to look out for/provide for the needs of widows and orphans was that of the households through 3rd tithe and in terms of the Feast needs of widows and orphans, by sharing 2nd tithe. If the widows and orphans weren't being provided for, that's where the problem was - it was all being sucked up through a centralized system controlled by a corporate ministry.

  21. "I have news for you. I was in the "church" from 1969 to 1995 and I never saw the widows and orphans being taken care of. I remember a time during the FOT when a widow needed financial help. I knew her circumstances and the "ministers" wouldn't give her one dime ... I have more sad stories and ALL of them turned out bad for the widows and orphans."

    So, you were there, knew her circumstances, didn't offer to help and didn't bother trying to refer her to anyone else who may have been willing and able to help her - why? because you thought that the only people on the planet who could do anything were the members of the corporate ministry? Sounds like the weak link in the chain was you. Lol.
