Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Restored Church of God: Edward Winkfield III

Edward Winkfield III

From an RCG source

Bradford Schleifer is not the only man holding apostle Dave's signet. Edward Winkfield has been successfully climbing the ranks of RCG Headquarters' leadership for over a decade. With so many having left, Ed's political savvy has allowed him to slip into influential roles. 

Word on the RCG street is that he is contributing to the darkness of RCG. He is also strengthening Dave's death-like grip on brethren's minds with messages enforcing Dave's way, not God's. 

History is revealing that the most political are the the ones staying and thriving in David C. Pack's cesspool cult.

It's time to share our collective experience of the key people surrounding and giving power to David C. Pack.

What would you say to somebody who has served Dave for over 10 years? Who has witnessed the resignation of scores of HQ employees and ministers? Who, when Dave Pack has become truly delusional and dangerous, has doubled down and held up the charade?

Share your feelings below. Perhaps we can help him... 


  1. THE POST SAID: "Word on the RCG street is that he is contributing to the darkness of RCG"

    MY COMMENT: Is that statement a double entendre? There are not many blacks in any of the COGs, and surely very few in Pack's RCG for sure.

    1. Africa and Caribbean membership and ministry in various COG's not considered by Tonto.


  2. David C. Pack's Bait & Switch Scam

    In the early years of David C. Pack's Bait and Switch scam, David said that his Real Truth magazine would “bring responsible understanding rather than reckless speculation.” This probably sounded wonderful to those who were tired of wrong prophetic guesses always wasting their time, disappointing them, and making them look foolish.

    David Pack called Ronald Weinland a “writer of fiction.” This was absolutely true. Ron wrote prophetic fantasy fiction books. At the time, it sounded like Dave was criticizing Ron for it, but later it began to look more like envy and that Dave wanted to be an even greater writer of prophetic fantasy fiction.

    Dave Pack accused other ministers in other splinter groups of “vomiting” on their hearers. There was some truth to this. They really were vomiting on their hearers. Later, Dave got with the program and began to vomit too.

    Starting with Dave Pack's big prophetic guess for August 31, 2013, which totally failed in spite of all of Dave's “proofs” for it, Dave has been coming up with nothing but reckless speculation. There is no responsible understanding in the RCG cult at this point. Dave Pack's own doctrinal vomit has now exceeded that of almost all the other vomiters that came before him.

  3. Winkfield filled in Greg Kaidannek’s spot and he seems to have it all. Nice smile, smooth talker, fun easygoing guy..

    Until ..... you get in some trouble with the RCG. Next stop: Winkfield. Not so ‘Winky’ anymore. In fact a very unpleasant personality comes to light.

    Ed Winkfield is a double faced man, serving another double faced man. And he is there for one reason only; power.

  4. I had some dealings with him last year after I had a disagreement with our minister about a personal matter.

    He is definitely not the man he pretends to be. Edward Winkfield is not a man of God. He is a power crazy maniac and he enjoys way too much what David Pack tells him to do: bully the lay members.

    He told me that I had no right to question my minister’s actions. I had to repent and think about my actions and my attitude.. Yeah, right. They destroyed my personal life.

    I am still a member of the RCG, but only because my dear old mom and my sister are members also. And I don’t want to abandon them. They would be defenseless against these wolves.

    If you read this Mr. Winkfield, you probably know who I am. I don’t care.One day you’ll have to answer for what you do to the members!

    1. I wish we could get in contact!

    2. Try leaving RCG and see how fast your dear old mom and sister are willing to abandon you.

  5. Wasn't Winkfield some kind of Ohio state civil servant before he sold his soul to David Passover Christ? He is the very stereotype of an officious bureaucrat, not a shepherd. It is small comfort to realize that Dave will eventually subject Edward to the same treatment Edward dishes out to RCG members.

  6. Winklefield the RCG version of Radar. Who are Winklefiekd II and I.

  7. You say that Mr. Winklefield is "a very unpleasant personality", and "double-faced." Hmm, he would have gone far at AC in Pasadena. On the way to the fourth floor of the Hall of Administration and "evangelist" rank.

  8. Wow, knowing E. Winkfield, it is almost hard to believe the comments written here. But almost isn't a surety, and I have seen far too many in the RCG become befallen to one mind all speaking the same thing.

    Being a talented RCG employee doesn't automatically translate that person unto spiritual discernment regardless whether they have had hands laid upon them.

    As attrition has led to opportunity in the RCG, those that have been handed the baton have to ask what to do with it. The answer from the office down the hall isn't pretty for those that will be beaten with the baton.

    Beaten with the narrative that nine years of non stop speculation is found in no other place. Frightened with the condemnation of hell fire for not believing it all.

    What happened to Edward Winkfield III?

  9. Anon 12:38 PM
    How can a RCG minister destroy your personal life ? How can you allow it to happen ? I don't get it.

    1. “How can you allow it to happen?” Anon 1:32

      Because those ‘ministers’ meddle with your life all the time.
      They’ll tell you how to walk, how to talk, how to sit and eat. They dictate with whom you’re allowed to mingle, who you are supposed to marry (and divorce if the spouse is ‘in the world’).
      They will especially dictate what you should do with your money. They demand obedience and submission. And if you don’t agree they will kick you out, into ‘the lake of fire’..

      The only things they don’t teach you, is how to think for yourself and what God is REALLY about.

      And Ed III is no different than any other ‘minister’ in that cult.

  10. Anon 12:38,

    Dave get out of here and get back to the compound!

  11. I don't interact with false prophets.

  12. Anon 2:05 AM.
    I'm Anon 1:32 and I still don't see how. Unless you're living in a RCG onsite communion and working for RCG the is such a thing as freedom. Sabbath services are only a few hours after all.

    1. I get it, Anon 1:32/12:03. I used to ask that question too (still do sometimes).

      There is probably no one-size-fits-all answer.
      Some people probably allow it willingly, just because they think they have to in order to stay in "God's" good graces or whatever.
      Some people probably go through the motions to avoid conflict, thinking "I'll just do this when he's around to get by" and over time it becomes ingrained anyway.
      Some people probably do maintain a balance between the cult and reality and just psssh at the ministurd who tries to micromanage them.
      And others, well, they see what is going on and walk out of that nonsense.

    2. If you care about your family and they are brainwashed into the cult it is obvious how rcg or other such cog could greatly damage someone’s personal life. Family no longer talking to you is pretty damaging don’t you think? Being approached about your lack of or diminished tithing can eventually get you kicked out and again losing loved ones in the process. It’s very cavalier to talk about freedom when family members are in a cult.

  13. Pastor! I think he's only a preaching elder, much to his chagrin. But nevertheless, Ed is third in command and does whatever Brad tells him to do. No doubt once a good man, but now HIGHLY political. Watch out.

  14. 2/15 @ 1:32, the one I live with will do ANYTHING they tell him to do, it has destroyed our marriage to the point of divorce, like many others. I see him as an addict, he's on the computer almost every night listening to what ever is being dished up by Pack, he leaves for church every Sat at 9:30-10 am, comes home at 5pm, it's a half hour away, what does he do all day if services are 2 hours? Like an addict, they will do whatever is necessary to get their fix. Pack feeds them whatever he thinks will keep them in line and it works. Pack is a vampire feeding off the souls of his members.

  15. David Pack used this analogy often:

    One bad apple can spoil the bunch.

    He used this analogy to refer to defectors, heretics, gossipers, people who sow division, and everything that is the antithesis of RCG.

    But you see, it goes both ways. One bad apple hooked on prophecy and money can spoil the bunch internally. David pack rewards loyalty with prestige, titles, and flatteries.

    I often find it to be such a dichotomy that everything that Pack preaches reveals his own error and convicts him of the very thing he says, God says not to do.

    He says do not cleave onto men with flatteries and yet gushes when he reads aloud cards from members sympathizing with him and praising him.

    He says we do not do this for the appearance, we are servants, the last shall be first and the first last and how brethren some of you will be over me in the Kingdom, and yet he has given himself every title that he can twist the scripture to imply he deserves.

    He says trust no man, put your trust no in princes, do not look at me but God, but seethes when ministers refuse loyalty over God and depart.

    If you read the RCG material. You cross out the terminology used to describe all antagonists. And then you paste in David Pack's name and put it into the context of all he has said and done, you realize that he is the very thing he is warning you of. And this isn't even the bible, this is simply The RCG material. By their fruits, you shall know them.

    I understand there are various nuances that make it more difficult for people to leave a cult. I have seen enough Scientology documentaries to realize just how much people are willing to suffer in order to avoid being separated from family. It's very sad. I left the RCG and it was as if I was having withdrawals.

    I guess the question one must ask themselves is, how far are you willing to bend your own mind because you don't know where to go, you've burned every bridge outside the RCG, you can't go back to the world, you've given the RCG all you have, you have family or friends that you can't leave behind, A wife or a husband still there, you are uncertain about world conditions, you don't know where your support will come from, you fear the isolation that will ensue after leaving, or you maybe you have allowed DCP to do so much of your critical thinking for you, that you don't really understand what the bible says to do, how far are you willing to bend your mind over these fears?

    Until it snaps and you become completely broken? Who then will help you? Because sure enough, the RCG will remove you then. Let common sense prevail. Our mental health is so extremely fragile. Realize it, make it a real thing. Do not be warped by the sorcerors in the RCG. David C. Pack is the very definition of a false prophet that goes “So if someone tells you, ‘Look, the Messiah is out in the desert,’ don’t bother to go and look. Or, ‘Look, he is hiding here,’ don’t believe it!

    How many times has Pack told his member to "watch", "hyper watch" "be vigilant" about Christ coming to hide here in Wadsworth, then he doesn't come? You can easily take our desert and hiding and place it into the context of Wadsworth, Ohio and see it for what it is.


  16. Hey Anonymous...
    Anon 12:38 PM February 15, 2021 at 1:32 AM

    You said: “How can a RCG minister destroy your personal life ? How can you allow it to happen ? I don't get it.”

    Please don’t be too quick to be critical when you hear someone make statement that a cult has destroyed one’s life. Because it IS TRUE and it is not a matter of that person ALLOWING IT. Cult leaders are master deceivers and do deceive even some of the most intelligent individuals. They can say things in such a way to convince you to act and do what they want and you will honestly believe you are doing the right thing, even though you are not. And then….one day….something inside you snaps and you wake up to either escaping or suicide. Escapees come out with varying degrees of psychological and physical damage. Some so bad they never regain their lives.

    I am an escapee of 5 years now and still working through the damage and just now gaining control and beginning to move forward once again. There are hundreds of others like me, in worse situations, and some come out without injury. We are all different.

    PBS did a documentary on Jim Jones and the Jonestown Massacre. His own son, Stephen, said in that documentary that he knew his father was messed up and very wrong in what he was doing. On that horrendous day, he and his basketball team left the compound for a tournament, he was being ordered back as it was being locked down to prevent anyone else from leaving. Steven said that he refused to go back, hating that he was leaving his mother there but said point blank that he knew within himself, knowing that his father was crazy wrong, that had he returned, he would have drank that cool-aid too.

    If that man could hold that kind of power over someone who completely understands what is going on, what chance does one have against it if they are truly deceived?

    It took an incredible amount of courage for Stephen to not go back, knowing his mother was going to die. But what power did he have to do anything about it? He fully grasped that had he gone back, his mother would not have come out, he would have been trapped there and he also would have died!

    Stephen sets us three powerful examples of survival – guts to ack when you can act, guts to accept the realization that you cannot do anything and to walk away no matter what while you still can. He survived, his parents, friends and likely other family are dead – he realized he could not do anything about it and saved himself. And he has to live with that.

    Study about how cults work. We escapees need understanding, support and encouragement to aid in our rising above just surviving. We are hurting human beings suffering from a kind of PTSD – just like many soldiers who have returned from active duty.
