Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, January 11, 2021

United Church of God Members Living In Fear?


Victor Kubik writes in his January 7, Personal From The President:

Let me speak plainly. I know that many in our assembly preferred the current U.S. President and hoped that he would be re-elected. I know that there exist many theories and concerns regarding the veracity of the election process. I personally even warned in previous columns of turbulent times before and after the Nov. 3 election. 
Many have been anxious, even fearful, of the outcome of a complete switch of political power at the federal level in the United States. People living in the United States generally enjoy what others in the world regard as a prosperous, even luxurious life. We living in America have been the recipients of multiple and sustained blessings—both physical and spiritual—from God. The unparalleled religious freedom in America serves as an extraordinary platform to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God. Humanly, we don’t want this to change. 
Now we have just come through a trying and difficult year of pandemic and economic upheaval. Many hoped for a return to the economic growth and stability of prior years. With the outcome of the election, many feel threatened. 
To compound all of this, today’s violence followed news that a runoff election in Georgia had flipped two Senate seats, effectively handing control of the U.S. Senate to the Democratic Party, who already controlled the House of Representatives. For those anxious about the future of the United States, this only heightened their fears. Nothing appears to stand in the way of a godless progressive agenda, further blurring, even eroding, cherished biblical values. 
As of Jan. 20, the world will have the uncertainty of a new American president and a dramatic shift in political power that has not occurred since the 19th century. For some, this has further frayed confidence in the national fabric. 
But I want to emphasize that we who are humbly privileged to be part of the spiritual assembly of the living God must set aside fear. Regardless of who is president of the United States, president of the People’s Republic of China or president of the Russian Federation, God is still in control!

Not only is it UCG members who are afraid, but even more are also afraid in the Philadelphia Church of God, Restored Church of God, and those 299 caucasian members of the improperly named "continuing" Church of God. Many other OCG groups also whip their members into a frenzy thanks to the conservative leading church leaders. 

COG members have always traditionally dwelled in the conservative areas of politics and if they were allowed to vote would overwhelming would have voted Republican. Several groups openly brag about how they get their news off NewsMax and other right-leaning sites. These are also the same media organizations that they put their advertising on.

The sad thing is that we have professional fear-mongers leading so many of the COG's today that capitalize upon every negative thing they can find. Take away their negativity and they will be whimpering in the corner not knowing what to do as their members might finally be able to enjoy life.

Fear has always been a great motivator in the Church of God. Herbert Armstrong knew how to capitalize upon fear to keep the money flowing in and members compliant. From Ron Weinland, to Dave Pack, to theological bankrupt Bob Thiel, fear is the only thing they can use to keep themselves ever so slightly relevant in the COG movement. 


  1. UCG never prophesied that Trump would be re-elected. They'll be happy to absorb the exodus of PCG members who finally wake up and see that their Prophet is at a loss and has no idea what's going on around him.

  2. PCG members are not going to go to UCG. They've already been conditioned that UCG is a liberal cesspool of filth and degradation.

  3. It’s easy to see Gerald Westin gets hyped up on right wing media. He rarely fails to mention something about “leftists” in his supposedly religious writings.

  4. Well, at least PCG got something right about UCG.

  5. The statements in this "Personal" bring to mind this famous statement from Isaiah:

    "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil;
    that put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
    that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

    If these people are really heart broken about Mr. Donald, on January 20th they can all pack up and move to some autocratic Banana Republic in South America so as to maintain continuity. Or, since Mr. Donald admires a number of dictators around the world, maybe one of those wonderful nations would be a good choice.

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  6. It is self evident that virtually everyone, church going or not, has unease and insecurity about the future at this present time. 2020 goes down as crazy of a year as any since the whackiness of 1968.

  7. But UCG warned of all the terrible things that would happen if Democrats won the Senate. They're on page 1 of the Nov-Dec Beyond Today.

    Don't get the UCG comparison to the 19th Century. Democrats last controlled the White House and both houses of Congress in 1993-94.

    Remember Mrs. Clinton taking charge of health care reform legislation - only to see it fail? And how Republicans regained the House in the fall of '94, with the "Contract With America?"

  8. a liberal cesspool of filth and degradation.

    ...which ironically enough describes PCG just about perfectly. People who have spent decades isolated in PCG aren't going to re-isolate themselves in another personality cult like RCG or LCG or CCOG. They'll go to UCG or COGWA or leave Armstrongism entirely.

  9. COG leaders like Pack and Flurry are living in fear that their followers will eventually realize that they and someone like Trump are exactly alike in every way.. buffoonish, nepotistic, quivering bowls of ego who see their followers as nothing more than marks to be separated from their money by convincing them that the world is coming to an end and only Dear Leader can save you.

  10. America will parallel the WWCOG falling apart on HwAs death. States will leave the union, which they are legally entitled to do. The USA will be no more.

  11. They will not be going to Bob Thiel either. They consider him a buffoon. Besides, they all have the wrong skin color.

  12. States will leave the union, which they are legally entitled to do.

    You seem to have forgotten that they fought a war about that, and the "states' rights" side lost. The USA is now a federal republic with 50 semiautonomous zones, not a confederation of 50 sovereign states.

  13. 4.10 PM
    The Clinton era is different than today. The world has changed in 25 years.

  14. Reflect back on the 60's with the assassinations of JFK, MLK, RFK,the Tet offensive, riots and the decade ended with the Manson Family members murders in California. Some thought there was no way our nation could recover from the 60's. A few years into the 70's and the Pentagon Papers showed us that our government has been lying to us for years about S.E. Asia, Watergate exposed that the Nixon Administration was a criminal enterprise in the White House. Trust in authority figures plummeted. Yet, we recovered to some degree and moved ahead. We will get through this period of crisis, fear and grief. I try to spend less time keeping up with the news and focus more on hobbies and ministry.

  15. I stopped by to check if a mugshot of Mark Armstrong might turn up among those from last week's attempted insurrection, given his insane diatribes that get re-posted on this blog from time to time. The son of WCG's original Pussy Grabber isn't shy about being an unhinged cuckoo so I figured there would be a non-zero chance we'd find out he went to riot with the mob.

  16. Anonymous January 11, 2021 at 4:44 PM
    ...States will leave the union, which they are legally entitled to do...

    But, we’ll probably see history repeat and an autocratic president provoke a civil war to keep these states “united.”

  17. 6:00 PM

    People forgot the sixties and evil like Manson. It's the psychology of having a far harder time loosing or giving up things and excesses, than living through perilious times.

    Through the controlling powers of technology we will be ushered into a time of peace.

    I never felt safer at night on the streets when visiting dictatorship in Central Asia and the Middle East.


  18. 5.36 PM
    Actually the war wasn't about 'states rights' (the pretext), but rather about freedom versus slavery. Since the Democrats have gone full communist, the present cold 'civil war' and coming hot civil war will be about the same issue. The Democrats are dreaming if they think that people will resign themselves to a United States of Comrades.

  19. 12:08

    Get an education.

    Although I see your point about the question whether it would be legal for the Federal Government to intervene in (the newly formed) States on the question of slavery which was by any standard IMMORAL and against the founding principles of the United States itself. One of the many contradictions between the ideals and reality.

    So yes it was about States Rights unless you would like to argue the morality of Original Slavery.

    I do not believe for a moment ANY COG leader has instilled the type of fear in members to keep them in the cult. The trick seems to have been to filter all negative data and create the alternative reality of a "dangerous world" out there.

    Likewise people believing in a "commie democrat coup" live in an alternative reality created by their own news filter, resisiting reality and the reality that is currently reshaping the United States into its REAL AND DEMOCRATIC reality instead of the filter bubble of a reality that even 10 years ago did not match true demographics.

    Get a grip on reality you culties either religious or political.


  20. Whats going on at the compound?

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. But UCG warned of all the terrible things that would happen if Democrats won the Senate

    Yes, they may enact the GND. Where would ministers be without their muscle cars, and where would Bob Thiel be without the weather problems brought about by Climate Change?

    they and someone like Trump are exactly alike in every way

    There was a travel program (Rick Steves) that went through the techniques used by Hitler to get most of Germany behind him. The people watching with me didn't see the similarity with what happened here over the last few years - except we didn't invade Poland...

  23. Anonymous (7:30)

    Excellent observation. I saw parts of Rick Steves' presentation on the rise of fascism in Europe. PBS also has a series on the rise of Nazism in Germany. And I just saw a movie directed by Terrence Malick titled "A Hidden Life." (Because of similar life events I resonated with the movie.) The similarities one finds in these presentations with our recent history are blatant. A sermon through a megaphone.

    The elephant in the room. Conservatives don't like Armstrongists. Armstrongists don't vote. Armstrongists believe in conscientious objection to military service. Armstrongists do not believe in working in the Defense industry or Law Enforcement. Armstrongists believe we ought to obey God and not man (supposedly). This places Armstrongist at odds with The Body Politic. And on the cult level, would The Donald regard favorably any group that would not vote for him? Yet, Armstrongists see themselves, it seems, as good conservatives. I assure that good conservatives regard Armstrongists as misfits, if not unpatriotic. Armstrongists need to wake up and smell the coffee.

    HWA argued strongly in favor of "the church" not fiddling with politics. Every time this happens, he wrote, disaster occurs. Yet we find Splinterists cozying up to The Donald not realizing that he who rides the lion might end up in its stomach.

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  24. 7:30

    "we didn't invade Poland"

    Please, the entire Russian response is based on the fact that Nato did. Look at the movements of US armored brigades through Poland the past 6 months and compare that with the agreements made by GWBush sr, Germany and the Soviet Union regarding future Nato military presence in the former Eastern bloc.

    At present it looks like both the German government and the French have many questions regarding the Trump ban from twitter.

    Germany might have to invade the USA to protect free speech.


  25. Addendum:

    Instead of Armstrongists cozying up to The Donald, they should be taking a totally different strategy - a strategy of thanksgiving. They should be giving thanks daily that we have a democratic system that enforces checks and balances on the likes of The Donald. Without these checks and balances and the sheer force of public will (at least half the public) there was a significant risk that The Donald would have imposed rank autocracy on the home of the free and land of the brave.

    Let me show you what that rank autocracy looks like. When Hitler was retreating to his bunker near the end of the war, there was an electrical problem. An electrician was ordered to fix the problem. But the electrician, a devout Christian, refused because it was his Day of Rest. So he was stood up against a wall and summarily shot to death. Problem solved. No ifs, ands or buts.

    Armstrongists should pray every day and give thanks that the Democrat Party managed to interdict what seemed like a terrifying shift in the US government towards autocracy - a to begin with a rescinding of the right to free elections - something that would not have benefitted Armstrongism in the least.

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  26. The original post concluded with writing of fear: "...Fear has always been a great motivator in the Church of God...fear is the only thing they can use to keep themselves ever so slightly relevant in the COG movement...."
    What's new? We know God's Church, over 1900 years ago, experienced fear:

    "And deliver them who through FEAR of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage." Hebrews 2:15

    Why? Verse 14 gives the answer for that particular fear's cause within God's Church.

    Victor, commenting on setting fear aside in his Association, emphasized: "...we who are humbly privileged to be part of the spiritual assembly of the living God must set aside fear...God is still in control!..."

    How confident is Victor that he and his association is associated with that living God, and that that living God isn't elsewhere with "another" xcog hireling of e.g.: living, continuing, philadelphia, restored, cowa, former wcg, etc.? It would be interesting if Vic would explain, with or without scripture, that "God is still in control" of his United Ass., b/c a minister, once upon a time, sent the following message to Victor, who read it (2 May 1995) to about 150 xcog hirelings & wives of the former wcg who had voted UCGAIA (subsequently changed to ucgia) at the Indianapolis Conference into existence.

    CAN IT EVER BE? That cohesive, Christ-led entity that we all want so dearly? Or does Indy seal our fate to factions and factions? The hopes are high, the stakes are critical. Indy will be either a dawning of a New World Tomorrow, or the proof of our folly.

    PIE IN THE SKY is what the detractors say. Some of them are us, you know. Our “leaders” have already laid foundations and are even laying superstructure. The meek words of just a few weeks ago… “We’ve just started this in case it’s of any help, but we’ll gladly dissolve it” are seemingly replaced with corporate structure lauding the wisdom of “follow me.” Has “unity” already slipped to a cliché, a buzzword of egotists? I’ve seen that once people invest time, money and gain supporters they “have God’s blessing.” After all, they prayed about it.

    Dissolution of their structure for a greater cause becomes too great a defeat. The show must go on.

    WHAT IS INDY? It’s a chance for a ground up, New Testament organized body of believers.

    WHAT WILL INDY BE? I know what you and I want it to be. But do you know what many see it as? Separate leaders of several pre-formed groups pushing their system at each other, followed by the winner selling it to the ministry. The ministry is invited to view the outcome and cast in their lot, depending on who "wins" and if they like the smell of it.

    WHO LOOSES IF INDY FALTERS? The churches back home. The little flocks who are staking their faith in Indy. The loyal pastors who have forfeited everything to wait on Christ and to come learn his will for their next step. I hope He’s there. He resists the proud and gives grace to the humble.

    Just some concerns and fears…I don’t know what it WILL be, I know what it MIGHT be and what it CAN be. I’ll be there in support. Be careful who gets control. Make sure it’s God.
    That was spoken over 26 years ago, and Vic still has his mind on fear and control...as if anyone in the United Ass had any power to make sure God was in control.

    We know the Bible speaks about another spirit, another Jesus, another gospel. Might there also be "another God?"

    Oh, and if that weren't enough, could there be "another fear" that one should have? Jesus did tell us the following:

    Luke 1:50 “And his mercy is on them that FEAR him from generation to generation.”

    Another good trait of that fear David was inspired to write:

    "By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the FEAR of the LORD men depart from evil." Proverbs 16:6

    We would not want to set that FEAR aside.

    Well, to fear or not to fear? That is a question, and

    Time will tell...


  27. @NEO, “ ..... They should be giving thanks daily that we have a democratic system that enforces checks and balances ......”

    You forget something there NEO: Armstrongists don’t know how to deal with that. They don’t know how a ‘system of checks and balances’ works, because the COG leaders have always taught them that the leadership is never accountable.

    The entire concept of democracy is alien to them because of what they get taught in the ‘churches of god’.

  28. Nck wrote:

    ""we didn't invade Poland"

    Please, the entire Russian response is based on the fact that Nato did. Look at the movements of US armored brigades through Poland the past 6 months and compare that with the agreements made by GWBush sr, Germany and the Soviet Union regarding future Nato military presence in the former Eastern bloc."

    You are so full of crap it is unbelievable. Russia invaded Poland from the East as Germany was invading from the west. Russia's concern was that England and France would do nothing to stop Germany's advance. Stop being a know-it-all and read some history for once in your life

    1. 10:51
      I said the last 6 months.
      Learn to read, learn to learn.

  29. "we didn't invade Poland"

    Sorry if this line seemed inappropriate. It was meant as a light ending to the comparison between The Fuhrer and The Donald.

  30. Neo,
    You are so wrong. Explain the Trump autocracy with facts that show the loss of rights of citizens as opposed to the obvious loss of rights celebrated by the democrat party. Trump has supported individual rights as listed in the constitution and it has resulted in an uptick in the economy the deocrats thought not possible pre-Covid of course.

  31. a little more History, Folks:
    Russia had already concluded NonAgression pact with Nazi Germany which INCLUDED getting
    Eastern Part of Poland. Russia's concern's actually were Valid, England and France
    really didn't do anything that would have saved Poland anyway!

  32. Neo,
    You are so wrong. Explain the Trump autocracy with facts that show the loss of rights of citizens as opposed to the obvious loss of rights celebrated by the democrat party. Trump has supported individual rights as listed in the constitution and it has resulted in an uptick in the economy the deocrats thought not possible pre-Covid of course.
    Sorry, but you could not be more wrong; his constituents support individual freedom and you apparently have only listened to that which confirms your bias.

  33. January 12, 2021 at 10:51 AM
    "You are so full of crap it is unbelievable"

    Getting to know nck are you. I banned him long ago. Runs his mouth like he is ministry.

  34. We are in a world awash with information. But no one knows anything.
    Who do we believe?
    A new headline each minute of each day and still we are none the wiser.
    What has been will be again.
    Nation states come and go. Remember the USSR. An impregnable colossus,yet it is no more.
    What ever is ahead for the US we can be sure of one truth, Big Bwana Bob and co have no fri.cking idea,lol.

  35. 10.46 AM
    The ACOGs teach that God leads His ministers, hence they are near infallible. So democracy and checks and balances are unnecessary.
    In practise this amounts to government by men rather than government by laws. Since the ministers believe have they have the right to define reality, who are the peasant members to complain.

  36. The ACOGs teach that God leads His ministers, hence they are near infallible.

    How could anyone look at the last 30 years of WCG/splinter history and take seriously the idea that God's ministers have any extra ability to speak for God? Even if you are in the largest groups, you have to admit that 90%+ of those who were ever ordained are not now teaching what your church teaches (or what their old church teaches or used to teach). Either God's leadership is pretty pathetic, or ministers are pretty evil, for there to be such a low rate of success or obedience.

  37. The spirit of our nation already died last year when we Americans were tyrannically made to sacrifice our most treasured freedoms to which we are entitled, those of free dine-in soft drink refills and endless breadsticks. It's in the First McMendment.

  38. Earl:

    Do you think that gaslighting neo-Nazis, White Supremacists and other right-wing groups might have an influence on anybody's individual rights? Do you think that cozying up to Moscow might translate into an influence on the individual rights of all Americans? Do you think a lackadaisical attitude towards Covid might have affected anyone's individual rights. Or politicizing the wearing of a mask? Or inciting insurrection?

    Germans in 1939 had protected individual rights as long as they did what Hitler wanted them to do. Germans were totally free to terrorize and murder Jews. That was way more freedom that other people in other nations had.

    And all of this was done before he was able to dismantle our democracy. He was only starting and look how bad it was already.

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  39. James said, “ Getting to know nck are you. I banned him long ago. Runs his mouth like he is ministry.”

    No, I figured out his nonsense a long time ago. The guy is so full of himself he does not make sense. I think he has the same personality disorders Thiel and Pack have.

    1. Wow besides being illiterate 8:41 now claims to be licensed to issue professional guidance as a psychiatrist.

      Interesting to see what type of persons are allowed here to exercise "unfounded opinions" under the guise of free speech.

      A shame.


  40. Correct nck is indeed ministry. He has an uncontrollable temper which carries over clearly on here too.

  41. Nck
    Free speech is by definition the right to disagree with others. So it can by "founded" or "unfounded" opinions. People can by completely right or completely wrong or any where in between. They have a right to this. That's what freedom means.

  42. nck said:
    Interesting to see what type of persons are allowed here to exercise "unfounded opinions" under the guise of free speech. A shame.

    Free speech is all about expressing your opinion whether controversial, offensive or “unfounded” nck. What is truly shameful is the silencing of those whose opinions disagree with those who have the power to declare them heretics and excommunicate them from the community. Coming from a cult one would think you would value such freedom even—especially—for those with whom you disagree with otherwise it won’t be too long till those same powers give you the same choice to “convert or die” silencing your free voice too.

  43. Neo,

    Thanks for responding. Did you mean to use the term "gaslighting" as I generally thought one gaslighted those they want to injure and destabilize? Maybe that is what you are driving at. Whatever the case, you mean some communication to these groups without exactly expressing the underlying desires (e.g. a dog whistle). In some ways I think you give Trump too much credit in being able to guard his speech for months and years on end. He generally says what he means at some point. I need much more proof that he has desires to utilize neo-nazis when his much loved daughter and family is Jewish. His history reveals awards and other such blah blah blah of supporting blacks. He has that personality of some white supremacist types, but I see no actual white supremacist leanings; a lot of black males supported him. I tend to believe he makes a point of not condescending based on race or saying the "sweet nothings" of other pandering politicians that could have seemingly given him the Presidency. Despite the 24/7 negative characterization of Trump by the media, amazingly a substantial percentage of the black population apparently appreciated that he just treated people as people not focusing on race-- now, I do think he has some narcissist leanings so that may account for some of it. I have not seen other "right wing" groups lean on the individual rights of people. But, the perpetual riots supported by the Dem party have. You should be glad I didn't pearl clutch in the manner of others since you drew the Hitler analogy even though there is little comparison (Trump has encouraged less centralization, the 2nd amendment, and other individual and business rights), but then again, I don't wear pearls.

    You probably know the arguments for why I don't think Trump hurt the Covid response: look at masked CA right now, look at masked Europe right now, apparently masked areas in this country have had a higher death rate, look at what Pelosi and and de Blasio said and did at beginning of covid to encourage mass gatherings, look what evil the Dem governors did to their populations early on and particularly the killing fields they perpetrated in the nursing homes, FURTHER there are individual rights/values that must be considered- right to assemble, right to speech, right to your own body- and in some instances reasonably infringed. The covid response has not been reasonable or, as I'm sure you agree, consistent in the Fauci groups guidelines of who should and should not be open for business or which form of transportation is suitable (airlines). Some asymptomatic maskless guy passing you in a restaurant has almost no chance of passing covid on to you, but the masked guy in the plane beside you and BREATHING has a far better chance.

    The Dems are terrible. they support the very things hurting our culture. We need more decentralized government but the Dems are old scolds and control freaks that shudder at the idea of a more local control in government.

  44. The Moscow connection was debunked by the way. Though there is a Biden money trail and transactions to Moscow (and Ukraine, and China, and etc.)

  45. 2:57, 4:21

    I do fuly agree with you both.

    Interesting though you picked the "free speech" part of the sentence.

    My objection was against the "type of persons", who freely distribute psychiatric diagnose without being licensed to do so and worse, do not even pretend to have read what I write but DO feel FREE to respond to things I did not say NOR claimed.

    No one is under obligation to take notice of what I write. But when one feels the need to respond I HOLD them accountable to not misrepresent the information I disperse.


  46. Earl.

    I think you make a few good points.

    My general position is that Trump is incompetent to lead a people, perhaps a company, although I as a shareholder of Deutsche Bank wish to dispute that for now as he still owes "me" 300 million dollars.

    Like you I do not believe Trump is a racist and perhaps not even a bad person.
    In my opinion he is just incompetent for the job he was elected to do, an old geezer not able to understand the times or the changes that are needed for the future and to clearly lead a people into its destiny that needs to be carved out on a not so level playing field.

    His incompetence has led him to bully friends and enemies alike, friends that are buying American debt to allow the USA to enjoy its exceptionalism AS LONG AS THE REST OF THE WORLD LIKES IT. No nuclear arsenal ensures USA's status, only the assessment by its friends and foes that the USA lives up to its promise that ensured the initial investment to even found the nation agains all odds.

    Or you must believe that a bunch of peasants was able to defend the British Army and fleet because of their "Belief" in freedom. Please, grow up if that is the case.

    It's about investment, promise and return on that investment. Peace dividends are part of that deal.

    Trump the people who support him can see and "feel", as you do, that "culture is changing".
    This leads them to FEAR.
    They walk right in the trap of FEAR and focus like a deer on the blinding light of a leader who promises to remove that fear and take them BACK to something they knew or think they are familiar with, Make America great AGAIN/////repeat AGAIN.

    It is the fear of losing instead of the anticipation for something NEW based on NEW (demographic) realities and NEW challenges.

    I plead to let Trump go. No prosecutions, no lawsuits.
    He was my hero in the 1980's. "Greed is good", Ronald Reagan trickle down economy is genius.

    Falsehoods from the past.

    Let's move on to the future, bright and promising under a new government that at least gives the impression of representing the People.


  47. So Nck is interpreting Nck in his 7.49 AM post. How about Nck holding Nck accountable to make his comments understandable?

  48. Nck holding himself accountable? ROTFLMAO then BMHATW! He has said so many outlandish and off the wall stuff that even he can't keep up with what he says. Next to Bobbie Thiel the church has never seen a more perfect man.

  49. nck,
    Sadly, I'm okay with letting Trump go as I believe the media and he himself interacting with media has damaged him too much. I believe he saved us from Hillary and whether you agree or are wrong (snicker), his was a successful presidency simply for that, but there was more. He was in fact an evermore peacetime president as he helped broker mideast peace agreements and remove more of our troops from harm's way. I won't go through the litany of accomplishments but there is quite a list. I'm sorry so many cannot see it.

  50. Nck, you said:

    Let's move on to the future, bright and promising under a new government that at least gives the impression of representing the People.

    I believe Trump represents the "People" the best and better respects natural rights by having a more limited government. But, I take your line more as representing the "will of the People" and letting this election stand. Though in my opinion, a very foolish choice of the electorate.

  51. Earl.

    I must try to keep on the topic of fear. I draw to much flack already.

    I belueve the sovereign will of the People must be respected. The system ensures that possible foolishness in their choice can be corrected within momths (24).

    As long as the system is respected we should not fear. Isn't the COG problem that they do not have sufficient expression of will, a partial system and arbitrary interpretation of established rules and tradition.

    Trump made a terrible mistake in disrespecting the system and its established traditions. Thereby increasing overall fear among supporters and opponents that should have been channeled through the system.

    I refer you to the extreme debates during the Adams vs Jefferson campaign and especially their success in a peaceful transition of power in the end setting the example for next contenders to follow.

    I do agree that Trump suffered great misrepresentation by the media. I attribute many of his mistakes to the customs of doing business in the real estate market in New York and a general lack of experience in dealing with peoples, allies and the destiny of mankind.

    I did like his wrestle with the Chinese, his generous attempt to appease rocket man.

    But in my opinion he must go. He is a relic of the past. A grim reminder of New York in the 1980's. His antics struck a chord, but are not sufficient to lead the exceptional nation, to lead willing friends or to make up for a long list of wrong policies that also fill quite a list.


  52. Earl:

    I meant "dog whistle" not "gaslight." Got my slang mixed up.

    As regards Trump. Whatever. He's nearly gone now. I'm bored with him. I have seen his angry, pouting visage too much on TV the last few days. History will be his judge. His record as President will be comic relief for students of American History in the future. And soon he may be the orange man: orange skin and orange overalls.


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  53. NEO
    Everyone in their right mind should be bored.

    The issue will be relevant in courses on how to or how not to conduct discourse in the political arena and the possible resurection in the spirit and subsequent 2nd coming scenario of the phenomenon.


  54. Nck,
    Trump gave a heartfelt speech fully denouncing any kind of violence or destruction of property, much unlike the antics of the democrat party that encouraged the rioters to keep it up over the Summer. History will view Trump much more favorably than those hopefully temporarily floundering souls that suffer from “Orange Man Bad Syndrome” (not directed at Neo). The optimist in me hopes Trump’s departure rescues these souls from despairs, but After being saddened by Obama becoming President, I thought, “ well at least this is and provides a golden opportunity to improve race relations.” But, instead Obama used his opportunity as a wedge between people and damaged race relations. What a difference he could have made! The Dems will continue to focus on Trump hoping that will unite their fundamentally bifurcated/trifurcated party that has communists and/or those that give high fives over abortion. Such is the Dem Party and their failed and foolish growing ideology.

  55. Neo,
    Even though you said "bye", I just want to reiterate the above comment about "Orange man bad syndrome" is not directed toward you as I hear the orange man thing all the time. Even though I think you swing and miss on Trump, I recognize the multiple reasons for why people feel this way and like your non-political contributions here.

  56. Earl

    I'm still not decided if Trump is a cunning evil man or just plain inexperienced in the political, diplomatic, democratic mores, customs and procedures of the Republic having his best try. In both cases he is unfit to lead a people.

    Indeed history will judge.

    Presently I am expecting the Democrats to propel the USA into a brighter future.
    However if they dwell on bitter partisan revenge and pushing agenda's 75 million people eligible for voting vehemently oppose OR are not ready to accept YET.

    Worse things are to come.

    I am anticipating a peaceful transition of power, but would urge all security services to follow the increased intercepted chatter of right wing groups and prepare for the worst. Just an observation you people of the NSA reading this posting in the Phillipines, no worries, I'm a friend from Five Eyes.


  57. Nck, get an education yourself!

    No, I'm not 12:08. This is the first time that I've popped in here for weeks.

    WELCOME TO 1984! Comrade!

    War is Peace
    Freedom is Slavery
    Ignorance is Strength

  58. Hi 9:53

    Good to have well read persons around.
    1984. It's been a while since I read my favorite and my Gilpin's commentary on Marx.

    I have fond memories though of the Feast of Tabernacles 1977 or 1978 when they showed Animal Farm at our Feast Site, for family entertainment. Old projector, my family laughing their pants off and me liking the color, which was sn improvement to our black and white or the Square Dance.

    I'm not into socializing and never liked sweat on a girl.


  59. Nck,two legs good, four legs better. From 9:53

  60. Orwell was a true prophet.

    I admit that, since he was/had been an intelligence officer.

    There is no other kind.
    Think of all the sorrows and questions "world leaders" lay at the Oracle of Delphi and what the Priests did with that intelligence. Of course the poor maiden was just a front to get people talking.

    I believe the maiden was a true believer, she must have felt a vessel of God. After all, so many "doors were opened" after her gibberish was pronounced.

    This is the way of the world.

    Remember the wives of Saddat and Mubarak were british, jordan american king british, Thailand American King, I could go on and on to disprove the Anglo Israelite detractors.

