Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Laodicean COG Leader Says Being Baptized Into His Group Is Only Assurance Of Salvation

On this Independence Day here in the United States, one COG so-called leader is claiming that true Christians (which he is not) can only be independent of the world they live in if they are members of his "church". He valiantly struggles to claim he and his little group are the ONLY true "Phialdelphain" Christians on the face of the earth today. So, if you really want to be free, you must LEAVE your COG and follow him, agree to support his work, and then after meeting all his demands for baptism, be baptized. Only then can you be saved and be independent of the world.

All of that is kind of weird considering how much he depended upon using a church of the world to prop him up as he used LCG to garner as many "proofs" of his prophethood status as he could. After manipulating people into saying and doing certain things to stroke his ego he joined the myriad of worldly Laodicean COG leaders who are enticed by money, prestige, power, and rebelled to start his own group, godless though it may be.

So open your wallets kiddo's, say you have repented of being a so-called Christian in one of the other fake Churches of God and join the ONE TRUE LEADER of the ONLY TRUE COG who will guarantee your salvation and a chance to be in Petra with him for 3 1/2 years. 

My heart is filled with excitement!
If you have been appropriately baptized, then we also suggest that you read the Statement of Beliefs of the Continuing Church of God. If you agree, will live as a true Christian, and wish to be part of us, then we accept true believers who wish to support us as we lead the Final Phase of the Work by proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom of God as a witness (Matthew 24:14), teaching all that Jesus commanded (Matthew 28:19-20), working to reach the full number of those called in this age (see What About Romans 11:25 and the Full Number of the Gentiles), while also preparing for the ‘Short Work, remembering the poor (Galatians 2:10), and proclaiming the Ezekiel Warning. 
This spiritual degenerate does not have the ability to determine what is a "true" baptism and no real Christian would ever submit to his list of requirements to be a member of the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god". 

Once you agree to follow his list and agree to support him, then you will be one of the chosen people, set apart from all of the other slovenly COG's who are not being led by a doubly-blessed and dreamed over prophet. 

As the world comes to an end, which COG prophet and leader would you choose to follow into the "final phase"? One who self-appointed himself or follow no man and place your confidence and assurance in the ONE you should be following instead? You don't need some self-appointed man who dreamed himself into being to be leading you anywhere.
You can contact a minister or other representative near your area to let him know you wish to be part of us. We also would expect you to live as a Christian and, among other things, keep the Sabbath, attend or watch our church services, and strive to attend the Feast of Tabernacles.
Salvation is not dependent upon keeping the sabbath or watching some lame-ass questionable "church" service of a spiritually bankrupt man flailing his arms all over the place expounding upon 66 points for an hour and a half that he could have accomplished in 10 -15 minutes. 
Please understand, their is no minimum or maximum amount of time required to learn about the church. The important thing is to believe the word of God and understand the about living as a true Christian. 
Nor is one even required to DO anything as the rebellious prophet claims.  Just ask the man on the cross who needed to do nothing more than belief.  Pretty simple. No long list of rules some wayward spiritual degenerate has set in place. Nothing. Nada.
Once you have turned you life over to God and learned about the church, you are ready to become part of the body of Christ. You become a member of the Church of God through being baptized by a representative of the church. Baptism is a critical and fundamental step. Baptism signifies the death of our carnal nature and our being begotten as a follower of Jesus Christ. It allows us to partake God’s plan of eternal salvation. 
Baptism is NOT critical and is NOT a necessity for salvation.  Scripture proves that over and over. The ONLY so-called "requirement" is faith. Faith alone is what saves, not baptism, or following some self-appointed, self-righteous, or so-called prophet in some asinine "final push." No Sabbath-keeping, no law-keeping, no works period are required other than faith.  Justification comes through faith and never though Bob Thiel.

  • Romans 3:28: “We hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law.”
  • Romans 5:1: “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God.”
  • Romans 4:5: “To the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness.”
  • John 3:16: “God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” 
  • Acts 13:38–39: “Through this man forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you, and by him everyone who believes is freed [justified] from everything from which you could not be freed [justified] by the law of Moses.”
Notice his list of requirements that he demands of his followers.
If you are not a properly baptized part of the Church of God, in order to be considered a real member of the Continuing Church of God, you must:
  1. Be called of God.
  2. Be willing to seek first the kingdom of God.
  3. Repent of your sins.
  4. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
  5. Strive to live as a loving Christian.
  6. Be persuaded that our beliefs are biblical.
  7. Contact a CCOG leader for counseling.
  8. Be properly baptized and have hands laid upon you.
  9. Support the work of Matthew 24:14, Matthew 28:19-20, and other aspects of the Philadelphian work.
  10. Continue to live as a Christian and endure to the end.
Bob Thiel does not have the ability to determine who is "called" by God. No one should ever assume that.  No COG leader has that ability. It never did with Herbert Armstrong and most certainly does NOT today.

Faith in the one to come, faith in the one who was, and faith in the one who is. Even the continual repenting of sins and beating one's self up day after day and year after year, is not a requirement for salvation or even to be a follower of Jesus. Armstrongism required this, but Jesus never did.

So, on this Independence Day, it is time for the captives of Armstrongism and those of wayward, rebellious, and self-appointed Church of God leaders, to be set free from their sick demands. These men do not speak for God. 

True freedom is found OUTSIDE some man-made church run by bloviating men of no substance.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Church of God Seventh Day: WEAR A MASK! No exceptions

Will Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Bob Thiel, and others continue to flout rules set in place regarding holding church services during the uptick in COVID cases, another COG is setting the example. Of course, Thiel, Pack, Flurry, Weston, and others believe these are not real Christians and certainly NOT true COG members, the COG7 continues to preach and witness better than any Armstrongite COG does.

Wishy-washy Thiel lets his own ministers make the decision whether they want to follow the rules instead of being a real manly leader and tell them to stay home. No COG service is that important and certainly, no sermon is that important to miss.

Pack and Flurry flout the rule be having services on thier compounds while telling local churches to stay home if they want.

Armstrongism has always been filled with double standards.

Here is COG7 recent statement on COVID-19 and what they expect from those that still hold services:


Central District – Church of God (Seventh Day
Dear Pastors and Leaders
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord, Jesus.
I pray that you, your family and your church are well and staying safe during this difficult time. I am writing to you to encourage you as a leader in your church to do all you can, in a responsible and thoughtful way, to keep your members safe.
Not all leaders are doing that.  Some are ignoring suggested guidelines, for what- ever reasons, and by doing so, put their families and members in jeopardy. Just this week, in a Superintendent “ZOOM” call with Loren Stacy and Jody McCoy, we learned that one of our churches in the Southeast District, where the pandemic is now increasing rapidly, “refused” to follow any guidelines like masking and social distancing – with this result.  Every member in attendance at their services now have the virus and are under a strict individual 14-day quarantine. The authorities came in and shut them down until further notice. Several churches in the S.E. District and the S.W. District are being mandated to shut down, again.
In both the Southeast District and Southwest District, the number of members of the church with COVID 19 are increasing rapidly. We have had several of our leaders and pastors who have had and some who now have the coronavirus.  In two entire churches, almost all members have the virus. 
As I have written before, as a Leader/Pastor, you are responsible to make wise and compassionate choices to keep your people safe. This is your responsibility, and also in making your choices, you accept the liability for the choices you make.
I URGE YOU to google the following research experiments of the following individual.  RICK DAVISEXPERIMENTS REGARDING COVID-19. Reading this should make us well aware of the absolute value of WEARING MASKS and SOCIAL DISTANCINGPLEASE take the time to read his experiments.  His work is the result of measuring droplets, by coughing, sneezing, talking and singing into identical culture plates, from various distances. The results are a bit startling to say the least.
After you have read that, I urge you to make the wisest decision for the safety of your congregation.  I encourage you to make it mandatory that every attendee in your services WEAR A MASK!  No exceptions.  I encourage you to practice social distancing of 6 ft.  I encourage you to insist that there be no close contact or hand shaking allowed.  I encourage you to sanitize your facility and have hand sanitizer available to your congregation.  I encourage you to design a worship experience and fellowship that is SAFE!  Ask them to use hand sanitizer when they come in and when they leave. I would not and will not, at this time, attend any church where even one member attends refusing to wear a mask. To behave in such a manner puts every vulnerable attendee at risk.  Now, even young people, not just the elderly are getting sick.
Everyone of our District Superintendents and our GC Leadership are alarmed at the response of individual members, and some leaders, who have put their church at risk by irresponsible choices. Watch for a coming statement from the GC Leadership with their recommendations.
If you have already opened up your church for services, PLEASE study again your choices for the safety of your congregation. Make whatever adjustments you need to for their safety. Make wise choices, not based on your politics or your view of constitutional rights.  Think first of others and their needs and the seriousness of their vulnerability.
If you have visitors come to your church from other cities/states, you MUST have them wear a mask and practice social distancing.  To not do so is not being responsible as a leader. Many churches may have visitors tomorrow, July 4th.
Leaders and Pastors, we need to be a pro-active part of the solution, and not make choices that put us in the area of being part of the problem.
May our God be with you and may His Holy Spirit be in you.
Sincerely in Christ
Superintendent – Ken Lawson

Victor Kubik: UCG's Empathetic and Humble Leader

“We think you ought to know, dear brothers and sisters, about the trouble we went through in the province of Asia. We were crushed and overwhelmed beyond our ability to endure, and we thought we would never live through it. In fact, we expected to die. But as a result, we stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely only on God, who raises the dead. And he did rescue us from mortal danger, and he will rescue us again. We have placed our confidence in him, and he will continue to rescue us” (2 Corinthians 1:8-10, NLT).
Through direct experience, Paul clearly relates how he learned to trust God for deliverance from mortal danger. His key point? God brought him through challenging trials again and again. Today, most of us have not even come close to facing such life and death situations. But we can certainly apply what Paul learned to the rocky road of life that we may be traveling on.
In this same chapter, Paul goes further to explain that life as a disciple of Jesus Christ isn’t just about mere survival. Our trials elevate us to a higher level of thinking and conduct. Our trial is not just about us. Trials give us an opportunity to learn how to reach out to others. God’s rescue is a big part of the story—but not the only part. In the narrative quoted here in 2 Corinthians, the more complete story is revealed by Paul:
“All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. For the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with his comfort through Christ. Even when we are weighed down with troubles, it is for your comfort and salvation! For when we ourselves are comforted, we will certainly comfort you. Then you can patiently endure the same things we suffer. We are confident that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in the comfort God gives us” (2 Corinthians 1:3- 7, The Living Bible).
These passages first came to life in my Epistles of Paul class at Ambassador College. They made a vivid impression on me as a 20-year-old student. Over and over in my pastoral career these words repeatedly demonstrated where true leadership shines.
I have found that to be true leaders, we must step outside of ourselves and show ourselves exposed and humbled. A leader draws on his or her own pain as one sufferer among a common sea of sufferers. A leader uses his or her own experience to empathize with others. In my ministry over the years, my own personal tribulations helped me genuinely empathize with people in great pain.
Where was that empathy when he was still on Worldwide Church of God payroll as he was disfellowshipping people left and right because they disagreed with Tkach's new teachings, even though he himself did not agree with them and was privately working behind the scenes while on WCG payroll, to fragment the church and form a new one W.hen has Kubik ever suffered through tribulation in the church?
Jesus Christ left us a sterling example of going through painful ordeals for the purpose of encouraging us: “For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempt- ed as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:15-16). UN
Jesus Christ certainly left us a sterling example of what a spiritual leader should be like.  Sadly, most COG leaders have never even tried to follow the guy. They are too busy trying to maintain the status quo they have assumed they deserve.

Gerald Flurry Stirring Up Hatred

For years now we have heard stories about Gerald Flurry working tirelessly to break up families of members that have spouses who no longer attend church with the member. Spouses turned against spouses, families against grandparents, parents against children, grandparents against grandchildren, and parents against their own children and their children. It is disgusting the depths of depravity that the Flurry's have sunk into.

The following letter was sent Exit and Support that details how a husband gets stirred up at church by Flurry's sermons and then come home and mistreats his wife.

Gerald Flurry Says Satan Stirs up Hatred:
June 26, 2020
In the June 23 Trumpet there is an article that declares “Satan is behind the hatred for Jews (2 Corinthians 4:4).” The article goes on to say, “Satan can stir up vicious hatred,” Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry explains in his book The Key of David. “Most people who hate the Jews don’t even know why they do. Can we see Satan behind such lies and hatred?”
Well, Gerald Flurry can stir up “vicious hatred” towards those not of his cult. My ex-husband told me once that he “hates being married to a Laodicean,” referring to me as being one, as I was still attending WCG. Even after I eventually stopped going to the WCG, I was still criticized by him for not going at least to the WCG!
For several years, it was nearly every week after he had attended Flurry’s PCG services that he would return home to me and verbally blast me with almost a hatred, after being whipped up into a rage against me and all “Laodiceans” after hearing a tape from Gerald Flurry being played at services. This was in the 1990s. I dreaded being there when he got home and would often go out for the evening elsewhere.
Is it any wonder that when I looked at the “fruit” of that cult with him, I would know that it was not of God. “You shall know them by their fruits” I would tell him. –Australia

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Dave Pack: "Could you please check your records to see if your Pentecost offering was mailed?"

There is one thing that Dave Pack values above all else and it is not Jesus and his radical message where he overturned the tables of the money-changers or as a pastor dispensing mercy and grace to those around him.  It's not even about the gospel message.  It is money. That thing that his Bible tells him is "the root of all evil" is the most important thing that occupies Dave's mind.

Imagine sitting at home and seeing this email pop up in your messages for the day:

Church Administration has given me a list of those who have missing Holy Day offerings. Your name was among them. It says that they did not receive your offering for Pentecost. Could you please check your records to see if your Pentecost offering was mailed?
There are times when Holy Day offerings are mis-categorized or brethren fail to note the nature of the offerings on their check. If you have already sent in your offering, please contact ___@rcg.org with details of the offering (i.e. check number, dollar amount,Holy Day, etc.) so that your payment record can be reconciled. If it was an oversight, or was inadvertently forgotten, it is not too late to mail your Pentecost offering to Headquarters.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Gerald Weston: Beware of Fake News

It was kind of funny reading how Gerald Weston wants us to beware of fake news. Remember, this is coming from Living Church of God..need I say more?

We hear a great deal about fake news these days and there is no lack of it coming from all quarters, as objectivity is sorely lacking in politics, academia, media, and popular culture. However, there is also much misinformation regarding God’s plan and how He is working it out. The doctrines of Jesus and first-century Christianity have been drastically altered, watered down, and infused with pagan philosophy and religion. You likely understand this, being readers of Tomorrow’s World and viewers of our television program. Our booklets point out biblical truths that you never hear in most churches, where greater emphasis is placed on “feel good” gospels rather than straight-talk messages from the Bible about the need to change and become conformed to the Jesus Christ of the Bible.

Look at the decades of misinformation that has streamed out of the church, doctrinally and spiritually. Weston is in no position to warn us about misinformation, particularly when it comes to religion. Living Church of God does NOT follow first-century Christianity.  That is a totally impossible thing for any of today's groups to do.  It doesn't matter how much they claim to.

LCG's booklets do not steer people to the truth but to legalistic mumbo-jumbo that is not required of new covenant Christians. The so-called "straight talk" is devoid of anything about grace, mercy, and justice, all things Jesus talked about and accomplished.

Paul’s rebuke of the Corinthians is as relevant today as it was in the first century: “For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted—you may well put up with it” (2 Corinthians 11:4). Paul explained later in this same chapter about those preachers who bring a different Jesus, a different spirit, and a different gospel: “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into minister of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works” (vv. 13-15).

Paul's rebuke of the Corinthians is certainly relevant today when it perfectly describes the hundreds of splinter groups all doing what they want and not being followers of the Word. 

Of the five things listed below they have zeroed in on one of them...REBUKE. LCG has a sad reputation of using this to the extreme, though rather selectively depending upon who you are. Rod Meredith was heavy-handed at this down through his slash and burn periods when he was over Church Administration and then as leader of two separate splinter groups. Long-suffering has never been quality that LCG and its leaders practiced, but then neither did Herbert Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God.

No, the problem was not for that day alone. The Bible prophesied this would be an issue for our day as well. Paul instructed the young evangelist Timothy, “Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables” (2 Timothy 4:2-4).

And the prophet Isaiah was instructed to take God’s warning and to “write it before them on a tablet, and note it on a scroll, that it may be for time to come, forever and ever: That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children who will not hear the law of the Lord; who say to the seers, ‘Do not see,’ and to the prophets, ‘Do not prophesy to us right things; speak to us smooth things, prophesy deceits. Get out of the way, turn aside from the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us’” (Isaiah 30:8-11). 

And here we go again, sex. Is there any topic that fascinates LCG leaders more than sex? 

It has never been popular to teach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and to warn this world of what is to come if we do not turn around and go a different direction, but it is shocking how rapidly censorship of non-politically correct ideas is descending on our Western world. Truth is suppressed, while every kind of sexual filth and violence is promoted. You would be surprised how often one of our television programs is rejected by a station or governing authority because it does not fit the politically correct narrative.

Ah, the other favorite topic of Weston and select COG leaders...we are being persecuted. These sad boys have no idea what persecution is. Having an asinine broadcast or article rejected is not persecution. Real Christians around the world face persecution every day from Muslims, Hindus, and others. They are dying for their belief while Weston, Theil, and the rest of the boys go home every night to their nice homes, feed their faces, drink their wine, and play on their computers. Persecution has never been so horrible!

Paul instructed Timothy regarding “the last days” and how they would be marked by danger, as “men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control. . .” (2 Timothy 3:2-5). Danger may come in many different forms and include physical injury or death, but what about the danger we see today of someone losing a job for tweeting a comment that does not fit the agenda of today’s “social engineers”? 

This is the world in which we are to preach the truth unapologetically, and God tells us through the prophet Ezekiel that we will be held accountable if we fail to do so (Ezekiel 33:1-7). Even the Proverbs warn us that we will have to answer to God if we hold back from warning the world of where it is heading: “Deliver those who are drawn toward death, and hold back those stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, ‘Surely we did not know this,’ does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it? And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?” (Proverbs 24:11-12).

LCG and the mother church never preached the truth unapologetically. From Herbert's, "A strong hand from someplace" tot he wishy-washy sermons and mind-numbing cable programs, LCFG and most of the COG's are like kindergarteners playing on a playground spinning the merry-go-round as fast as they can to see who they can throw off.

Dear brethren and co-workers, we have a job to do. We are faithfully doing it and your prayers make a difference. When we receive an unexpected tithe from someone who is not even a subscriber, or an inheritance from someone we don’t even know, we recognize that God is blessing us and answering the prayers of His faithful people. Frankly, those of us here in Charlotte and in our offices around the world have been humbled at how our Creator has blessed us during this difficult economic time. I cannot thank you enough for your generosity and for your heartfelt prayers. Please remember to give thanks for the way God is blessing His Work, and for the blessings He pours out on each of us individually.

Sincerely, in Christ’s service,
Gerald E. Weston

Always end your letter with a money appeal. While you lazy and unappreciative brethren fail to send in money, we want you to know that random people send us money all the time. Even more amazing is random people sending us tithe money! Woo Hoo! Now get off your butts and send us your money, too!

Monday, June 29, 2020

Former WCG Member On Being Black and Jewish

On being Black and Jewish
June 28, 2020
SAN DIEGO — Being of mixed racial background and also Jewish often feels like no matter what group you are with, you are perceived as the “other,” sometimes prompting doubts if there is any group with which you truly belong. Such was the thrust of comments made by Jessica Lemoine and Jenni Asher during an Internet forum on Sunday sponsored by the San Diego Outreach Synagogue and moderated by Rabbi/ Cantor Cheri Weiss and her husband Dan Weiss.

Asher, a musician with a degree from the Royal Academy of Music in London, is now studying for the cantorate at the Academy of Jewish Religion in California, the same institution at which Rabbi/Cantor Weiss was ordained. Married to a Jew whose family fled Egypt, Asher decided to convert to Judaism first in a Conservative ceremony and later in an Orthodox one. When her 2-year-old daughter grows up, she explained, should she want to marry a religious Jew, she doesn’t want anyone to question the authenticity of her mother’s conversion.

Prior to Asher’s decision to become a Jew by choice, she had been a member of the fundamentalist Worldwide Church of God, whose members often styled themselves as inheritors of Biblical Judaism. She said she decided to search out “real Jews” and began attending synagogue in London, then continued her exploration of Judaism and eventual conversion in the United States. At first, she said, she welcomed explanations of synagogue rituals from members of the congregations she attended, but after she learned her way through the rituals, she was bothered that people still assumed that she had to be instructed — that because of her skin color, she must not be Jewish. “To be seen as the other, comes as a surprise, when you don’t think of yourself as the other,” she said.

Asher recalled playing violin at a Friday night service, and being asked afterwards by a female congregant, who was White, whether it was true that she was Jewish. The mother explained that her daughter is half-Mexican and considers herself to be, like Asher, a “Jew of Color.” Asher said anyone who looked at the girl would consider her to be White, no matter her Mexican heritage. “I had to grapple with my feelings: ‘This girl passes, what problems does she have?’ At that point, Asher added, “I realized that I’m as racist as anyone else.” Difficult conversations among people of different race are needed “to recognize these feelings exist.”

Asked if she had ever experienced anti-Semitism, she said she had been challenged by people of her former church, but that the opposition she felt was “different” from the kind of negativity she experiences as a Black person.

Read the rest of the article here:  On being Black and Jewish

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Dave Pack: The Pathological Liar

Before this gets lost in the comments:

"It is generally known that a younger local elder (having been previously demoted to this rank) at Headquarters recently left the Church. He came to believe that he was above counsel and correction, basically melting down when he faced setbacks and reversals and things did not go his way."
This is hilarious reading this description of me nearly 6 years later. I don't even know where to begin with Pack's pathological lying. Yes, I was privately demoted some months before I left. Of course, the reasons aren't remotely close to what to Pack states. I had a pattern of providing counsel to Pack he did not like. When he had enough, he demoted me, privately.
One particular thing I had recommended to Pack, he chastised me for on the spot, but then a few months later at the feast, he announced the exact same plan to the church. Did he apologize to me for chastising me for the very idea he came to like and enact? Of course not.
Oh, and the melting down when things don't go his way is Pack perfectly describing himself. Many men experienced his epic childish meltdowns over the most trivial of things that affected him personally.
Pack also conveniently leaves out how he forced me and other ministers off payroll (in my case fired for supposedly not having suffered enough in life...for real, I was fired for that reason), but then he announces to church that we voluntarily went off payroll.
Lies are numerous with that man.
Oh, and he fired my wife through me while she was on maternity leave. What was her grievous act? She was supposedly too tough on people...lol. She was an accountant.
Once again, a great example of Pack projecting his nature into others.
So in the end, after a spirited counseling session with other ministers, I quietly walked out of HQ, wrote a short resignation letter, and haven't looked back since.
Life is good.
Cheers to critical thinking and choosing one's own path.