Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, July 20, 2020

Hi Brian Davis from the Philadlephia Church of God!

We need to all wave at Brian Davis from the Philadelphia Church of God. Being the wild and crazy guy that he is, we found out that he is a reader of this blog!  Woo Hoo!

It seems that Mr. Davis likes to read our blog and Exit and Support and then make fun of us in his sermons at PCG services!  What a hoot!

He particularly likes to read letters sent to Exit and Support from exPCG members and others complaining about abuse in PCG. He mocks those people from the pulpit.

I can't stop laughing!


  1. It's not only PCG that watches us, but Restored Church of God too:

    Facebook had this comment: "I know RCG perused it also. They would create articles in their Pillar magazine to counter some posts. They also used the magazine to address arguments by people who left. So much for "spiritual food.""

    We also know the United Church of God does and most certainly the Living Church of God.

    And then there is Bob Thiel. ROTFLMAO!

  2. For many years during the ‘Cold War’ it was said that there was no KGB, that the Russian intelligence service was in fact all western spies that had infiltrated the KGB over the years and that no original Russians were left in the KGB.

    Which brings me to the following: who are you Dennis, Tonto, Bikker Bob, Concerned Sister and Nck? Just saying ....

    1. Aren't we combative Nck LOL!

      btw, what’s your real name?

    2. Priority might be to ask the unidentified armed uniformed men in the city of portland.

      I mean, a man cant walk to the library to do some studying these days.


  3. Well they're all welcome aren't they?
    It's a public service free for the asking.
    I do not envy Bubbah Thiel perusing here, although of course this blog is by far his widest ranging marketing tool. Bad publicity is worse than no publicity at all.


    1. Yeah..we all know what u like to do on forums at odd hours of the night.

  4. Mocking victims of crime is heartless.

  5. I must give credit to many of the RCG ministers who have woken up and left that corrupt organization. This hasn't really been the case with PCG. Oh, sure several have left and many have died over the years, but if their was a massive revolt at HQ by leading ministers and lay members, maybe others would wake-up.

    GRF has been proven to be a false prophet by many, many witnesses. His own words condemn him! And if you really read your Bible it is obvious that he isn't following Christ, but and idol (HWA), and he isn't even teaching most of what he taught.

  6. This is called damage control. They can't stop people from cruising the Internet so they mock articles and people that have damaging material. The acog's did this back in the 70's with the Ambassador Report crew also. Same lame strategy as Herbie's but then again, what else could you do???

  7. Anon 11:24,

    You are drawing a silly analogy from an untrue condition. "It was said..."-- a meaningless preface.

    Anyway, Brian Davis should not mock anyone. In his early 50s he has now been twice widowed. I know stress and conflict can hasten ill health, and I do not doubt that spending time with Brian contributed to the stress in his wives' lives. I know his second marriage had quite a bit of conflict and his own daughter discussed it with classmates.

    Perhaps these things are better left unsaid, but when someone known to be highly arrogant mocks others, he opens himself up to criticism as well.

  8. The splinters are all running businesses. They must follow this blog in order to oppose it because this blog could impact their revenue streams. They are just as eager to keep old members as they are to get new members. They live in a world of brutal capitalism that does not permit them to cruise. Their darkest vision is an empty auditorium.

  9. I wonder if the splinter "ministers" dream about empty school auditoriums.

  10. We did have that one commenter years ago who had an ax to grind with Davis. Too bad he missed all that.

  11. LOL What a pathetic little man!

  12. Their darkest vision is an empty auditorium.

    Shouldn't that be nightmare NEO. Or is that the dark goal.

    This blog is followed by all kinds because the dark joke is the are more COG Ministry here than anywhere else.

  13. and there's Brian @11:24 @12:38 @7:29
    curious little sucker, aren't you?

  14. Dennis is the only honest one out of that dancing troupe.

  15. Do any of you ACOGs need a baptismal pool? There's no need to build your own as described with diagrams on the ICG web site. We at the ACME Corporation sell such pools at a competitive price.
    So remember! ACME Corporation, the baptismal pool people.
    PS, we have a extra large model for the weight challenged.

  16. Hello Brian! Good to know there are still some loyal readers.


  17. The PCG:

    Dwindle, dwindle.

    Dance, dance.

    Dwindle, dwindle.

    Dance, dance.

  18. Brian Davis is a mess. While living at HQS he was a difficult person to be around. It was quite scandalous when his daughters moved in with their grandparents to get away from him. His poor wife Suzanne was beaten down emotionally. She was so happy and fun when she was single, but turned inward almost immediately upon marrying Brian. When she died, most of the Edmond congregation said that she was finally free of that evil tyrant.
    Brian has been trying hard to be Getald Flurrys right hand man for years. He would love to remove Stephen Flurry or Wayne Turgeon.
    Brian is a known male chauvinist, he has little use of females, you can see that in the way he treats his mother, daughters and both of his late wives, not to mention the women in the church.
    And yes, Brian does spy on this site. He also regularly checks members social media accounts and more than once I’ve received a DM telling me to remove a certain post that he doesn’t approve of.
    He’s just one of many controlling tyrants in the PCG.

  19. I believe Brian knows Kieren. It is simply rude to not return his greeting.

  20. He also regularly checks members social media accounts.

    All of the groups do that.

  21. I used to sigh everytime the contact person would say today's sermon by Brian Davis. And that little ahem he always had in his throat drove me nuts. And yes from his sermons he was very chauvinistic. I will never forget the time he talked about he was the head of his household and if his wife tried to usurp him it would not last long.

  22. Even though I was a member at HQS I had never met Brian Davis or chatted with him until one random Sabbath when he pulled me into an office in the Auditorium. Wayne Turgeon was the counseling minister at the time but was visiting another congregation that day. Brian Davis sat me down with his wife and Garett Fraser and proceeded to call me a feminist and tell me I was head strong, rebellious and has a church government problem because I didn’t have any children. I was completely blindsided. I have a heart condition and health problems that didn’t allow me to have the big family I had always dreamed of. I tried to explain my health condition, which was none of his business and he got in my face and told me I lacked faith and that I should get pregnant and leave it in Gods hands. I was so devastated and crushed. I felt like my spirit was broken.
    I sat there crying while he went on and on. Suzanne tried to calm him down but it only fueled him more.
    Wayne Turgeon found out about our meeting and was really irritated about Davis going over his head. Turgeon knew of my health condition as he had anointed me for it.
    Ever sense then I avoided Davis as much as possible.
    He’s a predator and a tyrant.

    1. I have related innocent little people in PCG.

      If I ever learn of such atrocity to happen to them when they are bigger I will punish and humiliate the offender in their office or on their premise and end it before they even start to assemble themselves.

      Anything outside the normal atrocities that teenagers or young adults need to deal with from their peers.

      Let it be heard.


  23. When I was in the PCG...Brian Davis was still up and coming. Before I left he was widowed and living in SC. His grandfather Gordon (now deceased), was a fine man. His dad Winston (seemed like a pretty nice guy), and his mom Cheryl (now deceased) was a very kind lady, and good singer.

    Now, I did know his wife-to-be (Suzanne). I always called her Suzannee (to her face). She was gentle, and meek. We went out a few times, but nothing serious. We didn't have the spark that a relationship needs. I was deeply saddened to hear about her sickness and untimely death.

  24. Brian Davis' oldest daughter was always a tart. When I was a student at HWAC we had a little fun on more than one occasion. The fact that he is extremely strict and controlling makes it no surprise his oldest was always trying to find a social outlet. Wonder if his son will turn out the same way. In fact, lots of PKs (preachers kids) always ended up being on the "wrong" side of the tracks and just flew under the radar unlike common rabble like me who ended up getting shafted for the smallest trespasses. oh well. glad to be out.

  25. Did Brian Davis remarry and is Gerald Flurry getting married? There is a letter on Exit Support that says supposedly from the Philadelphan that Mr&Mrs Davis moving to Pittsburg. So did he already remarry? Also that GF is marrying Vicki Barriero. Sounds like fake news unless Davis already found and married a 3rd wife after Suzanne's death last year? Or is this fake news by PCG members?
