Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Is How You Dress At The Feast A Salvation Issue?


The Feast of Tabernacles is underway for the faithful of the Churches of God. This has turned out to be a difficult year for most COG groups as Satan has actively thwarted some of their plans for certain Feast sites. Numerous sites had to be shut down this year due to COVID. Plus, no chruch members were able to transfer to any foreign country this year. In spite of all of this, many COG members were still looking forward to their annual fall vacation to resorts and interesting locations.

A select few COG groups set certain standards for their members on how to dress at the Feast. Apparently, LCG members still are too stupid or outright rebellious in what they choose to wear to services or at the resorts that they must be reminded AGAIN on what is appropriate to wear. Living Church of God has sent out their commands once again this year for their women to not dress slutty at church by wearing their belly exposing tops. As usual, women get bet up the most, men not so much.

Basic Principles of Dress for Sabbath and Feast Services and Activities
As we prepare to be “lights to the world” at the Feast, it’s good to review some basic principles about our outward decorum and dress. Jesus stated in a parable that some invited to the wedding supper will be turned away because they are not dressed appropriately (Matthew 22:8–14). We have taught for decades that when we come to Church services, we are coming before the God of the universe, and we should dress in the best we have, to show proper respect to God. In most Western cultures, coats, collared shirts, ties, and nice slacks are considered appropriate attire for men on special occasions. Jeans, T-shirts, tennis shoes, or other sportswear are simply not in good taste at special occasions or at Church services. This may vary in tropical climates, yet, in all climates there is a distinction between what is appropriate and what is not. 1 Timothy 2:9–10explains that ladies should dress “in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation.” This does not condone the trendy and immodest apparel that is commonplace for many women in our society today: short, tight, form-fitting dresses, necklines displaying cleavage, bare shoulders, backless dresses, belly-baring tops, etc. We come to services to worship God, not to display our bodies. If women dress in a manner that attracts attention to their bodies, they become a distraction to others from the real reasons for being at services. Our challenge as Christian men and women is to come out of this world (2 Corinthians 6:17) and recapture true values (Matthew 17:11) so we can be lights to a world that has lost its way (Matthew 5:14–15). This is especially true as we gather to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles—picturing Christ’s glorious reign on earth!

Why does the Living Church of God still treat their members as infants or as being too stupid to know what to wear to services? When Jesus returns he will not give a rats ass about what people are wearing to church. That subject is of no significance to the grand scheme of things and should not be an issue today in the COG.


  1. How can feast sites be closed down when God places His name there?

    Unless He didn't....

  2. How about "No shirt, no shoes, no sermon" ?

  3. some need reminding...

    I attended a UCG Feast on Jekyll Island many years ago and was surprised at the way a good many were dressed.

    the worst had to be the middle aged women that still dressed like teenagers...I felt bad for them.

  4. “We come to services to worship God, not to display our bodies. If women dress in a manner that attracts attention to their bodies, they become a distraction to others...”

    Imo this outdated Victorian and in fact unbiblical view of the human body and nudity is why porn is so prevalent leading to sexual crimes. A prudish view of the body is a pornographic view of the body. As a maturing Christian I am increasingly seeing the naked body absent of sexualization. Christ Himself was crucified naked on the cross. Nothing sexual about that! And yet when a mom needs to breastfeed her child in a public place like a cafeteria or park and gets abused by a man who tells her she shouldn’t be exposing her breasts in public and he’s offended makes me so angry. She’s feeding her child! How can that be sexual unless the man has a warped view of the human body and has sexualized it to the point that any nudity or “skin” is somehow an invitation for sex?! It’s no surprise there’s so much sexual immorality and pedophila today then since we still look at the human body thru the prudish Victorian lens that a man or woman had to cover themselves completely because they couldn’t control themselves if they see any form or naked part of the body! And this pornographic view has only contributed to the sexualizion of children as well FFS. As Christians we seriously need to correct this unbiblical way of looking at the human body.

  5. Some guy wore a pair of tight blue jeans to my father's funeral. I thought it disrespectful. And it wasn't the look so much, but rather the way the jeans made him feel. As if he was at a party. I could tell this by his body language.
    People need to dress for the occasion.

  6. Doug Winnail often wears gaudy cowboy boots to services, yet has the nerve to forbid "other sportswear"? What a hypocrite! I own a couple of pairs of very nice high-end "sneakers" that are far less showy and informal than Doug's stupid boots, yet he is allowed his vain indulgence while denying others the freedom to dress in ways they consider appropriate. Ridiculous!

  7. @ October 4, 2020 at 6:10 AM

    Well said.

    Puritan/Catholic attitudes rule. Somehow sex became shameful, and therefore the body also. (this is why Mary became a perpetual virgin)

    God created us sans clothing, and declared everything to be "very good". He is not offended by our naked selves.

    Sin makes us want to cover up and hide ourselves. Sinful minds cannot look on a nude human body without thinking sinfully.

    Can you imagine the outrage if someone was seen fishing naked these days?

    1. True 10:28

      Thats why God placed his name in Bricket Wood, place of "five acres" and more renowned and famous "spielplatz".


  8. Armstrong wanted a European base more Nck, but most probably couldn't afford his first choice. Was Armstrong a Druid or Wicca? or more likely allured by London culture and high society living.

    1. PCG follows in the Druid tradition completely. You did look up the hyphenated places in Bricketwood I trust.


  9. What superficial, judgmental garbage. Why not just be be grateful anyone cares to show up to listen to your pointless blather at all?

  10. God placed his name in Bricket Wood

    No, Jerusalem, not some spot HWA chose.

    Armstrong wanted a European base

    The story goes that the place in mind was Switzerland.

  11. Actually was it not David Armstrong who picked out St Albans?

  12. Man, both places I mentioned are infamous nudist camp sites. I joked about the "naked" comments.

    I have talked extensively about the Lugano and Geneva picks before.

    Now I was just kidding about the "garden of eden" dress. I dont like explaining jokes it annoys me.


  13. So you are annoyed. Hmmm. Now you know what we feel like when we read some of your crazy postings.

  14. 6:03

    It is your decision that they are crazy.
    Most is quoted from the best of science and the latest in journalism "with a armstrongist" twist. Yoy might not like the insertion of armstrong into real facts.

    I know the drill. I quote from Japanese diplomatic sources (1967-1974) in their relation toward Israel, then I insert Armstrong, Rader and Mikassa, next the nimkompoops start howling that nck is crazy. And I am laughing my ass off, in the full knowledge that at least I have a clue.

