Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, August 21, 2020

Living Church of God Council of Elders: Please Answer These Questions. LCG Members Want To Know


From a reader:

Okay LCG HQ. We know you read these comments. Print this off and have Weston or someone give a sermon to address this post.  

1. Please list the council members who have put their lives on the line. Please cite when and where they were in danger. Having church services in the inner cities of the U.S. does not count. Please share examples of putting your health and lives at risk to serve the Body or spread the Gospel.

2. Please list the council members who stepped out of the WCG at the same time of Dr. Meredith (or before) to take a stand against the apostasy. The only one I can think of is Jeff Fall, who stepped out with Meredith. All others seemed to have stayed in the apostasy for some period of time, including Weston.

3. Why didn't you publicly state you have "marked" or "disfellowshipped" Monson in your letter? Is it because you have no grounds? Would this put the LCG in a bad light with the youth, who seem to love him?  

4. Who is saying the LCG Council is wanting to lead the Church back into apostasy? I've not heard Monson state that. I've not heard anyone make that statement, except Weston.

The only one who seems to be stirring the pot is Weston. So PLEASE, someone in Charlotte, address these questions. You're only making yourself look weak and petty. Address the doctrinal issues between yourself and Monson. Quit being vague in your letters and sermons. Please explain yourself. Stating that Monson didn't have the support of one single Council member does not prove anything other than he was willing to go it alone and take a stand for someone. 


  1. I am waiting for Wally Smith to tell us how he has suffered so much and how he daily puts his life on the line. There is no greater man in LCG than he.

  2. You are wrong about Wally Smith. Mario Hernandez is the greatest martyr for the truth that LCG has ever had. Everything is always about him. I can't stand to listen to him preach. I shut the stream off or skip services when he is speaking.

  3. Most don't know the story of Weston leaving wcg. He had to hold Dave Pack's hand and took a bunch of notes from Dave's play book. That's a warning it itself. Further, by no stretch of the imagination did he leave when Rod did.

  4. Weston "played the field" before taking his congregation into Global.

    Stafford wrote a stirring letter documenting Rod Meredith's personal sins and doctrinal apostasies, then recanted it all when Global collapsed and he plotted to marry Meredith's daughter and become an LCG bigwig.

    Wachowicz has been on the payroll of the Chinese Communist Party. No, I'm not making this up. He's an educator and has for some time been an official and a public advocate of the controversial Confucius Institute, which anyone with the slightest bit of discernment should see as a terrible conflict of interest for an ACOG pastor.

    These are Weston's heroes of faith? Monson is a pompous narcissistic ass, but he's head and shoulders above Weston's fellows!

  5. A lot of the laity left before many of the ministers. That is primarily due to the fact that most of us weren't drawing a check and other benefits from the WCG. Left WCG in 1992, but knew it was going downhill fast from 1988. Although it never really was on track (like some claimed it was).

  6. I think there is a confusion here. Weston's letter praises the COE members other than Monson, and among the COE members he mentions are Peter Nathan and Rob Tyler. However, in the LCG COE photo (pictured atop this thread), neither Nathan nor Tyler are present, but we do see several COE members Weston didn't praise in his letter.

    Has Weston changed up the COE membership without informing LCG members? Or is he withholding praise from some COE members who he thinks aren't as loyal as Nathan and Tyler and the others?

  7. I bet Wyatt Sleazecelka is licking his lips. Maybe another opportunity to please Grandmaster Jerry.

  8. That photo of the most perfect Council of Elders in all the COGosphere is precious!

    In reality, body shaming is wrong - people should be, whomever they be.
    Everyone has their story, their reasons, their genetics - it's all good and none of my business. However, when you're talking bad boys steering a bad COG, you have to play their game of severe condescension and merciless judgement.

    For starters, we've known arrogance is no longer a sin for dear leaders of the LCG; by their fruits they're all well known. Additionally, from the photo, it looks like Walrus Smith is not the only chubbster large and in charge of the LCG, so therefore, gluttony must have been removed from sins mentioned in the Bible. Furthermore, it's obvious that Dr. Douf is not the only one who's dripping in cheap-as-hypocrisy hair dye; I see you Mario, con el tinte de puto. Oh, the vanity of the Council of Elders attempting to look youthful; is that haughty-naughty pride for the ladies, is it for the boys? It doesn't matter, it's all sin.

    And the gratuitous nakedness; these shameful emperors have no clothes. Stripped, it's clear that nature has short-changed these little Napoleons and in return, they must exact their lack upon their flock.

    I've no support for Monson; he's dead wrong. However, people of the LCG need to take a good look at their Council of Elders and see the truth of how fake they are.

  9. Mario [Hernandez] con el tinte de puto! 😆 🤣 😂

  10. Sheldon Monson will connect again to YouTube for another Event scheduled for tomorrow, August 22nd at 2:00pm EDT (Eastern Daylight Time). August 22 2020 Sabbath Services 2:00pm EDT.

    You can find the live stream event at the same place, COG Broadcast on YouTube.

    I believe this time around there's a greater possibility he will discuss his current situation involving LCG. The upcoming sermon from Sheldon is entitled, I believe, "Its better to obey God rather than men." I wonder if this will be posted. I hope this isn't considered a promotion and disregarded but oh well.

  11. "Additionally, from the photo, it looks like Walrus Smith is not the only chubbster large and in charge of the LCG, so therefore, gluttony must have been removed from sins mentioned in the Bible."

    You're an asshole if you don't understand that gluttony isn't the only reason for people being overweight. Hormones have a lot to do with it. I know many who eat far more than I and are a lot skinnier that I.

  12. To August 22, 2020 at 6:02 AM: I am sorry my post offended you! I should not drink and type. I wasn't drunk but, I can see that I'd probably be a horribly mean drunk!

    In the paragraph before the one you quoted, I did attempt to clarify that in reality, I think that body shaming is wrong. I believe that our genetics play a huge role in the way our bodies look and personal choices are no one's business.

    Throughout my entire formative years, I was shamed by some of the LCG hypocrites in that photo and the system they represent. I also felt sorry for others who recently wrote posts about how this evil system made them feel bad for having the personality God created for them. However, I don't think I should blame the COGsters for present times when I act like an asshole.

    I truly don't have anything against Smith for being overweight, but I do resent his destructive attitude toward others for being who they are. Besides, his blubber is probably not his fault - I'm sure the LCG members have been stuffing Smith with too many sugary cookies when he drops by for a compassionate visit with them. I'm introspective enough to wonder what must be wrong with me for so enjoying calling him "The Walrus".

    I also don't mind that Winnail and Hernandez dye their hair. Every time my children asked if they could color their hair, my only response was, "do whatever makes you happy". And, I'd say the same, regarding hair color, for these ministers. Thinking about it just now, I realized I am judgmental in thinking that Doug and Mario must be so arrogant that they believe no one knows they are dying their hair - maybe they are just doing what makes them happy, and that would be fine with me.

    If personal choice is their reason for their hair color, it would be helpful if they would officially counter the past by writing about reversing church opinions on such matters. There was a time when COG leaders promoted the idea that only gay men would dye their hair; thereby demonizing gay men and all men who made a personal choice to add some color to their life. They also forbade women to dye their hair, which resulted in a horrendous amount of trauma. This is the hypocrisy that I was childishly addressing by calling out the lovely locks of Doug and Mario.

    I also have a problem with the way COGers fawn over these leaders and can never see their glaring faults and hypocrisy. This is in sharp contrast to my own pastor who I really think should not take so many opportunities to graphicly tell the congregation about what an ass he is. I realize this sounds judgmental but, I believe COGers in general lack introspection and ability to see how deeply flawed their leaders are - and that is why they are cult members who are being abused by the evil cult-miesters in the photo. This is the problem I would like to correct - it's probably not realistic but, I hope that at least one LCG member would read some of the stuff on this blog and wake up to the fact that they are being misled and abused by their Council of Elders.

  13. Has Weston changed up the COE membership without informing LCG members?

    Of course he has, in the tradition of Rod Meredith. When Charles Bryce resigned from his CAD position, Meredith announce that, because he couldn't hide it. However, Bryce also resigned form the COE, and Meredith never said a word. Further, about that time, Don Davis was kicked off of the COE, and that too wasn't announced. Others were put on the COE with no announcement. I once confronted Meredith with the accusation that LCG has a secret council of elders. His response: "Well, we try to publish a picture once a year."

  14. Bryce did not resign from CAD, he was pushed out. RCM flew Winnail in from England while Bryce was out of town and announced to a select few that Bryce would.be leaving. Poor Bryce had no clue.

  15. 11:31am this is 6:02am, for the record I agree with everything that you said about LCG and the unbiblical clergy class that HWA borrowed from the Roman Catholics. That is why I have been a non-aligned "independent" sabbath keeper for over 25 years. You hit a nerve because weight is a problem that I have and I definitely am not a glutton. As I said I know many skiiny people who eat more than I. I'm sorry too for calling you an asshole, maybe some time we can get a drink.

  16. Put their lives on the line...what a joke. They're some of the most pampered, spoiled, self indulged men on the planet that would die of shock if they had to roll up their sleeves and put in a hard 8 hours of work. It's really hard to relate to their suffering when their resident Florida millionaire is buying them $1,000 bottles of wine as "gifts". Seems Washington D.C. isn't the only place where lobbyist are alive and kickin'. But you're right Mr. Weston....your's is such a dangerous job in some of the worst places in the world.....excuse me while I puke.

  17. Anonymous 1:35 PM said
    "....he was pushed out. RCM flew Winnail in from England while Bryce was out of town and announced to a select few that Bryce would.be leaving. Poor Bryce had no clue."

    For those of us afflicted with him as a "minister", rest assured he had no clue in a lot of ways...like What a Minister really is..for one thing!!

    Find someone else to have sympathy for, Bryce NEVER deserved ANY
