Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, July 27, 2020

Mark Armstrong: No One Has Died From "Chinese Virus" NO ONE!

The stupidity continues to reign supreme in COGland. Here you have the "plain truth" from God's mighty servant Mark Armstrong. No one has died from COVID-19. Plus, his added bonus is that he could care less about mask mandates.  Unless his god tells him to wear it, he won't.

Some of us have been highly suspicious of the media reporting about the Chinese virus.  Yes, we do know of a handful of people who are said to have tested positive.  But none of them died, and for some it was a matter of something like the common cold.  For others we know it was like a bad flu, but they survived it and are doing fine.  Nevertheless, every news report claims a new spike in cases, and proceeds to lecture that you must be afraid.
News anchors across the board read the “wire,” claiming that cases are “exploding” in state after state, county after county, city after city.  You must proceed with fear, assuming you proceed at all.   They express total exasperation at President Trump for not having issued a national mask order.  Meanwhile lawsuits are flying over mask “mandates.”  All the mandates we care about are the ones God ordained. 


  1. I really do not mind if he wears a mask or not. Unfortunately cult leaders usually take others down with them.


  2. COVID-19 spreads quickly within groups of people in close contact.

    Mark's statement tells me that the members of his cult don't interact very closely with people outside the cult, in which case it is reasonable to believe that Mark doesn't yet know anyone who has died after a severe bout of COVID-19. Unfortunately, this also means that once COVID-19 does explode among members of his cult, the casualties are likely to be well above the overall averages.

    A pastor is supposed to be a shepherd of his flock. If Mark were an actual shepherd, he would end up with a dead flock of sheep in no time at all.

  3. As I criticized CGI's initial response to the pandemic, I must commend them for having more sense than Mark Armstrong. They recently made this announcement regarding their observance of the FOT:
    "Due to the fluctuating uncertainties surrounding the coronavirus pandemic, the possibility of additional restrictions being placed on travel, lodging, and entertainment, plus the potential health and safety risks to brethren, we are canceling all CGI "destination" Feast sites in the United States this year. Specifically, this includes Land Between the Lakes, KY, Myrtle Beach, SC, Harrison, AR, and St. Petersburg, FL. We did not come to this decision lightly."

  4. Mark and Bob Thiel must be twins. They say some of the most idiotic things. They both wonder why people make fun of them. Both are self-appointed false teachers.

  5. Lone Ranger way ahead of his time! Wore mask before anyone!


  6. Mark and Bob Thiel must be twins

    So that's the reason...

    Mark denies climate change and coronavirus, and the existence of both have credible, scientific, and verifiable support. And he pushes BI, which hasn't.
    At least he isn't using climate change and COVID for scaremongering; he still has BI and the Germans for that...

  7. Tonto
    Here in Australia, we had a highwayman who was ahead of his time as well. His name was Ned Kelly, and he wore something like a upside down bucket on his head, with slits for his eyes. He was very corona virus conscious.
    Wearing these face masks is like the cone of silence in 'Get Smart,' "what did you say," "speak up, I can't hear you."

  8. Has Mark Armstrong told Jim Franks about no deaths from COVID-19?

    President Franks has announced several coronavirus deaths in COGWA. Is it because COGWA is (air quotes) hopelessly liberal?

    1. Why do you twist the truth R.L. COGWA have made no such announcement.

  9. COVID-19 deaths are mostly the elderly and younger people with often multiple medical conditions. Just like with the flu. It would be unsurprising if it killed ACOG members since most are elderly.

  10. "It's just the flu, bro!"
    Didn't Mark's dad die from the flu?
    Go figure.

  11. I think there is a larger issue here than splinter group behavior. I just watched a Trump supporter on TV state with great animation that her mother caught COVID-19 by wearing a mask. The mask caused her to breathe her own breath and this is how she was infected.

    I think we all recognize when we were in public school that there were some kids who were just not getting it. They were no better or worse than other kids but they were just not able to absorb and understand information in an academic setting. As remarkable as it is, this pandemic has brought this issue to the surface for me. The surprising fact is that there is a significant segment of the population of the USA that does not understand the "Germ Theory" of disease. There is a significant segment of the population of the USA that will not research anything - they will simply believe what they are told based on subjective and many times superficial personal views about the person speaking.

    This is not about Mark Armstrong or his splinter group, whatever that is, but about the national state of perception, cognizance and understanding. There is diversity among people. Not everybody gets it. Not everybody can get it. The last course in science they had was in Middle School and they didn't understand it. And in some roles they are not fit for leadership or decision making.

  12. Didn't Mark's dad die from the flu?

    Complications due to pneumonia, it may have originated with flu.

  13. Mark is a good example of why there are so many COG splinters - no one wants to cooperate on anything, everyone wants to push their line...
    On a "play in all churches" sermon by HWA, he commented favorably about the (unrecorded) sermonette, which was apparently an attack on the "do your own thing" attitude.

  14. "Yes, we do know of a handful of people who are said to have tested positive. But none of them died, and for some it was a matter of something like the common cold."

    Um, I believe that this is being way too broadly interpreted. He's not talking about throughout the world; he's talking about personal experience.

    "Yes, WE do know of a HANDFUL of people who are said to have tested positive. But none of THEM [the people whom we know, who have had it] died, and for some it was a matter of something like the common cold." [emphasis and insertion mine]

    Just like I, myself, know THAT people have died from it, but I don't know anyone WHO has died from it.

  15. To Anonymous 9:45pm: I stand by my comment.

    Pres. Franks announced a death in New York City during a Spring Holy Day webcast service. He refers to it during this "In Accord" report:


  16. Casinos can remain open, but not gyms or churches. Something's not right.

    1. Do they socialize, sing and breathe heavily in casino's?

      Something being right or not right can only refer to political human choices.

      The virus is not moral, it doesnt care, it just wants to survive and expand into the universe, just like splinter cult members.


  17. This obviously can't be the real Mark Armstrong, since as he correctly predicted several years ago he and all other True Christians (TM) were already taken away to a secret FEMA camp built in the basement of a pizza parlor beneath a Costco and forcibly gay married by a transgendered Muslim and somehow also atheist Imam who was vaccinated and never spanked as a child while swearing the matrimony upon an original copy of the Communist Manifesto purchased from the Black Panthers by George Soros during the Jade Helm exercises.

  18. Of course people died from the made in China and deliberately exported flu. But no more than from a lot of other flus.

    1. No it's not.
      To keep it simple and not give you a headache I will only quote a news source instead of data scientists, you Russian troll.



    2. Nck. We all can post a source of our own choosing. I can point you to where hospitals are told to say covid is the cause of death when they were already dying or died from something else. Most often from being fat and toxic. And also point you to where the hospitals are told not to treat them correctly. Just go right to the ventilator so they die quicker. Yet I will tell you that they will have their numbers of deaths they want as prophesied.

    3. Drew, I'm sure you can and therefore I respect your opinion.

      You are a lucky person, you seem to live in a "safe area.", good for you.
      I had people die around me, for no other reason than a push by Covid. Other healthy friends contracted it in Italy during ski trip and have been suffering for months. (lungs, fatigues)

      I deliberately use the word "push", because I do agree that "obesity" or other afflictions do not help.

      Likewise, not a single person EVER died BY aids. That specific virus destroyed the immune system, do all sufferers died through "minor causes" like a cold, or otherwise treatable pneumonia. But thats another story.

      Take Care. I'm not "against you", just sharing personal experiences.


    4. Thanks Nck! Interesting what you said about AIDS. I’m one to think the treatment of HIV destroyed the immune system allowing the other minor afflictions to take over the weakened immune system.

  19. 9.55 AM
    So Herb agreed with the attack on the "do your own thing" attitude. This from the leader who against bible morality, ran his church along totalitarian lines and taught de facto ownership by need with his incessant 'give way.' Which is Marxism with a Christian skin. He "did his own thing" indeed. Or, "I can do my own thing, but you can't, since some people are more equal than others."
    And how can he complain about members doing your own thing, after banging Dorothy all those years.

  20. Is Mark Armstrong an ordained minister in The Inter-Continental Church of God?

    It has to be hard for Mark Armstrong to remember what his grandfather's Radio/Worldwide Church of God was at its zenith, and to see his own heir apparent father thrown out of WCG. The family business empire ($200 Million in income per year, jets and expensive real estate) went to a non-Armstrong. And then to see his own father found a splinter, Church of God, International, only to be thrown out of that Church. With each successive Church, father Garner Ted Armstrong's reach was successively diminished.


    1. We’re definitely living in Satan’s deceptive world. A lot of evidence pointing to viruses not being alive and the only way to get anyone else’s or an animal’s is via injection. We are born with billions of our own in that they are solvents to clean toxic cells from the garbage we eat, drink, breath. Our health is in our hands. Not a virus that they want us to fear and create a counterfeit millennium NWO with.

  21. Hello Drew.

    It is the first time in my life I heard that.
    Anyway I don't think the both of us are in "risk groups" so it doesn't matter really.

    I do know that many who contract hiv today can live a long time with current medicine.
    Which is a good thing for the little South African children who in the past died by droves.

    I fully support you efforts to fight all disease in ways that seem to be sanctioned by nature and are not man made. I also heed my pastors snub who said, cobra poison is also natural.

