Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Hypocrite Dave Pack (Restored Church of God) Walks Back Divine COVID Protection After Getting Coronavirus


"By their fruits, you shall  know them..."


  1. ...... Could the prophecy .... maybe .... have been .... (not sure, it’s a bit blurry) ....

    Could the prophecy have been that everyone at HQ in Wadsworfh would get COVID?!

    Yeah! I’m a prophet :)

  2. Dave Pack is a Shit-"Theologian" He needs to simply apologize rather than struggle to find an apologetic that continues to make him special and gets him of the hook for being a Shit-"Theologian".

  3. Nah, I disagree with you Dennis. Because if Dave would apologize, the RCG members would applaud and give him a hug.. And keep following his path of destruction..

    Better not. Let Dave keep digging the deep hole he’s already digging for himself. Eventually the walls of that hole will tumble down on him. They’re already crumbling. And Dave knows that.

  4. Dave Pack is a Shit-"Theologian"


    That's because he went to a shit diploma mill..A.C.
    ..with their 'Survey of the Epistles of Paul' by, wait for it, RCM!?
    G.I.G.O. - no way were they qualified to approach Pauline theology.

  5. This video is a complete crock of shit from Packatolia.

    But the sheeple, the bound minds, no they will accept it.

  6. Should we kick the poor man when he down? should we follow the last apostle and kick poor widows when they are down like he does?

    With Ezekiel 3 being an intense back and forth between a prophet and the Lord, and knowing already that Mr. Pack has said he is that prophet - the watchman unto Israel, why did he stop at verse 24 as he proclaimed God had him shut himself within thine house fulfilling that portion of the Ezekiel 3 prophecy?

    If this is all sure and the ultimate truth, then what comes next (vs. 25) is Mr. Pack getting bound and tied by the House of Israel and then the Lord shuts up his mouth and makes him dumb (vs. 26) so he can't say a thing.

    Then (vs.27) the Lord will speak with him and open his mouth once again so that he can proclaim to them; "thus saith the Lord God"

    Now that we know the next events to happen, I will openly remind the ministry of the RCG that when dear Mr. Pack gets bound and tied you are not to interfere in any way. Just as Mr. Pack has said concerning donating to those who have suffered natural disasters; "you do not interfere with God's punishment" and "go against God's will".

    Now I need to go and find me some poor old widow to mock and kick around!

  7. Dennis
    Dave or any ministers apologise?
    Ha, ha, ha, ha.
    The source of their power over the gullible is the delusion that they carefully project of being neo-Gods. Does a infallible God ever need to apologise? Of course not. It's only the mere-mortal, earth-scum lay members who need to apologise.
    The Big People never apologise.

  8. I watched the video. There's times in the presenters and Dave's voice where they slightly hesitate, together with their tone of voice giving away that they know that that are lying. It lasts a second or two.
    In typical ACOG fashion, they slander God by portraying Him as a micro-manager in order to give legitimacy to their unbiblical lording ways.

    1. Oh please 5:07. Liars are as smooth as can be. Lies tumble from their lips with great charm or as on here their typing finger tips.

  9. Dave Pack's ludicrous proofs are as absurd as Bob Thiels. Both of them are ignorant of science and anthropology. They both lie through their teeth and throw in bits of Armstrongite scripture proofs making them both seem "informed" to the regular church member. An in-depth study will quickly show anyone what complete and utter morons they are.

  10. "I'm called the fig tree. Both of my servants.. er.. my assistants rather..."

    hahaha! ROTFLMAO over this Freudian slip.

  11. 9.20 PM
    In my experience, liars are not consistently smooth. Sometimes you can pick them, other times you can't. Perhaps when they have practised a lie in their minds such as Dave's common, they are convincing. But not so with a new big lie. It's a life long struggle trying to understand these bastards.

  12. Dave Pack gets away with all his lies because people rather keep believing lies instead of admitting that they were fooled. The latter would mean that they have to examine themselves and their motives and that process is almost always painful.

    Pack and his wolves know that. If you say something with enough conviction and zeal, you can make them believe anything you want. And ones they believe it, there’s no way going back. Unless you’re willing to put yourself through the painful process of ‘digging your soul’ for some truth.
