Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Dave Pack: I am this "burning shining light" that Christ described!


From an RCG source:

John the Baptist--background player, Elijah--ran some small colleges but Dave Pack, he is the burning shining light!

If you want to know how Dave sees himself, the following quote from 293 sums it up well. John the Baptist (Mat 11:11) even though he was the greatest messenger even born, pales in comparison to Dave’s splendor, a shining light who Christ Himself commends.

“John, the Baptist stayed in the background his whole life, about 30 years, until God showed him. The ancient Elijah was sort of up in Tishbe running some colleges, and the modern one is not thought of as anybody special... and of course he isn't special but I'm trying to explain...Until he just showed up, "Bang!" There he was. And EVERYBODY went to see him because he was this "burning, shining light" that Christ described!”


  1. “Dave Pack: I am this 'burning shining light' that Christ described!”

    Dave Pack is the Grossest Darkness that leaves burned out RCG cult members in his path of deceit, “common” theft, and destruction.

  2. "Shining Light", wasn't that the title that the deceased self proclaimed prophet James Malm called his stuff?

    Actually Davey's is better described with the moniker "THE SHINING" , ala, the Jack Nicholson horror movie from 1980!!

  3. Dave is burning all right, like a burning hemorrhoid!

  4. Satan said he was a burning shining light too, wonder if that's satan speaking thru him.

    Satan always had a wonderful way of twisting scripture to make it sounds fitting.
