Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, August 21, 2020

Did Sheldon Monson Comply To Weston's Rules And Then Have The Script Turned On Him (Like LCG Is So Good At)?

The more days that pass the worse Gerald Weston and the Living Church of God look in this situation

From a reader:

"He's called us not just for personal salvation but to do a work and if we splinter and we you know separate and every which direction everybody doing his own thing, how are we going to do the work of God?" - Gerald Weston Quote.

We have been in contact with Sheldon Monson, he has no intention to start his own church, at least at this time, as far as I know. We have been told he will pray and fast about the current situation he is in. For now he is holding Sabbath services online which would seem to be appropriate considering the fact he does not know what to do. I believe Sheldon is trying to do the right thing. I trust his word and my hope is he will.

Now regarding LCG actions. I believe it was unnecessary and wrong for LCG to treat Sheldon the way they did. No contact anymore? If true, not a good look. Was he really doing anything wrong though? I think we need to ask that question and take it to a serious level of consideration. Am I right or am I wrong? LCG members: this was not the 1st case of crookedness by the way.. LCG has been caught in lies to name one further example.

Now, here's something you may have not heard: 

Sheldon said he complied to rules from LCG and was able to hold Sabbath Services outside for 5 Months or so within LCG after the pandemic began, that is, COVID-19. But something strange happened from my understanding. LCG flipped the script and decided to change the policy regarding outside service from what I understand. They decided, as in the council of elders I believe, to take away access to outdoor services. For what reason? They never gave a proper explanation as to why. As many of us know, Sheldon, stood up for what he believed was right. By the way, this is not the only reason why LCG fired him and disfellowshipped him. Sheldon personally thinks it was a test of compliance. Odd, I know. Sheldon was an outspoken member during his time in the council of elders. Which made him quite unliked from what I heard. So I'm not really surprised and I don't think Sheldon is either, that they may have done something crooked, mind you, again. I'm not saying they surely did but they certainly could of.. Sheldon is not the only person I suppose you could say was abused, if what I said earlier could be true. My father was. Our close friend was. Dibar Apartian, right before his death from my understanding. The Scarboroughs from what I heard. The list goes on. 

To everyone: LCG needs really needs to take the weightier matters of the law very seriously which they claim to hold to. (Matthew 7:16–20)


  1. Why do people keep referring to the "pandemic" and not the FAKE pandemic? That would be the appropriate term considering the all the lies we have been told about it.

  2. Of course the script will have been changed. It's the nature of the beast of splinter wars.

    Outsiders only know about 10 percent of why a Church splits and splinters.

    This situation is no way only about masks. Everyone can see that.

  3. Sheldon was not a "yes man". It's funny but revealing that GW even makes mention of "yes men" in his 1st letter. Sheldon was a thorn in his side. If you look at every single man left on the COE for LCG, they are all spineless cowards, who have learned to shut up and go with the flow OR ELSE. I even personally like Doug Winnail but spineless is his middle name. These are men who like their cushy positions and all the ass kissing being a COE member brings them and their wives so they agree with whatever they need to agree with in order to keep their paycheck and their status. Sheldon was often outspoken. Add to that that he is a presence (as in larger than life, charismatic, funny and well-liked) and Weston (who has literally zero sense of humor or charisma) was looking for a reason, any reason, to off him.

  4. Why be so heavy-handed when covid is a temporary problem? Why not come up with a temporary, level-headed solution instead of firing / disfellowshipping / marking a minister who does a great job with the camps and who is a good speaker and in general an asset to LCG?

    Why can't LCG ever do the right thing?

    1. Right?!? Kinda weird huh? It's only temporary.. or so they say.. some say it could even be permanent! What a strange world were living in right now.

      I see LCG in the foreseeable future being very reliant on government authority mainly because they're afraid to admit that they're scared of persecution. Why do I say that? I say that because if their actions are considered out of character with the political sphere, they will suffer the consequences. Such as losing their tax-exempt status. This is why, as I'm sure quite a few have noticed, they're not very bold on preaching certain topics such as homosexuality. Why do you think they went along with the covid-19 recommendations from the government? It's good you obey the government and all, but they went to far. Doctrinally they have no basis for banning singing. Supposedly it's to keep people safe. But what if the science is wrong? Think for yourselves ane do research. Please. Anyway.. LCG is not telling you everything. I'm sure they're not telling their members, "I'm sorry for purposely not correcting known errors in many of the booklets, I am sorry for abusing are members, I'm sorry for the lies are former head evangelist made, I'm sorry for all the broken promises we made, the list goes on but we're sorry."

  5. Based on his pic.... Sheldon has the WEIGHTIER matter of the law over Weston. Would love to see a three round "cage fight" of Weston against Munson. It would be over in 5 seconds with Munson the winner!

    1. Would a man look at another man in this situation Tonto and write your comment.

      One thinks not.

  6. I drink water and brush my teeth every day. I never contracted Covid.

    Therefore it is proven that a combination of brushing ones teeth and drinking water prevents contracting Covid!!!

    It is better to rely on inner feelings than trust the precepts of man.


  7. Tonto, I watched one of Sheldon's sons take down his opponent in a high school wrestling match in under 30 seconds. And that was a slow victory for him.

  8. Yes all that has transpired, is accordingly accurate from the mouth of the End Time Prophet of God; it's all recorded at the COGwriter.com website; he commented years ago, in fact 7 years years ago; that all would be revealed about LCG and their corrupt leadership; it's starting to be revealed now and in the not to distant future; that he was right all along,; the fruits show Dr Thiel is spot on; persons should remember who told them first, and how nobody, I mean nobody; was revieled to be a Prophet of God in the unique way that he was; what other man in COG history,has had the presiding
    Evangelist, and other top Evangelists say he may be a Prophet or God may consider him to be a Prophet and have the annointment done by an LCG minister and also he was appointed to the position of Advisor to the Evangelists on Doctrine and Prophecy;he also doesn't collect a salary and didn't except a salary from LCG On his former role as an adviser. It should be obvious to anybody; seek out the truth, you can proof it; the End Time Prophet of God is here- will anyone listen to receive the Prophets reward.

  9. I have gone back and forth several times about commenting here. But, ultimately, I feel that I need to comment more than I care about what people think about the fact that I'm posting on this forum. You see, although I am no longer a part of Armstrongism, my family is and I love and respect them all and would hate to upset them. That being said, I can't remain silent.

    When I read what LCG was doing to Sheldon Monson I was completely shocked. Not that LCG would over-react or be unfair, because that has come to be their standard method of operation, but that they would do this to Sheldon.

    Reading about what they did to him has triggered so many emotions within me. Mr. Weston's letters literally create a physiological response within my being. The trauma that LCG inflicted upon me was the worst thing I have ever gone through and reading about Sheldon brought all that pain back up to the surface. I wonder if I will ever be completely free of it.

    I know exactly how it feels to lose all your friends. I know how shocking it is to be going along, thinking everything will work out after being called into to HQ to "talk" only to be blindsided by the men at LCG headquarters a few days later. I know what it feels like to be shunned by friends that you truly loved with all of your heart only because the Presiding Evangelist tells them they can't associate you any more without risking their own security within the church or worse. I know what it feels like to find out you've been marked via a FedEx letter instead of a personal phone call or meeting. I know exactly how Sheldon Monson,his wife and his kids feel right now and it pains me.

    My heart goes out to Sheldon and his wife and children who were as integrated into LCG as much as anyone could possibly be. This is a wound from which they will never fully recover. Sure, they will move on and hopefully they learn from this but one can never really be the same after being butchered by the high and mighty men at LCG.

  10. CONTINUED...

    All of that aside, the comment that was burning within me so much that I ultimately decided to post on this forum, is in defense of Sheldon Monson.

    I first met Sheldon and his wife when they were in ministerial training in Kansas City (2002 or 2003 I think). We became friends. He is a genuinely nice person. He is loving and sincere. He has a huge heart and is fun to be around. He loves God and is a talented speaker and excellent camp leader. More than anything he is genuine which is not a characteristic of minsters (or members) in LCG. Whether you liked it or not, he had the courage to be who he really was without pretense. In a church full of fake people, he had the bravery to be real. He was the same person to your face and behind your back. He was the same person whether he was with the COE or drinking beer with you on the back porch. Did I agree with everything he believed? Hell no! In fact I ardently disagreed with many of his beliefs. But I appreciated his candor, openness and courage to be who he is, like it or not. I loved that we could utterly disagree and openly debate topics and then continue to be friends. People like that are rare in this life. People like that are almost non-existent in Armstrongism. His reputation deserves to be defended. He's a good guy and Mr. Weston should be ashamed that he couldn't handle this situation more maturely with the Fruits of the Spirit.

    I was shocked that hardly anybody had the courage to stand up and defend my husband and myself When LCG unjustly marked us. People who know our character sat in cowardly silence instead of saying something as they watched them destroy us and tell lie after lie about us. But guess what? I am not that person. I will defend those who deserve it. I will stand up when good people are I brutalized by LCG headquarters. I will openly love those whom I chose to openly love and no man will ever have the authority to tell me who I can fellowship with. I am not afraid. I am ruled by God Almighty and not by the small, egocentric, insecure men that sell fear in an effort to control their members. I am free.

  11. CONTINUED...

    Sheldon Monson was one of very few in LCG that went to bat defending my husband and my character repeatedly during my fiasco with LCG in 2014. After that, he continued to make a concerted effort to remain our friend and to show us out-flowing love and concern. He was the only minister in all of LCG that acted like a shepherd. The rest of LCG ministry scraped us off their shoes like dog poop. Even ministers that knew us as well as a person can possibly know another and that includes Gerald Weston. Mr. Weston knows us better than most. He counseled us for marriage prior to leaving KC and he baptized my husband. He has stayed at my home more times than I can count. We are very well acquainted. Yet he did nothing because he lacks the fortitude to do the right thing.

    Sheldon was specifically told not to affiliate with my husband or me in 2014 but he refused to comply on the grounds that until we gave him a reason to believe we were bad people, he simply wouldn't cut us out of his life just because Rod Meredith told him to. if only more people in LCG thought like him! He continued to go out to dinner with us and check in on us even after the marking. One night we got busted by Jim Meredith who promptly ran to his daddy to tattle tail. When Rod Meredith called Sheldon up to his office the next day to ask if it was in fact true that he had gone out to dinner with us, he courageously said, "yes" and defended our character once again. That is the kind of character Sheldon Monson has. He is a stand-up guy.

    Is he perfect? No. But who is?

    I know that ultimately this will be one of the best things that ever happens to Sheldon, even though it might be insanely painful. It was for me. I saw the true character of people who called themselves my friends. I saw the true character of men pretending to be ministers of God. My eyes were opened to the nature of these people. I have found happiness and I have a connection with the Almighty that I could have never attained in a church that can not even begin to conceive of the love of God because they themselves only understand conditional love. I am love. The love of Christ flows abounds within me and fills my being. I have a connection to Source that no man can ever alter. He is mine and I am His. I wish the best to all who read this. Be real. I promise it's worth it.

    PS: If you are in a "church" that tells you not to be friends with good people, you might be in a cult
    PPS: I would like to personally thank every minister and member of LCG for setting me free through your harsh and unloving actions.

    With Love & Light,
    Elizabeth Scarborough

  12. This is protestant church-like mob justice! Character murdering and assassination style via an abusive firing command-and-control squad and group of men in power—all counsel of elders’ names who acquiesced to their names being used in the correspondance—A Ku Klux Klan execution and lynching style from Living Church of God Commander in Chief, firing squad leader and executioner Gerald E. Weston. This sort of evil leadership behavior has nothing to do with the love of God! A group of self-interested sheriffs defending their command-and-control territory but yet having to transform themselves into shepherds: a daunting task and indeed an impossible way to go. A 21st century reincarnation of the nefarious pharisees fighting for power: nothing new under the sun. I’ve experieced such slandering and name assassination myself from LCG ministerial services excecutioner Doug S. Vinnail and his international Australian ministerial stooge Rod King who both had the vulgarity and audacity to insult me without having had first the decency and honor to “go to their brother and check the facts” [as commanded in Matthew 18] regarding what had happened between a local elder of the Living Church of God and myself here in Europe. I go all the way back to my years at Ambassador College [1982 - 1986] where similar slandering methods were later on used against my ‘old’ friend and mentor Mr. Dibar Krikor Apartian as Douglas S. Vinnail and Rod King, his Australian British Isles stooge and regional director, cornered him out of his French work responsibilities before Mr. Apartian finally died! A spiritual leaderhip power-thirsty mob that is again trying to lynch and destroy Mr. Sheldon Monson an old fried with whom I studied at Ambassador College in Pasadena!

    Bruno Pierre Gebarski
    Hamburg, Germany

  13. Bruno I had a LCG COE member tell me that Matthew 18 “doesn’t apply to ministry”. My Bible doesn’t say that but that’s what they believe.
