Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, October 10, 2020

A reader is looking for answers about GTA's theology


A reader posed the following question.  Does anyone want to fill this person in on the beliefs of GTA?

Hello. I have friends that are involved in a splinter group that followed GTA. I only know a little about their beliefs. I have expressed concern that their beliefs don't follow the Bible and they have agreed to discuss it with me. They are asking about end times, specifically the 3 resurrections. Is there anyone in this group that knows how to explain the difference between Scripture and these teachings


  1. Get Dave Pack in here! Let him explain :))

  2. Bad idea. Even the craziest ACOG splinters usually have a justification via proof-text of their craziest beliefs. Just look at Dave Pack. He can "prove" all kinds of nuttiness from the Bible.

    A better approach might be for you to ask about specific OT Bible passages, and have your ACOG friend explain where those passages fit in ACOG theology.

    For example, they all have ideas about "the Law" that they can prove with Scripture. But show them the verses about wearing tassels, or not wearing mixed fabrics, or collecting palm fronds to build booths at the Feast of Tabernacles.

    Also ask them about their church literature. Show them the 1934 Plain Truth issue where HWA assigns dates for Christ's return, and mentions Mussolini as the Beast. Ask them to explain how CGI has reconciled this teaching with its current teaching, and if they admit that Mussolini was NOT the Beast, ask them how God could have been so wrong in leading HWA but right in leading CGI today.

    Don't challenge their current beliefs. Instead, ask them to explain Bible and WCG teachings and how those teachings fit in with their current beliefs. If you can get them to realize that HWA picked and chose beliefs arbitrarily, you can help them realize that HWA could only get away with that because he considered himself a specially inspired teacher. But would a specially inspired teacher be so wrong about so much of prophecy, as in that infamous 1934 Plain Truth?

  3. You should be concerned. All the COG’s are bible based cults. But never mention the word ‘cult’ to them, because that will only trigger denial.

    If you want to know more about cults and how to deal with cult members and communicate with the people caught up in it, I recommend reading Steven Hassan's book ‘Combatting cult mind control’. Visit his website ‘Freedom of mind’.

    Don’t try to argue with any COG members about their beliefs. It’s pointless. You will get frustrated and their ‘truth’ is so far out there, that it would be funny if the cultism wouldn’t be so sad..

  4. the 1934 Plain Truth

    I second this recommendation. Anyone who reads the June-July 1934 Plain Truth and remains an Armstrongite is either incurably stupid, or willfully ignorant, or clinging to an ACOG for reasons other than truth or belief.

  5. 1.45 PM
    In the last paragraph of the 1934 Plain Truth, HWA asks the reader to be open minded, what a joke. Every church member knows from hard experience that being open minded in his church resulted in all manner of abuse by his ministers. His splinters are as open minded as the Nazis and North Korean commies. Instead of repenting, the ministers just doing more of the same.

  6. Check out http://exitsupportnetwork.com too as they have a lot of material critically analyzing HWA and his movement.

  7. " They are asking about end times, specifically the 3 resurrections. Is there anyone in this group that knows how to explain the difference between Scripture and these teachings? "

    there is no difference at all, the scriptures plainly tell us of 3 separate and distinct resurrections....even the protestants can see 2 of them, even though they don't like to talk about resurrections at all...

  8. GTA theology - doesn't exist.

    GTA barely wrote his named articles in his WCG heyday.


  9. “They are asking about end times, specifically the 3 resurrections.”

    Garner Ted Armstrong's religion was all about his dink. With all the co-eds, secretaries, stewardesses, masseuses, and others, GTA had many more than just 3 erections.

  10. 5:09am. Really? Can you please give specific scriptures that refer to the "third" resurrection? Not your opinion, just crystal clear scripture!

  11. There are those who attend the COGs who understand that there are NOT three separate resurrections. The bible does not contain the words "three resurrections." There is a resurrection at Christ's return and the first fruits will be changed, having a "part" in that resurrection but those who aren't in the book of life will be destroyed at His return and after their resurrection at that same time. They had been called but were not repentant. The second resurrection is for those who haven't heard the gospel. As I stated before, the words "three resurrections " isn't in scripture.

  12. This is a troll post designed to stir up winds of doctrine about the resurrections.
    Because no group on earth exists describing themselves as following GTA theology.

    The purpose of this website is not as outsiders long left COG but to cause demonic trouble amongst Sabbath Christians who believe.

    Much lying goes on here, much darkness abides.

    Who is actually paying for this blog?

  13. 3 resurrections?
    No such thing. Just 2.
    The 1st at Christ’s return. The 2nd after His 1000 year reign.
    No proof of a 3rd.
    3 resurrections was an invention of HWA.

  14. GTA-ism is instantly recognizable as "american nationalistic patriotistic, anti gay, real superman kick ass jesus, texan rural mid western cog ism".

    Whereas hwa ism is more, "globalistic, multilateralistic, elutist, pasadenic renaissancistic cogism."

    One can tell whithin 5 sentences of an article, sermon or program.

