Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Stephen Allwine, United Church of God Elder Who Killed His Wife Is Back In The News


In 2016, United Church of God Elder Stephen Allwine shot and killed his wife after growing impatient for his hired assassin that he found on the dark web to do the dirty deed. Allwine, convicted and sent to prison where he brags about being able to teach fellow prisoners about UCG's god, is back in the news.

48 Hours, the news show featured on the ID Network has spent 2 years researching the dark web where Allwine sought to find a person to kill his wife.

Murder-for-hire on the dark web, Besa Mafia and the shadowy Yura: 48 Hours on ID uncovers international plot 

48 Hours on ID with investigative reporter Peter Van Sant spent two years prying into the activities of a shady organization in the dark reaches of the internet that appeared to offer murder-for-hire services.

An individual known only as Yura and operating on the so-called dark web has been offering to murder people all around the world for a few thousand dollars. Yura claims to be the head of an international criminal organization that specializes in murder called Besa Mafia.

CBS came across a video diary created by Yura, where he states, “A hitman marketplace is like any other auction site. It brings customers and vendors together.” The FBI first learned about Besa Mafia and Yura in 2016 when investigating the death of Amy Allwine from Minnesota.

In the spring of 2016, investigators learned that someone using the user name Dogdaygod had ordered a hit on Amy through the dark web. Dogdaygod reportedly paid Besa Mafia $12,000 to kill Amy and stated that she had ruined his life and his business. Amy was unable to think who might want her dead.

Tragically in November, her husband, Stephen Allwine, shot her dead. He tried to tell the police that it was suicide, but they learned he was the killer after an extensive investigation.

The cops believe that Stephen was Dogdaygod but had gotten fed up waiting for Yura to kill his wife, so he took matters into his own hands. 

Read the entire story here

The following video is unrelated to the above story but will fill in readers unfamiliar with Allwine's story.

Also, see:


A church elder’s Ashley Madison affairs led him to the dark Web — and murder, police say

Preacher's wife found dead in staged suicide - who pulled the trigger?




  1. The ACOGs ministers by their constant mistreatment of members, effectively teach that life is cheap. This makes murder by a member unsurprising.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The ACOGs ministers by their constant mistreatment of members, effectively teach that life is cheap. This makes murder by a member unsurprising.

    That's a leap...

  3. Wow, an "Air BNB" or "UBER" service for murder! The internet has certainly changed the world.

  4. Dennis
    You're not the one who has been at the receiving end of mistreatment, so how would you know? After all, you lived in a ivory tower while a minister. It's a trait of abusers to lie to themselves about the level of pain they inflict on their victims, accusing them of being overly sensitive.

    PS so what message does the "you are garbage and deserve to be treated like garbage convey?

  5. Dennis, there's another SERIOUS danger embedded in ACOG theology.

    If you grew up in the church but only partly believe its teachings but notice a lot of problems, it is easy to come to the conclusion: "I am obviously not being called, so I won't be given the Spirit to obey the teachings until the White Throne Judgment. Therefore, whatever I do in this lifetime doesn't matter, as I'll be able to get it right after I'm resurrected and given the Holy Spirit."

    If you sincerely believe that God won't punish you for what you do wrong in this lifetime, and that you'll have your chance 1,100 years from now, why not murder, cheat, steal, lie, etc.?

  6. So, he was a narcissist who put reputation or image above all else? Well, then, let's promote him to EVANGELIST level. He sounds like he is following in the footsteps of HWA himself.
    A serial adulterer? Following in the footsteps of GTA. Let's make excuses for him to protect the church.
    How many more of these types are there in these churches? Maybe churches should have all candidates for ordination be given personality inventories and perhaps the MMPI to determine if they are mentally stable.
    Before going on active duty in the military we have to have a physical to determine if you are "fit for duty." How many priests, pastors, etc. would fail such a screening? HWA, GTA, Pack, Flurry, Meredith, all would probably be determined "unfit to serve."

  7. If you seriously believe that there is no god, why not murder, cheat, steal, lie, etc.?


  8. The UCG is useful for holding godless creeps. It keeps the creeps from going to better splinter groups and polluting them with their presence.

    1. Anon 5:40

      I’m guessing you are the same person who, time and time again, talk about the “godless” in UCG any time there is a post about that organization. I would also guess you split off with COGWA, but I could easily be wrong about that too. Either way, you appear extremely bitter and it is clearly eating away at you, which is not spiritually healthy. For your own well being you may want to consider moving on.

  9. Apologies and no intention to make anyone's experience less than it was. I grew up in another denomination where crimes were also committed and have seen them in all denominations of course. Crimes were not an exclusive event in some WCG members or ministers. Nor was suicide and lots of other stuff I ran across in congregations.

    In my growing up, Predestination was a biggy and taught that if you're called to be saved, good on ya. If not, tough luck. I asked my minister when a teen if that meant someone sincere like himself could not actually be predestined to be saved but Hitler could be? He just looked at me. lol That made me wonder if trying was worth it if that counts.

  10. 1.47 PM
    That is a typical question asked by brain washed church goers. In other words, people should only not murder, cheat, steal, lie, etc because God ie, the minister says so. In that case why do evil governments have laws which they strictly enforce? Why do even street gangs and criminal organizations have harsh rules that they enforce?

  11. This could be the same 48 Hours that appeared on CBS last fall - during the Saturday night of the Feast. I saw it in my motel room.


  12. Anonymous at 3:46 PM said...“I’m guessing you are the same person who, time and time again, talk about the 'godless' in UCG any time there is a post about that organization. I would also guess you split off with COGWA, but I could easily be wrong about that too. Either way, you appear extremely bitter and it is clearly eating away at you, which is not spiritually healthy. For your own well being you may want to consider moving on.”

    The UCG is what it is. The UCG simply IS godless. Perhaps much stronger language could and should be used to describe the UCG. Any sincere people looking for the truth of God need to be told the PLAIN TRUTH about what to expect in the UCG, rather than being left to learn everything on their own the long, hard, expensive way.

    It is all the chronic liars, stalkers, incompetent and immoral old ministers, newly-credentialed fake ministers, and other filthy old perverts in the UCG who will eat away at the people until the UCG has consumed both them and its own self.

  13. 11.19 AM
    I fail to see the humour in my comment.

  14. 1:47

    Because if you follow your "recommendations" one would not last long, become an outcast to any social grouping and die early!"


  15. Chill Anon 3:46 the 5:40 comment was a fake parody troll trolling.

  16. In fairness to UCG true Christians do exist within the group but like all other groups a few rotten apples exist too.

  17. 6.50 AM
    I stopped attending services way back, but its members that I know are rotten apples from personal experience, that remained in the UCG. They didn't split for no reason.

  18. 12:04pm and therein lies your problem, your comment wasn't humorous, you are!


  19. How bad was the UCG?

    It was so bad that there was a major UCG - COGWA split in 2010.

  20. I remember years ago a church of god the eternal member commit suicide. It's shocking!
