Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Dave C Pack His EPIC Failure when Jesus Christ Did Not Return 10/10/20 !!"



  1. David C. Pack: Constant babbling. Continual theft. No brains. No truth.

  2. Damn Dee, that was calculated premeditated false prophet slaughter.

    So this proves that the now 8 year "Greatest Story Never Told" is now more true than ever ..... of course though, it is the greatest fictional story that has ever been told.

    I am happy that that all the members of the associated splinters didn't suffer destruction this FOT, and as well the three ministers that were able to leave the Feast with all of their arms and eyes.

    The one thing I am sad about is that Herbert Armstrong wasn't resurrected this Feast. It would be must see TV as to what Herbert would do with all of his progeny. I think he would take one quick look and say to himself, I think I will just walk across the street and start all over again.

  3. Notice how when Pack makes his proclamations he always says the pronoun "I" . ie, " I proclaim this prophecy to you"

    However, when his predictions FAIL , he switches to something like this "the one thing WE had wrong about this was...".

    So he sloughs off his failures as a collective , "common" fiasco and never blames himself personally!

  4. Everything Dave says is just verbal diarrhea. How can people even listen to it for hours on end without cringing? He exactly described himself when he was talking about false prophets..

  5. Congratulations on your best work yet in putting together Dave's own words to expose and undo him. Dave's god is indeed the author of his confusion.

    Typical need that Dave has interjected himself between the "Two Witnesses" of Revelation, making three. Typical malignant narcissistic display. Dave's problem is not theological. Dave has a pathologically deviant personality disorder, with religious content. He is more than chronically mistaken. He is a dangerous "religious" personality. Mental hospitals are full of them.

  6. Dave Pack is obviously deluded, living in a fantasy world. I think he probably has bipolar disorder, because his incredible flight of ideas that he has in this talk seems to point to it, especially his belief both the Armstrongs would be resurrected to guide the work again! Narcissism also seems to be part of his mental mix up as well. It's no wonder his daughter and her husband fled from him a year ago. The man could go full looney tunes at any moment!

  7. I'm fearful of a really bad outcome. It keeps getting worse and more bizarre with each passing day.

  8. David Pack is a classic example of a malignant narcissist. Like Jim Jones and David Koresh were.

    Malignant narcissists will ‘crash’ at one point, and
    will become violent at that point in one way or the other, talking everyone down with them.

    I bet RCG Headquarters in Wadsworth starts to feel like a pressure cooker more and more every day (I think someone that left HQ mentioned that not long ago). David Pack is an extremely dangerous man ready to explode and I do hope that the authorities are aware of this and already keeping an eye on him and his cult!

  9. My Name is Wilton Gregory, the archbishop of Washington, D.C. I do enjoy reading this blog. It's Very clear to me that those of the Church of God groups are very "lukewarm in their faith. Pope Francis has sought prayerful and humble men, deeply committed to Jesus, Your Church need's Hope, Love, Care, I feel a strong affirmation to bring you all back in the One faith. Pack is FILLED WITH SATAN

    1. Well Monseigneur, first of all: the RCG is NOT a church. It is a bible based cult. And an extremely abusive one.

      And yes, David Pack is filled with Satan. So why don’t you do some old fashioned Roman Catholic exorcism on Pack? It won’t harm the lives of the members trapped in his cult, on the contrary..

    2. Fake, it's most probably a rebel from the COG mimistry being woke.

  10. Wow! A Roman Catholic bishop reading this blog. Interesting, but the question is.. why? Does the RC church suspect what some of us suspect, that David C Pack is the anti Christ?
    We have been waiting for this madman to declare himself Christ for some time now and Pack is ready to do that any minute. He has already declared himself the apostle, the Elijah, Moses etc.

    Next logical step (in Dave’s mind that is) would be that he calls himself Christ. The only good thing about that would be that it would finally put a stop to his 260-and still counting series ‘The Never so Greatest Story ever told’.

  11. Mr. Wilton Gregory, your "strong affirmation to bring us all into one faith" is the exact same affirmation that Dave Pack has concerning you and the greater world at large.

    Your charge of Dave Pack being "filled with Satan" is the exact same charge Dave Pack has leveled against the representatives of the universal church.

    So it is a standoff of spiritual warfare with the winner gaining the souls of the helpless sheep if one of you could win.

    If Pope Francis has sought prayerful and humble men committed to Jesus then that means he didn't see many upon his confirmation. Does he see any now would be a major question to ask and if he does, where are they?


  12. 1:31 AM "Next logical step (in Dave’s mind that is) would be that he calls himself Christ. The only good thing about that would be that it would finally put a stop to his 260-and still counting series ‘The Never so Greatest Story ever told’

    He already did that and there were very few of us who left at that time.

    With a membership that writes him letters saying we won't follow departing ministers because "Christ's sheep hear his voice" it is close enough affirmation that the church members believe Dave Pack is the voice of Jesus Christ.

    1. @what about the truth
      I’ve heard Dave say ‘I am like christ’ and ‘Who knows, I could be christ’. But so far he has not dared to actually pronounce that he IS christ.

      My guess is, that he will do that one of these days
