Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Why Are COG Members Such Nasty People At Times?


Church of God News had this tidbit up the other day. One thing for sure is it reinforces the fact that some COG members are outright nasty and spiteful people.

COG Assembly was obliged to move its venue for the Festival of Tabernacles away from the Margaritaville Resort in Osage Beach, Missouri, because the management staff there was being subjected to a stream of hateful telephone calls and e-mails about the church from other ‘christians’. COG Assembly was, however, able to arrange larger facilities elsewhere, yet at the same prices.

So, let's take a guess here as to who might be calling in to harass the staff at the Margaritaville Resort. 

Was it Bob Thiel's group? Nah, highly doubt it as 99.99% of his members live in Africa and have never heard of Margaritaville. 

Was it Philadelphia Church of God members? Doubt that too as they are waiting for a call from HQ that it is time to flee. 

Could it possibly have been people from Restored Church of God? That's highly unlikely too as Christ is standing at their locked driveway gate waiting to be let in right now and besides, they have nothing "in common" with COG Ass. 

Now just WHO could possibly be harassing Margaritaville staff????????? 

Could it be Living Church of God members? Nah, there is no way it could be them since they are God's most perfect church doing the most amazing work and have no time for this kind of pettiness. They have weightier matters of the law to deal with, like how to dress properly.

I wonder just who it could be?


  1. Definitely satan Dennis.. Always showing up at the Holy Days causing flat tires, traffic, and other inconviences.. I mean trials of course.. Trials.. Real persecution

  2. And these folks at their completely separate feast sites, along with the folks who belong to their particular splinter group, are supposed to help Christ restore peace and harmony to the earth? Give me a break!

  3. I seem to recall this blog encouraging phone calls and emails along these lines a few years ago. Not regarding the Feast, but a COG group putting its programs on TV.

    So who says COG members are behind it?

  4. This smacks of LCG members at the core of it. In my years in LCG I have never come across so many nasty people. The people I know in the world are better Christians than what I met many times in LCG. LCG tries to put on a unified face for its members but this recent defection and controversial mess that ensued has exposed LCG as a corrupt church. I am glad I am out!

  5. Yes, there's a good chance there are LCG people behind this.

    However, knowing Rod Meredith's methods of operation, well- inculcated into Sheldon Monson, there's a very good chance either that this never happened or that Sheldon Monson and Jason Fritts were behind it, to shore up loyalty among COG ASS members. Maybe they made some calls before signing with the bigger/better location, or maybe this never happened at all and they just wanted a self-serving explanation for the last-minute change.

    And it's also very possible that the hall received calls from well-meaning busybodies who were concerned that Monson's anti-mask crowd would be a health and/or security risk. Not that it's right to be that kind of busybody, but the ACOGs are filled with sincere know-it-alls who like to make other people's business their business.

    Or it could be two of the above, or even all three. Sheldon Monson was a bigwig with Rod Meredith's church for more than 25 years, and we would be foolish to think that he has a moral purity any greater than Rod Meredith's.

  6. 12:04

    I was thinking the same thing. The only active call to harass cog groups through the use of media I only ever encountered here.

    But the nastiest christian groups I know are among those people as westboro or trump supporting christians. (I wouldnt want to sweep all evangelicals together as harassers of mankind, just a politically inclined significant segment.)


  7. Classic example of playing the underdog. Politicians often use this tactic. Playing the underdog (and being under attack/bullied) usually results in more people flocking towards you.

    I would say COG ASS came up with this themselves. And I do think that out of all the COG’s they’ve got the best abbreviation:)

  8. They are taught by their ministry to judge one another. Love is not being taught, but judgement. This is why they are nasty.

  9. Why are people and the media always bashing Trump? Can't stay on topic I guess. All of a sudden it's his fault Christians are not very Christian. Don't forget to throw in a few jabs at Fox News while you're at it.

  10. Of course, Westboro is all Trumps fault too. Guilty by falsely alleged association. Nice work Stalin. Trump must be secretly running all the COGs.

    1. 5:23
      They all hail from or feed on the same underbelly that was present even before you had your first popcorn watching "Birth of a Nation."

      Regarding "running", just "follow the money" (or the GII trail). You will soon encounter the same groupings of supporters over 100 years (some religious, some business, some politics, some military). Different with the same interests. It'll take you years to discover and you need some access, but it's fun.

      I'll give you just one hint. Big Sandy Campus bought by a grouping sponsored by Hobby Lobby owners, try and follow the (political) money trail from there........ And if you are not inclined to research, try watching "Charlie Wilsons war", for hints of what I'm talking about. Trump is just a symptom of a disease.

