Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Restored Church of God: Remember as you fundraise for the church that the more zealous you are demostrates to God how much he can use us in His kingdom

Why is it that so many of the "larger" splinter cults in the Church of God are so consumed with money? Their god has to be the most impotent thing humans have ever created. It apparently cannot do anything to save people unless money is flowing into these COG leader's tax havens that they call "churches."

Restored Church of God, under the most superfantabulous Dave Pack, is the one group who's god is consumed with building up its monetary stockpile. The more money you give the more Dave's impotent god inflates.

RCG's Kenneth Orel writes:

Through hard work and vision, God’s people have raised over 2.5 million dollars over four years. This has made possible monumental advancements in the Work—much more than you may realize.

If you have participated in fundraising over the past four years, you have been directly involved in preaching the good news of the soon-coming kingdom of God to a world filled with misery and hopelessness. You have been directly responsible for helping warn the physical nations of Israel of the coming Tribulation and warning spiritual Israel—those with the Holy Spirit—of possible eternal death if they do not “anoint their eyes.” Collectively, we have supported God’s 21st century servant by providing and generating the funds necessary for him to speak to the world. Did you realize fundraising supported such a massive purpose?

How has the "world" ever benefited from any of Dave's miraculous works? Unless one looks at his superfantabulous web site, which incidentally is the greatest thing humans have ever created, one would not have any idea who Dave Pack is and what the Restored Chruch of God is. He has had zero impact on the world. No world leaders have ever met the reclusive Dave. His magazine is a piss poor imitation of the old Plain Truth magazine that went out to over 8 million subscribers. Dave is lucky if he can get his own members to read his Real Truth.

Orel goes on to make this appalling statement:

Those of us who are zealous and participate in fundraising demonstrate to God how much He can use us in His kingdom. For years, we have been taught that we are in training. Training implies we are getting ready to be used when the time comes. That time is quickly coming upon us.

Given how sick the leadership is in various Church of God groups and the abuse they dish out, the question that needs to be asked is WHY would ANYONE ever want to be a part of those "special kingdoms" they have created in their own minds. It is not a kingdom God has ever planned. These fake kingdoms are only figments of COG leaders warped and deluded minds.

Did you know that the more money you give the better the chance that people who the god of Dave has "called" will now have a chance to join the one true church?

If you do not fully understand this aspect of “doing the Work,” here is more clarification: Participation in God’s Work involves the support of spreading the message of the good news of God’s kingdom by television, radio, print and the Internet—all tools that are available to us right now. From here on out, every penny brought in by fundraising will be used to reach individual human beings who are being called out of Satan’s kingdom and into God’s kingdom—to join in the work of spreading that good news to all nations. 


Remember, those people being called, like yourself, have been specifically chosen by God to be the firstfruits of His master plan of salvation. Is fundraising becoming more important in your eyes?

And the COG has the nerve to mock Catholics and indulgences! Hypocrites!

As usual in the Church of God movement, members are always found to be lazy and disinterested in the lofty goals of their leaders. The world is STILL in a screwed up mess because of you lazy members!

Over the years, there have been many in the Church who have done much and have gotten involved, yet sadly, there have been those who have done little or nothing. The difference between these two types of people is vision. To those who are involved, the kingdom and their part in it is real. They see the destruction Satan has wreaked on an unsuspecting world, and have determined in their mind that they want to be used by God to clean up the mess.

Those of you who do not fundraise are allowing Satan access to your mind. That crafty devil is looking for ways to he can use you thwart the master plan of the creature Dave calls god.

Do you realize God is watching us every moment to determine who will assist Christ in cleaning up Satan’s mess? “And that You should visit him [man] every morning, and try [test, investigate, examine, prove] him every moment?” (Job 7:18). He is evaluating how He can use us to transform people’s lives later by how much we do now. 

Fundraising is the reason the "work" exists, because the impotent god of Dave cannot bring to fruition its pathetic kingdom without some money in the coffers.  And, the more money you raise and give to this great work of Dave and his impotent god, the better the chance that god will have a special role for you in its sad little kingdom. The more you give the better looking that crown is going to be!

For those who desire to take this seriously and therefore are qualifying now for positions of great service in the government of God, Christ asks a compelling question: “What more can you do?” (Matt. 5:47). The context of that question comes when Christ was explaining that the law has been magnified. God’s Way is always about doing more—pushing ourselves for the greater benefit of others. 


For those who have chosen to be in His Kingdom as rulers (and it is a choice), Christ needs to know who is going to go above and beyond what is expected of them. (Read about the unprofitable servant in Luke 17:1-10.) 


Just doing what is expected of us is not enough—not for anyone who desires to wear a crown serving under Jesus Christ in His government. They must do more.

Actually the only thing anyone is going to serve "under" here is King Dave himself. Jesus is no more part of this plan than he is in sending Bob Thiel visionary dreams.

Now, for the grand finale...

The Church is poised to become the biggest thing in religion the world has ever seen. The Greatest Work no longer “lies yet ahead.” The Greatest Work described in Isaiah 29:14 and Habakkuk 1:5 is now




  1. In Dave's world, some will be over 10 cases of oranges. Some over five. And some over just one case of oranges. But woe unto that man who buys his own oranges for himself and hides them in the lower left drawer of the fridge! That man will be squeezed into orange juice where there is a slurping and puckering of lips.

    1. I wondered why I felt like orange juice the last couple of years. It’s because Dave and his Pack (pun intended) wanted more money from me!

      Lucky me: I escaped and left last year. My home is my castle now, and no longer Dave’s :)

  2. “Through hard work and vision, God’s people have raised over 2.5 million dollars over four years.”

    Hence the big luxurious house dave is living in..


  3. The typical Restored Cash Grab (RCG) sucker: All zeal. No brains.


  4. “Those of us who are zealous and participate in fundraising demonstrate to God how much He can use us in His kingdom.” -- RCG's Kenneth Orel

    It really just shows how ignorant RCG members are and how much Dave Pack can use and abuse them in his satanic imposter cult.

    What it actually shows about RCG members is not very flattering at all.

    1. @Anon 11:48
      What it shows about the RCG members, is that they’re not in it for Christianity but only for themselves: ‘I give the RCG my money and that will buy me a ticket for the kingdom.’


  5. PROVERBS 19:2, NIV

    It is not good to have zeal without knowledge,
    nor to be hasty and miss the way.

    A man's own folly ruins his life,
    yet his heart rages against the LORD.

  6. Ken should be ashamed of himself. Hey Ken how many fellow ministers need to leave before you find your balls? Apparently 30 aren't enough. *eyeroll*

  7. Ken Orel.. Isn’t he the minister that is being groomed to be Dave’s #3, after Bradford Schleifer and Greg Kadainek? Greg left, so Kenny is moving up! Lucky Kenny! Does Ken know what Dave did to his new wife, just before Ken got married to her? Spoiler alert: Dave couldn’t keep his greedy dirty fingers off her..

  8. Dave is such a PIMP!

    Work those girls Davey, and threaten to hold back your "love" if they dont produce!

  9. To be fair: churches the world over do fundraisers.

    I went door-to-door on Saturday mornings as a boy, selling calendars for the United Methodist Church I attended. I'm not sure now where the money went.

    So is the objection here about congregations not keeping the money locally?

    1. There’s a big difference between fundraising FREELY and giving your money FREELY and what the RCG does. David Pack says that you are COMMANDED to hand over your money to them. No money, no salvation (and they’ll kick you out).

    2. The RCG tells the members to sell everything they have. House, car, anything. And ‘donate’ the money to the RCG. On top of that members have to tithe (pay 30-40% of their income) every month to the RCG.

      All of this has nothing to do with ‘fundraising’ or donating freely. The money isn’t used for helping the poor or for charity either. All the money that comes in, is used to build Dave Pack’s megalomaniac compound and provide him and a few privileged ministers to live in luxury.

      Members that refuse to pay are pressured and if they still won’t pay they are told they lack ‘true conversion’ and that they should leave.

      No church does that. It’s cult practice.


  10. "From here on out, every penny brought in by fundraising will be used to reach individual human beings who are being called out of Satan’s kingdom and into God’s kingdom—to join in the work of spreading that good news to all nations."

    Makes one wonder where all the fundraising money has been going all these years.

    The requirements for the RCG member as per Dave Pack: (1) must work 6 days a week. (2) must fundraise. (3) must liquidate (including liquidating spouses) and send in all assets. (4) must give increasing percentile offerings. (5) must pay to play (tithe, tithe, tithe) and understand that Christ's price is all that you have. (6) don't even think about retirement! (7) and on the 7th day of the week, participants must drive 1.5-6 hours and sit for 4-5 hours of sermons.

    This is the RCG seven steps to successful salvation manifesto.

  11. Pack has funneled a large percentage of that money into the property in Wadsworth and his quest to buy up all of the houses bordering his property so that he owns everything and no Gentiles will be living on his sacred grounds. He wants those homes for his elite ministers to live in. Thanks to bleeding his members dry he now has no money to build his David C Pack Auditorium dedicated to the honor and glory of his fake god.

    That money certainly is not going out for any warning to the world. World leaders have never met the guy. Hardly anyone in the United State knows who he is. The citizens of Wadsworth think he is nuts and he has no outreach there. He is just a pathetic old man living high on the hog with his member's money.

  12. “From here on out, every penny brought in by fundraising will be used to reach individual human beings who are being called out of Satan’s kingdom and into God’s kingdom—to join in the work of spreading that good news to all nations.”

    Is this a recent article? The last thing Dave talked about spending money on was cabins by Mirror Lake! Conveniently located across the street from his house.

  13. My mom and sister are living in poverty because of Dave’s greedy ‘church’. They give him almost every cent they have, even turned the heating in their house to the lowest setting to safe money. And still are commanded to give more..

    The only thing that gets restored in the RCG is Pack’s bank account.

  14. The acog's are filled with misery and hopelessness, not the world!

  15. Dave's like the con artist in the 1967 movie The Flim-Flam Man.

  16. Is Ken married now? Which Church approved wife was appointed to him?

    1. Her name is Erin (don’t know her maiden name). And she’s into fitness, boot camp etc. I met her one time, shortly after they got married and she was lecturing some women in our congregation about ‘keep a healthy lifestyle and diet.’
      She’s ‘allergic’ to everything: nuts, gluten, eggs, dairy products, meat. So before her arrival we received TWO LENGTHY full page emails from HQ, telling us what we were allowed to serve food wise during fellowshipping whilst Erin Orel was there. Some of the women were panicking about it and decided that they wouldn’t bring any food that Sabbath because of the all the restrictions and weird demands.
      Mrs. Orel didn’t thank the women that did bring food and did their best to suit her dietary regime. Instead they got a lecture..

      I wonder if Ken is eating rabbit food now also. Or maybe he sneaks away every so often to get some real food?

    2. Erin Pataye. Fitness trainer apparently

    3. Listen. I'm old school rcg. Anyone with that many allergies is a silly woman laden with sin. She must have a lot of hidden sin in her life. Dave told us so.

    4. Yet Dave Pack married them..

    5. .... a silly woman laden with sin ...

      That makes sense! Because apparently Mrs Erin Orel isn’t a baptized member! Word is that she refused to get baptized but Ken Orel still married her

    6. Yep, Erin Orel is a fitness instructor and (among other things) teaches KICKBOXING. Her words, from this little interview at her workplace: https://m.facebook.com/APF-Advanced-Performance-Fitness-130718954440370/videos/who-is-erin-pataye-orel-you-have-seen-her-on-the-monday-530pm-class-schedule-any/964553267324157/

      Since when is the RCG allowing a minister’s wife to teach violent sports?

    7. That shows you again that the rules ain’t applying to the ministers! They can do whatever they want.

    8. Kickboxing? Now THAT is not true femininity! Meredith would not be pleased.

    9. So.. Erin Pataye Orel does everything the lay members -and especially the women- in the RCG are told NOT to do? Plus Erin Pataye Orel isn’t baptized, yet she marries a minister?
      And Dave Pack lets her and Ken Orel get away with that??
      And nobody is asking themselves WHY Dave let’s them get away with that? What does Ken Orel have on Dave to make Dave look the other way?


  17. some "ministers" will have you believe that you are not zealous unless you do as they say....

  18. Pimp Pack and his Madam church. I think possibly these cog's might be the whore that revelation speaks about, talk about daughters, there is no lack of them. Do what the pimp tells you to do, pay homage to the madam, after all she is the mistress of the members from what I've seen. Better keep the mistress and pimp happy and sell yourself, your relationships/marriages and anything else you might have around.

  19. Better KO (oops) is married so he can keep his hands off of another man's wife

  20. Anon 1:02

    KO is loyal and a very good fund raiser

    1. ‘KO is loyal and a good fund raiser ...’.
      And? What? A hypocrite, like the majority of the RCG ministers? Is that why he earns extra points? Is he someone who is hooked on the hormones that flood his brain when he knows he is in power and can do whatever he wants?
      Oh, and btw, WHO are you G.C.? Are you close to Ken and Erin? Close to Dave maybe?
