Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Are We On a Great Quest to Munson the World?

It sure doesn't take much to enact splits among the remnants of the Armstrong cult. Forget about dividing over the Sabbath or doing the Work. Those days are long gone. No, today, God is sifting His people for the purist of the pure, the couragist of the courageous, the faithfulist of the faithful.

For all of you who were dead certain this shake up was about way more than masks and singing...well, you were wrong. Sheldon made two things very clear at the very beginning of his 2nd sermon post-LCG: 1) He did not quit, he was fired. 2) He was fired over his stance on masks and singing.

I have seen many men come and go over the years on a quest to fill Herb's shoes, to take up his mighty mantle and crusade forward in full British-Israel armor, coconut special effects and all. There is a definite script they all follow when they themselves have not come to a come-to-know-Jesus moment or at the very least, everything-Armstrong-is-bullshit moment.

[Full Disclosure: I am by no means siding with LCG in this matter. This is like watching two teams you "love less" in the Superbowl.]

First, they cast themselves as the victim of unfair (nay, Satanic) treatment by those in power. I did not quit, I was fired and I was fired simply for standing up for God's Word. Of course, this always means according to the new narcissist on the block's interpretation of God's Word.

Second is the justification doctrine(s) for boldly holding their ground for Christ's sake. While many men and women of faith have fallen on swords for refusing to deny God's name and denouncing Jesus, some do so to avoid the medieval torture of temporary mask-wearing when fellow-shipping or having your tongue cut out (metaphorically) when you really want to sing whenever you want and around anyone that you want.

Sheldon does point out that what many are trying to get through his thick skull is that the masks are to protect others. But Sheldon very easily brushes this aside as tomfoolery because everyone knows being asymptomatic is nothing new, but a reality concerning diseases for thousands of years.

This was immediately followed up with how once we are called and given God's Spirit, we now know the answers to many things and no longer need science (I know no one is going to believe he said that but go listen to it yourself). He goes on to say that the Bible is the greatest gift to mankind, a sure foundation and so simple to understand, you don't need a high I.Q. to understand it. Life is like a box of chocolates.

Third, build upon one's strengths, especially those brought out by the vicious treatment of the oppressors in power. Sheldon spent time in Acts showing the various acts of great faith and courage of the first Christian leaders. He goes on to say that God loves people with great courage and faith. Again, as he dons the superhero persona of Captain No-Doubt, I am left wondering once again if God does not love brethren that are new or weak in the faith? Does God ignore those who struggle with doubts and uncertainties? Are they expendable until at such a point, they prove themselves worthy of God's affections...of His admiration?

Fourth, the Biblical analogy/story that perfectly aligns with the current situation. For this, Sheldon takes us to Daniel's example who purposely, defiantly, and recklessly disobeyed a direct decree from the king himself by not ceasing (temporarily for 30 days) from praying with his window open. See, the bad guys want to tell us that mask-wearing and not singing is just a temporary situation. These same devils would have told Daniel to stop being a putz and do what you are told for 30 days. But no, Daniel kept throwing that window open in sheer defiance and dared anyone to try and bully him.

He actually went on to liken this to the time of the receivership. Herb was just like Daniel, thumbing his nose at the government, daring them to raid his offices and jail the women he ordered to hold their ground via Raymond McNair. Just like Daniel, the mighty Herb refused to "roll over."

Fifth, build the resume. Sheldon reminded everyone that like Paul, Herb always told us to follow him as he followed Christ. So all of you likewise being "Munsoned" by my sermon, follow me as I follow Christ. Don't be men-pleasers (obvious shot at the LCG COE) and go through life fearful. Support true leaders, even going to jail with them. And now the credentials: Sheldon went to AC from 81-85. He tended to Herb's gardens and got to know Herb quite well. In fact, Sheldon went on to say, "...and HWA knew who I was."

Then after HWA was dead, Tkach called Sheldon into his office and demanded information about someone else. Sheldon assured him that he did not know anything and was promptly fired. But, the next day, Tkach apologized for he found out Sheldon really was ignorant, rehired him, and sent him off in a limousine to go buy him a few new suits. (You can't make this stuff up) Sheldon went on to say that he accepted his job back and the new suits and went on to serve Tkach for several years BUT I DID NOT LET HIS GENEROSITY BUY ME! Okay, Sheldon.

Sixth, promise to lead the Philadelphia remnant faithfully into the place of safety. There are yes-men everywhere in the churches. The path is narrower (yes and always growing narrower with each new Herb) and a very precious few are chosen (and this justifies why we will never amount to anything either in numbers or effectiveness when it comes to work).

Sheldon closed by saying that stories of faith are easy to read but we must live it. Let no man steal your crown. Unfortunately, Sheldon will choose not to live by faith. He will set up a top-down corporation and demand 10-30+% income from anyone he can "Munson" into his low I.Q. ignorance cult. He used the same worn out playbook so many before him have used to create their own fiefdoms. He will join the hall-of-famers like Thiel, Pack and Flurry but never come close to accomplishing anything like Herb. Thank God!

May thee internet continue to be thy holy hand grenade.

by Stoned Stephen Society


  1. His will be called The No Masks church of God.
    Sheldon condemns masks but not church tyranny. I'm not impressed.

  2. Tkach comes up as an evil person a lot in personal testimonies.

    I was only abe to loath him for the public lies unfortunately.

    It seems SSS made the same analysis I made within 5 minutes without even knowing Munson or having seen his videos. It's quite easy to recognize a fool.


  3. Sheldon doesn't have Bwana Bob's new truths about football-playing and about the Vikings. Obviously he's not the right one.

  4. Very well written. So true. Thank you.

    Love-less super bowl was genius.


    An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. Example: The word lemon is an anagram of melon. Here are some anagrams for SHELDON MUNSON...

    Old Men Shun Son

    Molds None, Shun!

    Holds Men, No Sun

    Lends Homo Nuns!

  6. The fundamental question in this controversy is: "What is the role of knowledge in a life of Christian faith?"

    Does our understanding of the Germ Theory of disease inform our decision making in this pandemic in any way? And would God want science to inform our decision making? Another way of asking the question is does faith trump knowledge? Do they really vie against eachother? This is a big, big topic and this writing is only going to be a blurb.

    In the Old Testament, it mentions twice in the book of Proverbs:

    "The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it."

    In the New Testament, we have the example of Paul (Acts 9:23):

    "When many days had passed, the Jews plotted to kill him, but their plot became known to Saul. They were watching the gates day and night in order to kill him, but his disciples took him by night and let him down through an opening in the wall, lowering him in a basket."

    Both cases show the efficacy of knowledge and the expectation that within the life of faith knowledge will be used. When the tornado comes, you get out of the way - standing in place is not an act of faith when escape is reasonable and possible. The idea that not wearing a mask at Sabbath services is the right thing to do because God will protect you at his ordained services denies the value of knowledge and runs against the grain of the Bible. As God Himself said "Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?"

    Up in some parts of the Appalachian Mountains, people this next Sunday will collect together to worship. The music will play and some from the congregation will rise up to dance. When the dancing and singing reach a fever pitch, some will dance over to a box of poisonous snakes and pluck out one and dance around with it. Some of them have died from snake bite.

    To set faith against knowledge is a gratuitous contention based on specious logic.

    1. This was a marvelous and educated response with scriptures to back it up thank you

  7. Sheldon thought it was acceptable for the tithes of the brethren to be spent on giving him new suits because his Pastor General had been an ungodly ass? That's wrong on several levels!

  8. I am wondering were I fit? Is it the purist of the purists or the highly courageous of the courageous or the most faithful of the faithful or just maybe, the saddest unloving among the loving.

    Stephen, I disagree with your "For all of you who were dead certain this shake up was about way more than masks and singing...well, you were wrong" premise.

    I happened to listen to the latter half of the sermon on Saturday and he (Munson) made two statements that reveal that masks and singing was the opportune and convenient subject to "get" fired over.

    He said "we have to speak out about this whole gay lesbian thing and to warn this country" and I forget, but boldly was I think used by him. There is an obvious dissatisfaction with the LCG leadership over their "gospel" approach and to be voicing that opinion in his second sermon away from that organization is telling.

    On a personal note, I left the Restored Church of God similarly. Hanging by a thread for a number of years, what transpired over my last six months was beyond belief. The point I left over was made STRATEGICALLY but wasn't why I left. That point was, according to two ministers backed off of by Mr. Pack. I then asked if it has been backed off, will there be a public announcement to that fact? No was there answer. Then it is still fully in affect I asked? Yes they answered. Then there has been no backing off of it I stated. Yes and no they answered.

    That point was: "all brethren have to believe and obey all things taught by the church and if you don't, you are a heretic condemned to the lake of fire and this brethren is, the number ONE doctrine of the church".

    I got to walk out of the RCG without an argument and not one bad thing said about me while the cowardly ministry and Pack himself knew they had no defense to how the leader of the RCG declared the WCG the true Church of God and didn't believe or obey its leader and then went on to declare the Global Church of God the true Church of God and didn't believe or obey its leader and yet it was now imperative that everyone believe him without question.

    Munson did the same thing. He comes out of the LCG looking pretty good - a man of faith with works and a man of action. The LCG leadership fumbled and bumbled until they found their sword.

    In the end, Munson gets to cast the LCG leadership exactly how he always believed they were; a bunch of men in their basements creating bonsai while he gets to paint himself as one who cuts down trees and forests. Masks and singing is just the very convienent avenue to accomplish that.

    1. I am proof of the number one doctrine of the RCG because I was disfellowshipped over questioning tithing.

  9. That Biker Bob stopped posting here at the start of the national looting and burning most likely means that he was a victim.

  10. There are splits that are group based, and then there are splits whose sole purpose if for an individual to take tithe payers from an existing group.
    Bob and Sheldon are prime examples of the latter.
    Bob has tried to siphon off members from LCG by repeating malicious gossip (like Dibar renouncing LCG) and criticizing their scholarship.
    Sheldon has gone the lack of faith approach. Masks! Masks! Masks!

    The only thing these splits prove is that none of them really believe the Bible - they are just not honest about it like Dennis.

    1 Cor 12 v 25 So that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.
    1 Cor 1 v10-13
    Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. 11For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you. 12Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ. 13Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?

  11. He said "we have to speak out about this whole gay lesbian thing and to warn this country" and I forget, but boldly was I think used by him

    There are TEN commandments, and breaking one is the same as breaking all of them. Why, then, did Rod Meredith (and now Sheldon Monson) spend so much time complaining about gays and lesbians?

    Yes, homosexual conduct is sinful, according to the Bible. But so is lying. So is asking brethren to give their inheritance to the church instead of to their children. So is compromising with Masonic teaching. So is paying caterers to come to your Sabbath event and serve food (they wouldn't be doing that work if not for your hire, unlike restaurant workers). It's strange to see ministers get super-buggy about some commandment breaking while ignoring or even supporting other breaking of the commandments.

    Sheldon is very athletic, and spends a lot more time touching other men than most men do. Maybe that's why he needs to make it clear that while God's way is for men to touch other men, homosexuality is NOT God's way?

  12. 8:19am Have you ever been to the Appalachian Mountains?

    You do realize that there are snake handlers in other parts of the U.S. don't you?

  13. Does the tired old Anglo-Israel-theory have any mileage left in it?
    You bet! There's an endless supply of idiots eager to embrace this!
