Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

October 19, 2020 - The Day of Christ!


Woo Hoo!  Dave Pack's creature he calls "christ" will be returning on October 19, the last day of Tishri! I could not have asked for a better birthday present! What a birthday this will be! Imagine eating birthday cake with Jesus Christ!

In spite of Dave's recent spate of failed prophesies with the non-appearance of his creature he calls "christ" appearing at his cult compound in Wadsworth, Dave is still sticking to his October 18/19 date for the return of his creature. Apparently, this creature cannot decide which side of the international dateline to return on, so he may come on the 18th or 19th. Such hard decisions for "christ" to figure out.


  1. Will this be the date when Dave finally realizes that he cannot hide the truth any longer, and that he must admit to the world what he has out of humility tried to resist for so long, that HE is the prophesied one, David Christ?

  2. Eat, Sleep, Repeat.

    Dave did the same thing last year: first he announced Christ would come during the FOT. Then Christ would arrive on the LGD. That failed (surprise!). Next thing Christ was going to pay Dave a visit by the end of October (oops, fail again). And after that Dave was SURE Christ would arrive during Christmas..
    Yes, really. Christmas. That horrible despicable pagan holiday that the RCG members are not allowed to celebrate, but most of them sneak pretty Christmas lights in the house anyway.

    I am prophesying that 18/19 October will just be like any other day (apart from someone’s birthday) and I’m also prophesying that Dave will come up with a new date after that. Probably Christmas again..

    Wait! Does that make ME a Great Prophet now? Maybe I should start my own COG.. Anyone want to join me? I promise that I will only ask for one tithe instead of three!

  3. I remember back in 2011 or 2012 or sooner where I was listening to a prophecy sermon by David Pack and he said that 6 thousand years of man's rule ends around 2021. Perhaps that's why he is making so many predictions this year. He will do it next year too I bet.

  4. Speaking of Dave Pack: Narcissism leads to a shared group delusion which believes that human desires (coming of Jesus) are more important than reality, which leads us away from realistic thinking into a dark neurotic delirium.

    The world does not cause narcissism, but is the result of narcissism. Narcissism afflicts the human mind when it does not have a goal, such as adapting to reality and maximizing that experience through qualitative, transcendental excellence. In life, you either have a goal or fall into the aimless, infinite abyss of the self.

    Any society based on equality — the notion that all individuals are equally “valid” and deserve to have their viewpoints accepted, quickly removes any necessity of adapting to reality or understanding anything beyond the self and its desire.

    This creates people who are both aimless and controlling, or prone to manipulating others in order to affirm the worldview of the manipulator. Narcissism is inherently unstable, so it requires others to conform and treat it as if it were real; this is also “validation.”

    The membership enables this darkness and brings on itself the repercussions.


  5. Dave Pack can just admit now that HE is the Christ and that HE did return. HE can explain that all of HIS seemingly wrong predictions for the umpteen comings of the Christ were actually true and were someone's way of showing HIM that HE is the Christ. Dave Pack can accept full responsibility for not seeing this great truth sooner by simply explaining in a few dozen three-hour sermons with 666 proofs that HIS famous, well-known, and excessive humility was so great that it prevented HIM from seeing this long ago. HE can sincerely apologize for this mistake and reassure everyone by promising never again to wait so long to accept his role, whatever it might be. For example, if HE is destined to replace someone in heaven on their throne and take over the universe, HE will act like time is short.

  6. The Greatest Story Never Told is a story is it not? Six plus years of how many thousands of words to build to a single conclusion. Each point and each matter of fact and every statement of proof should ........ should connect with each other to form a logical conclusion.

    With the ever changing shift of the culminating event the whole supporting structure should shift with it. What we have seen here in the last couple of weeks is a man who is lost in his own story. How does Mr. Pack just skip the fact that his storyline had to have all Israel resurrected to keep this years Feast, all the COG splinter churches destroyed at this Feast, an up and then down kingdom within this time frame, anti-christs and false prophets flying out of his church this Feast, the revealing of the Man of Sin, the Great supper, the wedding supper, Elijah prophesying, the three evil shepherds getting one eye put out and getting their arms withered and and and.

    Obviously these predicted events can't be just shifted to October 19 because they all fall out of their "proven" time frame.

    Linear rational sound thinking has completely disappeared in the RCG. Does it matter? Does the spirit of a sound mind matter? If each and every member of the RCG is to have the same mind perfectly joined together and speaking the same thing then the education of insanity is now almost complete. How many people fully recover from insanity?

    The meaning of schizophrenia according to Oxford is: a long term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.

    That my friends is the same mind and same thoughts that the RCG member is required to be perfectly joined unto.


  7. James at 1:08 PM said...“The membership enables this darkness and brings on itself the repercussions.”

    That is certainly true in satanic cults like Gerald Flurry's PCG and David Pack's RCG. If these false prophets did not have supporters, they could not do all the evil that they do.

    Some masochists might not mind being lied to, and having their money stolen, and getting their lives wasted and ruined.

    However, these masochists need to realize that by supporting false prophets they are helping the false prophets to harm other people too. This is totally wrong and evil.

    By supporting false prophets like Gerald Flurry and David Pack, people become sadomasochists who love to harm both themselves and others.

  8. Did these clowns not read where it said even Christ himself did not know the day or time, just God the father only? It just goes to how absolute power does corrupt absolutely.

  9. Dave's dilemma is not unique.
    Didn't the JWs predict Jesus would return in 1914? And when he didn't appear for the world to see, their story changed to it being a private return? And when Jesus failed to appear for the Millertes, EG White came up with some event that supposedly happened in heaven rather than on Earth.

  10. Didn't the JWs predict Jesus would return in 1914? And when he didn't appear for the world to see, their story changed to it being a private return?

    ACOG members like to be in on the special esoteric stuff. Dave could tell his people that Jesus had made a private return to Dave but this would leave members feeling disappointed and on the outside. It would actually go better for RCG if Dave acknowledges that in fact he is the Christ.

  11. When a young man wants to propose to a girl he would present her with a glass of wine, a marriage contract (covenant) and some money. She read the contract, counts the money and if she wants to marry him she drinks the wine. Then the groom goes off to his Father's house to prepare a place for her. He doesn't know when he will return for his bride, so she wears a veil to show that she is engaged and remains chaste. Only when the father says that it is time does he say, "Go get your bride." He comes unannounced, as he approaches her house his party gives out a shout to give her some warning. HE then takes his bride to be with him forever and have a marriage feast. You can see the symbolism with Jesus ascending into heaven, coming to rapture his bride, etc. Zola Levitt, a Jewish Christian, has a great video, The Miracle of Passover, where he explains all of this. It really helps me to better understand some of the things Jesus said. Of course, since HWA didn't teach it, Church of God members will ignore it. Just because they claim that God revealed to him truths, doesn't mean that HWA had ALL truth. You can learn much by reading more widely than the CofG literature. I recall going down to the printing building the first week at AC and all the students came back with an armful of literature. We thought we had struck it rich. I should have just heaved it into a dumpster on the way back to the dorm.

  12. Perhaps Dave is trying to get rid of as many members as possible. Then he is going to flee to the French Riviera with a pile of money. Gerald Flurry would do the same, but he has his kids and grand kids in the family business to think about.

  13. You are all missing the real problem - David Pack did not get doubly blessed!
    He should tell one of his elders he is not feeling well and ask him to anoint him, and while he is about it, doubly bless him.
    The he can be as good as Bob at prophesying.

  14. The he can be as good as Bob at prophesying.

    Has Bob actually prophesied yet? Everything I read of his is laced with enough "possibly" and "seems" that he can back out of it if he's wrong. I guess that's his equivalent of Dave's "I understand / We misunderstood" dodge.

  15. Perhaps I should camp out in the parking lot of the Wadsworth Giant Eagle to witness the non-event.

  16. Has Bob actually prophesied yet?

    Bob speculates. His only claims to having received any prophetic messages have to do with things like illnesses in the LCG, and dreams related to the formation of CCOG. Nothing important to anyone but him.

    I was going to say that neither Bob nor other COGites saw big things coming, like 9/11 or Coronavirus, but it's possible that Bob could pull out a "possibly", "seems", ..., speculation that kinda-sorta related to those events - not enough certainty to actually avert such disasters.

  17. It's October 19.

