Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, October 22, 2020

GCI Pastor Joins With Buddhist and Muslim Religious Leaders From 8 Countries to Pray Away COVID-19


This will send God's favorite self-appointed prophet, Bob Thiel, into a meltdown. How dare he participate in ecumenical prayers!

While The COVID-19 pandemic has led the world to an unprecedented despair, causing economic and social disruption, HWPL, an international peace organization, held “Online Prayer to Overcome COVID-19” on Oct. 17 with religious leaders from eight countries, including Myanmar, Thailand Rwanda and Burundi. 

Attended by 37 religious leaders representing Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam, the event was held with the intent of breaking down the walls of religion and denomination by praying in harmony to overcome the disaster under one common purpose for humanity. 

Religious leaders took the opportunity to pray for those affected, the end of the COVID-19 along with pray for overcoming the crisis that is emerging throughout society. They also had conversations to share the difficulties in each country. 

Eugene Sibomana, a pastor of Grace Communion International Burundi said, “It was a wonderful program and plan of linking religious leaders for a such prayer meeting and sharing ideas and experiences. I do encourage HWPL leaders to keep up this good vision and we pray for that your ministry be expanded around the World.” 

Meanwhile, HWPL is an international peace organization founded for global peace and cessation of war. HWPL has partnered with citizens and organizations from over a hundred countries in order to advocate peace. The HWPL Interfaith Dialogue, the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Office Meetings, has been conducted through virtual meetings in 253 offices in 129 countries.  Religious Leaders from 8 countries pray online to end COVID-19


  1. GCI congregations have in many areas disbanded for lack of attendees. I'd love to know their real numbers, since their published numbers are bull.

  2. This kind of interfaith cooperation should be lauded by people of good will everywhere. Unfortunately, many within the Armstrong Church of God culture will regard this as awful. They are God's servants, and everyone else is the servant of Satan. They will see this as the blind leading the blind or light cooperating with darkness. Their god is small and petty and only listens to the folks who listen to him. Sad, so very sad!!

    1. In Deuteronomy, God warned Israel against "interfaith cooperation" as you call it.

      In the New Testament, the apostles said there was only one path to salvation, namely, through Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12). To join with Buddhism or Islam would be to deny the testimony about Jesus Christ our salvation.

  3. I don't believe there is any more need to pray about this. Kenneth Copeland has pretty much rebuked Covid 19 , through prayer, and put it to rest. No sense pestering God about this any longer. There is a little lag time between the request and the response, but it is done. It is finished.


  4. Some governments are being sued for their junk science based lock-downs and taking away freedoms.

  5. Governments don't want to admit they signed away soverignty to the UN/WHO. That is why they did HAD to lock down.

  6. Meanwhile in Wadsworth Ohio..

    RCG minister: ‘Mr Pack! Mr Pack! There’s others praying about COVID! Shouldn’t we join them?’

    Dave: ‘Praying?’

    RCG minister: ‘Yes Mr Pack. Praying. You know, you talk to God. Asking him to help and to protect you.’

    Dave: ‘......’

    RCG minister: ‘Mr Pack? Maybe we should join them?’

    Dave: ‘Christ is coming today! Get ready!’

    RCG minister: ‘But Mr Pack.. What about the COVID? Maybe we should pray also? A lot of us are sick..’

    Dave: ‘We don’t get COVID. It’s only the non believers that get it.’

  7. Like Byker Bob, I'm quitting commenting here on 'Banned': It appears that it is run by - even originated with? - a Tkachite/the GCI (a recent anti-Tkach comment of mine was censored.)

  8. October 22, 2020 at 11:14 PM said, "Governments don't want to admit they signed away soverignty to the UN/WHO. That is why they did HAD to lock down".

    MY COMMENT - The WHO seems to have clarified itself. They are now urging governments to STOP using lockdowns as a primary virus control method. The use of lockdowns were initially to flatten the curve to buy time for the medical facilities to handle the patient load.


    Grace Communion International FKA Worldwide Church of God is irrelevant in today's world. Perhaps HWA got Church eras wrong too and his Church is the Sardis era "dead church" because the parent Church of God, Seventh Day seems very much alive to me.



  9. Anonymous at 8:34 PM said...“GCI congregations have in many areas disbanded for lack of attendees. I'd love to know their real numbers, since their published numbers are bull.”

    The world's churches that profess to be Christian observe Sunday, Christmas, Easter, and Halloween, eat unclean things like pigs, are Trinitarian, and have weird ideas about heaven and hell.

    If all those numerous and large churches that profess to be Christian were basically right all along, then why should anyone bother going to a wiped-out little group like the apostate Joey, Jr.'s Graceless Community of Iniquity (GCI)? They can just go back to whatever church they originally came out of. If that is too embarrassing for them, they can choose a different church that teaches the same old standard stuff. If they were born into the Worldwide Church of God, they can choose a church that is convenient for them. If people are not currently in the GCI, there is no reason for them to join it.

  10. Even HWA and the WCG had , at times, a strange ecumenicalism that was never fully explained. Apparently , (for the leaders at the top), it was ok to have close communion with despotic leaders, like Marcos or Mubarak, or Buddhists , (many Buddhist priests were given seats of honor at HWAs funeral, while regular WCG brethren had to stand without chairs), or HWA declaring that the name ALLAH, was akin to Elohim.

    Meanwhile, WCG members were not allowed to be members of their local Rotary, or Kiwanis, couldn't be in public office, or be a policeman or aircraft mechanic in the Air Force!

    In fact, lay members were discouraged against having ANY "Worldly Friends" at all.

    Armstrong gave tithes and offerings given by the brethren, to support pet projects by the Royalty of Thailand, Jordan , even Prince Charles opera house renovation. But again, any such community fellowshipping by WCG lay people was (defacto) banned.

    WCG was a mix of strange dichotomies.


  11. The attendance at the local GCI group is down to less than 10% of what it used to be as the WCG. Some of the godless unbelievers from GCI began to hang out at godless groups like the UCG because it was slightly larger.

  12. Tonto

    The dichotomies become congruous once you realize that all mentioned had anglo citizenship or were cia backed, (Thai king = american, jordan king = british, mubarak = largest recipient of us "foreign aid", etc etc etc)


  13. 7.31 AM
    I don't know what your anti Tkach comment was, but keep in mind that blogs like Banned can be sued for slander and defamation of character. There's limits.

  14. "Be equally yoked" is also applicable here. Why cozy up to religious frauds?
