Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Gerald Flurry Still Expecting Major National Trauma On Inauguration Day.


Gerald Flurry has been stating in sermons and in his official church rags that Trump will remain in office and Biden will NOT be sworn into office as President on January 20th. Both he and Lil'Stevie have been making this prediction. They also expect major military disruptions on the 20th, across the country.

The other thing Flurry has his members whipped into a frenzy about is that he claims that when Trump is sworn back in as president, after the military arrests all corrupt Democrats, that he will then banish and exile the PCG from the United States.

The fact that his members sit there and believe these lies is as appalling as those in Dave Pack's cult who believe his "christ" is ready to return any hour now.

Will Flurry apologize for lying on the afternoon of the 20th or on the 21st? We all know he won't. He will say that his creature "christ" delays his coming because the church has a work to complete, or that the members of PCG were spiritually weak and need more time to prove to God they are worthy.

The Church of God is sick and gets sicker by the day.


  1. Flurry looks like a pervert Colonel Sanders that you find hanging out at PeeWee Herman's XXX Adult Theatre. I wonder how he & his son are going to lie their out of anitger one of Gerald's false prophecies.

  2. For "fun" reasons I'm following a blog by a conspiray theorist who sets dates all the time. I applaud him for his courage to set clear dates and I like the reasoning behind his theories.

    However EACH time NOTHING happens on those dates, proposed time frames or locations, and that is about 20 times per year, he professes that "the inner cabal decided to postpone the timeline plan since HE WAS THE ONE THAT HAD EXPOSED THEIR EVIL PLANS." As of recently he includes, with his predictions, the warning that they might not transpire, when "THE EVIL CABAl SEES THEY"RE PLANS EXPOSED AGAIN" by him on his blog of limited audience.

    To remain on topic.
    It saddens me to see that the Flurry's have descended from "prediction addiction" worthy of a laugh and a tear now and then, into very clear and unbounded LYING over the airwaves, internet bandwidth and print.

    I will however press for not limiting their freedom into their descend into evil political discourse and misleading of people and in the process expose the general public (that is willing to tune in) to their lying. Just for the sake to AGAIN and AGAIN PROVE THEM WRONG on their harping that anyone is after them, is taking action to even consider pushing them out of the country or limit their ability to spout lies that can be disproven by a click of the mouse by a child of limited intelectual abiltity or teachability.


  3. I sure hope he doesnt whisk them away to the place of satety regardless of the outcome on the 20th.... as I have children stuck in that cult! And they don't even want to be!

  4. Joel Hilliker today

    Watching the news, Mr. Flurry’s statement that Donald Trump will remain America’s president seems impossible. Because even if facts emerge showing incontrovertible election fraud, American media are in lockstep with radical Democrats to block the truth from ever reaching the average American.

    What happened? Fire from heaven devoured that sacrifice. God backed up His servant. Imagine what it would have looked like if He didn’t. But He did.

    We don’t know how God will intervene. Like many of our readers, we on the Trumpet staff have looked at the Constitution and the political situation and the Bible, and we have thought perhaps God would intervene this way, or that way, or maybe this other way. We don’t know how, but we trust that some way God will intervene so His prophecies will be fulfilled.

    And after consulting with the people, the king sent who to the front of the army? The archers? The armored? The cavalry? The infantry? No, the singers. They put the choir in the front, so convinced were they that they would not have to fight.

    And they didn’t.

    “And when they began to sing and praise, the Eternal set an ambush against the men of Ammon, Moab, and

    I have instructed the Secret Service to again screen the Choir on the Capitol steps upon membership of PCG or any other unpatriotic organisation. Being especially alert when the choir starts to sing.

    What a waste of energies.

    As we speak Marine One is landing on the WH lawn to start the removal of orange man and initiate the disproval of the liar and idiot Gerald Flurry.


  5. I hope who ever is sworn in today will banish Flurry and his group from the United States.


  6. “Gerald Flurry has been stating in sermons and in his official church rags that Trump will remain in office and Biden will NOT be sworn into office as President on January 20th.”

    Whatever Satan's false prophet Gerald Flurry says, expect the opposite.

    This means that Donald Trump could have continued on as president and made America great again (MAGA) if it had not been for That Runt saying it would happen, which practically guaranteed that it would not.


  7. "I hope who ever is sworn in today will banish Flurry and his group from the United States."

    Isn't that what Flurry said will happen?

  8. 5:24

    The United States government is closely working with the Governor of Pitcairn island to offer and harbor shelter for the Flurry group.

    In close contacts and ongoing negotiations with the eclesiastal head of said group G. Flurry, the government is taking into consideration its demands for apropriation of the title.

    "Lord of the Flies"


  9. This is an apocalyptic Millerite cliché. Or it is their High Liturgy. From internet sources:

    "Houteff's wife, Florence, assumed the group's leadership after Victor's death in 1955. Florence Houteff almost immediately published her revelation that the apocalypse would occur on April 22, 1959. When the apocalypse failed to materialize, the Davidians fell into chaos, and Ben Roden, leader of a splinter group dating to 1955 known as the Branch Davidians (this group referred to Jesus Christ as the Branch), emerged as the new leader.

    And years later, at the end of this story arc:

    "Other Branch Davidians, led by Clive Doyle, continue to believe Koresh was a prophet and await his resurrection, along with the followers who were killed."

    Doesn't this have a familiar ring to it? Or maybe it is like the flavor of some unpalatable spice that you tasted long ago, decided that you didn't like, but still recognize. Or maybe it is what some people call deja vu.

    I will make a prophecy of my own. I confidently predict. When Christ returns, something the Splinterists incessantly talk up, Splinterdom will be appalled. Christ will be 5'1" and weight 110 pounds like the average Palestinean Jew in his time. And he will look a lot like Carlos Santana. And when this happens, most of the Splinterists will opt for some other religion, one where they can continue to wait for a White god to return.

    ******* For Disclaimer click on my icon

  10. I thought we'd already seen reports that Lil' Stevie has begun framing his father's comments as "analysis" rather than inspired prophecy. Considering all the other crap the PCG members have swallowed, it shouldn't be hard to convince them that GRF correctly understood (or heard from God) that Trump would win the election, but didn't hear anything about the detail, irrelevant to GRF's analysis, that Biden's people would steal the election.

  11. From the Governor of Pitcain Island

    We have only one village here on the island. No room for Flurryites.

    We are preparing to repel any invaders.

    Our choir is in place at the harbour

  12. Looks like "FLURRY" is melting down, like a snowman!

  13. The ministers and Flurry would just change their dialogue and people will continue to believe them. It’s not the first time they would be wrong about prophecy.

  14. Well, Joe Biden certainly portrayed himself as an angel of light in his inauguration speech.

  15. When did Mitch Miller take over Gerald Flurry's Church?

  16. https://godcannotbecontained.blogspot.com/2021/01/calling-out-false-prophet.html

  17. To their credit, TheTrumpet.com still has "Why Donald Trump Will Remain America's President" on its website right now - at 5:34 p.m. Edmond time. Even a home page link to it.

    How they'll spin their way around that.... stay tuned, I guess.

    1. Idiots! They still have that article up there - more than one day after inauguration! Do they still believe it will somehow happen?? Is God going to wind back time so Joe Biden isn’t inaugurated??!

      For anyone still in the PCG, it’s time wake up and admit that Gerald Flurry is a false prophet!

  18. I am surprised that the Flurrys have drunk the Kool-Aid and gone so far down the Trump rabbit hole. They sort of deify Herbert Armstrong, and Armstrong always kept overt partisan politics out of the Plain Truth. It was obvious that HWA and GTA and most of the ministry and most of the members leaned heavily right in their political sympathies, but that was not expressed so much in the church literature. Not so with the Flurries: they are ardent Trumpies, with The Donald even featured on the cover of the church magazine. I really thought that the Flurrys would adhere more closely to the editorial policies of their idol Herbert. Unfortunately, God has let them down, for Biden is president. Perhaps Flurry's prognostications will now transfer to the junior Trumps.

  19. EDMOND, OK (BLOG) - Loud gasps could be heard outside the protective fence of Herbert W. Armstrong College today, as Joe Biden took the oath to become the 46th President of the U.S.

    "Strike him dead!" a few students chanted - appealing for God to miraculously intervene on behalf of President/Pastor-General/Prophet/King Gerald Flurry.

    Flurry predicted for weeks that Biden would not take office, and God would arrange for Donald Trump to remain in the White House.

    "How could this be?" said a student who asked not to be identified. "We checked all the verses Mr. Flurry said. They're all in the King James. Doesn't that prove he's right?"

    Staff members of The Trumpet reportedly placed calls to Trump's Mar-A-Lago resort in Florida during the afternoon. It's not clear if they want to vacation there, set up a Feast of Tabernacles site at the resort, or take jobs where they can slip Trump with copies of Flurry's prophecies about him.


  20. To continue with that quote from that Joel Hilliker article:

    "Many people are watching us closely. If God does not intervene, a lot of people would feel justified in accusing Mr. Flurry of being a false prophet."

    Ya don't say...
    It's almost as if failed prophetic pronouncements have consequences.

  21. Steven Flurry said in his most recent Trumpet daily program that just as Christ resurrected a dead twelve year old girl, God can like wise resurrect the situation to give Trump a second term.

    It seems like they are trying to manipulate God to bend to their will rather than thy will be done.

  22. What if I told you that the military is in Washington D.C. not to protect Biden against Trump supporters, or to observe an inauguration. The troops are there because there was an illegitimate president who was put into office by a foreign power, and they are also witness to the completion of the crime.

    If you don't think the military is in charge, listen to this: Major General William Walker said during an interview that the National Guard has come to Washington DC from all 50 states to help with the peaceful transition TO MILITARY POWER. Yes, he says, "the peaceful transition TO MILITARY POWER." (See this video as reported by ABC within this independent news report: https://conservativeus.com/head-of-dc-national-guard-says-that-the-national-guard-is-helping-with-peaceful-transition-to-military-power-video/).

    Did you know that 2,000 National Guard soldiers were sworn into their new roles by Chief Deputy U.S. Marshal Lamont Ruffin of the District of Columbia on January 17 in a ceremony on the National Mall? They are deputized so officially can arrest anyone charged by a court, even a military court. And did you know they are to be there for 30 days?

    "The 25th Amendment is of zero risk to me but will come back to haunt Joe Biden and the Biden administration," President Trump said last Tuesday as he visited the southern U.S.-Mexico border wall in Texas. What does he know that we don't?

    Expect the military to act against an illegitimate president--to press forward with the saving of our Republic from these traitors and foreign enemies.

    If what I say is true, that means Gerald Flurry will appear to have been right all along; oh well--I'd rather the nation be saved no matter who benefits from this act of justice.

    1. Looks like you were as wrong as the false prophet, Gerald Flurry.

    2. I'm with you..I would rather our nation be saved.


      Gerald Flurry was not the only one claiming Trump would stay in. As we all know, there were thousands upon thousands who were behind Trump and exposing election fraud. IF, Flurry would have been sole proclaimer of Trump remaining president..kind of like Noah and his sons building the Ark while everyone else scoffed..then maybe I would be impressed.

  23. 12:29
    Your information is extremely important. Thank you very much. We are using that for our analysis on how the radical right is thinking and what narratives are out there.

    If you are interested the explanation is very simple.

    A) We'll see then what foreign power gets the most benefits the coming 4 years. Mexico/jobs perhaps. Yeah the President of Mexico put Biden there. I'm sure.

    B) I've been among military people all my life. They tend to mispeak at times and do not always use the right political language.

    C) The National Guard was sworn in because otherwise they would have no business containing large crowds of civilians like those far right groups that stormed the Capitol. So the extension of limited power was a necessary legal step for possible crowd control.

    D) Trump's 25th amendment on Biden.
    Trump just meant that Biden was an old man and perhaps prone to forgetting things perhaps even implying Alzheimers. This means that at some point in time Kamala Harris might be sworn in as president within Biden's term. However this would be a rare occurencde since Ronald Reagan in his last term was not too well, not too present at important meetings. But in our great democracy the government of a nation does not depend on one single person not even the President. There's plenty of capable people around to run the nation,, ESPECIALLY under the new government as compared to the latter.

    E) Wat a foolish comment to expect the military to act against an illegitemate president.
    The chain of command is clear even with an incapacitated president or government. At worst they would have to obey the commands of a temporary commission existing of senior members Congress. Never ever would the military have the legal authority to move a stone without prior political consent.

    Suppose in case of crazy military figure taking the reigns and nuclear codes in Washington.
    China would immediately start dumping dollars on the financial markets in concert with Japan and Germany and no military person would be payed their salary as the USA collapses within 24 hours.

    As a matter of fact the world has been preparing for the craziest of scenario's coming from the USA as most of the industrialized world has in the past 10 years repatriated their gold from the New York vaults.

    I love your narrative. I might just use it for a Hollywood production. The first Covid movies are out. But they are boring as not much happens with everyone in lockdown.

    I THOROUGHLY enjoyed the people climbing the Capitol walls. Men NOTHING beats that view of Zombies climbing the walls. Hollywood needs to come up with something completely different now that the image of crawling zombie maggots making screeching sounds has been spoiled and overtaken by reality.


  24. I do think those in the PCG including Flurry are reading and believing these conspiracy theories, especially because they play in to his “prophecy”

    1. All they have in the PCG is conspiracy theories. As Stephen Flurry recently said, they have to go into the deepest part of the internet to find the “truth”.

    2. The deepest part of the internet harbors Bill Gates source code from when he still ran microsoft.

      It's "covid-19" but can't remember if it had capitals or lower case and I have just one more try to go before being locked. I also forgot my mobile phone password with 10.000 bitcoin I bought for 1 dollar in the early days.

      No really.
      The only thing worthwile seeing, if they are searching on the Darknet, is their faces when they discover that their "beloved fascist germans" are led and organized by "The Base" from the United States and that since discovering that, they are monitored by intelligence services of 5 countries.

      That is what "deep searching" means if you are not into weapons or children in pizza parlor basements.


  25. The only reason the COG leaders preach nonstop conspiracy theories and prophecies, is fear. Both are the perfect instruments to hammer fear into the members heads. And they need fearful sheep; fearful sheep don’t dare to question things and will stay where they are.

    1. When you’re in the PCG, you want to believe so badly. You don’t want to be wrong and certainly don’t want the church to be wrong. You turn a blind eye to seemingly obvious discrepancies. Then you get to a point where you can no longer deny the truth and then you leave. Once you’ve left, you cannot understand how you believed what you used to believe in the PCG. Their inconsistencies, lies and hypocrisy become more obvious every day and you wish you left sooner. All the time, tithe and offerings they robbed you of.

      All cults run their course and it looks like the PCG is coming to the end of theirs. We will know once they start sell their assets i.e. Edstone or the jet, etc.

    2. That is so very accurate, also when you leave you’ll wonder why on earth you put up with the abuse for so long....it may not even register that you were treated in a way that is Not normal, because it was just a normal part of your life for so long. The culture in there is awful!

    3. The PCG are probably getting Edstone ready to sell. They’ve reported on the renovations they’ve been doing on the property. With Wayne Turgeon going over there, he’s probably tasked with selling it. I’m sure they’ll just tell us that just like the WCG sold off Bricketwood when they had finished with it, we’re doing the same. We’ve finished with it and no longer need it. The reality is that Satan is “attacking the church” and we can’t afford to keep it.

    4. Nah, Wayne and Laura are going over there so they can travel Europe.

  26. Wayne and Laura are there to travel Europe.
    It’s as simple as that.

    1. Sure Grant, whatever you say...

    2. Not grant..lol my point was that they are there to travel Europe on the churches dime and live in England, all the fun stuff Laura’s always wanted to do. Who doesn’t want an all expense paid European vacation ???

  27. 2:07

    Travel won't be possible till at least july.

    Anyway, I hopw they do, I hope they do.
    Not many PCG ministers ever show any intellectual curiosity. And now we see this terrible steep descend into "main stream" conspiracy theories.

    I was hoping they would just continue their path of false prophecies and jingo british israelism, but since 2020 they openly hooked on to the most extreme mainstream right wing conspiracy theory pundits and Russian false narrative propaganda websites trying to destablize western democracies. Their credibility which already was below freezing is descending into below Siberian levels.

