Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Dearest Friends at BannedbyHWA


Greetings Banneditos!

These are the words of myself to the good folk at BannedbyHWA,  who holds the seven stars in my right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands: 2 I know your deeds, your hard work, and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked men, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. 3 You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary...

It has come to my attention that "Apostle", I never knew him, David C Pack is spreading, and I mean spreading, the rumor that I will be returning tomorrow.  As well, I am supposed to return to the Land of Ohio, of which I have never heard.  Besides, it is Super Bowl Weekend. Why would I return on Super Bowl weekend? I have plays to inspire and underdogs to grant their prayers of victory to, or not depending on how I feel.  

So just to be clear.  I have no intention of returning anywhere tomorrow. Dad won't say when I am supposed to but after talking with him, it is clear to me that he is also busy and not trending at all in that direction. Dad does like football however as he says it reminds him of the good old days when he was smiting just about every nation that got in the way of his chosen people.  Speaking of football...who is Bob Thiel?  Love the nicknames.  Bobel-on and on-ia, Bobbalonia and Bobamiah.  LOL...you guys!  We didn't pick him as a salesman either but when he flaps his arms and hands, the whole Host of Heaven gets a chuckle! And those curtains!  

Dad also said that returning on a Friday would put pressure on keeping the Sabbath Holy and restful.  He's read the Book of Revelation, which BTW, I did not inspire either, and he's leaning more to a return on a Monday so at least we have the majority of the week to clean up before the next Sabbath.

I did pass along all 258 sermons DCP gave on why Dad and I simply have to return on all those dates now past. Dad listened to the first one but pretty quickly delegated to me saying he had no time for such rubbish.  I agreed and neither did I so passed it on to Lucifer thinking perhaps he could get some good ideas out of it all.  He just threw the whole thing in the fire and kinda chuckled asking again "who wrote this?  The name sounds familiar".

At any rate, I'm not returning tomorrow and I just wanted to get that out there.  Just a reminder. I was nailed to a cross, not a boomerang!  Dad and I are seriously thinking of cutting out all these salesmen/middlemen thinking it was a mistake to count on them from the beginning.  Talk about the game "Telephone".  The original conversation got garbled real quick long before it got to David C Pack.  But my sense is he garbled it up one last time just so there was no discernable truth left in the original message. Some humans, evidently, just like to muck up stuff like that for gain and fun. We'll speak with him personally soon enough.

And too,  Dad and I have tweaked the message just enough so I actually don't have to return at all.  We decided to go with you live, you better believe on me, you do, you die and up to Heaven you come!   I called it "the Simplicity in Me" program. I'm really a nice guy and please don't equate me with my Dad's OT attitudes.  And please don't tell him I said that!  I'm working on him. Dave Pack is way way too complicated and frankly, I can't imagine how he managed to keep those people gyrating in their seats as long as he has.  But trust me. There is a rest for the people of God and we have scheduled it to begin this coming Friday evening at Sunset.

Love to all.  You have tried those who say they are Apostles and are not and I thank you!

Good job!

Your Friend


PS and too...  I don't consider you scoffers. It wasn't me or dad who came up with that  "a thousand years is as a day and a day as a thousand years."  Whoever wrote that seemed unable to say, "guess we were mistaken" and had to blame someone for "not getting it." I know you are just good observers of the obvious and willing to speak up. Good on ya!


  1. Dennis - OT attitudes?
    Does this mean you are against genocide and slavery?

    Maybe you should go to Israel and find that ladder (that Jacob saw) going up to heaven and let them know!

  2. Dennis
    I got a chuckle out of your post. It was clever. Thanks for a little humor.

  3. .....in the day (1000 years) you eat thereof - Gen 2:17

    After two days (2000 years) will He revive (the resurrection) us; in the third day (1000 years)......- Hosea 6:2. The three days could begin about 760 BC at the time of the earthquake (compare Hosea 1:1 with Amos 1:1). The first day is about 760 BC to 240 AD; second day about/could be 240 AD to 1240 AD; third day 1240 AD to about 2240 AD.

  4. Excellent article about the state of affairs in the church.

  5. Anon 6:02

    I read the scriptures you quoted in Genesis and Hosea several times. I just couldn’t find the 1000 years you referenced. You said the 1st day could have begun ??, the second day could have begun ?? Then the third day could have begun. If a frog had wings he wouldn’t kick himself in the ass every time he jumps.

    I listened to Herbert say over and over surely this would happen in the next 10 years. Back in either the 50’s or 60’s he said Christ would come in the next 20 years. He also said, if he does not return in the next 20 years then you can know for a surety that I (Herbert) am a false prophet and the truth is not in me. Now nothing happened 20 years after he said that. But did that stop Herbert? N0, more wild guesses. By the way I have a recording of that message, it was given over the air. Trouble is people tend to forget something said 20 years ago. I saw absolute proof that Christ was going to come in 1975. A very detailed chart was passed out at AC. All the numbers in Daniel were filled out in a detailed chart. The church would be taken to a place of safety (Petra) in 1972 Spring Holy days, then 3 1/2 years later, fall Holy Days, Christ would return. I had that chart glued to the inside back cover of my Bible.

    All these prophecies invoking God’s name and saying this is from God is blasphemy. Dennis’s satire probably got a chuckle out of God. Some of you righteous people on here think God is just waiting to kill millions of people. A few special church people are going to live in Petra and the rest are going to be hacked to death by the Germans. Then the wonderful world tomorrow will arrive and all the specialty trained church people can rule with a Rod of Iron.

    No thanks!


  6. Anon 6:02

    I read the scriptures you quoted in Genesis and Hosea several times. I just couldn’t find the 1000 years you referenced. You said the 1st day could have begun ??, the second day could have begun ?? Then the third day could have begun. If a frog had wings he wouldn’t kick himself in the ass every time he jumps.

    I listened to Herbert say over and over surely this would happen in the next 10 years. Back in either the 50’s or 60’s he said Christ would come in the next 20 years. He also said, if he does not return in the next 20 years then you can know for a surety that I (Herbert) am a false prophet and the truth is not in me. Now nothing happened 20 years after he said that. But did that stop Herbert? N0, more wild guesses. By the way I have a recording of that message, it was given over the air. Trouble is people tend to forget something said 20 years ago. I saw absolute proof that Christ was going to come in 1975. A very detailed chart was passed out at AC. All the numbers in Daniel were filled out in a detailed chart. The church would be taken to a place of safety (Petra) in 1972 Spring Holy days, then 3 1/2 years later, fall Holy Days, Christ would return. I had that chart glued to the inside back cover of my Bible.

    All these prophecies invoking God’s name and saying this is from God is blasphemy. Dennis’s satire probably got a chuckle out of God. Some of you righteous people on here think God is just waiting to kill millions of people. A few special church people are going to live in Petra and the rest are going to be hacked to death by the Germans. Then the wonderful world tomorrow will arrive and all the specialty trained church people can rule with a Rod of Iron.

    No thanks!


  7. Anon 6:41

    "He also said, if he does not return in the next 20 years then you can know for a surety that I (Herbert) am a false prophet and the truth is not in me."

    Have you got a citation for that? Ie an article or a link to a recorded sermon. Or at the very least, a reference to a date and location he said it in a sermon. That would be helpful.

  8. Jim-AZ
    God using hack-to-death Germans is part of Gods just judgment. You seem to have lived a sheltered life, not realizing how depraved and heartless people can be.

  9. Jim said

    Is there a link to what Herbert said about Christ coming in the next 20 years.

    HTTPS://.youtu.be/kb76qyaC824 the HWA radio broadcast is in the first few minutes He made the statement in a radio broadcast that went out over the air.

